#maybe let her have a crush on Alfonse she did hug him lots
yukiwrites · 7 years
Ay.. do you think you’d be able to write Alfonse confessing to his crush after a while?
I would and I could ;D He looks like he’s the shy and reserved type and it was so much fun to write alskdçjlaskd
Kiran’s favorite spot to be after finishing all of her duties was at the roof of one of the towers, right beside the window to the meeting room. She found the sunset in that foreign world to be strangely pretty, almost ethereal.
Like the ones possessing royal blood, the sunset was always shaded in two different colors – sometimes red and blue, others pink and green, or even purple and red. It soon became sort of a ritual to her; guess which color the sunset would be, and if she were right, she would add a coin to her ‘courage jar’.
Courage to admit her ever growing feelings towards the Crown Prince of the world so different of her own. Courage to tell him how she felt; courage to be properly turned down so she could move on with her life – and focus on how (and when) she would return to her world.
It was a melancholy ritual, sure, but at least the colors were pretty.
An all-too familiar voice pulled her out of her thoughts, however. “Summoner?! Summoner, are you there?!” Alfonse called from within the tower, seemingly restless.
Kiran’s heart skipped a beat. “Alfonse? I’m over here!” She waved her hand to the window, hoping to catch his attention.
“Wh-what are you doing in such a dangerous place?!” He ran over to the window, intent on rescuing the summoner. He didn’t expect to find her comfortably lying on the wall, her feet dangling off the roof. “C-come here, Summoner, slowly…” He reached out, his hands trembling.
Kiran lowered her hood. “I’m fine, Alfonse, really. Won’t you come here instead? The view is stunning.”
The prince looked down to the far, far off ground and gulped. “I would rather stay where my feet can touch the floor, t-thank you. Are you sure it’s safe?”
His worry only made her heart flutter. She giggled and looked at the sunset, guessing it would be blue and yellow. “If it weren’t, you’d have been short one Summoner for months.”
Alfonse crossed his arms over the parapet and enjoyed the breeze as he glanced at how Kiran’s hair moved by it. The view was indeed nice. “Have you been coming here all this time, Summoner? … Alone?” He added in a lower voice, tentatively.
Kiran had to put a tuft of hair behind her ear so as to look back to her prince. Hah… ‘her’ prince. “Isn’t it about time for you to call me by my name, Alfonse? Being called by my title feels so… formal.” She held her knees, trying to hide her embarrassment (her jar was already half-full, after all), then whispered, “alone… until now, that is.”
Alfonse flinched from her question, then blushed because of her statement. “I-” he looked to the sunset as it started to shine in a blue and yellow light. “I just don’t think it is wise to get closer to Heroes from another world… For various reasons.” He pressed his lips into a thin line and also placed his hair behind his ear, glancing at Kiran before whispering, “would you mind if I came again?”
Ever since Zacharias, Prince Alfonse never wanted to give his heart and trust to another hero – what if they suddenly vanished without an explanation? What about their world? What if they were more needed there than… than beside him? What would he do with these feelings?
He knew he was contradicting himself by approaching Kiran, by watching her and longing to be beside her… But how could he not, when she looked so endearing whenever their eyes met? Whenever her voice reached his ears? He felt so warm by watching the same sunset he had been seeing for his entire life – so warm that it felt as though it was the first time he saw such a display of beauty.
He didn’t want to get close to Heroes, but he asked her if they could meet alone everyday at sunset. He avoided calling her by her name lest he got used to its sound by his ear and tongue – yet he always clamored for her in his mind.
Her soft laugh brought him back from his longing, both of their cheeks aflush. “I’m not a Hero, though.” She said in a small voice, the smile still present in it. “And I’d be thrilled to have you, Alfonse.”
She mildly regretted phrasing it that way, but the atmosphere (and her mental note of having to pay a coin to the jar) made her accidentally say what was stuck in her throat for so long instead of replying a single ‘yes’.
Their eyes met, each getting lost in the other’s depth. Soon their own heartbeats brought them out of the trance and they looked away. “Ahem, g-good.” He cleared his throat and looked down, the sunset long over with, all light following suit. “Now let’s get you down from there, it’s making me anxious.” He reached both hands to her, brushing off the embarrassment.
The Summoner couldn’t help but giggle. I can get down on my own, she thought as she got up and bended down to hold his hands. I’m not about to tell him that, though. “Thank you, Alfonse.” She said once she was safely on the ground in front of him, their hands lingering on each other.
“You’re welcome… Kiran.” He looked down at her shorter height, pleased that she was finally safe with both feets on the ground. She immediately blushed and looked down after hearing her name.
“I, um,” she stuttered, not noticing how she placed her forehead on his chest in panic. “I’ll… see you tomorrow, then?” She raised both hands, still tightly intertwined in his, wondering if they were sweaty.
Realization finally dawned the prince and he jumped back, snapping all contact they had. “A-ah! F-forgive me, I-” He looked to the exit, ready to run. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then!” He said before sprinting away.
Kiran crouched, a squeal dying in her throat as her head spun. “He finally called my name!” She placed both hands on her face, trying to place herself in reality. “Maybe I’ll put ten coins in the jar tonight!”
They met, of course, before afternoon – they were still Summoner and Prince serving the Order of Heroes, after all – and their meeting was awkward at best: stolen glances, lots of looking away and moving hands uncomfortably. Commander Anna pretended not to notice, but made a mental note to… not stalk, no, but to watch over them for the next few days. It would be amusing.
And indeed it was: Kiran would always come first to the tower and sit outside of the window, followed by a very awkward and neck rubbing prince as he looked down at some notes he wrote the day before so as to remind himself of topics to talk about instead of just staring at Kiran all the time. Then they would talk happily, momentarily forgetting the awkwardness; guess the sunset color (he never really thought how fun that could be – it was a dull natural phenomenon before Kiran appeared in his life) and then Alfonse would help Kiran out of her seat.
Each day their hands lingered more on each other, and Kiran tripped once, falling atop of Alfonse’s chest, their noses almost touching as their breaths mingled. Were it not for Anna coughing in surprise outside, they would probably still be in that position; too embarrassed to acknowledge their situation, but too comfortable in being in each other’s arms.
They never found out who was coughing after they opened the door, though. And Kiran added twenty coins to the jar that night.
That day-to-day interaction and secret intimacy made Summoner and Prince’s feelings to almost overflow; each meeting making their hearts bubble with love, longing and desires to touch. Their hand holds turned into hugs, the lingering warmth of their bodies reflecting on their flushed faces.
One particular evening, Alfonse was stiffer than usual, and their chat wasn’t really flowing. “Kiran, I…” he broke the silence as the sun touched the horizon, illuminating the sky in his and the Summoner’s hair color, a good omen to say the least. “Do you mind if I come over there?” He held his breath.
The Summoner flinched. “I-I don’t, but are you sure? I thought you’d rather have your feet on the ground…”
“It’s time I take them off the ground to follow my heart up in the clouds.” He said as he climbed the parapet without hesitation. Kiran scooted over to give him room to sit, her heart thumping inside her ears.
Alfonse sat beside Kiran and huffed for breath, the distance between him and the ground hardly the worst thing worrying him – he was doing something he wasn’t accustomed to: following his heart. He was forsaking the future to enjoy the present, to fully live the moment while he still could – to be with his Summoner, his… his Kiran.
Kiran’s jar was almost full to the brim, her excuse for not confessing changing every time she found another way to fit another coin inside. But somehow, that shy proximity with him, that new moment they shared under the sunset colored after the both of them… she felt unusually courageous.
Their shoulders rubbing against each other, they flinched as both of them turned to talk at the same time. Usually, the prince would concede the turn to speak to her, but the string tying his feelings was about to snap.
“Kiran, please…” He reached for her hand, his thumb rubbing on her index. “I… There was a reason for me not to call your name in the past.” He looked at their hands before slowly lifting his gaze to meet hers. When they did, he felt a pang of pain in his heart – since when were his feelings so deep?! “I always told myself not to get close to people from other worlds, since we never know when we might part.”
The fading light of the sun illuminated Kiran’s face, her eyes shining in a foreign light akin only to her. She couldn’t hear her own thoughts under her thundering heartbeat, the mix of colors in Alfonse’s mien taking the rest of her breath away. The place where his fingers touched burned on her skin.
Alfonse went on. “I feared to get too close to you and be hurt in the future, but I realized that this situation we are in is hurting me much more. Kiran, I don’t want us to keep being just Summoner and Prince.”
Kiran licked her lips, her throat too dry to gulp, “J-just Summoner and Prince?”
“Yes,” he replied, bending over to her, their heads drawing closer, as though they had no control over their bodies as their breaths intertwined. “I want us to be more, Kiran. I… I love you.” He squeezed her hand, shyly closing his eyes.
Kiran’s lips trembled in emotion as she breathed in with difficulty, tears filling her eyes. “Oh, Alfonse… I love you, too…” She pressed her forehead on his. “Can I believe this? Is it not another dream?” She blinked, caressing his cheek with her free hand.
Alfonse felt a lump in his throat, happiness overflowing from his eyes. “Ah, Kiran, it is true.” He snuggled on her nose, a shy act of intimacy, never letting go of her hand. “I can’t believe it took me so long to say this, but I do so love you.”
“Alfonse…” Kiran sobbed, looking at his silhouette under her tear-filled eyes. She could feel his breath coming closer and closer.
“HAH! I KNEW IT! PAY UP!” Anna’s voice screamed from inside the room beside them, making the newly-formed couple jump on their skins.
“I can’t believe this! How did I not see it?!” Sharena mused, running up to the window. “Alfonse! How come you never told me this?!”
“Sh-Sharena…” A cold anger seethed in the prince’s voice, his face so red he was fit to burst. The younger princess smiled widely despite her impending doom and turned to run.
“Oh gods, Commander! They’re both so red!!” She ran off, giggling, as Alfonse jumped inside to catch her.
“Get back here!” He ran, mad at her, but with a silly smile on his face – his and Kiran’s days together were only beginning, and he couldn’t wait to watch tomorrow’s sunset with her. Today, however, he had a princess to catch and a Commander to scold.
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zenithgays · 6 years
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Fire Emblem Heroes Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Summoner | Eclat | Kiran/Alfonse/Bruno | Zacharias Characters: Alfonse (Fire Emblem), Bruno | Zacharias, Summoner | Eclat | Kiran Additional Tags: Polyamory, Fluff and Humor, Angst, Literal Sleeping Together, Alternate Universe - Soulmates Published: 2018-07-16 Completed: 2018-07-20 Total Word Count:4823 Summary:
a collection of unrelated kiran/alfonse/bruno one-shots for tumblr user polyshipprompts' polyship week
my thoughts under the cut, it’s a REALLY long post this time because i’m covering all 5 chapters instead of making 5 separate posts
alright so. polyship week is something i try to do once a year over on @polyshipprompts, i basically give everyone tags to use prompts from for each day and just let them all go wild. 2016 i chickened out of posting anything because i just wrote for my ocs (one of those eventually got posted but not until a long time afterwards). 2017... there was no polyship week. i had planned to move it to winter, and then my laptop broke and i couldn’t really host it from mobile since i never use mobile tumblr
2018 was back to summer, though i think i held it earlier than i did in 2016. and i also decided “fuck it, let’s participate” so... i did. posting this is also reminding me that soon enough (in a couple of months) i need to start thinking about this year’s polyship week
anyway. i wrote kiran/bruno/alfonse (i’m calling the ship kirbrufonse, i hope more people make content for them and use this ship name so it catches on) because i was like “hm. ot3... well. this is the only thing coming to mind”
all the chapters have the prompts i picked in them already, i think most of them were prompts i came up with in the first place. it’s kinda funny
also i HAVE a summoner oc and i use him in all my fics that involve the summoner. kiran’s actually his nickname, but i use it instead of his actual name (cirino) so i don’t have to explain that to people. it’s fine
day 1 was fluff. it turned out a little bit more humorous than i thought/hoped but i still like it
of course it involves sleeping, because it’s me and that tends to come up in a lot of my fics (fun fact! “you and i have come such a long way” keeps getting called the “sleeping together” series by some of my friends. i guess that’s fair, my titles are pretty wordy bc i take them from song lyrics)
favorite part: Kiran married Alfonse, so technically the two of them were husbands. But that wasn’t the point, nor did Bruno particularly want to pursue that conversational topic because they’d had the discussion before. Many times, in fact. Kiran still felt like it wasn’t a completely valid marriage, even though Feh was technically ordained and qualified to perform the ceremony.
day 2... angst. tbh i don’t usually write angst, i’m not really about writing things that feel hopeless! feels like any time i do it, it’s more for someone else? which is okay with me
i came up with this weird au for this that i will literally never write because it confused the hell out of me to even think about. basically it involved kiran meeting modern reincarnations of alfonse and bruno. bruno remembered his past life, alfonse didn’t (and bruno hadn’t told him yet because it seems hard to believe). and the three of them got close again, even starting to date, AND THEN canon!bruno and alfonse figure out how to temporarily open portals to kiran’s world and... yeah. yeah it’s a clusterfuck. i think you can see why i didn’t and won’t actually write anything involving it. it’s just fun to think about a little
also i keep going back and forth on whether or not time passes here while kiran’s in askr? for the angst factor, i went with not for this fic since the idea of it being like nothing ever happened was too good to pass up. however i probably could’ve gone with yes, time did pass, and it’s suddenly years later which is... kinda horrifying to think about honestly! like did people think kiran died? (probably) how would he, or anyone, explain what happened? Who Knows
i could speculate on this some more, especially with regards to other heroes, too, because it is fucking INTERESTING and i have things to say on it but also this post is already real long and i have 3 more fics to cover so maybe some other time
favorite part:  “... Alright,” Kiran said, pulling the princes into a hug, sniffling only a little when they both held tight to him. “I’ll miss you.” He turned his head to kiss Alfonse on the cheek. “Both of you,” he amended, doing the same to Bruno.
“We’ll miss you, as well,” Bruno murmured, rubbing his hand up and down Kiran’s back.
Alfonse buried his face in Kiran’s shoulder. “I promise, one day, we’ll figure out how to get back to you.”
Kiran nodded. “Right. This isn’t goodbye forever. It’s just for now.” Maybe if he said that enough, he’d believe it, himself.
day 3! silly. god i wish i could think of a better name for that tag on the blog
it’s... another fic involving sleeping! alright. it also didn’t turn out as funny as i’d hoped it would. somehow my fluff fic was more humorous than this, at least in my opinion. it’s not a bad fic, by any means, but it sure isn’t how i wanted it to be
so my kiran’s a college student. communications major, which was an effort to make sure he wasn’t a self-insert since i was a liberal arts major. when i was in college (and even in high school tbh) i would stay up super late at night working on stuff, too. it’s not good, though, kids. don’t do it (i say, even though i STILL stay up until like 3 am most nights... it’s different now bc i don’t usually need to wake up before like 10 or 11)
rereading this to think of things to say about it reminds me how cute this is, honestly. i really am a sucker for characters sleeping together
favorite part:  “I’ll be done, soon, I prom--” Kiran was cut off as Alfonse pulled him down to the bed, moving so he was partly on top of his partner.
Kiran sometimes forgot about how strong Alfonse could be, but being pretty much pinned in place like this would ensure he never forgot again. “You’re heavy,” Kiran groaned, trying-but-not-really to push Alfonse off with his free hand.
“Be thankful it’s me and not Bruno doing this,” Alfonse quipped, and Kiran could feel his smile against his shoulder.
day 4 is au! aus are hard to write sometimes because they require like... being set up so you aren’t just thrust into everything without any idea what’s going on. luckily, i had the excuse of writing kiran as the pov character so i could explain things because he also wouldn’t be used to this
this day gave me some trouble. i made three separate attempts at this day. first attempt was like... a modern day college au that involved alfonse being set up by his parents with a childhood friend of his (zacharias) but because alfonse wasn’t interested in dating someone he hadn’t spoken to in years, he and kiran ended up fake dating for some kind of dinner they were all going to. but, true to fake dating form, they both actually had crushes on each other already
being polyship week, there’s really only one way for that to end: alfonse realizing “oh shit, he really is cute and i do still like him” about zacharias and then asking him out TOO in addition to clearing things up with kiran
i think i got stuck on Why alfonse’s parents would set him up w/ zacharias because i didn’t like the idea i had for it, so i ended up ditching it
attempt two was another soulmate au, this being one of the ones where you have your soulmate’s name on your wrist. but it was a zenith thing, not an “our world” thing. so alfonse and sharena had names, but kiran didn’t. sharena had fjorm’s name, though i don’t think i wrote that far ahead. fjorm/sharena is a cute ship and i should absolutely write something for it some time. but i did write abt sharena, who is trans because she’s trans in all my fics whether i mention it or not, being worried about what name her soulmate would have on her wrist. i probably wasn’t gonna follow up on that since it’s an ot3 fic but fjorm would absolutely have had the name sharena on her wrist
BUT THAT’S VERY MUCH NOT THE POINT anyway, alfonse has bruno’s name on his wrist... which has him thinking he hasn’t met his soulmate since bruno was going by a different name at the time (zacharias, of course)
i think what tripped me up is i tried to add in something about how the names would be on someone’s wrist in the handwriting they had at the age they’d meet? so it’d be implied he already met his soulmate but he wouldn’t know, which i think made things a little difficult for me to continue. had i gone on, i obviously would’ve gone through the reveal that bruno was alfonse’s soulmate
and i didn’t link what prompt i was using in my document like a fool. assumably it’s one of the ones i wrote about how soulmates aren’t The most important people possible, and people can have good relationships with people that aren’t their soulmates
what i’m saying is, alfonse and kiran would’ve gotten together anyway despite not being soulmates. i really can’t remember where i was going with this one though, tbh
anyway those both got scrapped bc i had issues with them, but third time’s the charm and i ended up w/ a red string soulmate au instead
i felt so bad writing kiran turning the both of them down even knowing the ending! i was like “no... come on, you could all be happy together” despite knowing exactly how i wanted this fic to end
i remember this one actually came pretty easily to me, thank god
one of my favorite things about it, that i don’t think many people might’ve picked up on, is the section with kiran and bruno. i mention there being too much food for two people, and kiran passing alfonse in the hallway as he’s rushing back to his room
what i was implying, and what i don’t think many people picked up on, was that alfonse was going to join the two of them so they could all talk about it (intending to tell kiran they were soulmates)
i don’t have any reasoning for bruno being able to see the strings between him, alfonse, and kiran. bruno can’t see everyone’s strings, it’s just those two because they’re his soulmates. but not everyone can see the strings, not even of their soulmates. really my reasoning was just “that’s how i can make this fic work” so i... did it. it’s fine
favorite part: Bruno averted his eyes, laughing nervously. “Well… I might have… fallen in love with you.” At Kiran’s face falling, Bruno went on, saying, “At first I was just grateful that you were so willing to help me. I’ve heard your eagerness to bring me home rivaled even Alfonse’s. But then, when I was finally back here in Askr, I got to see your kindness firsthand. It wasn’t just you wanting to repay a debt. You’re just compassionate by nature.“
You didn’t see me as Bruno, Prince of Embla. You saw me as an equal. I wasn’t used to it. I’m still not. The only people who treat me like an equal now are those who knew me when I was in hiding. It was more than a little refreshing.”
day 5 was a free day, where i could choose literally any prompt on the blog that i wanted. this one also gave me trouble and took 3 attempts to do. the other two both involved clothes swapping, which is another thing i’m weak for. one of those fics also had trans kiran and trans bruno in a way that was more than implied but still not like the center of the fic. honestly it’s something i should work on because i need people to know characters are trans when they read my fics, but i can’t just tag it without it being something actually PART of the fic
anyway. the end result i got was basically written the day it was posted, and like i said in the notes on it, written while i’d only gotten 3 hours of sleep. geo, my beta reader, is literally the reason this fic was any good at all. i’m not that fond of it personally? it’s not bad, exactly, just i don’t really like it much
i think parts of it were pretty good, and i did kind of like having kiran and bruno be the ones to get together first, instead of kiran and alfonse or alfonse and bruno. i should totally write some more about the dynamic between the three of them+in pairs.
i do like that i had alfonse sandwiched between kiran and bruno at one point. that was good and very galaxy brain of me. thanks to geo for helping me properly explain that part because it was very important to me people knew how the three of them were positioned
favorite part: Still, he stepped back, allowing the door to swing open more. The very moment Zacharias closed it behind him, Kiran practically threw himself at Alfonse. “We’re sorry!” Kiran cried out, pulling Alfonse into a surprisingly tight hug. The only reason the two of them hadn’t toppled over due to it was that Zacharias was upon them in the next instant, pulling them both upright. He also spun them around in the process, so Alfonse’s back was up against his friend’s chest.
aaaand since this post is technically about 5 different fics, i might as well include...
favorite fic: it’s a hard choice, but probably day 3! it might not have turned out how i wanted it to go, but i think it was probably the best of the bunch. i’m also super proud of day 2 and day 4, though
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