#me? creating a muse who thrives off of validation and doesn't know how to deal with their emotions?
zadie-jabbari · 3 years
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( medalion rahimi / cis woman ) ZADIE JABBARI is 22 years old and is a JUNIOR at thales university. SHE is majoring in CREATIVE WRITING and is known for being THE HOYDEN as SHE can be OUTGOING and ADVENTUROUS as well as FLAKY and EXCESSIVE. every time i see HER, SHE reminds me of ENTERING A PARTY WITH GLITTERY STAR PASTIES UNDERNEATH AN OVERSIZED FAUX FUR COAT, SKIN LITTERED WITH STICK AND POKE TATTOOS, A LAUGH REMINISCENT OF A WITCH’S CACKLE. 
adopted at birth by her two fathers, Iman and David, who lived in New York, New York.  She has two older brothers: Zander and Jaspar.
The family was well of with Iman being a pharmacist and David being an interior designer. David frequently encouraged the kids to spread their creativity into their spaces, so his encouragement paired with his constant desire to renovate meant that there was almost always a room that was in the middle of being remodeled, refurnished, or repainted.
Growing up, Zadie was a spitfire. She would roughhouse with her brothers, unafraid to tackle them or challenge them athletically. She was a tomboy and found it difficult to relate to most girls her age. It wasn’t that she didn’t like girls, it was more that other girls didn’t like her. She was boisterous and borderline obnoxious at times, bold in a way that many of her potential friends found intolerable.
It wasn’t until sophomore year of high school that she began playing with her femininity, experimenting with makeup and her style. She often still wore her baggy shirts and mom jeans, but she would also pop on some heels and a bodycon dress for a party. To this day, her daytime and nighttime styles look like entirely different types of people.
She thrived on the attention she received, thrived on attention, in general. She had a way of commanding the attention of a room, making it where it was near impossible not to notice she was there. She loved entertaining, capturing the attention of a circle while she recounted the details of a bad hookup or rattled off jokes.
When she applied for Thales, her family thought it was an odd choice. But frankly, Zadie was ready to explore the world even if this exploration started by just moving to another state. She wanted to get away, start from scratch, and find herself.
She found refuge in roller derby, just fast paced enough to keep her interested and as a bonus, she befriended many of the players. She’s a blocker.
When she turned 21, she started participating at open mic night at a local comedy club. It was a high. Nothing made her feel more alive than the roar of a laughing crowd. She’s constantly jotting down jokes or antidotes to work into a routine.
Bought a stick and poke tattoo kit and went wild. She’s covered in tiny tattoos that she does when she’s bored or that she gets someone else to do. She’s always trying to convince people to let her give them one.
She… doesn’t have a clear idea of her future. She thinks she might want to do stand up or write for a show like SNL or even become a reality tv star. She knows the end goal (gain an audience), but she’s not 100% on the vehicle to get there.
Connection to Nana: She was party friends with and a bad influence on Nana. She encouraged that they frequent parties and that Nana trade off studying for whatever activity caught Zadie’s attention that moment. Part of her was jealous at how planned out Nana’s life was and how magnetic she was, but part of her also had a crush on her. Nana was her Heather, basically.
Connection to Steven:  She was one of Steven’s secret affairs. She never had any interest in anything more with him. She was more enticed by the idea of corrupting someone so pristine. Making the lawful good Steven fold on his morals? Hilarious.
Gemini sun, Aries moon, Leo rising. chaotic neutral. ENTP. 7w8.
Loud, sociable, and bold. She’s the first to try to make an introvert come out of their shell, but also the type to pour beer on her shirt and request a wet t-shirt contest.
Sex positive. Open about sex and her interest in people because why shouldn’t she be?
Kind of a jealous person when someone has something she wants e.g. Nana. She occasionally lets it get in the way of friendships and can sometimes engage in subtle sabotage.
Restless, flighty, noncommittal. Relationships never last long because she usually gets bored after the honeymoon stage.
The kind of friend where if she sees a friend in a fist fight, she’ll jump in and go at the other person too.
Her best friends’ biggest hype man. If there’s a party and they’re getting ready together, they can expect all the compliments and shots.
Wanted Connections:
her brothers, exes (bisexual, biromantic), maybe someone who saw that she was negatively influencing nana and holds it against her?, hookups, fwb, roller derby friends, brotps (maybe a squad?), enemies/rivals, a good influence/moral conscience?, party friends, etc.
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