gemgirl28 · 1 year
For the fic writer ask game:
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
Hello darling 💜thanks for the asks!
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
You know I've never written a fake dating fic (though I do have a rough outline for a Dramione one) but I think they can be really fun when done well.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
Beyond googling "synonym for..."? 😂You know what honestly has helped my writing? Fanart. Having a picture that I'm translating to words has honestly helped my descriptions. So...here? Wherever fanart is found?
Send me a fic writer ask!
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gemgirl28 · 1 year
For the WIP game “wait” :)
Hello dear friend 💜
From the next installment in my zutara happily ever after series:
“I don’t want to wait! I shouldn’t have to wait to learn why you would do such terrible things!”
Send me a word!
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gemgirl28 · 2 years
14 with water tribe siblings shenanigans, please :) and thank you
Hello darling! Thanks for the prompt! Also you mad genius you, this is perfect and I flippin' love water tribe sibling shenanigans.
14. “Four-ten, over.” “This is why we don’t let you use the walkie talkies, no one knows what you’re saying.”
Sokka's favorite gift he got for his 8th birthday was a set of walkie talkies. They were the same brand that Zuko and Haru had, so they could all be on the same channel as they planned and carried out their missions in the woods behind Zuko's house.
Unfortunately, since his set came with four walkie talkies, it meant there was no excuse to exclude Katara from their games.
It wasn't that Sokka didn't like spending time with his little sister. As far as little sisters went, she was actually pretty cool. Definitely more laid back than Azula. But he was reaching the age where it wasn't cool to hang out with your little sister, and if there was anything Sokka wanted to be, it was cool.
Still, he had plenty of handsets and Katara had nothing but time, so Sokka let her tag along. He spent the walk over to Zuko's drilling the radio codes with Katara, so she wouldn't embarrass him in front of the guys. She picked up quickly, and he was actually a little excited when he rang Zuko's door.
Twenty minutes later they were in the woods, playing "Capture the Avatar," one of Zuko's favorite missions. They were spread out, looking for the elusive Avatar (the neighborhood cat Momo), using the walkie talkie's to talk to each other.
"Do you see anything?" Zuko asked over the radio.
"Nothing here," Haru reported.
"I don't see anything," Katara said.
"Nothing on my end," Sokka said. "Let's meet at the tree house and come up with another plan."
"Roger that," Katara said.
"Four-ten, over," Sokka said.
“This is why we don’t let you use the walkie talkies, no one knows what you’re saying," Jet said. Sokka stopped in the middle of the path, his cheeks heating with embarrassment. He didn't like Jet, didn't care what he thought, but everyone else did.
"Shut up," Katara said over the walkie. "He was using official radio code. Just cause you're too stupid to learn it doesn't mean Sokka should stop."
Sokka beamed with pride at his sister's defense of him. Spotting her in the distance, he ran over and picked her up, spinning her around.
Katara squealed with laughter, crying "Put me down!" Sokka did, reaching over to ruffle her hair.
"You're not half-bad, sis."
Katara smiled and ruffled his hair. "Neither are you, bro."
Send me a number sentence prompt and a pair!
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gemgirl28 · 2 years
Hello wonderful! 7 and 10 for your ask game please :)
Hello lovely! 💜💜💜 Thanks so much for the asks dear!
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
PENGUINS. Are they fish? No. Does nearly every aquarium have them? YES. I love them. 🐧🐧🐧
10. on a plane, do you ask for apple or orange juice?
I ask for sprite lol but between these two, I would ask for apple juice over orange on a plane.
Send me a weirdly specific ask!
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