#marc balaguer
total-toral · 11 months
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Marce, Unai, and Rafa with Guillem Balague?
OOOH This must be a good talk
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jrtobio · 2 years
🎁 #JRTobioLibroGratisHoy #Libros
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santmarc · 4 years
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Horror d’en Joan Vallespir
Joan Vallespir, neix a Inca al 1969. Assisteix a classes a l’Escola superior d’art i disseny de Palma, on es gradua com a dissenyador industrial. Inicia la seva producció artística als 25 anys i realitza moltes exposicions individuals; galeria Maneu de Palma de Mallorca al 1999 i 2002, Pintures i escultures centre cultural Can Gelabert a Binissalem, Pensamientos de plástico galeria Caracol a Valladolid al 2004, Admisió, compresió,… centre cultural Son Tugores d’Alaró al 2006, Influxes confusos ordenats galeria Contrast a Barcelona al 2009, Taller ambulant a la sala Espai del CCA d’Andratx al 2013.
Participa a variades expocicions col·lectives: A La Capella de Barcelona amb Lacasadelcactus, Carpeta d’obra gràfica 7×7 del Taller 6A al Espai Mallorca a Barcelona i al centre cultural Sa Nostra de Palma al 2000, Les Arts de Sant Marc al Espai sant marc de Sineu, al casal Son Tugores d’Alaró i al Espai Mallorca a Barcelona al 2001. Exit 1 al Casal Balaguer de Palma al 2001, Art emergent a les illes Balears II itinerant per centres culturals i museus de Balears i Barcelona al 2003 i 2004, Addaya Centre d’Art a Alaró als anys 2005, 2006, 2007 i 2009, galeria Contrast a Barcelona al 2008, galeria municipal de la ciutat d’Opole a Polònia al 2009. Memories 1936-39 al Museu de Porreres, el Claustre de Sant Domingo i el Casal Sollerich 2018-2019. Fires d’art; Jam Art Mallorca 2007 a Palma. Supermarket independent art fair a Estocolm de Suècia als anys 2010, 2011 i 2013.
Així com a numerosos certamens, on ha rebut premis i beques; Beca Pilar i Joan Miró pels Tallers Miró als anys 1998 i 1999 i Beca Pilar Juncosa i Sotherby’s per treballar al Manhattan Graphic Center de Nova York, USA al 2001, Primer Premi Art Jove del Govern Balear al 1997, Primer Premi de Pintura Ajuntament d’Inca al 2008, Primer Premi Pintura Ajuntament de Marratxi al 2010, i el Primer Premi Pintura Ajuntament de Lloseta al 2012. També ha fet una residencia artística al Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad de Nacka a Estocolm, Suecia.
Joan Vallespir, nace en Inca en 1969. Asiste en clases en la Escuela superior de arte y diseño de Palma, donde se gradúa como diseñador industrial. Inicia su producción artística a los 25 años y realiza muchas exposiciones individuales; galería Maneu de Palma de Mallorca en 1999 y 2002, Pinturas y esculturas centro cultural Can Gelabert en Binissalem, Pensamientos de plástico galería Caracol en Valladolid al 2004, Admisió, compresió,… centro cultural Son Tugores de Alaró al 2006, Influxes confusos ordenados galería Contrast en Barcelona en 2009, Taller ambulante en la sala Espai del CCA de Andratx en 2013.
Participa a varias exposiciones colectivas: La Capella de Barcelona con Lacasadelcactus, Carpeta de obra gráfica 7×7 del Taller 6A al Espai Mallorca en Barcelona y en el centro cultural Sa Nostra de Palma en 2000, Les Arts de Sant Marc en el Espai sant Marc de Sineu, al casal Son Tugores de Alaró y en el Espai Mallorca en Barcelona al 2001. Exit 1 al Casal Balaguer de Palma en 2001, Arte emergente en las islas Baleares II itinerante por centros culturales y museos de Baleares y Barcelona en 2003 y 2004, Addaya Centro de arte en Alaró en 2005, 2006, 2007 y 2009, galería Contrast en Barcelona al 2008, galería municipal de la ciudad de Opole en Polonia al 2009. Memories 1936-39 en el Museo de Porreres, el Claustro de San Domingo y el Casal Sollerich 2018-2019. Ferias de arte; Jam Art Mallorca 2007 en Palma. Supermarket independent art fair en Estocolmo, Suecia en 2010, 2011 y 2013.
Así como a numerosos certámenes, donde ha recibido premios y becas; Beca Pilar i Joan Miró por los Talleres Miró en 1998 y 1999; Beca Pilar Juncosa y Sotherby’s para trabajar en el Manhattan Graphic Center de Nueva York, USA al 2001, Primer Premio Arte Joven del Gobierno Balear en 1997; Primer Premio de Pintura Ayuntamiento de Inca en 2008, Primer Premio Pintura Ayuntamiento de Marratxi en 2010; y el Primer Premio Pintura Ayuntamiento de Lloseta en 2012. También ha hecho una residencia artística en el Konstnärernas Kollektivverkstad de Nacka en Estocolmo, Suecia.
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nunoxaviermoreira · 5 years
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Hotel Empuries, 1938? by SBA73 IN ENGLISH BELOW THE LINE L'altre dia va sortir per la familia aquesta vella foto. En ella hi apareixen el meu pare (marcat amb una X) i la meva avia, a la platja del Hostal Empuries, prop de les ruines gregues (L'Escala). Pel lloc, i la edat del meu pare, ha de ser el 1937 o 38, durant la guerra civil. El meu pare la passà a casa uns coneguts a Albons, prop d'Empuries. Destaca que el meu avi no surti a la foto; potser era el que la feia, però probablement ja era al front del Segre, on lluità contra els feixistes. Mai sabrem quina camera s'emprà per fer la foto, però el positiu sembla una copia per contacte d'un negatiu de 6x9 cm, és a dir, format 120, com moltes dels anys 30 (potser una Zeiss Nettar o Ikonta). Ah, l'antic i humil Hostal Empuries és ara un hotel de luxe en un marc incomparable. De fet, la foto de la viquipedia és d'exactament aquest mateix lloc. Es veuen les roques i tot!! ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostal_Emp%C3%BAries ====================== Some days ago my mother found this old photo. It shows my father (marked with an X in ballpen) and my grandmother (in white, second row), on the Hostal Empuries beach, near the famous Greek archaeological site of the same name (L'Escala). Considering the location, and the age of my father, must be 1937 or 38, during the spanish civil war. My father lived in the village of Albons, near Empuries during the war (it was safer from the bombings and with more acces to food). It's noticeable that my grandfather does not appear in the picture; Maybe he was taking the picture, but he was probably on the Segre frontline, where he fought the fascists, near the Balaguer bridgehead. We will never know which camera was used to take the photo, but it looks like a contact copy of a 6x9 cm negative, that is, a 120 format camera, like many in the 30's (maybe a Zeiss Nettar or Ikonta). Ah, the old and humble Hostal Empuries is now a luxury spa hotel in a unique setting. In fact, the photo from Wikipedia is exactly from the same POV. You can see the very rocks were they stood to take the picture. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostal_Emp%C3%BAries https://flic.kr/p/2i2WDB1
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crossconnectmag · 7 years
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Art fair: Art Madrid
Madrid / 21 – 25 Feb 2018
Art Madrid is clearly the more affordable version of ARCO. And it can be interesting for new collectors and art enthusiasts. Larger than JustMAD, it also focuses more on the artworks than on the "people". Furthermore, the fair is accepting Urban Art within its walls. It is one of these usual professional art fairs as so many others in the world. Its business model is just like any other trade fairs: making the most out of booth rentals from galleries. You may say, oh well, it is how the market works. But should it be?
The complete list of events during the art fair week in Madrid Check our Facebook for more original art. Article by Very Private Art
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lesterplatt · 4 years
DEWAR'S Gifting from Marc Balague on Vimeo.
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Lionel Messi: Eric Abidal to keep Barcelona sporting director role despite criticism
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/lionel-messi-eric-abidal-to-keep-barcelona-sporting-director-role-despite-criticism/
Lionel Messi: Eric Abidal to keep Barcelona sporting director role despite criticism
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Eric Abidal (right) and Lionel Messi played together at Barcelona between 2007 and 2013, with the Frenchman returning to the club after retirement to become sporting director in June 2018
Barcelona sporting director Eric Abidal is to keep his job at the club despite being criticised by star forward Lionel Messi.
Six-time Ballon d’Or winner Messi spoke out against Abidal after he had said players were not working hard under former coach Ernesto Valverde.
Valverde was sacked in January and replaced by Quique Setien.
Barcelona called an emergency meeting with ex-France defender Abidal on Wednesday to discuss the issue.
After two hours of talks, it was decided the 40-year-old would remain in his role at the Nou Camp.
Abidal, a former team-mate of Messi, made the comments in an interview with Spanish newspaper Diario Sport.
But on Tuesday, 32-year-old Argentine Messi responded: “When you talk about players, you have to give names because if not, it gives air to things which are not true.”
Valverde was sacked when Barcelona were top of La Liga.
In the newspaper interview, Abidal said: “Many players weren’t satisfied or working hard and there was also an internal communication problem.
“The relationship between the coach and the dressing room has always been good, but there are things as an ex-player that I could smell. I told the club what I thought and we reached a decision [on Valverde].”
Messi then posted on social media: “Sincerely, I don’t like to do these things but I think that people have to be responsible for their jobs and own their decisions.
“The players [are responsible] for what happens on the pitch and we are the first to admit when we haven’t been good. The heads of the sports department have to take their responsibilities too and, above all, own the decisions they make.”
In his interview with Diario Sport, Abidal also said he thought Messi was happy at the club and that a new contract for the Argentine was being negotiated.
BBC Radio 5 Live Spanish football expert Guillem Balague
Barcelona had a difficult winter transfer window. They realised they needed a striker but, for different reasons, they couldn’t get one.
With that in mind, and against the background of the sacking of the manager, there was a need for an explanation for what was going on – so the club forced Abidal to do an interview with two Catalan newspapers and he was extremely open.
It was the Sport one in particular that got Messi upset because Abidal suggested that the players were not happy under Valverde and did not work hard enough. It was suggested that it was the players who got him sacked.
In fact, Messi and goalkeeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen – another key player – actually backed Valverde, even though everybody realised that at some point a change was necessary because the dynamic was not positive and the club was looking for a replacement.
Messi responded very quickly to Abidal’s interview because he felt the finger of blame was being pointed at him.
I think Messi is fed up by the accusations he dictates everything that happens at the club. He wanted Neymar to return and Valverde to stay, and those things did not happen.
His message was a way of pointing out that everyone at the club has to do their job better.
The chairman has spoken to Abidal and Messi to calm things down and say take it easy.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Barcelona transfer news LIVE: Neymar deal upsets Messi, Real Madrid meeting with PSG | Football | Sport
Friday August 23
Lionel Messi is upset over the Neymar deal but seperate reports claim he has been calling the star
Real Madrid hold a meeting over bringing Neymar to the Bernabeu from PSG
Inter Milan want Arturo Vidal on loan while Ivan Rakitic has made a decision on his future
Real Madrid preparing new swap deal for Neymar which includes three players
Messi calls Neymar about Barcelona transfer
Lionel Messi has reportedly been calling Neymar to try and get the move from Paris Saint-Germain over the line.
Spanish newspaper AS claims the Argentine has been on the phone to his old team-mate almost every day talking about their potential reunion.
Neymar is also said to have reaffirmed his desire to return to Barcelona.
Real Madrid are still confident they can pip their arch rivals to sign the Brazilian.
Barcelona transfer news LIVE: Lionel Messi has been calling Neymar about the transfer (Image: GETTY)
Oriol Busquets leaving on loan
Eredivisie side FC Twente are plotting a loan deal for Oriol Busquets according to Sport.
The Barcelona holding midfielder wants to gain some valuable senior experience after impressing in the academy.
He has only played once for the first team but hopes to eventually replace his namesake Sergio.
Barcelona want to keep the star but are open to loaning him out.
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Barcelona transfer news LIVE: Oriol Busquets is set to leave Barca on loan (Image: GETTY)
Barcelona given Neymar ultimatum
According to Catalan outlet RAC1, PSG have told Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu that if they fail to present an acceptable offer for Neymar by midday, they will begin negotiations with Real Madrid.
The Bernabeu is the Brazilian’s second-choice destination should he leave PSG, which is now looking likely.
Barca will now have to act quickly if the threat is true.
Juventus are still outsiders for a potential deal behind both Spanish giants.
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Barcelona transfer news LIVE: Neymar deal upsets Messi, Real Madrid meeting, Vidal offer (Image: GETTY)
Rakitic makes decision on future
Ivan Rakitic has decided to stay put at Barcelona, despite interest from a number of clubs in both England and Italy.
That’s according to Marca, who also claim that the club are pleased with the Croatian’s decision.
Rakitic came on as Barcelona went down 1-0 at Athletic Bilbao last Friday.
Philippe Coutinho’s loan move to Bayern Munich has eased the pressure on competition for places in midfield, despite Frenkie de Jong’s arrival from Ajax.
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Barcelona transfer news LIVE: Ivan Rakitic has made a decision on his Barcelona future (Image: GETTY)
Real Madrid propose latest swap deal for Neymar
Spanish reporter Guillem Balague has rubbished reports of Real Madrid’s latest offer, but he has revealed a new swap deal proposal is on the cards.
“Published by L’Equipe this morning, it says they made an offer of £100million plus James, Bale and Navas is not true,” he told Radio 5Live.
“But they do want to offer players and cash.
“When they offer players, they will offer Navas, who of course was on the cover of Marca yesterday with the story saying he wants to leave.
“Navas, maybe James and Jovic.
“Luka Jovic is going to be offered to PSG, if they want him, as a possibility to bring Neymar to Real Madrid.”
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Barcelona transfer news LIVE: Real Madrid could offer Luka Jovic as part of a swap deal for Neymar (Image: GETTY)
Barcelona incomings so far
So what deals have Barcelona already completed?
Antoine Griezmann – £108m (Atletico Madrid)
Frenkie de Jong – £67.5m (Ajax)
Neto – £23.4m (Valencia)
Junior Firpo – £16.2m (Real Betis)
Emerson – £10.8m (Atletico Mineiro)
Marc Cucurella – £3.6m (Eibar)
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Barcelona transfer news LIVE: Griezmann and De Jong joined this summer (Image: GETTY)
Neymar confident of Barcelona move
Neymar is said to be confident that Paris Saint-Germain will let him join Barcelona, but only if the La Liga giants up their offer.
Barcelona have already seen two bids pegged back, both with a view to signing Brazilian on loan with an obligation to buy him next summer.
PSG have eyed Juventus forward Paulo Dybala as a potential replacement.
Despite the two bids being rejected, Spanish outlet Sport claim Neymar is confident PSG will allow him to leave if the Catalans raise their current offer on the table.
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Barcelona transfer news LIVE: Neymar is reportedly confident of a transfer back to Barcelona (Image: GETTY)
Neymar deal upsets Lionel Messi
Lionel Messi is one of several Barcelona players upset with president Josep Bartomeu over a potential deal for Neymar.
Barca have seen two bids rejected by Paris Saint-Germain, both of which were loans which included an obligation to buy.
Now Messi is worried that the two clubs will not be able to shake hands on a deal before the September 2 deadline.
The Argentine believes a reunion with Neymar gives Barcelona the best possible chance of winning the Champions League.
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Barcelona transfer news LIVE: Lionel Messi is reportedly upset over the Neymar deal (Image: GETTY)
Real Madrid representatives in Paris for Neymar talks
Real Madrid have reportedly sent delegates to Paris to thrash out a deal for Neymar, according to Marca.
Los Blancos are going head-to-head with El Clasico rivals Barcelona to land the Brazilian this summer.
He is yet to feature this season while PSG work on sanctioning his exit.
The likes of James Rodriguez, Keylor Navas and Gareth Bale could all be used as sweeteners in a potential deal.
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Barcelona transfer news LIVE: Real Madrid have met with PSG over Neymar (Image: GETTY)
Inter Milan want Arturo Vidal loan
Inter Milan have reportedly failed in an attempt to sign Arturo Vidal on loan.
That’s according to Mundo Deportivo, who state the Italians have been told the player is not available this summer.
Competition for places in Ernesto Valverde’s midfield is high, but the Chilean wants to prove himself and win trophies.
He was left out of the squad for last week’s La Liga opener where Barca went down 1-0 to Athletic Club.
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elcorreografico · 5 years
Con una destacada puesta en escena, llega “Orpheé” al Palacio Campodónico
Con una destacada puesta en escena, llega “Orpheé” al #PalacioCampodónico #LaPlata #ópera
La Municipalidad de La Plata presentará la ópera “Orpheé, drama en música para los aposentos reales”, espectáculo que tendrá lugar el domingo 4 de agosto a las 18.30 horas, y contará con un elenco destacado de músicos en el Palacio Campodónico.
La presentación de la obra, que compuso Marc-Antonie Charpentier y es considerada la primera ópera de cámara de la historia, se realizará en el…
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christywhitley · 6 years
Alexis Sanchez 'Would Like to Have Brought More Joy' to Manchester United
Alexis Sanchez ‘Would Like to Have Brought More Joy’ to Manchester United
Marc Atkins/Getty Images
Alexis Sanchez says he “would like to have brought more joy” to Manchester United after failing to impress at Old Trafford since joining the club from Arsenal in January 2018.
The Chilean also says he is concerned by the form he’s displayed for the Red Devils in an interview with Guillem Balague for BBC Sport.
“I’m a player that, if I’m not in contact with the ball, I…
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ribesorg · 6 years
Tardes literàries
Cinc cèntims de la tertúlia del passat divendres...
No arriba la mort, de Maria Rosa Nogué 
Tertúlia de divendres 11 de gener de 2019 
El proper mes de juny de 2019 se celebrarà la VIII Trobada de Clubs de lectura de les Biblioteques de l’Alt Penedès i El Garraf, i l’acte tindrà lloc, per segon cop des que es va iniciar aquest projecte de trobades, a la població de Vilanova i la Geltrú. En aquesta ocasió l’autora convidada és Maria Rosa Nogué i Almirall, vilanovina d’adopció. I per aquest motiu en la sessió de les nostres Tardes literàries, durant la qual hem comentat la novel·la No arriba la mort, hem comptat amb la presència de la bibliotecària itinerant i coordinadora del projecte Imma Martínez. I a més hem aprofitat la proximitat de les dues poblacions, Vilanova i Sant Pere de Ribes, per demanar a l’autora, Maria Rosa Nogué, que assistís a la tertúlia. Tot un plaer, com sempre, gaudir d’aquest privilegi de conversar amb l’escriptora al voltant de l’obra llegida. 
Només iniciar la trobada se li han plantejat un seguit de consultes sobre la lectura de la novel·la, i una d’elles era al voltant del títol i l’origen d’aquest, extret d’un poema de Joan Salvat-Papasseit, Res no és mesquí, i hom ha apuntat que no acabava de veure-hi la relació. L’autora ens ha aclarit quina era la intenció: un dels personatges, gairebé només començar la novel·la, és víctima d’un accident. A causa d’aquest és ingressada i, com veurem en aquestes primeres pàgines, de moment no li arriba la mort. Maria Rosa Nogué ha expressat la seva voluntat de referir-se a aquest personatge amb la tria del títol. 
Les clubaires han anat participant en aquest joc de comentaris sobre l’obra i consultes a l’autora, i en termes generals la valoració ha estat positiva: lectura àgil, amena, i amb un aspecte remarcable que ha satisfet el grup: l’acció de la novel·la se situa, bàsicament, a la població de Vilanova i la Geltrú, i la coneixença de la zona per part dels lectors ha provocat que quasi caminessin al costat dels diversos personatges. Espais com la Casa Nin, que en la trama de la novel·la apareix convertit en un hotel de luxe, o el mateix Museu Víctor Balaguer i la mòmia Nesi, han despertat records, anècdotes o, en alguns casos, la intenció de fer-hi una visita. O de cercar informació al voltant de la biografia d’Eduard Toda, el conegut egiptòleg –entre altres moltes activitats que va dur a terme- català. 
També és cert que just aquesta proximitat amb l’escenari de la novel·la ha provocat l’escepticisme d’alguna clubaire quant als fets que s’hi narren, ja que costa imaginar tota aquesta intriga i corrupció en un marc per on passeges de forma habitual. I encara fent referència a la intriga i als diversos temes que s’hi enceten per configurar l’amalgama de l’entramat criminal, també s’han pronunciat algunes veus considerant que potser planteja massa temàtiques possibles –droga, tràfic d’obres d’art, prostitució- però que aquestes no són tractades en profunditat. Per contra, altres tertulianes han considerat que no calia intensificar més en aquestes matèries perquè no és la pretensió de la novel·la, i que el fet d’al·ludir-ne i mostrar-ho ja és una denúncia vers aquests tipus de corrupció. 
Quant als personatges, s’ha destacat la jove Isis, amb tota la problemàtica que arrossega arran de la mort del seu germà, amb un sentiment de culpabilitat que pesa damunt d’ella com un llast difícil de superar; el doctor Camps, que es debat entre el bé i el mal i que és incapaç d’adonar-se de la seva pròpia malaltia, del seu declivi psicològic; i la Teresa, la dona que, malgrat els patiments, ensopega sempre amb la mateixa pedra com si fos impossible aprendre de cada experiència. 
En definitiva, i com és habitual en les nostres Tardes literàries, hem passat una rica i agradable estona al voltant de la lectura de No arriba la mort i escoltant els comentaris de la seva autora, Maria Rosa Nogué, que abans d’acabar la sessió ens ha explicat la gènesi de la novel·la i tot el procés d’escriptura. Gràcies, Maria Rosa, per compartir amb nosaltres la cuina de la teva escriptura. 
Unes paraules de l’autora: Maria Rosa Nogué 
La Sílvia Romero, escriptora i amiga, conductora de clubs, de novel·les, de presentacions, de bons consells, em va convidar a assistir a la tertúlia “Tardes literàries” de la Biblioteca Manuel de Pedrolo, de Sant Pere de Ribes, on es comentaria la meva primera novel·la policíaca, “No arriba la mort”. Vaig trobar-me molt ben acollida en un espai ampli, agradós, decorat amb fotografies d’un Vietnam verd, rural i temptador. Érem un cèrcol d’unes vint lectores i un lector, més el meu marit, que feia algunes fotos, i l’Imma Martínez, infatigable bibliotecària itinerant, que s’ocupa de la Trobada de Clubs Comarcal on aquest any soc l’autora convidada. 
Sense gaires preàmbuls, molt a l’estil de la Sílvia, les lectores van començar a fer les seves preguntes: Per què aquest títol, “No arriba la mort”? Per què passen tantes coses concentrades en el cap de setmana de la nit de Sant Joan? Per què a Vilanova i la Geltrú? Per què la mòmia Nesi surt i entra de la Biblioteca-Museu Víctor Balaguer? La curiositat de qui llegeix és infinita! Mentre procurava respondre tan bé com sabia, un to amable, cortès, cordial, regnava a la tertúlia. Em van dir que la novel·la els havia agradat, que els havia resultat entretinguda, en ocasions inversemblant, en d’altres, escruixidora. El final, al monestir budista de la Plana Novella, al Garraf, a algú va agradar molt i a algú no va agradar gens, però com a mínim va cridar l’atenció! I jo, com sempre, em vaig sentir profundament emocionada i en deute amb aquesta gent lectora, apassionada, que ha fet l’esforç de llegir i de comentar la meva novel·la. I també amb la Sílvia, que va organitzar aquesta tarda tan literària, de la qual vaig sortir amb més ganes que mai de reemprendre les aventures del sotsinspector Pau Raventós (que s’assembla en George Clooney) i de la inspectora Joana Valls (que també té el seu què). 
En sortir, la Laia, la directora de la Biblioteca, em va obsequiar amb una bossa de roba plena dels plaers de la vida: un conte d’en Bibliol, el cargol lector, mascota de la Manuel de Pedrolo, i una ampolla de mistela escumosa, de Sitges. Què més es pot demanar? 
 Neix a Còrdova el 1965 i resideix a Vilanova i la Geltrú des de fa molts anys. El seu món, com ha declarat en diverses entrevistes, està format pels llibres, la música i els viatges. Aspectes, tots ells, que apareixen de forma habitual en la seva narrativa. 
Llicenciada en Filologia Catalana té, també, el Grau Professional de Piano. Va començar impartint classes de català per a adults, més tard va treballar com a professora d’ensenyament secundari en diferents instituts, i des de l’any 2006 és professora a l’Escola d’Escriptura de l’Ateneu Barcelonès. 
Ha publicat contes infantils, la narració de la cantata musical El Follet Valent, la novel·la breu Els Sonets a Anaïs (Primer Premi del Certamen Nacional de Novel·la Breu del Diari de Vilanova i la Geltrú, 2001), les novel·les juvenils La noia del descapotable (2009) i La noia del creuer (2017), i amb anterioritat a aquesta va veure publicada, l’any 2010, la novel·la per a adults La casa dels cants. 
Amb l’obra No arriba la mort va rebre el Premi Bellvei Negre 2017, i aquesta va ser la seva primera incursió en el camp de la novel·la negra. El mateix any 2017 va quedar finalista del Premi Gregal de Novel·la amb l’obra La segona mort de Lorenzo Contini que, de nou, cal ubicar-la en el camp de la novel·la negra. 
Des de l’any 2014 condueix el club de lectura La crisàlide, de la Biblioteca Joan Oliva (Vilanova i la Geltrú), i ha estat seleccionada com a autora convidada de la “VIII Trobada de Clubs de lectura de l’Alt Penedès i El Garraf” (2019). 
Diuen que la nit de Sant Joan és una nit màgica, i potser per aquest motiu l’autora del llibre, Maria Rosa Nogué, ha triat aquest espai temporal per narrar la història d’aquesta novel·la. No arriba la mort és una obra que cal ubicar en el gènere negre en tota la seva magnitud: hi trobem la intriga i l’acció d’una investigació, alhora que veiem com evolucionen els seus personatges a mesura que avancen en l’envitricoll de la trama, però a més a més hi ha la denúncia i la crítica de fons al voltant d’una societat corrupta. O d’una part de la societat. 
Tot s’inicia quan, el matí de la revetlla, la jove Isis –nom que li ve donat per la passió dels pares pel món egipci- pateix un greu accident i és ingressada a l’hospital. A causa de les circumstàncies d’aquest accident els Mossos d’Esquadra fan la seva aparició en la novel·la: seguien la persona que ha provocat l’incident pel qual Isis es troba hospitalitzada. A poc a poc ens anem submergint en tota una trama criminal que s’estén des del tràfic de droga fins al contraban d’obres d’art, passant pel malauradament lucratiu món de la prostitució i els abusos que es cometen en aquest suposat negoci. 
Per l’altra banda, els personatges que envolten la narrativa de Maria Rosa Nogué abracen un ampli ventall d’edats –hi ha un nombrós grup de joves que es veuen involucrats en les peripècies de la novel·la- i també un ampli conjunt de nivells socials –des dels milionaris que mouen els fils de les màfies fins als antisistema. 
No arriba la mort situa l’acció, quasi en la seva totalitat, en un marc geogràfic ben proper: Vilanova i la Geltrú. I tot llegint la novel·la reconeixerem diversos indrets de la població i ens fixarem, més que mai, en el Museu Víctor Balaguer i una de les seves peces més destacades: la mòmia Nesi. 
És la primera novel·la de gènere negre de Maria Rosa Nogué i amb ella va obtenir el Premi de Novel·la Bellvei Negre 2017. 
Sílvia Romero 
(gener 2019)
from ribes.org http://bit.ly/2CtFyAY
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isabelrangelb · 6 years
Isabel Rangel Barón recomienda: Cine y Pediatría (457). “Héroes” y el recuerdo que nos puede salvar la vida
“Recordar este momento. Guardar el olor y la sensación del sol que quema y del agua que os salpica en la espalda. Los amigos. Todo eso cambiará. Pasarán los años, las tardes se harán más cortas y cada vez os costará más encontrar momentos mágicos. No tengáis prisa en haceros mayores. Hacedme caso. Un día, el recuerdo de este momento os puede salvar la vida”. 
Esta voz en off y de fondo unas fotos antiguas de infancia son el preludio del título de esta película: Héroes. Una película española del año 2010 escrita por Pau Freixas y el multipremiado autor Albert Espinosa (autor de “Planta 4ª”, novela que Antonio Mercero llevó al cine en el año 2003 con un título homónimo), un cine que respira infancias y recuerdos de los años 80, y que Pau Freixas dirige con jóvenes protagonistas, muchos de los cuales posteriormente se harían famosos con “Pulseras rojas”, la serie dirigida por él mismo y basada en una novela también de Albert Espinosa. Así pues, el tándem formado por el director/guionista Pau Freixas y el novelistas/guionista Albert Espinosa es el responsable de este melodrama adolescente que transmite la alegría de vivir que caracteriza la obra de este último, quien de alguna forma nos muestra siempre su “mundo amarillo” y su filosofía de la vida, incluso a tan tempranas edades.
Héroes nos habla del verano más importante de la vida de cinco amigos de unos 12 años, cuatro chicos y una chica: Xavi (Ferrán Llull), epicentro de historia, Ekaitz (Alex Monner), el líder de la pandilla, Colo (Marc Balaguer), el rarito que no tiene amigos y al que aceptan en el grupo con un tiempo de inmunidad, Roth (Joan Sorribes), un ejemplo de integración con su trisomía 21, y Cristina, a la que llaman Cristo (Mireia Vilapuig), una maravillosa niña tomboy.
La película se inicia cuando un publicista treintañero (Àlex Brendemühl), con una exitosa carrera profesional y una vida personal quizás con menos éxito, se ve envuelto en un viaje para llegar a una trascendental reunión de negocios en Barcelona. Durante el viaje conoce a una chica autoestopista (Eva Santolaria) con la que, a pesar de su opuesta forma de vivir, conectarán y acabarán rememorando la época más mítica y emotiva de su infancia, hasta darse cuenta que se conocían, pues ella es Cristo y él es Oscar, el hermano mayor de Xavi.
Y a través de diferentes flashback reviviremos aquel verano con Xavi y su pandilla, descubriremos los entresijos de su familia, las dudas sobre las mariposas revoloteando en el estómago del primer amor, sus aventuras por conseguir construir el vehículo que les hiciera ganar la carrera en el pueblo, cómo se sintieron héroes cuando luchaban por conseguir aquella cabaña mágica en medio del lago que les podía conceder todos sus deseos o la frustración de conocer que el pueblo iba a ser anegado por un pantano.
En este viaje al pasado, a sus antiguos anhelos y motivaciones, conoceremos tres personas importantes en ese verano de Xavi, su último verano: su madre (Emma Suárez, protagonista de Las hijas de Abril – Michel Franco, 2017 -), su padrastro, que a sus amigos Xavi les dice que es un jardinero rumano, (Lluís Homar, protagonista de No tengas miedo – Montxo Armendáriz, 2011-) y su idílico primer amor (Nerea Camacho, protagonista de Camino – Javier Fesser, 2008 -). Un viaje desde el recuerdo al verano más inolvidable de la vida de los protagonistas y, de alguna manera, a esos veranos que permanecen en el recuerdo de cada espectador, como un oasis lejano de nuestra vida. Y por qué no, también a esos momentos difíciles que nos encontramos y el valor de las segunda oportunidades.
Y todo ello con los recuerdos y homenaje de esos años 80, como nos recuerda la película en esos carteles de pelis que decoran las paredes de la habitación de Xavi (La historia interminable -Wolfgang Petersen, 1984 – o Los Goonies – Richard Donner, 1985), la propia banda sonora (con canciones que van desde el “Last Dance” de Donna Summer al “Te amo” de Humberto Tozzi, pasando por “Forever Young” o “Big in Japan” de Alphaville) y hasta los Tigretones que Colo comparte con sus amigos.
Una película sencilla para recordarnos que, en demasiados ocasiones, en la infancia los niños y adolescentes son héroes, a veces Héroes a la fuerza como nos recordó Diane Keaton en 1995, en otras ocasiones simplemente Héroes como nos recuerdan Pau Freixas y Albert Espinosa hoy.
Porque un día, el recuerdo de estos momentos de la infancia y adolescencia nos pueden salvar la vida. Y así nos lo recuerdan continuamente y en todas las épocas: “Lo que uno ama en la infancia se queda en el corazón para siempre” (Jean-Jacques Rousseau). “Siempre hay un momento en la infancia cuando la puerta se abre y deja entrar al futuro” (Graham Greene). “El niño que no juega no es niño, pero el hombre que no juega perdió para siempre al niño que vivía en él y que le hará mucha falta” (Pablo Neruda). “Todas las personas mayores fueron al principio niños, aunque pocas de ellas lo recuerdan” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry). 
Pediatría Basada en Pruebas
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365footballorg-blog · 6 years
Frenkie de Jong: The Ajax midfielder linked with Man Utd, Man City and Barcelona
Every week the BBC Football Daily Euro Leagues podcast panel will select a promising youngster to focus on. This week our subject is…[1]
Frenkie de Jong
He has been tipped for the top by Xavi and has been linked with a host of Europe’s top clubs but his current side Ajax say he will not leave, “even for an insane amount of money”.
Ajax midfielder Frenkie de Jong is regarded as one of the best young players in Europe.
The 21-year-old, who can also play in defence, started his career at Willem II before moving to Ajax, first joining the club’s Under-21 team before making his first-team debut in September 2016.
The Dutchman has now played 50 times for Ajax across all competitions, including in this season’s Champions League, and already has two caps for the Netherlands.
De Jong, who is 5ft 11in (1.80m), is regarded for his passing ability and dribbling ability.
Last season, he had the best passing accuracy and dribble success rate in the Eredivisie with 91.5% and 90.3% respectively.
In fact, since the start of last season De Jong has the best dribble success rate across the Dutch top flight and Europe’s top five leagues of any player and the 14th highest passing accuracy.
De Jong’s impressive start to his career has led to him being linked with Manchester United, Manchester City, Real Madrid, Barcelona – who tried to sign him this summer – and others, with the Real reportedly[2] prepared to spend 80m euro (£72m) to sign him.
Barcelona’s former captain and midfielder Xavi said[3] De Jong was “exactly what Barcelona need” and compared him to Spanish midfielder Sergio Busquets.
Euro wunderkind – Pietro Pellegri[4]
Euro wunderkind – Santiago Ascacibar[5]
Euro Leagues podcast analysis
European football journalist James Horncastle: “It’s hard to categorise what kind of player he is. He can play at the back, he can play in midfield. He seems to be one of those classic Dutch footballers in that he is a universal talent – he can pretty much do everything.
“He can bring the ball out of defence and he can switch it. I remember earlier this year, Ajax played Roda in the Eredivisie. He came on, played in defence and ended up with three assists in a 5-1 win – switching it out to Justin Kluivert.
“Alongside [Netherlands and Ajax teenage defender] Matthjis de Ligt, it suggests there is a bright future for Dutch football after these last few lean years of missing out on tournaments.
“I think because of the cross-pollination with Barcelona and Ajax, he’d be very well suited to play there in the future. I don’t want to call him the saviour of Dutch football, because I don’t want to load too much pressure on his shoulders.
“But he’s certainly a very interesting talent and someone who didn’t come through the Ajax youth ranks. He was signed from Willem. He has a lot of the traits you associate with Ajax but a few peculiarities, differences which make him a really interesting talent.”
Spanish journalist Guillem Balague: “Xavi says De Jong can make a huge contribution towards Barcelona. He’s seen as a beastly talent and he’s a player to keep an eye on.
“I know Barcelona are trying to convince him to move to the club. There were conversations in the summer but [Ajax director of football] Marc Overmars said no way he’s leaving at this time.”
^ BBC Football Daily Euro Leagues (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ reportedly (www.telegraaf.nl)
^ Xavi said (www.goal.com)
^ Euro wunderkind – Pietro Pellegri (www.bbc.co.uk)
^ Euro wunderkind – Santiago Ascacibar (www.bbc.co.uk)
BBC Sport – Football
Frenkie de Jong: The Ajax midfielder linked with Man Utd, Man City and Barcelona was originally published on 365 Football
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geranslacour-blog · 6 years
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slvrdlphn · 7 years
The 40 gorgeous, fit and sexy finalists were presented to the media during the VIP Night at Maybank Performing Arts Theatre in Taguig City.
The Superbods Finalists
The Superbods male and female finalists are Jules Aquino, Angelo Cacciatore, Elcid Camacho, Tony De Oteyza, Denver Hernandez, Farzam Nazirian, Luiji Panoso, Sandro Roman, Tommy Tiangco, Anthony Wahl, Christine Balaguer, Faith Garcia, Weizel Gulfan, Maureen Montagne, Mariah Nilo, Queenie Rehman, Joanna Toledo, Amanda Villanueva, Kim Ross Williams, and Bella Ysmael.
The Superbods Female Finalists
Here’s a closer look at the 10 finalists for the Superbods Female category.  Mouseover each pic to see each name and age:
Joanna Toledo, 24 years old
Christine Balaguer, 28 years old
Bella Ysmael, 21 years old
Amanda Villanueva, 25 years old
Weizel Gulfan, 29 years old
Mariah Nilo, 21 years old
Kim Ross Williams, 27 years old
Maureen Montagne, 24 years old
Queenie Rehman, 29 years old
Faith Garcia, 24 years old
The Superbods Male Finalists
Here’s a closer look at the 10 finalists for the Superbods Male category. Mouseover each pic to see each name and age:
Anthony Wahl, 30 years old
Luiji Panoso, 30 years old
Angelo Cacciatore, 29 years old
Elcid Camacho, 26 years old
Farzam Nasirian, 28 years old
Jules Aquino, 25 years old
Sandro Roman, 25 years old
Denver Hernandez, 23 years old
Tony De Oteyza, 20 years old
Tommy Tiangco, 21 years old
The Superbods Ageless Finalists
The Superbods Ageless male and female finalists are Albert Adrales, Manny Apilado, Marc Dungo, Rob Geronimo, Grech Go, Johann Ludovica, Manu Reyes, Jerome Salvado, Ari Simangan, Jude Yap, Glenda Bayona, Elisse Camarillo, Anna Cope, Maricel Cruz, Mica Fuentes, Michelle Garcia, Lois Hunter, Angel Jones, Margaret Chua Lao, and Romela Nacar.
The Superbods Ageless Female Finalists
Here’s a closer look at the 10 finalists for the Superbods Ageless Female category. Mouseover each pic to see each name and age:
Glenda Bayona, 41 years old
Anna Cope, 49 years old
Margaret Chua Lao, 42 years old
Lois Hunter, 38 years old
Elisse Camarillo, 42 years old
Mica Fuentes, 39 years old
Angel Jones, 39 years old
Michelle Garcia, 50 years old
Romela Nacar, 43 years old
Maricel Cruz, 49 years old
The Superbods Ageless Male Finalists
Here’s a closer look at the 10 finalists for the Superbods Ageless Male category, Mouseover each pic to see each name and age:
Albert Adrales, 38 years old
Jude Yap, 50 years old
Johann Ludovica, 42 years old
Rob Geronimo, 38 years old
Jerome Salvado, 39 years old
Manu Reyes, 38 years old
Manny Apilado, 48 years old
Grech Go, 39 years old
Marc Dungo, 48 years old
Ari Simangan, 39 years old
Gelli Victor and Raymond Gutierrez
Hosted by Raymond Gutierrez and Gelli Victor, the VIP Night Presentation featured the breathtaking finalist reveal, self-introductions, a hot runway presentation, the Superbods Ageless 2018 journey video that gave a behind-the-scene look at the search process, and the sensational mini fashion show presented by Zalora, with the fit and fab men and women finalists strutting their stuff and showing everyone what they got!
Capping off the night was a rousing finale number headlined by Ina Raymundo and Gerald Anderson.
Activities to look forward to
The finalists will participate in an exciting lineup of activities throughout the summer.
The Ultimate Challenge at the Inflatable Island in Subic will put the finalists’ mental and physical abilities to the test. Sam YG and Amanda Fernandez will host the event.
The Superbods Weekend will include a Zalora fashion show on April 7 featuring the finalists.
The fun Underpants Run in the morning of April 8 at Filinvest City in Alabang, Muntinlupa.
And the Electric Spinning Party in the afternoon at BGC Amphitheater.
Prizes for the winners
On April 12, 2018, the much-awaited Finals Night will be held at the Cove, Okada Manila. The four winners of Century Tuna Superbods 2018 will each receive P500,000 in cash. They will also each receive:
an appliance showcase worth P250,000 from Indesit, Mabe, and Philips;
an editorial campaign contract from Zalora; a training contract from Star Magic;
a 1-year unlimited elite membership at Gold’s Gym;
a May 2018 Mega Magazine supplement feature;
P5,000 worth of Vansydical Sportswear; and
a special prize from Cove.
Chevrolet Trax 2018
One lucky Superbods finalist will take home a brand-new Chevrolet Trax! The winner will be selected based on the transformation videos of each candidate’s journey towards becoming a Superbod.
Special awards will also be given:
Superbod Beachbod
Superbod of the Night (Best in Runway)
Superbods Challenge winners
People’s Choice
Photogenic Award
Best in Congeniality
Century Tuna Superbods Ageless 2018 is made possible with the support of Cove Manila, the official venue partner of Century Tuna Superbods Ageless Finals Night.
Major sponsors are Indesit, Mabe and Philips Domestic Appliances.
Minor sponsors are Tanduay Distillers, Inc., Zalora, Chevrolet, Gold’s Gym and Star Magic.
Participating sponsors are Shakey’s, Quorn, Gardenia, Vansydical, Sir George Salon and Fudgy Bar 100-Calorie Pack.
For more details and updates on events, visit Century Tuna Superbods on Facebook: www.facebook.com/centurytuna.
Century Tuna Superbods Ageless 2018 presents the 40 finalists The 40 gorgeous, fit and sexy finalists were presented to the media during the VIP Night at Maybank Performing Arts Theatre in Taguig City.
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Real Madrid transfer news LIVE: Chief leaked Neymar details, Zinedine Zidane quit threat | Football | Sport
Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu
Tuesday, August 13
Real Madrid president Florentino Perez told his friends about the club’s pursuit of Neymar
Perez told pals the deal was wrapped up three months ago, according to Guillem Balague
Zinedine Zidane is on the brink of quitting Real Madrid after a broken promise
Gareth Bale has reportedly threatened Florentino Perez after the club failed to sign Neymar
No deal agreed
PSG and Barcelona have NOT reached an agreement for Neymar.
Barcelona took a team of representatives to Paris to negotiate a deal for the 27-year-old attacker, who is desperate to leave the Parc des Princes.
It’s said the two parties held a four-hour meeting in the French capital – but couldn’t wrap up a deal, Spanish radio Onda Cero says.
Despite that – the report claims that the feeling remains positive that an agreement will be reached in the coming weeks.
Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu (Image: GETTY)
Paul Pogba bids…
Manchester United will rejected all bids for midfielder Paul Pogba.
That’s according to ESPN FC, who claim Ed Woodward and Co. have had assurances from the France international about his commitment to the club.
The Red Devils are worried that Real Madrid will launch an offer before the La Liga transfer window closes on September 2.
But United have decided to snub offers – even if they exceed their £180million valuation.
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Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu (Image: GETTY)
Christian Eriksen update
Tottenham chairman Daniel Levy will not let Christian Eriksen leave the club without bringing in a big-name replacement according to Darren Bent.
The Denmark international revealed his desire to find a new challenge clear at the start of the summer, with a move to Europe still on the cards.
Bent told Football Insider: “It’s massive that he [Eriksen] is still there. That’s almost like a new signing, now you think to yourself if they let him go, who do they bring in?
“Now me knowing Daniel Levy like I do, I can’t really see him letting someone like Christian Eriksen, someone of his quality, go without having someone to replace him.
“Maybe if they got a Philippe Coutinho or a Paulo Dybala in, then they probably would have done it but they can’t do anything because the window’s shut.”
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Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu (Image: GETTY)
Donny Van De Beek warning
Erik Ten Hag is confident that Donny Van De Beek will remain an Ajax player this season.
Real Madrid have been linked with the talented playmaker as an alternative to Manchester United midfielder Paul Pogba.
But despite numerous claims that the deal is progressing – Ajax boss Erik Ten Hag disagrees.
“Van de Beek only dedicates himself to playing,” Ten Hag said. “I guess and I hope that he stays with us this season. Otherwise, I will hear from Marc Overmars.”
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Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu (Image: GETTY)
Philippe Coutinho interest confirmed
Bayern Munich are interested in signing Barcelona playmaker Philippe Coutinho.
That’s according to a Barcelona spokesman, who confirmed the German champions are looking to bring Coutinho to the Allianz Arena.
Coutinho could be allowed to leave the Nou Camp to generate funds and make space for international compatriot Neymar.
“There is interest from FC Bayern, but there is no agreement. That is all there is to say at the moment,” the Barca spokesman told Goal.
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Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu (Image: GETTY)
Neymar deal in jeopardy
Real Madrid could miss out on their pursuit to bring Neymar to the Bernabeu, due to the transfer stances of Gareth Bale and Luka Modric.
Neymar is desperate to leave Paris Saint-Germain before the European transfer window closes later this month, with Spain his preferred destination.
Spanish outlet Sport have revealed that despite both clubs being open to getting a deal over the line, two players are holding up the process.
Former Tottenham team-mates Bale and Modric are the players in question, with both keen to see out their lucrative contracts in Madrid rather than find regular football elsewhere.
The report goes on to to reveal that Bale will only part ways with the club if they pay out his contract in full, which has angered Florentino Perez.
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Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu (Image: GETTY)
Lionel Messi phone call
Lionel Messi has reportedly phoned Neymar to persuade him to reject Real Madrid.
Zinedine Zidane’s side have emerged as contenders to sign the Brazilian forward, 27.
But Spanish newspaper Marca claim Messi rang Neymar to convince him to opt for a return to the Nou Camp instead.
The Brazilian’s PSG departure looks almost certain after the club removed merchandise bearing any reference to the player from the shelves of their club shop.
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Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu (Image: GETTY)
Neymar deal WAS wrapped up
Real Madrid president Florentino Perez told his friends about the club’s pursuit of Neymar.
That’s according to Spanish Spanish expert Guillem Balague, who claims Perez told pals the deal was wrapped up three months ago.
“Florentino, who wants him, said privately 3 months ago he had him all tied up. But since then the song has changed few times,” Balague tweeted on Tuesday.
Real Madrid, though, look to have missed out on Neymar’s signature with La Liga rivals in talks to sign the Brazilian for £93million plus Philippe Coutinho and Ivan Rakitic.
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Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu (Image: GETTY)
Zidane on brink of quitting
Zinedine Zidane is on the brink of quitting Real Madrid after breaking his promise to Manchester United star Paul Pogba.
Zidane has spent the summer instructing Real Madrid chief Florentino Perez to secure the signature of Manchester United midfielder Pogba.
But journalist Diego Torres has told the Independent that Zidane is on the brink of resigning having not got his man.
“Not signing Pogba puts Zidane on the brink of resigning,” Torres, who works for El Pais, said. “Zidane personally promised Pogba he would bring him to Madrid, and now he is left looking bad.
“This has only increased the lack of confidence between Zidane and Florentino. For Zidane, his project and Pogba are almost the same thing. Nothing that he was promised has really come to pass.
“Zidane returned as a protective shield for Florentino, but he has already fulfilled that political and social mission.”
5. Madrid? They’ve not made an offer. Getting Neymar is seeing as strategical. Would change a mood that now is pessimistic. They’ll wait in the wings
6. Florentino, who wants him, said privately 3 months ago he had him all tied up. But since then the song has changed few times
— Guillem Balague (@GuillemBalague) August 13, 2019
Gareth Bale threat
Gareth Bale has reportedly threatened Florentino Perez after the club failed in an attempt to hijack Barcelona’s move for Neymar.
Real Madrid star Bale is still at the Bernabeu, despite Zinedine Zidane’s determination to get him off the books this summer.
And Catalan newspaper Sport say Real’s recently offer for Neymar has not sat well with Bale, who was going to be used as bait.
He is said to have threatened Perez, insisting he would speak out about his state of mind on treatment he considers ‘inappropriate’.
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Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu (Image: GETTY)
Manchester City avoid transfer ban
Manchester City have avoided a transfer ban despite admitting to breaching regulations relating to the international transfer and registration of under-18 players.
The Premier League champions have instead been fined £314,650 by FIFA after breaching article 19, among others, of the world governing body’s regulations on the status and transfer of players.
A FIFA statement read: “The Disciplinary Committee took into account the fact that Manchester City FC accepted its responsibility and sanctioned the club with a fine of Swiss francs 370,000.”
The Premier League champions were facing a ban from making signings, a punishment meted out to Chelsea – for two transfer windows – earlier this year.
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Real Madrid transfer news LIVE updates: All the latest news and gossip from the Bernabeu (Image: GETTY)
The GOAT debate
Cristiano Ronaldo has put his case forward to go down as the greatest player of all time ahead of Lionel Messi.
Ronaldo feels he has accomplished more because he has been so successful at numerous clubs.
Manchester United, Real Madrid and now Juventus, the striker has flourished in every squad.
“​The difference between me and him is that I went to different clubs and won the Champions League,” Ronaldo told DAZN. “I have been Champions League top scorer six times in a row.
“There are many players who have won the Cup five times. I identify myself with this competition.
“Messi is an excellent player, he will not only be remembered for the Ballon d’Or but also for being always at the top, year after year, like me.”
Source link . More news
via wordpress https://ift.tt/31FDUar
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