#makes me emotional that ellie's sociability has dwindled over the years ;D;
endurvor · 4 years
YOU ARE THE ZOMBIE.                    your greatest attribute is your determination. nothing can stop you. when you set your mind towards doing something, you are immoveable in your convictions. you are a child of the night, your symbol is earth, and your season is summer. you are a very social creature who loves your friends and family. you enjoy a group setting. because of this, one of your greatest talents is your incredible synergy and ability to work in a team. you have the most in common with werewolves and the wendigo. zombie folklore comes from all around the world but is most famous in haiti. zombies are reanimated corpses brought back from the dead. often in myth, this is the result of magic, but, in recent stories, zombies are often created by toxic-waste contamination or deadly viruses.
TAGGED BY: @7theaven ❤️    ,      TAGGING: @rootkill, @caerlestis / @slasherr, @yukikorogashi / @dragonofdojima, @rbelde, @rsiliente, & you!
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