#me @ my irl wife a few days ago: 'omg babe i reached 600 followers im so famous'
lesbiansloveseokjin · 8 months
reka leaving right after yoongi while the other members are clearly still active and not supporting them and you all say she is not a yoongi solo lol yeah right
Hello! I was originally just going to delete this ask because it's not exactly my type to get involved in fandom drama, but you chose to send this on a day when réka was particularly vocal about her love for bts in our server so like..... I just have to show you how wrong you are, sorry.
Here, anon (you're welcome to come off anon to talk if you would like to have an actual conversation), have some screenshots from this morning of réka (user sope come back 🍾🎊 ) loving on the members at 7-8 in the morning on a random weekend, which you would know is a pretty frequent occurrence if you knew her outside of her tumblr blog (which, yes, was very focused on yoongi as he is her bias and the member she chose to gif most):
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You'll notice that, in this server that réka created, there are individual channels for all the members, as well as a sope (her main bias line) and ot7 channel, because she actually loves all seven members and wanted us all to have a space to gush about each member (réka included). Having a bias, someone you relate to more, does not mean you don't care about the other members.
I understand that all you know of her is her tumblr account, but you have to understand that what someone chooses to post on a curated blog is not their entire life.
I hope this little glimpse into outside-of-tumblr réka allows you to open your mind a bit and realize that you don't know as much as you think you do about people on the internet.
Have a good day, and reach back out if you want to! But please know these types of accusatory messages, especially on anon, will be deleted from now on.
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