#man horses never really herald good things in this universe huh
i had three distinct dreams these past nights, and i kept them in my head until i could actually see the screen to write them down.... except now they’re all mixed up? and i remember only little bits that seemed so important to begin with
The first one, I believe was at a place full of london-esque buildings, and yet also by an iced-over river of grey water, everything was snow. I have never seen any up close, in my life, so it was a little weird to feel cold, to see the dream!me so well attired to deal with it. I was walking past a large grove of snow-laden trees, and this was important because something lived there.
pink creatures, monsters, but more like simply something humans couldn’t quite comprehend rather than anything evil... they lived there. they glanced through the trees. we had to hide them; i was not alone, but the duty was mine. this was the place the pink creatures lived, and police or something like them roamed about along the riverfront (ahead) always looking. somehow, the world transitioned to one where there was grass and leaves, though the riverside was still snowed and icy. there was an oddly dull light green minibus driving up the grassy hill, and i remember it worried me, like it wasn’t supposed to be there; the creatures, not just pink now but conspicuous colours, were in the forest. they had to be kept safe. i think i ran, or fell and rolled, but i found them. 
at one point, i remember running across the snow in the wrong clothes, summery things, and arguing with the ‘police’ as to why i was there. the lie was effective, at least, and yet it makes no sense all i can think of is garbled words when i try to remember what was said. then, to ‘cleanse me’ i was thrown in the river, where dark things wriggled and latched on; this was normal, to help, or so the police said, and wouldn’t let me out for a while. eventually i was freed.
i don’t think it was the snow they had to cleanse, i think there was a fight between the monsters, and i was hurt. for all the colourful creatures in the woods, others existed, colours just as bright and eye-catching as butterflies, that tried to fight, to hurt, etc. it was in protecting them that i think something bit my leg; this was not a problem, or anything, it simply happened before they were driven away and apart. 
i can’t remember more of that one.
but i feel this random additional scene was attached, or perhaps it was a later dream:
we were in a halloween store, messing about with items; then suddenly, descending a long ramp (still part of the store), light and sky around us.
at the bottom, more store; but open-aired and staffed by strange skirted people in bright colours; they had tents, we were advised quietly not to buy their wares. perhaps they were fae.
you had to move past them to climb the other ramp, it went up to a shopping centre or something loosely like it; but the ramp was... off. like there were tiers you had to move through, milestones, you were always being stopped or fighting to get past to the next bit? And it was a race, of a sort, between myself and this other person who never had a face... i can’t recall who won, only that i was not disintegrated as a loser by the final arch. so i may have won. 
all that was up there was a random cafe that sold odd things. like, sausages, but they had cupcake frosting, and similarly odd foods. i didn’t understand and cannot recall if there was more.
the second dream i recall was more succinct, and yet no less confusing.
somehow, i was in a place that seemed to be a smaller version of grand central station; but it was a hospital of some kind. i was there to have a follow up surgery of some kind, i don’t know of what, though, but i had the impression it had something to do with my abdomen.
at the same time, something serious was going on with knights, a castle and some sort of evil plant that i had to deal with, i believe, but this was deemed ‘more important’ so there i was. through a cheery brick archway was a bookstore, i think i lingered there and bought something after a time, but it’s not at all clear as to what, only that i was quite pleased they had it in stock (already). i was neither worried or concerned, it was like visiting the dentist, a necessary if time-consuming endeavour. 
there was a check-in-desk, of the same type of brick, a warm orangey-sunshine colour that seemed to pervade the whole place; welcoming, despite the utter lack of that type of personality the employees seemed to possess. Cold, efficient, get-out-of-my-face types.
the woman i spoke to noted name, age, address, mostly without my mouth moving and nodded to the bench. i sat amongst others, awaiting my turn to be processed, reading. somehow i transitioned to a bed. my clothes were my own, and nothing changed, nothing examined, but then i was asleep, and awake once more with an almost odd sensation on the right side of my abdomen. 
surgically, it must have been something small, as there was only a bandaid on first examination. i felt called to leave, and so i did. no one stopped me. i was running somewhere very specific, the alien spacecraft thing that had crashed into and fallen into semi-ruin about an ancient castle; all filled with deeply purple/magenta vines. i think there was a massive flower bud, slightly wilted, at the centre. a princess and a large knight that sort of looked like reinhardt from overwatch were there, amongst the ruins, waiting for something.
it was not me, because they were horrified when i came running in, red and exhausted. i note, at this point, i was aware that the bandaid was now a hand-sized piece of gauze taped over a bleeding streak of stitches. my subconscious is inconsistent and dramatic, apparently.
i can’t remember the why of it, or what really happened next. that’s all that comes clearly.
the final dream was a bit more bizarre than the other two.
it was in a city, not a named one, not one i know. many strange sights were there for the seeing. at one point i saw a little girl supposed to be Madeline in a black nun’s habit, trying to join a bunch of ninja nuns, and Madam Clavelle and the other 11 beginning her to ‘come home’, but that was not important.
at one point i visited a ‘horse hotel’, as ludicrous as it sounds, and run by rich people who had never cared for a horse in their life.
each room had a mattress for the horse, a tv, and the bathroom had a ‘horse toilet’, which (as was demonstrated to my horror) was a bathtub full of water in which the rider backed the horse up to, they both tipped back into the water and did their business (clothed or otherwise), then it flushed. Occasionally someone had to be rescued from the flush. i was confused and amused, to say the least. 
there was something about the city, something to be wary of.
indeed, one moment i was crossing at a traffic light, and the next? the street to my left was now red, deserty rock. sun-baked clay earth in strange formations. like a mesa. and straight up? a massive tower.
the woman i was with (and others) were trying to spy on a wedding, held in a big compound in the stone area. the place was circular. it was guarded, and the wedding heralded something terrible happening.
the first time, we tried to spy from atop the tower, but saw nothing/were too late to effect change; and ran from the creatures unleashed.
the second time, for i think we were trapped in a time loop for some reason, we tried to spy in from across the road, but lost the chance then as well. arms snagged ankles from below the soil and dragged them down as the rest fought or ran... all to no avail.
the third time, i noticed. the place was circular, red-roof and all, like a roman house; and on one side... three beautifully carved columns that gave a good look inside. You simply had to get through the fence and close. i do not know how i did, just that i did so. a gravestone was by me, and a statue of the creatures; set to awaken when this wedding ritual/sacrifice completed, as it always did. i was not afraid.
i could see it all, this time, i was ready. but the service paused before completion, and a smug man came out; tuxedo and all surrounded by others. they oozed influence, indifference, aristocracy; it was they who would burn all to the ground if allowed. the women were beautiful, the men handsome, all seemed intrigued that someone was so brazenly watching them...
and yet, when threatened, i simply pointed out (As the creature of stone reanimated to life once more) that i did not fear their threats. that we would simply do this again, and again, and again until the universe foudn the outcome satisfactory. i played the old ‘repeat what they would say at the same time’ so popular in ‘time travel episodes’ of popular shows. and he silenced himself.
i can’t quite recall how it ended, only that i think... i was offered a job, power, position and control of the chaos; and i took it. changed the course of the situation and fixed it as best i could. and became a crazy monster lady, adopting all of them, but later...
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none of them make any real sense, but dreams often don’t. interesting, though, huh?
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