#me adding random tags is so funny and embarrassing bye
theworldofotps · 4 years
Laundry Room Chats
Pairing: Finn Balor x OC Rachael
Word Count: 1,156
Writing Prompt: @new-zealand-chic​ #1 funny with Finn “Honestly I'd rather just see you naked.” & #11 "Oh by the way I have your panties.
I was so excited to write this one I really hope you love it as much as I do. Finn is my favorite wrestler to write about and I don’t know I’m just really proud of this one. So Rachael I really hope that you like it, I know today was kinda crap for you so I hope this helps.🧡
Warning: Contains slight implied smut if you squint hard enough, cheeky teasing Finn.
Tag list:
@hungmanhorsecarriage @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @sassymox @the-beastslayers-queen @thewrestlingwarehouse @new-zealand-chic @commanderflip @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @lilred91 @itsicantbelievethis666 @xbreezymeadowsx @rebellious-desires @youcantreignonmyparade @melblacc @undiscovereddisneyroyalty 
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know.
“Another load of laundry."
Rachael sighs as she dumps her hamper of clothes into the laundry bag and gets some change from her purse. Grabbing the detergent and fabric softener she leaves her apartment locking the door behind her. Hearing sounds coming from her neighbor Finn's place she stops for a moment. 
"Oi! Where da fuck is me Lego book?"
“Nothing like a nice smelling apartment, now the laundry should be ready to place in the dryer.”
Giggling with a shake of her head Rachael continues to the elevator and presses the button for the lobby. When the door opens she waves to the lady behind the front desk then Rachael walks down the steps to the laundry room. Humming a random tune she loads all of her things in the washer and starts it after adding the detergent and softener. Pressing start she heads back to her apartment to tidy up a bit while she waits for the washer to finish.
Tying her hair up Rachael slips on some slides and grabs more change for the dryer.
“Hiya lass what are you up to?”
Cleaning up the living room and bathroom Rachael wipes her forehead and washes her hands smiling as the scent of citrus fills her nose. 
Finn asks locking his door and placing his laundry bag over his shoulder and looking at Rachael.
“Hi Finn, just going to place my clothes in the dryer.”
“I’m heading that way myself mind if I tag along with ya?”
“Not at all.”
“How’s work been for you Rachael?”
Rachael smiles walking beside Finn listening to him talk about work she loved when they got to have conversations. If truth be told she fancied the sweet Irish man beside her and any chance to talk was one she was more than willing to take. Stepping off the elevator into the lobby they walk to the laundry room, Rachael switches her clothes starting the dryer then sits down in one of the chairs to wait. She didn’t have anything else to do at the moment so might as well stay where she was. Finn starts his laundry and walks over sitting beside Rachael stretching his legs out and crossing his arms leaning his head back. Glancing up from her phone she takes a quick moment to admire Finn with his eyes closed.
“Pretty good a bit of a pain at the moment but it’s not too bad.”
“Any plans for your vacation? I know you had mentioned something a few weeks ago about vacation time coming up.”
He really was a beautiful man she had seen him after workouts a few times and gods the things it did to her. Letting her eyes roam over his tattoos she looks up at him then back at the ink. The blush that covers her cheeks when he shifts slightly causing his shorts to tighten over his crotch nearly makes her choke. This man was definitely packing and lord what was she doing? Looking away from Finn she looks back to her phone hoping that her cheeks weren’t as red as they felt. 
Sitting up Rachael nods her head launching into a detailed description of the plans she had made with some friends. The two talk for the better part of an hour about the vacation, his work, agreeing to hang out, and more. Placing her now dry clothes in a basket she sighs and rubs the back of her neck as Finn places his clothes in the dryer.
“Well, I guess I better go fold these and put them away thanks for talking with me Finn I really enjoyed it.”
“You’re welcome I really enjoy your company I’ll talk to ya later text me some time don’t be such a stranger.”
“Okay, okay I will bye.”
Smiling Rachael grabs her basket waving and leaves the room going back to the elevator and pressing her floor. She was practically floating on cloud nine as she enters her apartment and sets the clothes down. Quickly getting to work folding them otherwise they would never get done, Rachael grabs a fresh undergarment set and heads for a shower. Washing up she replays pieces of her conversation with Finn, thinking about him laughing gave her butterflies. He had such an adorable laugh and she honestly loved hearing it. Rinsing off Rachael shaves everywhere and once finished with her shower shuts the water off and dries her hair. Hearing a knock on her door she calls out a hold on and wraps the towel tightly around herself. She would have dressed but they were knocking like there was a fire or something.
“Alright alright, I’m here.”
Looking out the peephole she frowns just slightly seeing Finn and opens the door confused.
“Hey, everything okay?”
“Yes, sorry didn’t mean to interrupt your shower.”
“You didn’t I had just gotten out when you started knocking sorry for answering the door this way.”
“It’s fine no worries it doesn’t bother me and I’m not going to attack you so you’re fine.”
Rachael nods her head and lets him in so she could close the door and get dressed.
“Have a seat I’ll be right out, what did you need?”
She asks as she goes into the bathroom quickly drying off and pulling her undergarments and pajamas on.
“I wanted to see if maybe you’d like to go out for dinner tomorrow? I know it’s sudden but I really enjoyed talking to you and I would like to continue doing so. Say around seven we can go to whatever restaurant you’d like.”
Finn smiles as Rachael comes from the bathroom her heart, stopping for a moment as she listens to him.
“Are you sure you wanna spend time with me?”
“Yes, otherwise I wouldn’t be here right now. Oh by the way I have your panties red lace, nice.”
Reaching into his pocket he pulls out one of her favorite pairs of panties and holds them out for her. Rachael felt mortified as she quickly takes them, her face bright red as she stuffs them under her leg.
“How um how did you get those?”
“You dropped them on your way out of the laundry room so I figured I would be kind and return them.”
“Thank you, gods this is so embarrassing I’m so sorry you had to see that and that you had to see me in my towel.”
“It’s fine honestly I’d rather just see you naked but that’s a conversation for another time so tomorrow?”
He asks standing up as Rachael nods her head slowly she was mortified and trying to work out what Finn had just told her. Chuckling Finn kisses her cheek standing and heads for the door opening it he looks over his shoulders. 
“I hope to see those panties again, goodnight Rachael.”
Closing the door Finn walks over to his apartment amused he was very excited about their dinner date tomorrow.
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hatsukeii · 4 years
𝐋𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨- 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟏.𝟐𝐤+
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠
“Oh my fucking god, you did WHAT?”
“Calm down, I just helped him with something after school, it’s not like I blew him off in a locker room or something, chill.”
“No! This is HUGE! You helped THE Tsukishima Kei! You know? Super rich, privileged, snobby family Tsukishima? The one whose parents pulled him out of volleyball practice once for some college tour Tsukishima Kei?”
“Wait. He’s a Tsukishima?”
At that sentence, Mai’s mouth hung open as she stared at you in disbelief. You poked at your tray of food, occasionally eyeing said boy from across the cafeteria. He was sat there, picking at what looked like a strawberry cake. Next to him, was a freckled boy. The duality in the energy between the two was almost ironic. To think that a cold, indifferent loner like Tsukishima would willingly tolerate a bubbly, enthusiastic and easily flustered boy like freckles over there, it was kind of funny to look at.
“Mai? Earth to Mai?”
“(Y/n), baby, I’m sorry but you’ve gotta be either on the bottom of the school hierarchy scale, which I’m sure you aren’t, or have been living under a rock your entire life. Do you know how many of us girls would kill to be of any use to him? He’s hot, rich, and smart, he’s Mr. Fucking Perfect!”
You took another peek towards Tsukishima. It’s only been about half a minute and he’s already got a crowd of girls surrounding his table. He continued to devour the cake, not paying any mind to the harem situation he was in. One of the girls slapped his back, causing him to jerk forward and drop the piece of cake in his fork. You stifled a tiny snicker, feeling slightly bad for him, but at the same time extremely amused by the situation.
“I know he’s all popular and stuff but it’s no big deal, he doesn’t even know who I am. I helped him out once and that’s it, he probably doesn’t even remember.”
Rapidly firing awkward hand gestures, along with excessive noises, Mai grabbed your sleeve, shooting straight up and dragging you to the girls’ restroom. Slamming the door shut, she put her two hands to her temples, rubbing circles into the two sides of her head. Her eyes looked like they were about to pop out of her eye sockets. Abruptly, she spun around to face you, almost hitting her forehead against yours. You flinched, holding out your hands protectively to shield your face as you stared at your friend in concern. She took a hold of your shoulders, looking you dead straight in the eye with unwavering determination.
“What did you help him with yesterday (Y/n)?”
“I don’t really think I’m in the position to tell you-”
“Okay but did you touch him?”
“(Y/n), did you make contact with him or not?”
Mai’s grip on your shoulders was deathly tight. It was clear that you weren’t going anywhere until you told her what had happened the day before. Sighing to yourself, you scratched your head, surrendering to her.
“I mean I grabbed his arm and pat his back, that’s about it.”
Her hands flew straight off your shoulders and were slapped over her mouth. From looking at her cheeks, you could make out a huge smile from under her hands. A high pitched chuckle, followed by more muffled, but high pitched laughs came out of her mouth as you perked your brow in confusion.
“Oh, oh (Y/n), baby boo I’m so proud of you!”
“Wha- what the fuck are you talking about?”
“You got to touch him? Do you understand how incredibly fortunate you are?”
Cringing at her words, you slowly shook your head.
“No? I don’t?”
“Just go home later and think about it yourself, okay? God, what a lucky bitch... you’re lucky I’m your friend and the only one that knows! If any of his fangirls found out, you’d be dead by sunrise.”
Pushing you out of the restroom, she sat down at her lunch table as if the talk you guys just had never happened. However she would occasionally give you a look, before eyeing Tsukishima, who at this point was just going through his phone, then back at you again. Starting to get annoyed and quite frankly embarrassed, you slammed your hands onto the table, before grabbing your almost untouched tray of food, and throwing it out. The cafeteria stared as you stomped to your seat, grabbed your bag, and stormed out. However, apart from being embarrassed and irritated, those weren’t the main reasons why you left the cafeteria. You were guilty. You felt bad for lying. God if Mai were to ever find out you left out such a juicy detail she would absolutely kill you.
Because you still couldn’t get the thought of him out of your head.
Last night, you laid in bed trying to sleep, but so many questions were made after that encounter. Who was he? Why did that seem like the first time you had ever seen him?
It was now midnight, and you were in the exact same state as last night. Giving it a bit of thought, you realised that he was probably always here. His presence was so nonexistent to you that you never even noticed him. You would see an extra tall classmate under the tree at times, scribbling in a notebook or whatever. A tuft of blond hair amongst a sea of students during an assembly. A pair of glasses on the lab table, followed by a boy scrambling back for it. Those were the questions you had yesterday. Today, it was a whole new subtopic that opened up to you. Tsukishima Kei. That was his name.
“Tsukishima huh...”
You knew who the Tsukishimas were. Mai was right. The family was privileged and known nationwide for their extremely successful members. One of their most famous was Akiteru Tsukishima. He seemed like a modest person on TV most the time. Think about it, he has mentioned something about a brother. Maybe he was talking about Kei? Something didn’t add up for you. How was it that everyone else in his family was so famous, yet you had never heard of him before? Whipping out your phone, you searched for Mai’s contact, before sending her a text.
You- Mai
You- MAI
Mai🤮💕- wtf do you want you crazy ass bitch it’s midnight
You- Oi wtf go back to sleep bitchass
Mai🤮💕- wha
Mai🤮💕- wtf do you want from me woman
You- Anyways don’t take this the wrong way okay but have you ever seen Tsukishima with his family or on TV or the news or sth?
Mai🤮💕- so you’re simping
You- no<3
Mai🤮💕- To answer your question no, I haven’t. I’ve bumped into his mom and other brother at an art gallery before though, I think the woman said she didn’t know a Kei when I asked. Wack ass hoe forgetting about her own relative
You- cool thanks now go to bed bye
Setting your phone back onto the floor, you placed your hands behind your head.
“What’s up with him...?”
Panic attack at school then turns out he’s a member of some mega successful family, yet he stays unknown?
Something wasn’t adding up, and it was bugging you to no end.
@sunshines-and-tatertots @izzyphantomgamer @tiger1719 @tiredgr3mlin @trashcanweeb @itmekisuu @fandomwriter73 @random-fandomlover @samanthaa-leanne @sneezefiction @bokutokoutarou @skyeackermans @writeiolite @ewfilthymundane @mariechan123 @saturnmoon @macaronnv @talks-a-lot-of-stuff @artsamber @kaylacinderella @agentvicinity @sakusasgarbage @tchalameme @onigirinimiya
Why are my works so short lately I hate this but I’m so tired I’m so sorry it’s really shit
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dc41896 · 5 years
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So a little tidbit about me, I frequently have weird dreams and this imagine is the product of one involving a guy using a funny yet random pickup line on me mixed in with inspo from the adorable video of Mr. Evans reading the children’s book. Hope you guys like it! 😂
Pairing: Chris EvansxBlack Reader
⚠️: None💕!
“And so, Princess Jasmine and Prince Aladdin got married in the palace, with everyone in the city in attendance and lived happily ever after. The end,” Chris smiles closing the book.
“Another story please!,” your six year old daughter, Lori, asks lightly tugging her father’s arm beside her.
“I don’t know peanut, it’s already pass your bedtime and I don’t want you to get in trouble or miss your sleep.”
“Pleaseee??? Pretty please with cherries???”
Just like her mom, Chris was wrapped around his daughter’s finger so tight he’d probably try to buy the moon if she said she wanted it. And the moment she looked up at him with those big brown eyes, similar to yours, he felt his world stop and felt as if he was on cloud nine.
“Oh man, how could I say no to pretty please with cherries?,” he answers tickling her side and causing an eruption of giggles. “Ok one last story but then you have to go to bed.”
“Deal,” she said nodding her head before snuggling up closer to him while holding her tiger stuffed animal.
“Any requests? We haven’t read about Barbie in a while or Dr. Seuss?”
“Daddy how did you meet mommy?”
“Ohh that’s a good story! Let’s see it all started at a party uncle Mackie was having,” he started just as Lori’s room door opened to reveal you holding some of her freshly washed and folded clothes.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt story time. I’ll put these up and then be out of the way,” you smile, slightly holding up your hand to excuse yourself as you make your way to her wooden dresser.
“You can stay mommy! Daddy’s telling another story about how you met!,” she excitedly reveals sitting up in her bed before realizing exactly what she said. “Oops...”
“It’s ok sweetie, I’ll allow a two story night tonight since daddy’s back home,” you softly laugh watching her snuggle back into his side. “So what did I miss?”
“Nothing much, I just started,” Chris answers as you sit on the other side.
“So uncle Mackie was throwing a party and all our friends were there eating and playing games. We were standing in the kitchen talking when all of a sudden he looks towards the door and he gets so excited that his eyes go wide.”
Copying his expression, Lori giggles at the funny look on Chris’ face followed by one of her signature adorable snorts. “What was it daddy?!”
“I wondered the same thing! Then uncle Mackie jogged to the door and returned with the most beautiful, gorgeous, stunning woman I had ever seen, your mom,” he answers, smiling at you with those clear blue eyes that could always make your heart race.
“He told me how they were close friends from high school and I had to meet her and see for myself how amazing she was. So he brought her and auntie Sky into the kitchen since she came with her.”
“Auntie Sky was there too?!”
“Yep pretty much all your uncles and aunts were there! Mackie said that he wanted to throw the biggest party of all time,” you softly laugh remembering how excited he was the day he told you about it.
“Oh how did mommy look daddy?! Was she like a princess?”
“She was prettier than a princess! She had long braids with some over her shoulder and her outfit?! I wish you could’ve seen her peanut.”
“Did she have on a long dress?! With glitter and sparkles?!”
“No she didn’t have on a dress, but she had on a light blue flowy button up that was slightly tucked in with her jeans and white sneakers.”
“Yea love, my outfit was very casual and nothing like what a princess would wear. Daddy’s just being a tad dramatic.”
“Don’t listen to her Lori, mommy had all eyes on her as soon as she walked in. A few other guys there wanted to talk to her too.”
“I can imagine mommy, and you look really pretty!,” she smiles switching from her father’s side to yours.
“Aww thank you sweetie!”
“But you know what stood out the most to me about your mom? Her eyes. It’s like they lit up the room more than any lightbulb could from how bright they were, and hypnotized you so that you never wanted to look away from them.”
“Like in Aladdin?”
“Similar, but a good type of hypnotize that left me feeling warm and happy,” he smiles.
“So your uncle finally introduces us and I’ll admit I was nervous, but I tried to keep calm to not lose my chance. We talked and laughed the whole night until it was time to go. I asked for her number and gave her mine and then the rest is history,” he finishes, booping Lori on the nose and making her smile.
“Um Chris, you forgot about an important part,” you smirk, arms crossed in front of you. You knew why he didn’t want to share the part, but it was a vital piece of the story that needed to be said.
“Oh that small part isn’t important,” he nervously laughs moving to stand up before Lori pulled him back down to the bed.
“Mm I’d say it is,” you lightly laugh as your daughter turns her attention to you, anxiously waiting to hear what this other part is.
“So mommy and daddy talked for a while before uncle Mackie wanted to introduce me to other people there. He asked if it was ok to take my away for awhile and daddy said yes so we said goodbye.”
“As I was talking to another person, your dad decides to come up and he hugs me saying how he’s leaving so again, we say goodbye and I go back to my conversation. Of course there’s nothing weird about this, but he did it 4 more times whenever I was talking to other people!”
“Daddy that sounds weird!,” she giggles, Chris’s ears and neck becoming red from his impending embarrassment.
“I was trying to do something to stand out so mommy wouldn’t forget me.”
“And I can say it definitely worked,” you laugh. “Before I left I see him still hanging around so I go up to him and ask him why he told me bye so many times. His answer was that he wanted me to get so annoyed with him saying goodbye that I’d never want to to hear him say it to me again, thus he’d never be able to leave me.”
“I’ll admit it sounded better in my head than when I actually said it out loud,” he chuckles rubbing his hand over his buzzcut hair.
“Well although it might’ve been a weird idea, it worked because it made me laugh and we talked even more until we had to go. And that is the story of how your dad and I met,” you finish, looking down to see your daughter asleep and holding onto her tiger as she softly breathed in and out.
“At least she was awake for the main points,” Chris quietly chuckles, leaning down to kiss her cheek followed by you doing the same.
Walking out her room and making sure to softly close the door to not wake her, you laugh to yourself as Chris follows behind to your bedroom.
“What’s so funny? Still thinking of my dumb line?,” he smiles as he sits at the foot of the bed.
“Yea I’m laughing at the line, but mostly at what Mackie said before he introduced us.”
“He warned you I was gonna do something dumb didn’t he?,” he asks making you laugh even harder as you move to stand between his legs in front of him and wrap your arms around his neck.
“No, he actually told me to not be surprised if I met my husband that night and sure enough I did.”
Smiling with rosy cheeks, he stands up placing one of his strong arms around your waist before deeply kissing your lips.
“Also I was thinking of how everytime you say bye I immediately think of that night,” you laugh making Chris playfully roll his eyes as he brings you down on the bed with him.
Taglist: @crushed-pink-petals @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @lovelymari4 @melinda-january @themyscxiras @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @itshinothey @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover
If anybody wants to be added to the taglist, has asked to be added but don’t see your name, only wants to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged let me know🤓!
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