#mama is healing and doesn't care what people have to say about it 😭❤️
piquira · 1 year
Shakira gets revenge ... and she gets paid!
"Shakira's claim to her autobiography makes a moralist society very uncomfortable. It finds itself today questioning whether there should be limits for somebody to showcase their pain over an infidelity. Make no mistake, the pattern of pitiful jilted women is part of a long-gone macho past.
If revenge is a dish that is served cold, especially when it originates from a love disappointment of a colossal dimension, with what moral authority or intellectual superiority do inquisitive upstarts of the 21st century dare to tell a grown woman that she has suffered the offense of betrayal, who knows for how long, how she has to manage her emotions correctly or what she must do to overcome her suffering in private so she doesn't inconvenience those who had no compassion or pity on her? Both their impertinence and arrogance are directly proportional to their lack of empathy or understanding to recognize and identify with those who have been able to rise up against pain, lies and humiliation.
It doesn't matter if it's Shakira, a world-renowned artist, or the anonymous daughter of a neighbor. Those who claim the right to act as members of a police of good customs or elegant ways to tell women who are heartbroken, how to express their sadness or anger in accordance with conventional norms are wrong. They should find out once and for all that the times of self-righteousness in which dirty laundry was washed at home are long gone. If the shoe fits, let it fall on the foot it fits on the best. Neither cheap prudery nor submission should be tolerated to the machismo of a society that cancels women.
Hours were enough for the powerful feminist manifesto from Barranquillera, materialized in a song without its own name, but identified as BZRP Music Session #53, to rise up as an unprecedented social phenomenon that exceeded its musical dimension in itself. Phrase after phrase, each one more scathing than the last, the song demonstrates how Shakira, through what she does best: artistic creation, has fitted in with admirable resilience, but also with anger, sadness and frustration – what woman in her situation wouldn't feel them?– the betrayal of your most loved one and the one you fully trusted: former soccer player Gerard Piqué, a teammate for the last 12 years of your life and father of your 2 children. Yes, the rookie whom she was too much for.
Judge her, as some did after listening to the song, appealing to bombastic speeches in which she is accused of objectifying herself and her ex-husband's new partner, Clara Chía –the one with the name of a good person–, for comparing herself to watches and cars or for allegedly exceeding in offensive epithets against him, it is an irrelevant matter of double standards. Although they have every right to do so, it seems that the artist's inspectors have never felt firsthand the savage grief of lack of love, nor have they experienced the need to express it with poetic cruelty. Good for them. While they pontificate, unaware of the healing power, absolutely cathartic, of singing a few truths to those who have destroyed your life, Shakira gets paid and in what way. Not only does she literally sing her spite without any restraint, but she is also strong, almost heroic, licking her wounds in the depths of her mourning to vindicate how humiliated women are also capable of getting up, even carrying the weight of their own corpse.
Shakira's autobiographical proclamation is uncomfortable. It's what artists do and she is. Don't forget. Piqué damaged the wolf that now howls against him. This relentless diva breaks the mold about the convenient silences around the breakups of famous and wealthy couples, lectures other women on how to empower themselves after being scorned and publicly displays her heart broken into a thousand pieces with extraordinary dignity. Nothing more epic than taking revenge with talented fury after loving without limits and being betrayed. End of story. Why the subtleties when there are plenty of reasons to free oneself from the oppressive corset of the pitiful scorned woman. Shakira pointed out a path that it is difficult for many of her followers to retrace."
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