#maybe I'll reblog the questions again after y'all have met some of my other OCs...
misc-obeyme · 4 months
+ imagine voice and clothes style!
For Arsenios!
Hello! Thank you for asking!!
05: Do they openly show affection? What is their love language? [platonic or romantic]
Generally speaking, Arsenios doesn't have a problem with openly showing affection. If he cares about someone, it's pretty easy to tell. He's not showy, but he's quietly confident and he isn't shy.
I really had to think about what his love language is. And I think I'd have to say quality time. It means a lot to him when someone goes out of their way to spend time with him.
06: Are they interested in romantic relationships? Do they have any experience? Are they proactive or would they rather be persued?
Yes and no. He's not looking for a romantic relationship, but he's also not going to avoid one if something happens to come along.
He's experienced, but he hasn't had any sort of lasting relationship. A lot of short flings and one night stands with only a handful of things that lasted a little longer. Most of the time this had to do with him traveling between the Devildom and the human world a lot. He wasn't ever really in one place for very long. Later, I think it's because he develops some trust issues so it's hard for people to deal with that.
Arsenios is definitely proactive. However, he will hold himself back a lot due to the previously mentioned trust issues lol. He can only resist that for so long though. If he really has feelings for someone or wants to be with someone, he will actively pursue them.
10: Do they wear their emotions on their sleeve, or do they try to hide them from others as best as they can? Do they try to hide them from themself, too?
For the most part, he hides his emotions. Of course, once he starts to trust someone, he opens up more. He starts showing them little glimpses of how he feels. But in general, he keeps that stuff to himself.
Fortunately, no. Arsenios is usually pretty aware of how he's feeling. He works through that kind of stuff regularly because he's always writing songs about how he feels.
06: What is their clothing style? Do they out a lot of effort into their appearance?
Well when he's not forced to wear his RAD uniform (which he hates by the way), most of the time he's wearing a lot of black. He likes to look nice, but in a casual sort of way. He wears a lot of button up shirts, but kinda sloppily - like untucked, partly unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up half the time. He generally wears dark colors, occasionally some accessories, but nothing too crazy. UNLESS he's performing music on stage with a band or something where he wants to stand out more. Then he'll still wear a lot of black, but he'll get more creative with things like accessories and makeup. But other than that, he likes comfort and practicality while still looking somewhat neat.
I would say he puts a normal amount of effort into his appearance in general. For special occasions, he does more, but for the day to day it's just the regular routine. I'd say it's a medium amount of effort.
07: How do you imagine their voice? Are they loud?
Okay. I've thought a lot about Arrie's voice. Due to the whole music thing, he sings a lot. And he has a really good singing voice with a large range. His natural register is baritone, but he can go high into the tenor range and low into the bass range. His singing voice is versatile, he can really sing loudly if he wants to, but he can also get quiet and haunting when necessary.
His normal speaking voice, then, is still in the baritone range because that's the natural location. It's deep and low in tone, but not abnormally so. I wouldn't say he's loud. He probably can be if he wants to be, but generally I'd say he actually speaks softly most of the time. He's sensitive to sound and that includes spoken words. They have a melody of their own. And I think he naturally keeps his own speech quiet because it would like... disrupt himself if he was too loud lol.
Oh boy okay I wrote a lot again, but really this is the way it is with me and my OCs. Thank you so much for asking about him, these questions are so fun. I've thought about a lot of this stuff, but I haven't written it down anywhere, so it's nice to get it out of my head!
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