#martin just wants to be on the right side of power and he'd do pretty muxh anything for it
ruthiesrambles2 · 2 years
Kevin/Martin "I'm working!"
"Mr McMahon, Mr McMahon!" A voice called down the corridor.
A rare thing, someone in Snowpiercer not only knowing his name but being polite about it. Kevin turned to see a man waving him down from the end of the corridor. A firstie, Kevin would guess, based on the clothes and general kemptness of the fellow. Even despite the class mixing they had discovered aboard the train, the non-working class were easy to spot.
Kevin approached the man slowly, pressing his fingers together and tilting his head slightly.
"And you are…?" Kevin said with a forced smile.
"Martin, Martin Colvin. First class. I wanted to make myself known to you, Mr McMahon, because I think I can be useful."
Kevin scoffed audibly.
"And why, pray tell, might that be?"
"I've always found a way to be useful to Mr Wilford before. I hear things," Martin said carefully.
"No thank you," Kevin laughed. "You were a spy for the impostor Melanie Cavill and you think that makes you useful?"
Martin looked genuinely hurt. After all, he couldn't have known that Wilford wasn't aboard the train. Kevin raised an eyebrow, and tutted.
"I…" Martin began.
Martin had been anxious to get on the right side of Wilford and his crew ever since the connection. Being an informant had brought perks before, something that his family were now sorely missing. If only he could get Wilford's right hand man on side.
He accepted the idea before his logical brain could challenge it.
"I can be… useful in other ways…" he whispered, barely loud enough for Kevin to hear. But Kevin didn't need to hear it to know the angle that Martin was taking.
The feeling of the man's hand against his crotch was enough.
The touch made Kevin shudder, his body tensing in anticipation of being grabbed like Wilford was wont to do, an action that Martin misinterpreted as excitement.
"This way," Martin said, gesturing at a supply closet door just down the corridor as he stepped away.
Kevin didn't move.
"How inappropriate. I'm working!" he bristled, and again Martin seemed genuinely hurt.
"But perhaps," continued Kevin, changing his mind last minute, "you'll be of some use to Mr Wilford after all."
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