#mariska and samuel lutz
atlasvox · 2 months
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‘We saw our Masha today. We barely recognize her...’
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letakillgrave · 3 years
Masha Lutz - Not much is told about her unless you read the Bioshock book or play Burial at sea episode2
Masha Lutz is the Rapture-born daughter of Samuel and Mariska Lutz.
Samuel and Mariska Lutz came to Rapture seeking a new life and a safe place to raise a child. Soon after they arrived, they were blessed with a daughter, Masha. Raising a child in an underwater city provided unique problems. When Mariska took Masha on her first trip to Arcadia, what was meant to be a walk in the park turned into a nightmare when Masha saw trees for the first time. The poor girl was terrified of the unknown objects and screamed. While that encounter was eventful, it was nothing compared to what was to come.
During the Rapture Civil War, Masha was taken by Andrew Ryan's men and turned into a Little Sister. Due to being ordered by Ryan to acquire more girls for Little Sister conversion, it is implied that Head Constable Patrick Cavendish was responsible for Masha's abduction: Masha and Sophie McDonagh were both lured into a tea room in Arcadia by a man who matched Cavendish's description, leading to an altercation that resulted in Masha's kidnapping. Bill McDonagh tried to investigate the circumstances behind the child's disappearance, but was dismissed by Ryan and Cavendish.
Her parents held out hope that she would find her way back to them. One day, however, they witnessed Masha walking hand-in-hand with a Big Daddy and harvesting ADAM from a corpse near Fontaine Fisheries. Masha no longer recognized her parents, most likely due to Dr. Suchong's mental conditioning.
When Bill McDonagh and Ivan Karlosky saw a Little Sister who resembled Masha in the Atlantic Express Depot, they both made an unsuccessful attempt to steal the girl away from a Rosie. Unable to cope with Masha being converted into a Little Sister, Mariska and Samuel eventually committed suicide in despair.
BioShock Main article: BioShock
A photo of Masha can be found under the audio diary Saw Masha Today, next to her parents' corpses within room #7 of The Fighting McDonagh's Tavern in Neptune's Bounty. Masha, along with Leta, can also be heard pestering Suchong in his final audio diary.
Burial at Sea - Episode 2 Main article: Burial at Sea - Episode 2
Masha is found by Elizabeth with another girl named Leta in Dr. Suchong's Free Clinic, where both girls have been turned into Little Sisters. The girls are seen cowering in fear from an injured Bouncer, which they refer to as a "monster". Once Elizabeth reveals that the Big Daddy will die without their ADAM, the two girls feel sorry for the monster, believing that it's unfair he's going to die. Leta then injects him with some of Masha's ADAM-rich blood, healing him. The Big Daddy then adopts the two girls, completing the bond that Suchong had been working so hard to create. Masha and Leta, along with their newly-bonded Bouncer, proceed to find Suchong and the girls try to tell him of what they did while he's busy at work. Irritated, Suchong smacks Leta, triggering the Big Daddy's Protection Bond instinct causing him to violently kill the doctor.
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We saw our Masha today. We barely recognize her. "That's her," Sam said. "You're crazy," I told him. "That thing? that, that is our Masha?" But he was right. She was drawing blood out of a corpse by Fontaine Fisheries, and then when she was done, she walked off hand in hand with one of those awful golems.
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