#matilda is happy for any friend and always sees any relationships as 'mc you found such a good friend in [X]'!
#173: Hogwarts Inquires - Ø
Loosely based on this post.
A really long wall of text under the cut. I'm done for, I'll document the entirety of this game I stg, guess I'll die.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ━━✫・*。
Before putting that one up, gotta say: didn't expect so much to happen just within MC's first week of Hogwarts; I say that every time I start anew.
From the player's perspective, running around the castle, solving secrets here and there, navigating the halls doesn't seem like a lot's going on at the very early stages of the game; I mean the pre-Map Chamber stage specifically, as it barely has anything to do both in and outside of the castle. MC doesn't have a broom yet, her -- I will refer to MC as to her in these -- spell set isn't spectacular to battle with and isn't full yet to solve many puzzles throughout the Highlands. Travelling on foot is possible but mundane and downright, increasingly irritating when you have to constantly sell stuff either in the Lower Hogsfield or Hogsmeade. But.
It all makes perfect sense, considering, MC has been in the castle for the less than a week. These quests are her acclimatising to her new life and getting familiar with the surrounding areas; from the player's perspective, it is also rather mundane. In-universe, MC wakes up and after class, has to explore, traverse and venture through many locations barely recognisable to her despite Field Guide Smart GPS -- which can be very much a convenience rather than a lore-accurate thing -- and subsequently learn about the Owlery, all exits of the castle, find a cave in the Forbidden Forest and open a Chamber deep beneath the Lake Merlin knows where in a positively enormous but still an enormous castle. On the very first week of the new life. With a befuddlement or confusion or the eel of getting lost, hinted by her own words -- if quest descriptions are to be believed -- My Field Guide won't guide me through this assignment and The castle is enormous! I may need to use the Charmed Compass in the Field Guide to help me find the way.
It's truly alot to take in during the first week, and MC acknowledges it herself:
Sebastian: Have you had much of a chance to explore the castle? MC: A little. It's positively enormous.
Professor Garlick: I spent a good deal of time alone in either the greenhouse or the library my first days here. MC: [[It takes some getting used to.]] It does take a while to adjust to being here.
Besides that, some areas had to be restricted access only. To add to ever-increasing number of tasks on MC's hands at all times.
Restrictions were implied -- and even used a few times -- but never implemented, likely cut, for some reason or another. While I found it unbelievably sad there isn't a single restriction and penalty for trespassing left almost entirely, for the sake of narrative building let's call it that, this all can be easily build upon what's already given. Along with a morality system, a hero meter, you name it, but what initially needed is awareness from the in-universe perspective.
It is important because it is also implied that MC's activities and Fig's searches are surrounded by rumors where it is easily possible to hide the truth and every intension behind just words, construct a lie or well-adjust an alibi; it is anti-Professor Black repellent, if you will.
The man doesn't believe rumors however grim these might be, he clearly needs evidence. It didn't work with Professor Weasley though when she had enough of the speculation, and Professor Sharp agreed to assist Fig in his goblin inquiries despite Fig's inconceivable statement of them working with Rookwood, of all people.
In other words, I'm interested to see the events unfold as if in the book or just simply going one after another. Hope it does make sense; in some other words more, the idea of looking at the plot or the fabula from different standpoints, of professors for example, is just right up my street. Which means, SPOILER ALERT.
It would be also interesting to see a timeline, somewhat clear. Forever can last popping balloons in Kogawa's assignments but if it all can be pinned to a specific day, I'm chasing after that goal.
It immediately becomes connect-the-dots but it's a fun little game outside the actual game; interpretations can be discarded or seem to lay down perfectly, I am still an unreliable enough and ornery narrator to be fully believed in any of my Inquires.
Can't keep it all for myself though!
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)つ━━✫・*。
I am not sure where to start, truly. I'll continue on the supposed restricted areas perhaps?..
First and foremost, MC can access the Restricted Section repeatedly after breaking in with Sebastian because she still has the key:
I'd better not let Madam Scribner see me trying to get in here. I still have the key. The key will help me get back in here.
The game does also hint that MC is either sneaky -- and she admits it herself -- and or if the cause is any way noble…
That's being said, when Professor Weasley is asking to discuss ongoing matters with MC during her assignment quest, she will hint she does know more than she lets on about MC's activities and that some of them she is likely to excuse or ignore entirely.
There are two particularly interesting quests to root for: Professor Weasley's Assignment and Polyjuice Plot. As this is the starter post and it is already taking a long walk, I will not go too deep until it is winter in-game but, I must say: these two quests deserve a post of their own.
For now, what matters is, if MC is as free-to-go as it may seem in the game.
Professor Weasley's Assignment starts right after Fire and Vice, a quest where MC unbeknownst continues to weave the chain of events tied to Rookwood's poaching empire's eventual collapse.
Accepting the quest under dim evening sun at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, MC and Poppy leave the Horntail Hall uninjured at dusk, freed the dragon, and are to return to the castle by the late evening with its egg fortunately saved from poachers -- or not so late, as it is the midst of the winter and nights are starting much earlier than in autumn in the Northern hemisphere. However. By the time MC returned, Hall of the Keepers can be heard in the halls; it is late, nearly nightfall. Important note: I do not use floo powder at all.
Professor Weasley is yet to know about the Horntail Hall or of its destruction's deathly consequences, but what she does know is that MC has been busy this year.
First, caught up with peers! And also, helped Mr Olivander (she mentions The House Quests only this time around)? Captured a unicorn (the other two things: an impressive Edurus Potion and Venomous Tentacula)? Protecting such a rare of beast…
Said beast can only be found on the single patch of land deep in the Forbidden Forest.
It doesn't matter if you didn't, wouldn't or couldn't capture one before Hazel the Unicorn; it is possible to have a unicorn in a vivarium from as early as October, and Professor Weasley will know because Deek tells her what MC does in the Room.
Just the very possibility to know how she'd react is what's needed here.
Professor Weasley knows MC ventured into the Forbidden Forest but notice, she doesn't scold MC nor deduces any house points. I believe, in her book, it is wholly justified by the very fact MC stepped inside it to save a rare creature from the poachers. Thus, MC had the good reason and wasn't goofing around?.. I can only guess Professor Weasley's take on this might be, er, Professor Fig-free motives are at least MC's own and could be excused due to mischief rather than Eleazar's enigmatic schemes.
I don't ask many questions, too. Or I'd stuck asking professor Garlick why wouldn't Leander field test the cabbages, or pester professor Sharp with something like, why is the Stench of the Dead being even available at the store, not to mention lively afterparties nearly everywhere, even Keenbridge's cemetery is infested with inferi, and it's a lovely little hamlet full of locals and travellers alike!
Which is why The House Quest mentioned out of suspicion such an adventure could had possibly been orchestrated by Professor Fig. It's kinda hilarious to think the man was up to things ranging from innocently weird (feed that toast to the Cracken!) to wicked at its purest (visit Azkaban? sure np ready when you are!) for Professor Weasley to immediately assume Eleazar tasked MC with something peculiar while he is away.
He, in fact, didn't, but who knew a quest to find missing pages could align with seemingly ordinary request from an old craftsman. MC, however, elucidates the already present suspicion, nervously rambling, how she is either fascinated by the wandlore or ghosts, or was intrigued by Professor Sharp's auror badge (to ask someone other than him about the very Programme he could had been assigned to help running should he stayed at the Ministry), or found Scrope a perfect guide for the little cave tour.
Nothing else is specified, therefore I assume, MC was either sneaky and hid the trails well or stayed out of trouble when possible; a loose one but, she wouldn't want to visit certain areas without a friend by her side (notably the arena east of Keenbridge or any of the quest-locked dungeons).
MC can move an entire herd of unicorns in the Room of Requirement but what were MC's other reasons to sneak in the Forbidden Forest?
That's what Professor Weasley confronted Professor Black with during the Polyjuice Plot, likely hinting, that Fire an Vice aftermath caught her attention. Moreover, Natty's abduction, too; the whole school knew it was MC who rescued Natty that night, including the faculty, because Professor Onai told everyone. And to count, Sebastian's triptych searches all around Ranrok's Loyalists outposts, and Lodgok's requests. All these quests are tightly placed together, taking a time windows of roughly two weeks, which, again, is a lot to take in and prepare for, and this time, stay out of sight of everybody in the valley wasn't exactly a possibility any longer.
MC wasn't just exploring or innocently wandering around the valley, pulling the wand out when it's truly necessary. MC has gotten herself in a big trouble lately, the trouble she really shouldn't engaged with; fighting such dangerous people back is deeply concerning; and what's worse, it all might be a part of Professor Fig's plan, whatever it could be.
What gives, -- falsely or not, doesn't matter, the miscommunication is on Fig -- are two things:
Professor Fig's research and interest in goblins are tied to Miriam's death and MC is somehow knitted in in the whole story;
MC is a little bit too hesitant when her motives are suggested or implied to be anyhow connected to Professor Fig's interests.
To conclude, the situation also doesn't make much sense for a bystander, as everything about Fig only does when he explains not the dots themselves but why would he connect them exactly like he does.
Polyjuice Plot is still a shitpost though, WHY WOULD YOU KEEP BLACK'S HAIR WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'PREPARED' LIKE FOR WHAT EXACTLY don't @ me im losing it like sharp did but -- that's exactly the thing Fig would consider a viable option. Either because he can, or he thinks, risking it all than to allow any unnecessary number of people see even a tiny bit of what's he is up to this time is totally worth it.
And MC does it as well! Example.
To access the Restricted Section, she could've asked any of the known professors at a time for, perhaps, an advanced read on something? Students are supposed to learn more than what's in their assigned textbooks, especially and presumably, in DADA or in Potions.
She is brewing the Thunderbrew Potion and Professor Sharp encouraged to learn ingredients themselves, and that one specific to Thunderbrew is the Stench of the Dead. A part of a corpse, an inferius. Dark magic stuff. DADA class topic.
The book about inferius must belong to the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts library. Thus, a good reason to ask for a pass; reaching the Athenaeum then would be incredibly easy, besides, the way back leads in the library! The only suspicious person would be madam Scribner but it'd be easy to pull a stunt like 'sorry i got curios and fought with a book within itself, AN EXPERIENCE DARESAY'.
Even Professor Sharp is concerned, somewhat, although he says that one line when Fig is chosen as a companion, I hope you know better than to let Professor Fig take you on one of his foolhardy adventures.
That's why at least a simple warning on screen, that MC is heading somewhere she shouldn't be, yes that's crude but, would only add to an immserion and dissolve the illusion of the free-to-go and go-where-she-pleases. And it's already there! MC points things out, sometimes; I insisted on something more apparent, however, but.
It's fine as it is now because imagine a sign forbidding to go to somewhere, or a message stuck on the screen, -- and then, no repercussions, nothing, at all, ever happening for trespassing somewhere.
I'm just being grumpy here, pardon me.
TLDR; MC is supposed to explore places and educate through adventuring but visiting restricted areas or trespassing is frowned upon. Another example of this would be Venomous Tentacula Hogsmeade Dude quest, after which Sirona reminds MC of what she's done (regardless of option MC actually chooses; handing the guy a tentacula of your own doesn't help, it still will be assumed MC stole it).
TLDR; When MC disguised as Professor Black says, I've decided to give him a bit more, er, leeway with his time., Professor Weasley is done with Black altogether and decides to take everything under her control. That's why she didn't leave for the Christmas break, perhaps other Professor stayed after her notice, too (I gave my own hcs here a leeway). That's why Fig tells MC, Professor Weasley has been keeping an eye on me. Perhaps we should meet there so she has no reason to raise concerns with Professor Black.
Unbeknownst to both of them, and that of everyone else, MC sort of kept everyone in the castle when it was most needed: Ranrok will attack Hogwarts shortly before the term resumes, in early January.
TLDR; Professor Black is very likely to excuse MC a lot of things as in the books, he admired bravery, and MC put up no cowardly fight -- she was rather noble saving all the people around her, helping them, dealing with the Final Repository, selflessly.
I found documenting the details like this fascinatingly engaging, although, I must warn: 0) I refer to MC as to her; 1) I do let my hcs go-be-free, to indepth? is it even a proper word deepen? things narrative-wise as they go; 2) originally, I planned all of this to address the lack of sense of time in the game; 3) and it all was and is needed for a rather huge fanfic I will eventually write, hopefully; 4) it's about mentor!Sharp, the man is fun and secretly a softie, it is an obsession and I surrender; shout out to all sharpies out here, you all do magnificently. 乁(✿ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)و
To capture this and many more, I started this little series. It promises to be a long one, too, as in my primary language I have 27 of them I believe.
As a bonus, what MC's first week felt like:
September 1, 1890, Monday: dragon attack | Gringotts | NO FEAST AFTER THE SORTING CEREMONY? Professor Black, you're very unpopular for a reason | Sleep!
September 2, Tuesday: Professor Weasley Thinks Somebody's Being Sus (and she is EITHER completely baffled by the ruin exploration part of the story she didn't know about and ready to inquire further OR she suspects MC and Fig rehearsed the supposed talk with her; not to mention the sense of distrust between Weasley and Fig, I'm ansgty about their friendship and might have an idea what led them apart) | some classes | troll attack | Rookwood's hunt for MC began here; thus, MC's reputation for fearlessness | Sleep!
September 3, Wednesday: free space | I mean, it is really just Crossed Wands and Incendio Spell kind of a day | MC breaks in the Restricted Section along with Sebastian in the late evening that day (he doesn't refuse because he is genuinely intrigued by MC)
September 4, Thursday: Professor Sharp is on our investigation carriage, too! (likely, he knows MC was in the Restricted Section last night because MC starts the convo with Fig BEFORE Sharp leaves the office lol; also, if MC stands somewhere in his field of view, THE MAN DOESN'T CARE EITHER HE IS LOOSING IT) | some classes again | Professor Sharp Thinks We're Good But We Need a Safe Space of Our Own to Practise (hinting, he might be aware of the Room's existence) | MC and Natty are chatting in the evening outside the Lower Hogsfield; Mrs Treadmill claims she was never ambushed so close to the castle ever before in her life
September 5, Friday: free space | Garreth's plan to 'acquire' dried billywig stings leads MC to Hogsmead through the secret passageway | Followed Olivander's request to the Owlery, MC searched for the clues to the little jackdaw mystery, to later on met Jackdaw's ghost in the Forbidden Forest | Map Chamber has been opened that night
September 6, Saturday: Flying Class | Sharp's Assignments | Imelda's First Time Trial | Sebastian offers MC Undercroft, MC offers him, 'ohhi seb i wield ancient magic dunno what does it even mean idk ikr', or 'nah some pages were missing sorry'
September 7, Sunday: Professor Weasley would have liked MC to have her own study to get up to speed. Thus, MC joined the Room Club: 1) Fig knows because he comments on the increasing beast population and the only source on this is Professor Weasley because Deek tells her everything MC does in there (unicorn, tentacula); 2) Weasley knows because she herself used to study in the Room; 3) Sharp most likely in the know, too, because -- I'm letting a hc-based theory out! -- what if these two notes in the Room of the Hidden Things were written by his former classmate and himself; the fireplace note, from the classmate T., and it starts with A., wonder who that might be, I found curious and telling: the note is lying near a fireplace with some potion bottles on top of it and cauldrons stacked up on the side; bathtub one is funny because, if you think about disposing a failed batch and ask the Room for a second opinion, what should you really expect from it. Cheeky thing.
Wholeheartedly adore the default Room's design; it is composed of potions, cauldrons and some ingredients. MC remembered Sharp's words! ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°) Moreover, I noticed but still might be wrong, Sharp's other dialogue about on why he came to Hogwarts is available after the Room has been opened, as he is certain now MC does have an empty cauldron waiting for her somewhere | Professor Fig returned in the evening.
The Next Week: free space | remaining side-quests (A Demanding Delivery, Absconder Encounter, The Daedalian Keys, Kogawa&Garlick Assignments, Follow the Butterflies)
13-14 of September, to give MC some breathing room: The First Trial
I'll say, exhilarating, but with sleep schedule possibly ruined by nightly ventures..? homework to be done..? establish a pace between the school and adventuring..? duelling looks stunning and elegant but all these moves require a good physique, which MC has, but still it can leave MC exhausted after a while..?
Now, that's exasperating!
Alrighty. I'm over by now.
Do slam that ask button if you want. I sit screaming since February and while I'm potted, I can at least woe comprehensively about things.
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