#marcia overstrand & jenna heap
loverandhislass · 10 years
Is anyone surprised by anything that occurred in PathFinder? Don't get me wrong; I really enjoyed the book and actually think Tod is fantastic character but I was kind of surprised at some of the changes. And, more to the point, about some of the implications about sep's love life. I don't want to go into too much detail because I doubt many people have read it yet but was anyone as surprised as I was by who it implied liked Septimus? 
In one of the scenes toward the end, after Milo implies that he might like to spend a night with the snow princess, Driffa, Marcia says something like "she has handsome extraordinary wizard to get back to." and Driffa, in response, says "No, he belongs to another princess, a grumpy one with dark hair." Does that mean Jenna? If Jenna loves Sep though, why is she with Beetle? And does Tod like Beetle? She always seems to pay really close attention to him when she sees him. I know that is kind of out there but I couldn't help but think it. There were just a few things that made me think Jenna likes Sep. Septimus says that Jenna complained about Driffa for months after meeting her and Sep obviously liked Driffa. Marcia also mentions that Jenna told her about Driffa too during one of their stepmother/stepdaughter talks (bleh....by the way, I guess I was right about Marcia quitting her job and marrying Milo. I wish I weren't. It kind of made me lose a lot of respect for her. She hardly seemed like the same person in some scenes but that's a topic for another day). So I guess I'm just wondering, does anyone else think Jenna likes Sep? Did anyone get that vibe? the jealousy over the snow princess makes me wonder. Also, did anyone find that Jenna is suddenly acting like Queen Cerys? I thought she was kind of awful in the meeting scene. Septimus seemed distant and kind of unhappy (which may make sense given that Rose dumped him for FOXY and he is getting used to his role as EOW. Marcia is a nightmare. I may post one of my feminist rants about that later (much to the dismay of any and all of my peers who may read but hey, if a lit major focusing on gender studies can't rant about this kind of thing, who can?). Anyway, I was just surprised at a lot of the changes. I wish Angie had just written the book all about Tod and her friends and fleshed them out more. The older characters just seemed foreign to me in this and it is tainting my memories of them. And that's sad. I've been reading these since I was 11....Oh well. I hope more Tod and less screwed up original characters next time. This sepjen potential pairing is really shocking to me. 
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