#mary kate 'mk' nghiem
td-tbbg-official · 9 months
A villainous duo that was both adored and hated by many, an unlikely friendship, an unthought-of bond... Sound familiar?
I’m, of course, talking about... MK and Julia!
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“You think we’ll have any problems with this season?”
“Don’t make me laugh. Some of these guys can’t even spell. I’m making finale again, and this time, with you. We’ll win… And we’ll crush Wayne into a pulp.”
“Haha! Oh, Jules, I missed you!”
How far will MK and Julia get? Only time will tell, here on Total Drama: The Bridge Between Generations!
coming soon to an AO3 near you.
questions, concerns, suggestions to be deposited in the ask box.
TD: TBBG is written by @canonically47. the blog is entirely run by the writer.
note: with permission, MK and julia's designs are inspired by @ccircusclwn’s redesigns.
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canonically47 · 9 months
my contribution to the TDI fandom: last names
you've heard of gen 1 last names, now get ready for gen 4 last names!
Hezekias ‘Zee’ Abara. abara means spirit and i think it's a name that fits zee a lot
Damien Calvin. 'calvin', as inspired by melvin calvin, an american biochemist
Ripper Marchetti. in italian, marchetti means warlike, and i like to think ripper has some italian heritage!
Bowie Finley. finley = fair-haired hero, and hasn't our fair-haired boy proven to be a knight in shining armour, rescuing raj from tapioca pudding sharks and giving his very best until the finale?
Raj Bhatti
Wayne Curran (Curran = hero. our little guy is badass c'mon!!! also this was of irish descent i think? i can see it)
Chase Cooper. while researching names, for chase, i looked up 'youtuber last names'. one thing led to another, and i discovered some buddy of that annoying ass loser ben shapiro, whose last name was cooper. considering i hate chase (and i love double initials), i thought this would be fitting!
Caleb Campbell. shares his name with a model. no need to go into more detail.
Axel Ectorius (Ectorius = hero in latin. don't tell me you can't see it. also very close to victorious, which i wished for her to be this season *sad emoji*)
Julia Amana. amana means trust, faithful, which is a very ironic name for julia to have, so therefore, a must-have
Mary-Kate ‘MK’ Nghiem. nghiem = stern, strict, rigorous; similarly to julia, MK is not at all what her name represents, so, funny
Nichelle LaDonna (canon name not much to say here)
Emma Baker (both because baker is a simple name to me and i see emma as just a simple girl (just like me fr) and because i could totally see her as a baker)
Priya Chanda (Chanda = of the moon)
Millie Nisim. nisim, as in, miracles, because millie, unprepared and under pressure, still made it to the finale... and because her voice actress also voiced zoey, and both millie and zoey were, coincidentally, the third contestant in their respective debut season
Lauren ‘Scary Girl’ Graves (do i need to explain this?)
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