#mari is a cat in the body of a 6'1'' woman no i will not elaborate
shougancid · 7 months
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Mari's gaze is quite uninterested and cold, by virtue of the resting bitch face and her eyes, but when she looks at someone or something she likes or is passionate about? She just has this oxymoronic look that's both soft and intense.
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shougancid · 7 months
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Mari will take random cat naps literally everywhere, it's a talent. Back in high school it wouldn't be unusual for her to have a fifteen minute nap in the storage room before practice, she falls asleep behind the desk at work if she's feeling tired and it's not unusual to find her napping after getting home and showering from the gym. What is unusual is that she'll be asleep behind the sofa or just on the rug in front of the TV, curled up with her cat Kumo.
Surprisingly, she's not easy to wake up but her naps are regulated, fifteen minutes here, half an hour there and she'll always wake up refreshed. It is a bit of a problem though because people have tripped over her before.
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