#maybe i'm too quick to accept it and need to be more critical/have better standards lmao
shaolinhunks · 3 months
On Ashrah/Reptile and Kuai Liang/Harumi
I've noticed that most people feel like these two pairings need more backstory to make sense. As much as I enjoy the story overall... I agree. I feel like if they were fleshed out a bit more (What drew Reptile to Ashrah so soon after his family's death? We know how Kuai Liang felt, but what did Harumi find attractive about him?), more people would be open to them. The potential is there, but maybe the NRS writers weren't given the opportunity to spend much time developing these ships.
I actually have a Kuai Liang/Harumi fic that I've been working on, and eventually I'd like to write one for Ashrah/Reptile, too. Again, the potential is there. I feel like imagining the scope of what their motives could be will help me accept NRS's decisions more.
Anyways, I hope to start posting the first fanfic on here soon!
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