#marius the sillie i lob him
annebrontesrequiem · 7 years
Could you do a HC for RFA+Saeran playfighting with MC please? I love your blog so much thank youu~💙
Dated Dec 14 2017
Sorry that this took so long! I finally got my computer to charge again. It was a real reign of terror! I’m so happy you love my blog and I will do my best to bring you hc to life!
·       Zen was feeling down, he hadn’t gotten the role he wanted in a musical, it was Enjolras from Les Miserables if anyone was wondering
·       So, when you saw him, face first in the pillows, you knew you needed to do something…
·       You decided laughing was the best medicine, and was quickly inspired-
·       “PILLOW FIGHT!” Your voice rang out, startling him
·       He turned around, just in time to have a pillow smashed in his face
·       Checking to see if he was dead you saw he took the fluffy pillow, and promptly chucked it right back into your face
·       You were so surprised by it you began to nervously laugh, which just gave him time to grab the other pillows lying around
·       Grabbing more and more pillows (eventually scouring the whole apartment) the fight got bigger and bigger, lasting a lot longer than you imagined
·       Eventually it had to end when Zen tripped over himself and nearly broke his nose
·       Hetoldyouitwasfinebutyouknowbetter
·       So, you guys ended up just sort of collapsing on the couch, absentmindedly letting the TV blare
·       It was peaceful
·       “I hope you feel better Zen?” It was more of a question than a statement, and he smiled down at you, who was lying down, head on his lap, absently tugging on his ponytail
·       “Of course, Jagi.” He gave you free hand a squeeze. “You always cheer me up.”
·       “Even if you almost died?”
·       “I tripped!”
·       He’ll never admit how close to death he was, but that didn’t matter, what matter was he felt better about his situation, if only for a little while, there would always be other roles, but no one could replace the moments in melancholy, which now thankful were avoided…
·       You guys were at a convention
·       Isanyonesurprised
·       And let’s just say your costumes were awesome!
·       That included the weaponry
·       They were fake of course, you couldn’t just take a real sword into a convention
·       But these props were perfectly good substitutes
·       And not just in looks
·       You weaving in-and-out of crowds, when Yoosung turned around, and his sword unfortunately smacked you straight in the face
·       Yeahyouweresupergratefulaboutthat
·       Of course the minute he saw you holding your nose in slight pain he flipped out
·       “I’m so sorry I mortally wounded you!!!”
·       “Yoosung, it’s okay!”
·       Yeah like he was going to listen to that!
·       You didn’t bring it up for the rest of the con
·       But when you got home…
·       “Did you have a good day MC?”
·       “En garde!”
·       You swung your sword up, stopping it at his chin, as if to cut his head up
·       Yoosung was bewildered
·       “MC?!”
·       You swung your sword and brought it down on his head
·       Thankfullyitwasn’tmetalamirite
·       Yoosung yelped, and then went to grab his sword
·       You guys ended up sparring around the room, trying not to trip over the couch, and lamps
·       “MC! Not the TV!”
·       Thankfully you sidestepped that particular obstacle
·       Crisisaverted!
·       The battle ended when Yoosung spectacularly fell, hitting his head on the couch
·       “Yoosung!”
·       “I’m okay – “
·       You pulled him onto the couch
·       “That’s enough fighting for today.”
·       “Okay…”
·       You kissed him lightly on the head
·       “I love you Yoosung….”
·       Jaehee wasn’t for playfighting
·       Not because she didn’t find it incredibly fun and cute
·       But more because she knew that if she got too carried away….
·       But sometimes you wished she’d playfight with you
·       Especially when it was snowing…
·       You had dragged Jaehee outside when you guys had managed to get seven inches of fluffy stuff on the ground
·       And you planned to enjoy every minute of it
·       “Jaehee!!!! Look at all the snow!!!”
·       “I know MC.” Jaehee stood standing, her arms wrapped tightly around herself against the cold, a very annoyed expression on her face
·       You either took no notice, or didn’t care, deciding to continue in your escapades in the snow
·       But eventually you got sick of Jaehee just standing there, and looking quite uncomfortable, so you decided something had to be done
·       “ATTACKKK!” You pelted Jaehee in the face with a heap of snow
·       At first, she just sputtered in surprise, but then an annoyed smirk crossed her face
·       “Well, you asked for it!” She scooped up some snow next to her, and you started running across the yard, giggling like a first grader jacked up on pixie sticks
·       YouknowwhatI’mtalkingabout
·       Of course, she didn’t miss and you ended up stumbling, and falling
·       “Hmph!” You breathed, before throwing more snow, which exploded, and didn’t really hit anything
·       Jaehee laughed at your look of indignance by your failed snowball, and continue hitting her mark
·       Eventually you guys took to wrestling in the snow, asonedoes, and you victoriously shoved her into a snowbank
·       She then flipped you on your back, and the air was knocked out of your lungs, hitting the snow hard
·       “Oh my God MC I’m so sorry are you okay!”
·       “Ye-s” you were quite out of breath
·       Jaehee, being who she was, scooped you up, princess-style, and carried you off to the apartment
·       “You don’t need to carry me on the bus”
·       “Shut up yes I do!”
·       Setting you in a chair when you guys got home Jaehee made the most cream-filled hot chocolate you’d ever tasted
·       “Jaehee how did you never do this before!!!!”
·       Jaehee just blushed
·       Later when you guys were cuddling she resumed her worries
·       “MC, I’m so sorry. I really should’ve payed more attention.”
·       “No, Jaehee it’s okay! Like you said, I asked for it! Besides, I had an incredible amount of fun!”
·       “You’re sure?”
·       “Of course, I am!”
·       “-Thank you.”
·       “No thank you! Forever.”
·       It was a good night
·       “ONE DAY MORE!!!”
·       You were jumping around the (main) living room at Jumin’s, scream-singing your favorite musical
·       “Are you Cosette and I Marius?”
·       You turned around, surprised to see Jumin behind you, arms holding Elizabeth, a small, amused, smile on his face
·       You gaped, Jumin, recognizing a musical, and characters!
·       Slowly a grin spread across your face
·       “No!” You commanded, taking a pillow and pointing it towards him, your chest puffed out, you chin high
·       “You are Grantaire! I am Enjolras! We fight together to dispel the autocracy! We fight for freedom!”
·       “Okay Enjolras…”
·       “Now fight my friend!” You screamed, throwing Jumin a pillow
·       Jumin let it fall, before setting down Elizabeth and picking it up
·       “Jumin…”
·       “What?”
·       “Never mind.”
·       There were no people to fight, so you guys just sort of started fighting yourselves
·       “This isn’t exactly accurate…”
·       “Shut up and throw the pillow!”
·       You guys didn’t have anyone to fight with (and Jumin wasn’t going to let you touch Elizabeth)
·       So, you just decided to fight each other
·       After Jumin managed to make all the workers disappear for a little bit you guys really didn’t hold anything back
·       “MC, don’t tip over that chair!”
·       “It’s a barricade Jumin!”
·       Despite the silliness you both were happy for a break
·       Recently work had been quite stressful, with Jumin managing a relationship of the kind he had never had before, and with you learning to adapt yourself to the kind of climate you were to be subjected to, being with the son of a very successful CEO
·       So, the chances to have some fun were few and far between
·       Eventually you guys just sort of passed out on the couch of exhaustion
·       “Jumin, we need to clean up now.”
·       “I think we can do that later, let’s read more of Dracula.”
·       Heknewyousowell
·       Now if there were ever two people that would go all out when it came to fighting
·       It was you two
·       “MC let’s build huge forts in the apartment out of metal and make trebuchet and lob fake heads over like the Mongols!”
·       “Yes!”
·       The lengths that you two would go to have a fight was ridiculous
·       “Now you’re going to be burned at the stake!”
·       “Well, let’s get some wood.”
·       The rest of the RFA was amazed no one had gotten seriously injured or, let’s be honest, killed in the shenanigans that you two had done
·       One Saturday you two were just hanging out
·       Nothing was planned, no big escapades or pranks, just two people hanging out, watching some TV
·       Yeah, that lasted about as long expected
·       “Wow, that action scene in Winter Soldier was awesome!” You threw yourself back on the couch
·       “The fighting choreography was quite impressive!” Saeyoung noted, combing his fingers through his hair
·       “No kidding, damn, I wish we could do something like that!”
·       “Why not?” You stared as the smile that began to spread across the ginger’s face
·       “We can’t just get people to teach us! You need to find and schedule for something like that!”
·       “Aww, MC!” Saeyoung pouted, you just laughed
·       “Okay, okay.” You picked up a paper plate, left over from God knows what, you never cleaned, and chucked it straight at Saeyoung’s face, flicking it so it would spin slightly, like a frisbee
·       Saeyoung caught it, and chucked it back, before finding a plastic knife, also on the coffee table, and pulling his sweater over his mouth
·       “Damn, that’s a good-looking Winter Soldier.” You noted, smirking slightly
·       “And aren’t you a wonderful Captain!” Saeyoung retorted
·       You guys stopped talking then, focusing on trying to recreate the scene you’d just watched, and trying not to kill anyone in the process
·       You guys got pretty far
·       Until Saeran walked it
·       He just stared for a second
·       Then the yelling commenced
·       “WHAT are you two doing!!!” You guys just kept staring at each other
·       Then a smile spread across both of your faces
·       Suddenly Saeran was bombarded by paper and plastic eating utensils
·       “CLEAN UP AT LEAST!” He yelled, running away from the dangers of the TV Room
·       You guys waited until you were sure he was gone, before starting once again
·       Eventually though you two decided enough was enough, and like Saeran asked, cleaned up the mess you’d created
·       “Oh, there’s where that lighsaber went!”
·       “Hey! I found the lever for the guillotine!”
·       Lots of memories
·       When you were done, you two collapsed on the couch
·       “That was fun.”
·       “Yeah, it really was.”
·       You turned and kissed him. “But we should really learn some actual stage/film combat though.”
·       He laughed, before kissing you back. “Definitely”
·       Saeran was never really one for playfighting
·       He had too many memories, too many things that had happened
·       You understood this, and acted accordingly
·       Jaehee was good for pillow fights, Zen for snowballing, and Saeyoung for, well, anything else
·       But you sometimes wished you two could just have a good, old fashioned, play fight
·       However, you understood why you couldn’t ask for that, and you never said anything about it, and it was never brought up
·       One day, Saeran came home from a walk to find you, your head buried into your covers, groaning loudly
·       “Everything okay?” He walked over to you, but you just shifted away from him
·       “This paper is driving me clinically insane!” You groaned. “I haven’t slept well in weeks! And I’m so stressed I’m thinking of seeing an anxiety therapist again! It’s been years!” You pounded your fists into the memory-foam pillows
·       Saeran just stroked your head
·       “Poor baby.” You grumbled again, before swatting his hand away like a cat.
·       “Hmph!” Saeran looked dejected for a minute, but then a slow, calculated, smile, crept across this face
·       Going to stroke your hair again, he found you once again batted his hand away
·       “Don’t be like that MC!” He teased
·       “I’ll be like that if I want to!” You retorted, flapping your hands at him
·       Saeran flapped back, and you two started hitting each other, in the stupidest way possible
·       You started laughing, and Saeran, despite himself, found him smiling, and smiling
·       Eventually Saeran just threw you over his shoulder and carried you to the couch
·       “What was that forrr!” You raised an eyebrow
·       “To get you close enough to the kitchen to grab some ice-cream. And then, back to work!” He took an exaggerated French accent at that last phrase, and you giggled, Ratatouille in your mind. The idea that Saeran was like a short angry cook was quite absurd
·       After the ice-cream was eaten you slogged back to work, while Saeran went to finish up the tub of Eddy’s
·       That was fun. You thought, I don’t remember ever doing something like that before…
·       Then it dawned on you, that was your first playfight!
·       You nearly squealed with happiness
·       This paper went a lot faster after….
Hope you like! Sorry for being gone so long!! And sorry if this isn’t great, but it’s 23:38, and I am EXHAUSTED!!! Hope you like, and feel free to tell me your opinions!
 Going to NYC for something special, but an HC will be up if not tomorrow then by the end of Sunday!
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