#matty the deino
winxngblog · 7 years
Pokémon teams, is what I was thinking about
Oh, okay. Hmm... in that case, here’s what I got (so far):
-Carina’s team would consist of Combusken, Rapidash, Flareon, Raichu, Corphish, and Pidgeot
-Sera’s team would consist of Dratini, Lopunny, Eevee, Luxray, Kingdra, and Togekiss
-Saphira’s team would consist of Ninetales (Alolan variant), Purrloin, Espeon, Pachirisu, Frosslass, and Altaria
-Tetra’s team would consist of Ampharos, Skarmory, Scizor, Porygon-Z, Jolteon, and Phione
-Iris’ team would consist of Marill, Swanna, Vaporeon, Masquerain, Goodra, and Squirtle
-Matty’s team would consist of Wigglytuff, Umbreon, Salazzle, Noivern, Lumineon, and Chatot
-Persephone’s team would consist of Ariados, Beautifly, Leafeon, Politoed, Banette, and Hawlucha
-Lilly’s team would consist of Clefable, Sylveon, Rufflet, Lilipup, Ribombee, and Mimikyu
-Elsa’s team would consist of Glaceon, Sableye, Absol, Volcarona, Murkrow, and Deino
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