#make a little schedule of when to stress over what and how much to stress over what
ghostboneswrites2 · 2 days
Hear me out: Early Seasons Daryl vs Later Seasons Daryl
Early TWD Daryl would have been emotionally unavailable, snappy, cold, and the ways in which he showed his care for you were limited to bringing you back cool things from a run, defending and protecting you, and sitting in silence with you
Late TWD Daryl would be a more tender lover. He’s had some growth by now. He’s learned to care, learned to love, learned to feel and express things. He’d drape an arm over you in bed or place a gentle hand on your back when he walked past you. He’d hold you and tell you it’s okay to cry.
Pre-Alexandria, he’d shut you out when things got bad. Post Savior war and especially post-bridge explosion, he’d ask you what was wrong and try to fix things, try to keep you hanging on. He wouldn’t want you to slip down that slipper slope of numbness and emptiness like he has before.
Romance itself was hard to come by in the early years of the apocalypse with him. He might find you a flower or bring back your favorite snack now and then. He might even let you catch him staring. He might not complain when you give him a little kiss on his cheek before he leaves.
In later years, though, just his eyes could soften in a way that made you feel loved. He’d brush a stray strand of hair out of your face. He’d fix your shirt as it slipped off your shoulder. He’d stop and tie your shoe. He’d disappear up the stairs after dinner and return moments later to tell you he got your routinely scheduled bedtime shower started.
If you had sex with him in the early years, it would be rough and awkward and aimless. Erratic thrusts with no rhythm, little to no satisfaction on either side, and a lot of awkward silence afterward.
At the prison, sex would have gotten a little better, and he’d start to recognize that your feelings for him ran a little deeper than surface level attraction. He’d try to do things to show you that he cared too.
Until things for comfortable at Alexandria, sex would half after the prison fell. Nobody had the energy or emotional stability for sex or romance back then.
Once things got steady at Alexandria, you two would fuck like bunnies. A comfortable bed? Hot showers? Nothing was stopping you two from exploring each other and learning new ways to please each other.
When things would get crazy and chaotic and dangerous, the sex would be quick but passionate. Maybe he just saw you for the first time since he escaped the Sanctuary and he’d fuck you in the bathroom at Barrington house just to regain some sense of control.
Seasons 1&2 Daryl would often scold himself for checking you out. He’d sometimes wonder if you flirted with him, but he’d always remind himself who he was to the group and how unlikely it was that you or anyone would show interest in the likes of him or Merle.
Seasons 3&4 Daryl would be a little braver. Lingering glances, making excuses to talk to you, an awkward chuckle. But he wouldn’t take it past that. You’d have to carefully tread toward the first move.
Seasons 5-8 Daryl would be protective but withdrawn. He’d be so occupied with everything going on that he’d have little time to spend with you, and truthfully it wasn’t much different on your part. He’d miss you, though, as you’d miss him.
Eventually, though, after all of his growth and emotional maturing, he’d be a soft, gently, kind partner. He would become a man in so many more ways than one, and that kind of change would show in all aspects of your life with him. Be it romance or intimacy or day to day life.
In the early years, when you’d fight or take time apart, you’d wonder if it was going anywhere with him. If it was even worth the stress and emotional neglect.
But later, when you two were getting older and your relationship got stronger and kinder, you’d realize it was all worth it just to experience this side of him.
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Hello I’m thinking on making a comic based on Jujutsu kaisen what tips do you have on making a comic and planning for it?
First and most important part of creating ANYTHING is self care
You can’t create a comic when you’re burnt out, completely busy, and emotionally exhausted.
Find a list of things that help you care for yourself.
I will beat this into the ground it may seem unrelated but if you don’t take care of yourself the comic will NEVER come to fruition.
Second, only have an update schedule if you can maintain the update schedule
Do not say you’ll put out a new update every week if you have to sacrifice an arm and a leg to do it
You’ll be suprised how kind your readers are when you tell them you’ll need more time, or need a break for a little while.
Third, know your story
You have to know the plot points of your story BEFORE you start drawing. I keep a rough script to look at, you can add little things as you go, but if you have no idea where the story’s going, it gets REALLY stressful really fast
Fourth, I like to sketch the whole update
then once that’s done I can add speech bubbles, lineart and color etc, because it’d be awful if you wanted to change something but the panel before was already done and the effort to change it would be just so much more difficult.
And lastly but not least, keep a color pallete that’s easily importable, saves so much time, this can also be a reference page, but it prevents the colors changing over time because of lighting and such
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