deepestbluesky · 1 year
shl women thought of the day: luo fumeng
(soooo tempted to just stop there and be like That’s The Thought! there was a tweet last year that was like ‘shl watchers, what’s something you think everyone who’s only read tyk should know’ and someone answered ‘wkx’s hot lesbian aunt’ [update: i remembered the way they described her slightly wrong] and honestly, so true bestie. anyway that is not in fact The Only Thought)
luo fumeng in a scifi au. how much more terrifying and outlandish and widely spread the rumors about the department of the unfaithful are when they skip across the galaxy in vids and encrypted messages, when you never know what passenger on the same transport as you might be part of it, they say you can’t even tell one of the ghost women from a normal human, they say the department has eyes and ears and bugs everywhere, they say they’re called ghosts because they can walk through walls to confront men who take advantage of women, and their leader is the biggest rumor of all. is she a being from another galaxy who landed here and was displeased with what she saw? is she an AI, created from the code of one of the founders of modern hyperspeed technology, who had her invention stolen out from under her by a jealous lover? is she a cyborg, having exchanged her humanity for strength and invulnerability?
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clumsychicken · 7 years
Samuel: 9, 14, 16 (and 20 if you want :P), Luna: 1, 6, 19, Nikki: 4, 8, 13, Paris: 2, 7, 10!
9: Does your character have a dream job or life path for themselves?Yes, he does! I’ve mentioned before that in canon he really only wants to find peace with himself and find some sort of place where he can be happy. In a modern AU, his dream is to work with maths. Most of all he wants to work for NASA and calculate trajectories - launch and landing and orbits and such. He mostly considers it impossible because of his history and mental illnesses, but maybe one day he’ll have the chance to get there…
14: When does your character feel truly at peace?When he’s surrounded by his chosen family. Being with people who he knows value and understand him can really help him shelve his anxieties for a moment. And ofc they’re a fun bunch, which always helps c:
16: What’s one memory that your character will always be fond of?Oh, man, there are many. I think one in particular was how gentle and understanding and utterly soft Anders was with him after his mother died. It’s one of the worst, most tumultuous times in his life, and Anders’ help and kindness was so sorely needed. The memory shines bright like a star compared to the void that surrounds it.
20: Describe any AUs you have for your character/s.Oh god, uh, let me see… obviously there’s the modern AU where he owns a bar and yearns for those trajectory calculations. Then there’s the Alpenglow Star Wars AU where he’s a runaway Sith warrior… aaand the other Star Wars AU where he’s literally just Darth Vader. He also exists in The Old Republic MMO, so there’s that?? Whole lot of wars and stars.He also exists in Fallout 4 where he lost his non-Anders cheated husband who glitched out the game. He’s grumpy and suffering, as usual. There are several Inquisition AUs; one where he’s a companion and the other where he’s the Inquisitor, as the devs originally planned.OH and of course there’s my precious Bloodborne Sam! Where he used to be an Executioner and grew up alongside Alfred, but became blood-addled and turned into a humongous dog beast. There’s a version where he interacts with the Hunter protagonist and one where he doesn’t. He also exists in Dark Souls, of course, where he happily invades the Chosen Undead using a rapier and pyromancies and eventually comes to respect them as they defeat him and offers to help them out instead.There’s also… a phantom of the opera AU. Where he annoys opera singer Anders and wears a mask and is as goth and dramatic as humanly possible.I think… that’s it?? I feel like I’m forgetting something, but I’ll add it later if that’s the case :’) Sam exists in every game with a cc.
1: What’s something other characters will notice first about your character?I think first they’ll see her big, observant eyes. Then they’ll notice that she doesn’t like to talk much - not to someone she’s just met. If they really click, she’ll open up and talk their ear off, but otherwise she’ll keep quiet and let someone else do all the talking.
6: What kind of media would (or does) your character consume? This includes books, tv shows, video games, and movies.She reads sooo much. That’s definitely her preferred form of entertainment. I don’t think she plays a lot of games, but if she does it’d be platformers. Fast-paced with tight controls. She likes crime tv shows most of all, but prefers movies. Thrillers and especially horror movies are her faves. Though she can’t pass up a ridiculous sci-fi or fantasy flick once in a while ;)
19: What words would your character use to define themself?Hmm good question. I think, most of all, she’d call herself Weird. She’s always kind of felt like a square while other people were circles. I think she might also use the word Vast. She feels that way - not physically, but mentally and emotionally. It’s like there’s an ocean inside of her and she tries to build dams to keep it all under control. And she’d call herself Adventurous. She yearns to travel and explore and see and document as much as possible.
4: What would your character wear to a formal gathering such as a dance, a wedding, or a funeral?Oh god, always something teetering on the edge of inappropriate or tacky :’) always just a little bit too much cleavage, or a dress that’s a bit too tight or too glitzy and neon and gaudy. But That’s So Nikki and everyone knows it, and they know they’ll be seeing and hearing her a lot if they invite her. She usually wears knee-length dresses or pencil or nigh-tutu skirts. Lots of jewelry. Just the usual Nikki fare, really, only more formal than usual ;)
8: If your character attended school, did they have a favourite or best subject?Does lunch break count? :p No but Nikki loved English most of all. She also loved P.E. and every arts subject available.
13: What’s your character’s preferred method of self-care?A full tub, a bath bomb, scented candles, fragrant tea, and loud pop music. That’s just about her favourite thing after a long day or a rough time. Especially if she follows it up with her favourite body balm and making her boyfriends feel how ridiculously soft her hairy legs are now.
2: What’s your character’s aesthetic (things associated with your character)?Ohh that’s tough. Let me see… Everything you’d associate with Ocarina of Time, you can also associate with him. And… Saturday mornings where the sunbeams roll lazily across the floor and you’re just the right kind of warm and sleepy. Freshly baked breads and pastries. The glance you give your bestie when someone said some bullshit and you both know it. That feeling when you hear a familiar song that makes you nostalgic but also a little bit sad. The feeling when you’re walking down a quiet street one late evening and can’t quite shake the feeling that you’re being watched. The feeling when you’re in a room packed with people and you still feel despicably lonely. And jewelry with nature motifs made out of solid gold.
7: What would be an average shopping list for your character?
more cocoa
chocolate (crossed out and re-added)
stuff to put on top of bread
Dorian’s cheddar
Dorian’s shaving cream (the unscented one)
pasta (spaghetti x4 and tortellini x4)
tomatoes, mediocre ones ok
bacon x2
6-pack, not mediocre ones
chips (not on the list, went in the cart anyway)
cheap doughnuts (not on the list, went in the cart anyway)
soda x2 (not on the list, went in the cart anyway)
fries(not on the list, went in the cart anyway)
10: Does your character have a particular way of talking or acting?What was it that Cole said?? “Sharp words hide a gentle heart”? It was something like that. And it’s very, very true. Paris is extremely soft and tender at his core, but he jokes and lazes around a lot bcs it can be just… a lot to handle sometimes. It’s easier to keep everything at an arm’s length than it is to face all the feelings that shove him around. And, ofc, he tends to joke and be sarcastic as a way to care about others. Anything else feels horribly awkward to him.
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