#mara “i'm three days old and all i know is murder what is going on i don't even have a last name”
invinciblerodent · 7 months
(on that note i'm finally getting to watching the cast oneshot on high rollers and whoo boy)
(i might need to move my wyllmance playthrough up the line a smidge)
(i was gonna go with my cringefail loser "abolutely no rerolls for any reason" ranger and then my dark urge next but.... yknow? what can i say.)
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isleofdarkness · 10 months
Dude- you can't do this to me. Oh my god, that was AWESOME. I'm literally shaking. What the hell.
I can feel the desperation and anguish in that room so fucking well. Your writing is just so cosmically good. Can't wait for this chapter to be complete.
I don't know what to say other than how the fuck I didn't realize Sunshine was already born, I'm so stupid.
These fuckers break my heart, they love their babies so much. Bonus points for Diego's Spanish line, my mexican ass loved that.
So many people are getting involved, this is going to be wild.
Your character designs are so cool, everyone is so different and it's a breath of fresh air from the "every character has white features and normative bodies" shit media has been doing forever. Justice is strong and she LOOKS strong and I love that.
I also love the fact that Ben refers to Justice as "the tank" and I'm dying to know what she would think of that.
Hatti is great, I just knew I was going to adore her since I saw she was Loki and Circe's daughter. Loved her chaotic energy, too. She's not like that because of who her parents are, that's just the average 13-years-old girl/j
I love that she's so tiny that Ben confused her with a ten-year-old.
“ "I got two hours or else Constantine..." she grimaced. "Yeah, you know." ” Are you trying to kill me or what. Because if you are, is working.
I don't know what it is but I love the way Lydia talks, it's quite similar to Maverick's speech but at the same time different(? Her speech is just so outstanding to me and it's weird because it's not really different from the rest. I don't know if you did that on purpose or if it's just my obsession for her doing its thing, lol.
Now I really want to know what your process is when giving your characters a voice and differentiating that voice from the rest (considering the number of characters you handle, too).
This does not reflect the emotional damage this has had on me so I will proceed to AAHHHHHH HELP IM IN PAIN AHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME AHHHHHHH MY BABIES AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Gods please give me the strength to finish this chapter just so I can see how Dante anon will react.
I mean, she's a newborn and my old posts did have her not even born yet, so that's on me.
Oh boy, you're going to murder me.
All these people and no one has had more than two hours of sleep in the past three days.
Thank you. I love describing Justice because she's taller than literally everyone and usually bigger. The girl looks like she could bench-press a tank and she can and I love that.
Oh, she would go on a whole rant. She doesn't mind it when Isle people do it but King Ben? She would spend fifteen minutes yelling at him about how she wants to dress all feminine and grow out her hair but no, she's locked on the Isle of constant war and all of that stuff would put her in danger so she can't do any of that. She likes being a tank to the Isle people, but it's poking a bruise when it's Ben
I am so glad you love Hati
If Lydia had time she would have gone on The Whole Rant but, unfortunately, they have to get Riah off of the Isle as fast as possible.
Oh, I'm not trying to kill you. I'm trying to kill Ben/lh
The Isle has a lot of different dialects and ways of speaking and Lydia's trying to adopt the same one as Maverick and Mara, but her speech is different because she grew up with a different dialect. Honestly, the language on the Isle could be its own post.
I just keep their personalities in mind. It's hard to explain but maybe I'll do a post about it sometime
Oh man, I can't wait to finish this chapter
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I would love to hear about your “didn't anyone ever tell god you're not supposed to go with your first draft?“
fuck no you don't but i'm going to be insane about it anyway
In November 2020, Jack Kline became God. That’s the story the Winchesters were told, at least. What happened next-- Dean’s death, Sam passing this vicious cycle of hunting onto his children-- was what was written in Dean’s book. The same script that horrified Billie, for God was not dead; he was merely hidden, in the body of a boy the Winchesters would never see again. This was the great ending Chuck planned, after all these years, what everything was leading up to.  Chuck was never that great of a writer, though. In his self-assuredness, he forgot a couple of loose ends.
The first was Ruby.  Cas had made a deal, and The Shadow was forced to comply if it ever wanted peace. Cas couldn't sleep unless his holy word was kept, so there Ruby went, her demonic spirit cleansed. And she was not fucking happy to find out what year it was. The chain went like this: the Old Death knew The Shadow and Lilith well. He had to. After all, Lilith held the contracts of the demon deals, and Death was often forced to escort the souls of hellhound-mangled corpses to her dimension. The Shadow was the same story; sure, The Empty was a void that doubled as the cosmic graveyard (and The Shadow its boss), but death was death, no matter to what creature. The point being that Death knew too much, and in turn, so did his oldest friends.  There was someone else Lilith knew well. Somebody Lilith might have whispered sweet nothings to, sweet nothings that turned out not to be so nothing.  A secret, or three.
The second was the Antichrist. Not Jack, mind you, but a real adult that had been on the run since 2010. Together, Mara and Jack screamed inside their possessed form. But the brothers were none the wiser. And when it came to Dean’s death, something seemed to snap inside Jack. The sound of his cry was only heard by one individual: a certain college-aged Cambion in Australia. Jesse Turner had to find where the fuck those old hunters he knew hung out nowadays.
The third was Jacob Pond, the son of the Kitsune Dean murdered. A throwback, yet the kid still craved vengeance. Whatever happened to Jacob, anyway? Oh, he only became the loyal agent of a fucking deity, is all. What's a Kitsune without their Kami? Weak. But a Kitsune basically raised by their Kami?  Well. Let's just say Jacob had quite a few luxury powers. 
SO BASICALLY. god is possessing jack; jack tries his best with limited ability to get word to the remaining winchester brother via jesse; jacob raises a temporary, slightly weakened army of our dead friends to help in the fight against god and returns the not-undead's former powers such as sammy's visions, under the promise that his mother will be returned to him permanently once jack is actually in control; they fight god again; and ruby knows something that might just save the day. AND THAT'S ALL YOU FUCKING GET FOR NOW !!! i truly hope to get this fully written one day, it would be a long, neato fix-it fic with polyamorous endgame ships, as is my specialty.
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ja-khajay · 7 years
I'm kind of a new follower so can u post a short list of them n some details? sorry I'm on mobile so I cant check to see if u have an Oc page
i actually don’t…rip me… heres a Long list
TES OCS :Ma'Jahrann, enthusiastic and bubbly khajiit youth, walks the world on her tiny little legs out of curiosity. Clever little shit like what the khajiit are the best at, but always positive! She will end up a great diplomat one day, working in the highest spheres fo the empire! Until she grows too old for that shit and starts a pirate empire with a monkey wife? But that’s for another story…
Ishma, of full name Tanishmaël, a dad-aged bosmer hermit who would have stayed alone in his remote woods if he hadn’t met a young and lost Jahrann, after rescuing her from a bandit raid. He’s a nasty little man who loves to party and hunt, agrees with Jahrann that hoarding the crowd’s attention rules, would make dick jokes every two minutes if he wasn’t mute. He is covered in tattoos, most of them that he made himself, almost all but one of a great bird of prey with spread wings on his back - he sometimes dissapears into the wilderness on moonlit nights to return covered in scars and blood, he never speaks about it, nor about the tribe he was born in and had to leave
Elaahni, Jahrann’s mother, northern elsweyri dancer of great beauty. She embodies the pride and fierceness of northern khajiit tribes, but so gracious! She knows all about the starts and the gods. She holds a million secrets. Other call is gossip but she knows best how to use them.
Qa'Husar, Jahrann’s father, a gigantic soft khajiit man with a booming laugh, gave Jahrann his zest for life and energy. He loves his family deeply and will gush about them for hours. Dockworker, then owner of a trading post in the borders of the Topal Bay, where he lives with him family
Zan'sien, Jahrann’s older bro. Monk of Mara, loves martial arts, good heart but doesn’t talk much. As fierce as the northerners. He protects the caravn of Elaahni’s sister and I shall stop the family tree here it could go on for ages
Do'Mladkam : former slave born in a Dres plantation in Black Marsh. Alfiq-raht gifted with the art of speech, which he hides. He is extremely strong and used to work as pit fighter to earn a living. He then left the province with his little brother to go live in Senchal, were he takes the lead of one of the cities’ biggest gangs. Cunning, ruthless, his goal is to find and murder the man that owned his mother - and everyone who tries to stop him doing so. The only oc i have on the “evil” side of the alignment chart. (note : his name comes from the dunmeri Molad Kham, “fighting [fang], his old nickname. nobody knows his birth name)
S'regey (from ta'agra zregey, "burnt”) : Do'Mladkam’s younger brother. Ohmes, tall, mistaken for an Altmer by most. He was raised by his brother only, who taught him how to read and write, later on teaching him magic. After being caught stealing books, he was punished by the dunmer and had half of his face burnt as punishement - thus his name. A destruction mage expert, excellent liar, acts as right hand to his brother. Not quite evil. His brother’s plans will fail and kill him, and S'regey will run away to Hammerfell with his companion.
Rezad , my canon vestige! Khajiit poet and dockworker, killed during the ritual. A peace loving, airheaded stereotype of the tumblr artsy gay. He wishes for the war to stop. When it’ll be over, he’ll start a shop and sell instruments he’ll craft. Rezad wants to be a woodworker and hope music will repair broken souls. And one day, he will sail to another continent on a ship with golden sails. Rezad loves the sea, sings to her, and never wants to leave the sound of her waves
Rakkan, my canon Nerevarine : you see garfield? Well he is now a wooping three meters tall and extremely angry and spitefull. Gigantic tiger man. Old grouch. Was arrested for resisting arrest for petty crimes, but it turned out the angry thug may have made a hole in the wall using imperial soldiers and thats mean he’s better in a rock hole with metal bars i guess…….. has terrible impulse control. After getting plucked out of his cell for a bullshit elf prophecy in a bullshit elf land, he decides to flip off God and proceeds to do a terrible job as incarnate just to spite Azura (because he can). But things happen, Nerevar’s memories take over him and he has to kill Dagoth Ur, only being he recon considered him a friend - then takes down the Almsivi for treason and fucks off to Akavir. Not evil. Just had a shit life with a short temper.
Nad, canon dovahkiin (* not a tes oc actually ill come back to that later) : big orc gal with a sweet heart, herbalist, loves children and animals, genuinely wants to help saving the world, she’s buff green and a bit naive, not the brightest but so soft and good did I tell u i love her,;,;,,,,,,, Former Telvanni slave, used for experiments, she broke out and now she’s strong and beastlike. She will end up finding a beautiful nord wife and adopting many kids and dogs in a small house by a waterfall and be happy
NON TES OCS are they even any
(*) Nadalia, the Original Nad™! From the universe of an obscure manga called Tegami Bachi. Former scientific experiment gone wrong, rogue monster lady that walks from town to town to find small jobs to earn a living. I won’t tell more because it’s linkd to the series lore that takes hours to explain
Anhzi : little grandma butch lesbian, hunter from a hunter’s tribe. Of a few words, strong and wise, a Mom if I ever saw one. She’s always on an epic quest. Uses a giant spear. Lawfully lawful good. Loves her wife Tilao with all her heart.
C.K. : another lesbian mom but this time its like those lesbian country farmers from that meme a few months ago. Instead of rural USA, she drives her (primitive!) sky bkue jeep in forests of giant trees that took over human civilization. She’s always joking and would spend her life mimicking indiana jones, if indiana jones movies had survived in the distant future she lives in. Excellent pilot, here for the laugh, loves the thrill of the risk. My first novel character! I wqs 10 :D
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