#marcel's hair looks freaking brown on my phone i hate it here
forevercaroline · 7 years
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This is the villa Kol takes Caroline to in this story.
Protect Caroline part 2 for @austennerdita2533 she asked for a part two of the Drabble I wrote for her on Valentine’s Day.
“ Where is she. Is she safe?”
“I have other problems to deal with than your crush on Caroline.”
“ I currently reside in this pathetic dogs body but that doesn’t mean I won’t kill you. Find out where she is?
Bonnie pulls out her phone and calls Caroline.
Caroline and Kol just passed the welcome to New Orleans sign. ” Hey Bonnie.“
Bonnie glares over at Klaus in Tyler’s body ” Hey care where are you? Are you safe?“
” Alaric outed us to the council and my mom told me to run so I’m in New Orleans.“
By the shocked look on Tyler’s face Bonnie puts her hand up ” Care are you by your self?“
Caroline looks over at Kol who is finding a radio station to listen to. ” Um not exactly you remember Kol, Klaus younger brother. I’m with him.“
” Welcome to your new home darling.“
Kol and Caroline pull into a courtyard of a big house and are stopped by vampires surrounding the courtyard. ” Kol who are these people?“
” I have no idea. This was our home two hundred years ago.“
One of the vampires comes up to the car Kol rolls down the window ” Who are you? “
Kol doesn’t look pleased ” Really.“
Kol rips his heart out and is out of the car kicking his body out of the way in seconds. He looks at Caroline ” This will be fun stay in the car if you don’t want to get messy.“
Kol kills all the vampires outside and pulls the car Into the garage. "Let me show you around.”
Kol takes her upstairs “ Now this is Nik’s old room I’m guessing you want to sleep here. I’ll be down the hall in my old room.”
Caroline is looking around the house when she is pinned to the wall by a handsome vampire yelling in her face “ Who are you. What are you doing in my house?”
When Caroline was pinned she dropped her mug of blood and Kol who was upstairs looking around for anymore vampires heard it and vamped to her. “ I’m going to have my hands full with you.”
Kol looks at Caroline’s attacker “ Marcellus I was told you died. You always did have a thing for blondes.”
Marcel looks glares at Kol “ What are you doing here.”
“ Vacation what we can’t visit our home in our town. Also let my friend go.”
“ Is Rebekah with you?”
Kol smirks. “ No I only brought one blonde with me the one your choking.”
Marcel lets Caroline go. “ Rude.”
Caroline and Kol were eavesdropping on Marcel talking to his guys after he found some of them dead in the courtyard. That there was a witch ritual going on to tonight and that they need to stop it.
Caroline doesn’t know Marcel but Kol does and he doesn’t trust him. So he suggested that they go to the cemetery and stop it before Marcel has a chance.
Kol and Caroline and hiding on top of a crypt watching as four girls are lead out and stand in front of an older witch. “ This isn’t just a ritual. It’s a sacrifice.”
Caroline looks at the girls then at Kol “ We have to save them.”
“ No yet. I know witches we are trespassing on their territory. Plus there are to many witches for just me to kill. So we choose one to save.”
“ I can’t choose one to save and I’m sorry but I’m a good vampire I don’t go around killing people or choosing which people die and which people live.”
Kol lets out a sigh “ Fine I’ll choose are you capable of saving the person I pick?”
Caroline nods.
Caroline watched as the first three girls one after another went up to the older witch and got their throats sliced and every girl yelling no. “ Now and hurry Marcel will be here any moment.”
Kol and Caroline jump down and Caroline vamps over to the brown haired scared girl “ It’s going to be ok.”
Kol kills the older witch and every witch except two.
They take the youngest witch they saved back to the house. While Caroline is making sure she’s ok. Marcel storms in. “ You killed the witches and my guys, you need to leave.”
“No it’s you who needs to leave Marcellus. This is our house, and our town. Did you forget that the M’s all around here stand for Mikaelson not Marcellus. Your not a Mikaelson you never were get over it. Your not even half the ruler of this town that my family still is. We all forgot about you Rebekah moved on from her little school girl crush on you, Klaus moved on, Elijah well he didn’t even like you growing up did he, even I forgot all about you until I see you choking my friend.”
A couple days later Kol comes into Klaus studio where Caroline has been spending most of her time since they arrived “ What do you think about Saint. Tropez?”
Caroline was reading she looks up at Kol. “ I’ve never been. Why do you ask?”
“ I think it’s time we leave this awful city. The witches haven’t found us yet but Marcel and his guys want us dead and I love a fight but I can’t fight vampires and witches if I have to protect you and Davina.”
“ I will kill if I have to. And your right we can’t even leave the house without Marcel’s guys trying to kill us or the witches finding out we are keeping their harvest girl. We are taking Davina with us right without us the witches will kill her.”
Kol nods “ Pack your bags we leave in an hour. I’ll go tell our little witch.”
An hour later they get in Kol’s car he looks at his two passengers “ Just so you ladies know I am not picking up anymore people. I’m not in the business to help every vampire and witch.”
They arrive in Saint Tropez and Kol kills a guy who has a convertible “ Get in ladies.”
Kol takes them to the Mikaelson villa just outside of town. The house is huge and has a private pool. Every window and door face out to the sea and pool.
Davina is floored “ This is where we are hiding from the witches.”
“ Yes I know it takes some time to get used to the Mikaelsons way of life. They live glamorous.”
Kol looks over at Caroline who is carrying her bags in “ Should I assume you want Nik’s room again.”
“ Maybe I want your room after all you are protecting me from the council and protecting Davina from the witches plus you took us to this beautiful place.”
Kol smiles at her joke. “ Up the stairs second door on the left your room.”
Bonnie is doing another locator spell “ She’s in Saint Tropez.”
Rebekah has been putting off clearing the mansion she still can’t believe her brother is dead she goes into his studio and shoves his drawings over the table. Damon comes into the room tries to kill her she gets the stake out of his hand but gets shot in the back when she turns around he gets shot in the front with an arrow.
Tyler is in the caves when he gets call from his mother “ Are you ok please tell me your far away from Mystic Falls.”
“ What’s wrong?”
“ The council has been getting names of all the vampires in town and now they were gathering them up.”
Tyler knows Caroline is not in town but Rebekah is.
Rebekah wakes up in the back of a van with vervain ropes around her wrists and stomach. As she’s looking for a way out a car smashes into the van flipping it on its side. Tyler breaks the door off “ Let’s go little sister.”
“That’s not possible.”
Tyler breaks her restraints “ I’ll explain later.”
“I didn’t die little sister Bonnie put me in this ridiculously pathetic dogs body.”
“My heart broke thinking I would never see you again.”
Klaus takes Rebekah to the old witch house Bonnie is in. “ Put me back in my body.”
“ It’s not that simple I’ve upset the ancestors I’m not strong enough to put you back in your body.”
Rebekah steps forward towards the Bennett witch “You had enough power to put my brother in this body you can take him out.”
“The ancestors got mad at me for trying to fix your mistake. I can’t do it.”
Rebekah looks offended “ My mistake what did i do?”
Bonnie looks at her shocked she doesn’t understand how what Rebekah did she can just move on like it didn’t mean anything. “ You killed Elena making her vampire.”
“We had every reason to kill Elena and we did what everyone in this town would do if someone they loved was in trouble. Kol and I killed precious Elena to save our family but let’s remember Elena has daggered and tried to kill not only my brothers and me several times.”
Klaus is sick of being in this body and tired of his sister and Bonnie going back and forth. “ Let’s try this another way.”
Klaus rips the top of his shirt open and extends his claws and stick them around his heart “ Your choice Bonnie save Tyler or yourself. ”
Bonnie starts freaking out “ What are doing stop your hurting him.”
“ He dies I jump Into another body maybe Jeremy will be my next body.”
“ You need a witch to do that for you.”
Klaus squeezes the heart harder “ We’re the original family you don’t think we have witches on standby.”
“Choose Bonnie.”
Bonnie looks at Klaus then at Rebekah. “ Fine I ’ll do it.”
Kol took Caroline and Davina to a Private beach. Caroline is tanning while Kol is in the water with Davina. When Kol’s phone who is next to Caroline rings. Caroline answers it. “ Kol’s phone Caroline speaking. ”
Klaus smiles at the voice he’s longed to hear over the last couple of days. “ Hello love.”
Caroline gasps and sits up “ Oh my god Klaus.”
“It’s me.”
“ How is this possible you died.”
Klaus hates the vulnerability he hears in Caroline’s voice because of him. “ I will explain where are you?”
Caroline looks around she’s so happy he’s alive. “ A private beach in Saint Tropez.”
Klaus smiles he’s also a little sad he wished he could show her France instead of Kol. He is happy she’s far away from Mystic Falls. “I’ll see you soon love.”
Klaus hangs up and Caroline runs to the water “ Kol, Klaus is alive.”
Kol looks up at her “ How I saw Alaric burn his body.”
“ He just called you I answered he’s coming here.”
Rebekah had called Elijah and told him Klaus is alive and to meet them in Saint Tropez. Elijah was waiting for Rebekah at the airport and when Rebekah got off the plane she had Klaus with her Elijah hugs his brother.
They arrive at their Saint Tropez home and it seems empty. “ Kol.��
“ In the kitchen.”
The siblings enter the kitchen and Kol is in swim trunks and shirtless “ Nik your alive.”
Kol hugs his brother. “ Where is Caroline I’m told you took her.”
“ She’s by the pool with Davina.”
His siblings look at him with confused looks “ Who’s Davina?”
“ She’s a young witch we met in New Orleans a couple days ago she was about to be killed and we saved her now the witches want her dead. By the way Marcel is alive calls himself king of the city, lives in our house and tried to kill Caroline, still hates me and asked about you sister.”
Klaus Elijah and Rebekah are shocked “ Marcel is still alive.”
“ Marcel tried to kill Caroline.”
“ Relax brother Marcel only choked her I got downstairs when I heard her mug hit the ground and got Marcel off her. We left New Orleans because the witches wanted us dead for rescuing Davina and Marcel and his guys wanted us dead for being in town plus why didn’t anyone tell me Caroline is basically a Mary Sue vampire.”
Elijah and Rebekah shrug their shoulders and Klaus looks to the ceiling. “ In my defense I was a little busy dealing with the Bennett witch and saving the vampire population of Mystic Falls.”
“I took her to find out what it is about her that has you so fascinated brother but I can’t figure it out.”
Klaus smiles thinking about Caroline. “ She’s not afraid to tell me when I’m being stupid or just acting out of anger.”
Kol brings his siblings to the backyard and they see Caroline laughing in the pool with Davina. Klaus just looks at her she looks so beautiful in her pink bikini her wet hair draped across her shoulders. He notices a bracelet around her wrist it’s the bracelet she threw in his face at the ball.
When Caroline was still in Mystic Falls she found the bracelet in his room and has been wearing it since.
“You look ravishing love.”
Both Caroline and Davina look up at the Mikaelson siblings Caroline smiles and vamps up to Klaus “How are you alive?”
“ To save you and my sire line Bonnie put me in Tyler’s body. She just put me back in my body yesterday.”
Caroline hugs him and whispers in his ear “ I was so scared when I saw you laying on the ground with grey skin I was coming over to tell you I wanted to be with you.”
Klaus smiles into her hair “ There is nothing more that would please me then to be with you Caroline.”
Caroline leans up and kisses him. While Klaus pulls her in closer. He puts his forehead on hers “ You will never lose me love I’m yours.”
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