#maybe I'll finish my character sheets this year for Lucien....
katzirrart · 8 months
Looking at a lot of my older art lately... I think I need to besides studying, also just get back into a few looser brushes I used to use. Maybe that'll be more fun too. I had this marker brush I was obsessed with at the peak of my cablepool days, and I think it's still on my hard drive somewhere. I'm sure I could extract it to Procreate or Clip... it's a Photoshop brush.
But I did a lot of story driven sketches back then... not committing to polishing anything, just good junk sketches with some dialogue or situations... which I wanna do with a few AUs right now specifically.
I love my rigid crisp lineart and crisp colors, but I think I need to just... idk.
I get caught up in what people WANT to see, in a bad way, that I lose sight of having fun with art. I love lineart, I love colors, I love sketches... I love the process more than anything honestly.
I love interacting with people and making them happy, it feeds me, but I should be enjoying the process behind that again... I miss just....drawing and enjoying it.
But above all... I get caught up in having a recognizable Oh that's Kat's stuff style that I think I just bomb all my enjoyment of actually managing to HAVE four or five styles depending on my need or mood lmao I just need to embrace that weird fact about my art honestly.
I need to be having this much fun all the time. I have filled out 1/5 a sketchbook in the past month. That's insane. Sketchbooks take me YEARS. I'm just enjoying learning and indulging lol...
HI THANKS FOR ALL THE NEW FOLLOWS AND KIND WORDS, YOU'RE ALL VERY SWEET. I'm very awkward these days engaging with people and fandom, but I read everything and I appreciate it and you're all lovely thank you.
I've been dealing with a lot of Artist Problems™️ this year and uh, I'm starting to get over the hurdle so APOLOGIES IF I'M CHATTY AND WEIRD ABOUT LIKING ART LATELY LOL... it's been over a year ;;/
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