#meanwhile Cas is worried he did something wrong and permanent and feels bad
casdeans-pie · 2 years
I respectfully decline the canon that the handprint disappeared from Dean's shoulder and instead offer a counter idea:
The handprint stays and now Dean has a mood ring permanently scarred onto his shoulder
Hear me out
Weird angel handprint scar that glows when he's happy
And glows brighter the happier he gets
It's mostly hidden under Dean's clothes, but sometimes there's a faint glow leaking out above his shirt when they've had a particularly successful hunt. Or when he's driving on the open road with good music blasting. Or when he's having his first sip of strong morning coffee.
and there's not enough layers in his whole wardrobe that can hide the way his shoulder lights up whenever Cas is in the room
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Maps 3
A/n: Finally an update for this one. No warnings for this chapter.
Summary from Chapter 1: Summary: AU story. Gabriel and Abby’s relationship wasn’t easy. Gabriel wasn’t the best boyfriend. He’s a bit of a man whore thrown in with a bad temper. Things shatter but eventually Gabriel has an opportunity to win her back however, he has to deal with her older brothers Sam and Dean. Not to mention all of the drama that their past has created in the future.
Words 1, 451
Link to Chapter 1 
Link to Chapter 2
Pairings: Gabriel x OFC, Dean x Cas 
The next morning Abby woke wrapped in Gabriel’s arms. She carefully reached for her phone to make sure all was good at home. A message from both Sam and Dean caught her attention.
Dean:“Please tell me that you used protection? We don't need another miniature Gabriel.”
Sam “Take care sissy”
Abby sighed before turning in Gabriel's arms pressing a kiss to his cheek. His amber eyes snapped open clearly shocked to see the previous night was not another dream.
“Well damn that actually happened.”
He replied with a satisfied smirk. Abby put her phone down before laying back against Gabriel's chest. She laced her fingers through his pressing kisses to each of his knuckles.
“Did you think it was some kind of dream or something?”
Gabriel nodded.
“You don't realize how much I have been dreaming about you lately sugar.”
Abby looked pleased by Gabriel's comment. She had spent many days over the past year wondering if Gabriel was missing her as bad as she had missed him. Regardless of their disastrous relationship she still cared. Abby would have never admitted those feelings to Sam or Dean. They would have gone off the chain if they knew that she was even remotely still in love with Gabriel. Hell, there were some days that Abby was annoyed with herself for loving him back then.
Now she was thankful everything seemed to be fixing itself. Maybe Gabriel had changed and he was ready to be the man that he needed to be. Abby was ready to give him the benefit of the doubt. She knew her next task at hand was to convince her older brother's of this as well.
“I've missed you too...more than you know.”
Gabriel ran a hand though his bed and sex ravaged hair.
“So we area good? I mean I hope after the sex that we had last night we are good but...I need to know.”
Gabriel said in almost an unsure of himself whisper. The tone sounded so foreign to Abby. It wasn't like Gabriel to be unsure of himself! That was something that was few and far between when that happened. Abby could probably count on one hand the times that she had heard this tone in her lover's voice.
“Yes, we are fine Gabriel. I promise.”
Gabriel looked pleased as he put his arm behind his head.
“Well we have a lot of time to make up for.”
Later that morning Abby went home to make sure Molly was doing okay. Gabriel didn't want to let her get out of bed but he knew their daughter needed her mother. He could only hope that in time he would be able to convince Abby to move back in with him. After finding out that he had a daughter Gabriel knew that he needed to get his shit together. There was no more being a man whore. He needed to be the man that Abby deserved from day one.
As Abby got her dress on from the night before Gabriel stood watching her with sad eyes. Part of him worried that she wouldn't come back. Although Abby had given him multiple assurances that she wanted him he was still worried. What if she saw this as a bit of a revenge fuck? What if she would use this as an opportunity to break his heart like she had his?
He looked up quick when Abby said his name.
“Yeah, I'm sorry. Did you say something?”
Abby nodded.
“I said I have to get going.”
Gabriel stood quickly.
“Am I going to get to see you again soon? You and Molly both?”
Abby reached out tucking one of Gabriel's bed ridden curls away from his face.
“Yes. I was serious when I said that I wanted to work this out.”
She liked the smile that Gabriel gave her. It was an honest and genuine smile. That was the smile that he had given her the night that he had told her that he loved her the first time.
“I do too...more then you know. I am going to meet Castiel and Michael for brunch.”
Abby winced.
“Don't give Cas too hard of a time okay? What happened wasn't his fault. I was the one that told him not to tell you.”
Gabriel kissed Abby's hand with a Cheshire cat smile. She knew telling him to be good was essentially pointless. Gabriel wouldn't' say it to her but he was angry with Cas. Abby has a sinking feeling that Gabriel and Cas' already strained relationship was going to be a lot more strained.
“I'll be good.”
Later that morning Gabriel was on his way to meet his brother's at their usual brunch spot. Even though they weren't a close family by any means, especially after their parents died, Gabriel still met up with Michael and Cas once every two weeks for brunch. Michael sat looking at the menu when Gabriel walked up. His dark eyes rolled up to his little brother.
“There you are. I was wondering if you and Cas forgot what day it was. Please don't tell me what you have been doing. I am plenty disturbed enough from the soap opera  known as your life.”
Gabriel shrugged sitting down.
“Whatever floats your boat Mikey.”
Michael shot him a dirty look. Michael hated being called Mikey. He was a big shot lawyer and wanted to be treated like an adult. To Gabriel, he was an adult that had a stick permanently inserted up his ass. Gabriel looked up as Cas trudged up.
“Well look who it is. If it isn't my traitor of a little brother.”
“Gabriel, don't.”
Cas said calmly. The last thing he wanted at the moment was to get into an argument with Gabriel! Michael meanwhile, looked all kinds of confused. He looked between his younger brothers practically scratching his head.
“What are you two talking about and what is going on?”
Gabriel looked over at Michael.
“Wait you don't know Michael? You don't know how I have a daughter and our little brother has never said a fucking word to me?”
Michael's mouth fell as he looked between his brothers a moment. He clearly didn't know what to say for a moment.
“Well I expected you to have a couple of kids running around out there somewhere. Shit Gabriel you fuck anything with two legs and a pussy! Who is the mother anyway? Please tell me that it wasn't some street walker. Well if it was I can actually help you with a case like that. Do you want the kid? Cas why didn't you tell him? I have so many questions.”
Gabriel was glaring at Michael angrily.
“Abby is no street walker!”
Michael looked relived at that information. He took a sip of his water before easing back into his chair.
“Thank god it was with Abby Winchester. I'll give you this Gabriel at least you picked a decent woman to knock up.”
Gabriel hadn't looked up from the drink in front of him for a moment before looking over at Cas.
“She's a year old Michael and I haven't seen a damn thing of her until yesterday. I could have known sooner if Cas would have opened his mouth. But no...he was too busy sucking Dean off.”
Michael held his hand up.
“Enough Gabriel. Cas can you please explain yourself?”
Cas who had been sitting silently clinching his fists finally spoke for himself.
“Abby asked me not to tell him because they weren't in a good place. Their relationship had ended because of the way our brother is. Abby didn't think that he would be a suitable father. I agreed with her at the time. Partially because I didn't think Gabriel would be adequately able to care for her or the child the way that they needed. I was wrong though I should have told him.”
Gabriel glared at Cas.
“Yeah you should have! I missed so much with Molly because you didn't open your mouth!”
Cas sighed looking down at his lap. Michael looked between his brothers still clearly shocked by everything that had happened.
“Well Gabriel what are you going to do now that you know?”
Gabriel's amber eyes focused on his older brother's questioning face.
“Abby and I are back together. Right now I have to kiss ass so I can fix everything that I fucked up.”
Cas' blue eyes focused on Gabriel.
“You get another chance like you always seem to don't fuck it up!”
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