#media isnt ABOUT being the hottest fucking person
junkartie · 1 year
I'm hearing 2 opinions on Erdogan and idk I wanted to ask you bcs I got both of them from non-natives. So the first says that he IS a good president, there is just too many outside factors trying to bring him down. And the second told me that he WAS a good a help for the country until he decided to care about some other things (colonisation ?) which eventually led to the current downfall. Maybe both are right or both are wrong, what do you think?
(can you tell I love political discussions because I don't I'm just really invested cause you're one of my fav blogs hehe)
Non natives love to defend Erdo which is why us Turks have a whole term for them. Most of it however DOES stem from the second option being true.
Erdogan was in fact a very good leader in his first few years of power, now my family personally never liked him, he technically was in power on the sidelines for 10 years until he became president 10 yrs go. He did many things like make hospitals and healthcare way more accessible, fixed a lot of roads and built bridges etc. Now you may go “jay, isnt that what a normal president is supposed to do ?” Well, yes. But the guy before him didnt do a whole lot, so him doing his literal job was enough to convince people he was good enough to keep around.
As time went on he started to take a way harsher approach. Slowly but surely the price and tax on everything went up. Religion started to be the hottest topic in turkey despite us being a secular country on paper.Slowly festivals became too loud, protests were bothersome, pride parades were sinful, gays werent considered people, music after 12 wasnt allowed, Eurovision was something too embarrassing for our country to take place in, alcohol was a luxury that only the desperate & sinful tried to buy, women were not obedient enough, the legal age to get married was too high, sex before marriage became a big topic, rapists and murderers would walk freely, femicide got to a brand new high and a whole lot more.
This all happened slowly and gradually. By the time we thought to speak up on any of this the i-don’t-even know, 60% yearly inflation rate had worn us down. A dollar was no longer 2.5 TL, it was close to 25. Nothing could be bought with minimum wage. Whatever you bought, you bought a second one for the govt in tax (a phone here costs twice the price of one in america). People who vote for him mostly do so because all media outlets are heavily censored and totally in his favor. He has control of literally everything. Literally!! He hosted a referendum where he legally was given so much power that he can change whatever he wants on a whim. He will confidently lie out of his teeth and tell his supporters that the reason everything is so expensive is because of his opposition (who have virtually no power) + its fine because even if we’re poor we’re closer to god and his supporters eat it up because they have some fucked up parasocial relationship with him.
Right now we’re screwed beyond belief. The election was rigged in his favor but despite everything he either wasnt able to end it on the first round or intentionally didnt so he could win by a higher margin on the next round. The house is fucked, the opposition lost a ton of seats to highly religious islamic fanatics who straight up advocate for sharia law. That and the president literally had an alliance with a terrorist organization who want 15 year olds to get married, theyre also in the house. Its great.
Now we wait for the 28th, but its going to take a miracle for Erdogan to lose. I have virtually 0 hope at this point. One thing is foreigners defending him, but any turk who does so deserve everything they get. I truly hope anyone who voted for him suffer a fate worse than death (at this rate, they will). It may sound harsh, but ive seen no one in power except for this absolute sorry of an excuse, cunt of a man. My teens and childhood was wasted away with terrorist attacks and a staged coup, along with a power hungry man who made every walking day of my life worse than what it could have been.
Basically, wish us the best of luck i guess lol.
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generalexcuse · 3 years
Alright. I am beating a dead horse here but taking time off of this show and fandom did not work. This will be the last time I ever say something about it but it’s upsetting to me so I need to vent. And to everyone saying “You are an adult man and this is fiction, why are you so obsessed? Weirdo. Learn to differentiate between fiction and reality.” I am going to address these notions as well as other problems I am having here. But really, Inuyasha was one of my first Anime, I have many dear memories and especially Rin was one of my all time favourite characters. Seeing her being mistreated like this upsets me. Ofc it does because if you watch something in formative years it’s not just fiction like a boring sitcom you watch now. Shows and characters are important to people and to simply dismiss it like that even if they would have been equally upset if it wouldnt have become canon, is infuriating. Really this is just therapeutic for me because even after weeks it’s still so baffling to me. Also please excuse the grammar and spelling mistakes. I am not a native speaker.
So the problem is obviously Sessrin and how it’s done because while I absolutely dont agree with this pairing, it would have been fine if it wasnt like it is. 
In the original show, Rin is an 8 yo child and her entire character reflects just that. She behaves like a child and depends on others. She has also been traumatized, doesnt speak at the beginning of the show and dies twice. Both times she is saved by or because of Sesshomaru. In many ways, while she has survival skills on her own, she depends on his presence alone to keep danger away. He also leaves her with trustworthy humans at the end but stays in her life as a protector. Now I like the original dynamic. It’s sweet, innocent and both characters grow because of it. Rin can work through her traumatic experiences, learns to trust others and Sesshomaru becomes a better person.  What happens afterwards only happens offscreen right until Rin gives birth to his children at the crippling old age of 15. 15. My lil sis is 16 now and couldnt consent to something like that. And she is mature af. It’s ridiculous. My blood boils just typing that shit out. And if you give me the ‘it’s legal in Japan’ excuse. In Germany a 14 yo can be with a 20 yo sexually. Still not okay in societies eyes and on tv it’s never shown as something positive. It’s even explicitly forbidden for authority figures like teachers or protectors to be with their protégé before the age of 18 because the chances of even unintentional grooming are too high. 
Now lets take a quick break and discuss how this kind of relationship usually plays out in other fictional pieces. A minor with an adult is something that is being portrayed at times and I dont have a problem with that. The problem is how it’s being done in Yashahime. And I dont mean the nonexisting character development but the fact that even in adult fiction this type of relationship isnt depicted positively. And this show is for young adults and teens that will exist way after all the discourse as the official sequel to Inuyasha. A cult anime. Meaning that in the future young people will watch it. Just like many still watch Inuyasha to this day. It’s on Netflix for fucks sake. Just to preface what comes next.   Some people say, “But cant you differentiate between reality and fiction?!?!?!” Adults can but younger people havent developed this ability to the same extent.   What happened to Rin was statutory r*pe in the USA, illegal even in Germany and should have been depicted as such unless the showrunners and fandom are okay with watching it without criticism or deconstruction. At best it was done with the intention to please the fanbase but really it’s neglectful to anyother part of the present and future audience. Not even most Animes do that. And I get that Sessriners arent into that shit in real life and an adult show could have gone this route because the viewers understand and add the criticism in their heads. Not ideal but whatever to me. But a YA show to go this route is so wrong on so many levels. The younger viewer who will watch this show in the following years might subconsciously internalize that this is acceptable under certain conditions when it’s not criticized properly on the show. That lowers their alertness when an adult actually starts to groom them. How dense do you have to be to assume that the lack of criticism on this YA show is a good thing?? Not everyone who will ever watch this show is an adult or capable of the same reasoning.
But another thing: for the same reason r*pe isnt depicted in a positive light, these types of relationships arent either. Because it’s not a positive thing and most people and showrunners dont want to see or create it as positive. Even in adult fiction, even in other anime, the media critizes and deconstructs what it’s showing because normally the showmakers dont approve but show it for realisitc or dramatic reasons. the same sessrin storyline would fit a fucking horror or thriller series. Just change the music and show it all. No showmakers in their right mind would go “Aye we got a r*pe scene coming up, lets put romantic music and have a pink filter over it.” “But it’s a different time and culture!” People will say and I agree but to have the audacity to assume that back then it was okay or that in todays Japan it’s okay, is fucked up. Think about it for a second. That’s so fucked up to think. Even if the society back then or in Japan thinks it’s okay, does it make it okay? 15 yo girls werent able to consent to adults and bear their children back then. They had to. They were raised with the expectations and they simply grew up thinking that it was the normal thing. But that doesnt make it right. That’s just societal grooming which did not prepare them in any way or allowed them the human dignity that they would have deserved. To now act like it’s all cool to just show the “positive” aspects or to twist it into something positive is so fucked up. Child Brides are a fucked up concept and to portray it as anything else is fucked up and also undermines the experience many girls still have to make. period.
I heard people say that it’s okay to portray it in this way because “Sesshomaru is not human!!!1″ and that’s correct. He is not. BUT, it’s not about being human but about maturity, consens, and independency. Him being a yokai makes it worse imo because there is an obvious power discrepancy. But in this particular fiction a good relationship could have been established (Kagome and Inuyasha for example) on those foundations but they did not because I can only assume they wanted Sesshomaru to smash and the show to pick up at a point where the other characters arent too old to be cool.
“What’s with Sango and Miroku, Kagome and Inuyasha?? It’s the same!” No it’s not. Rin was 8 at the beginning of the show. Kagome was 15 and Sango was 16-17 when they met their significant others. If you now tell me that you think 8 to be comparable to 15-17, I must ask you to get a reality check. Kagome’s and Sango’s relationships were slowburns starting when they already were able to have sexual and romantical feelings. Rin was a child. And Kagome did not kiss Inuyasha until they knew each other for a long ass period of time and bonded as friends and maybe more. Sesshomaru and Rin never were friends in the same way that Kagome and Inuyasha were because the maturity levels are way off. No adult is friends with a little child in the same way they are friends with their adult friends. And normally you dont grow into such a friendship but in the rare case you do, it’s not when she is 15 but maybe 20 or 25. 
Last but not least, Rin is not a character to the audience the same way Kagome or Sango are. Why? Because she was never shown as an adult or 3 Dimensional character to the audience. We know her as a child who wants to be with her trusted group. She is naive, but tough and doesnt have any motivation or drive on her own outside her group. Like every child she clung to the adults around her and her world outside of this group was nonexisting. Kagome wanted to be successful in school, Sango was a demon hunter and wanted to find her brother. Those are motivations and traits that dont circle around the love interest. Rin never had those because she was not developed to that point. Because she was a child and her entire existence was to develop Sesshomaru and to perhaps give the viewer a character to simply adore. What we see is of her: Mistreated child, -> Dead child -> Child being looked after and healing, -> Child not being homeless anymore -> ????? -> Teenager getting knocked up, pumping out main characters and then getting yeeted into a tree. 
This is not the way you treat a beloved character. There is no dignity to her character. “But she is fictional!!1″ Yes she is. But please show me a show that treats its child characters like this without criticizing it. 
I would have loved to see her grow as her own person. Go on her own adventures or learning a craft or developing meaningful bonds with other characters her age. Forming ideas that dont revolve around Sesshomaru alone. You know her being 3 Dimentional and not just there to pump out main characters. And if she then with 20 or 25 met Sesshomaru again and thought he was the hottest shit, I would have been fine with it. Not happy but fine. But in the little time we saw her as ‘not a child’, she still behaved the way she did before. 
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sxdomy · 7 years
all letters biotch
A- Who’s your favourite serial killer/mass murderer? eric harris (;B- What serial killer do you think most deserved to be found insane? this is a hard one, but probably ed gein C- What serial killer do you feel most sorry for? he isnt a serial killer but charles manson. many label him as a killer, but he wasn't involved in the killings. yes, he was involved in conspiracy, but he did absolutely nothing to those people who died. everyone who followed him had the choice to start following him. everyone who was in his cult chose to agree to killing those people. those who actually went thru w the killing CHOSE to kill. those who did drugs CHOSE to within that process. it angers me that people blame manson. yes, he couldve stopped it, but he isnt a fucking murderer. if it were any other person, they wouldve been out by now. yes, he's currently in the hospital, but he's still technically incarcerated. it also rlly bothers me that some of those who have took part in his cult actually continue to walk free till this day. yes, there were so many in that cult that it's hard to incarcerate them all, but i strongly pity manson for being in there for life when he hadn't killed anyoneD- Do you prefer Dylan or Eric? ericE- If you were to kill someone how would you do it? honestly don't know.. there are so many great fucking ways... maybe gun?? i love guns, but i also want to be able to say, "ive killed someone w my bare hands." i want to feel strong. guns seem like a cheat ... F- Who do you think is the hottest killer? ERIC HARRISG- Do you care about the victims of your favourite mass murderer/serial killer? if theyre innocent victims, yesH- Do you think mental illness is an acceptable excuse for murder? honestly, i think anyone who has committed premeditated murder is mentally ill. having said that, no i don't think so. there are so many people who do that, and it would be outrageous to give them all a "pass." yes, they didn't ask to be mentally ill, but so many mentally ill people don't resort to killing others despite being plagued with homicidal thoughtsI- Who do you think is the most intelligent serial killer? jeffrey dahmer??? when i watch his interviews, i think i'm watching someone quite intelligentJ- Do you think that serial killers are born or raised? both ?? depending on the situation.. someone could be born w mental illneess due to their genetic makeup. someone could've had a bad childhood that led them on a bad pathK- Who are you most surprised evaded capture for a long time? probably ted bundy or jeffrey. ted for having so many victims and jeffrey for having run from the police for years. also, he persuaded police to leave his apartment after they'd received a phone call.. there actually was a victim inside of his apartment @ that timeL- Is there any situation where murder would be ok? self-defense yesM- Do you think drugs can play a part in creating a killer? drugs fuck up everything in your life so yesN- Do you think rapists are worse than murderers? YES OMG fuckkk if you rape someone, the victim has to live w that trauma forever. people around them (who are aware) suffer as well. when someone dies, they no longer have any trauma or stress.. death releases them from that. yes, their family members are suffering, but they'd suffer in both situations. personally, i'd rather be killed than raped. if i ever were raped, FUCKING KILL MEO- What serial killer made the stupidest mistake which resulted in their arrest? JOHN WAYNE GACY !!! THAT WAS THE WORST SPOT EVER YOU DUMB FUCK, AND THEN THE FACT YOU DENY IT?? DUMBASS!P- Do you think impotency is an acceptable excuse for murder? noQ- Do you agree with what school shooters do? honestly fuck that sandy hook shooter who kills kids. anyway if i were to shoot up a school, i'd shoot people who bullied me (literally no one lmao). i wouldn't shoot some random fucks, but that's just me.. sorry eric n dylan R- What age should the age of criminal responsibility be? 10-13S- What murderer do you think showed the most genuine remorse? edmund kemperT- What serial killer/mass murderer do you think most could have gone the other way? ERIC AND DYLAN BOTH!!!!! i think abt this all the time! both had so much fucking potential, and NO ONE GAVE A SHIT. THERE WERE SO MANY FUCKING SIGNS PEOPLE IGNORED. IF ANYONE STEPPED THE FUCK IN, THE COLUMBINE SHOOTING WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED. also, fuck, they had two months of high school left. they couldn't stick it out??? idkU- Do you think torturers are more evil than killers? yes, same opinion as the rapists are worse than killersV- Do you think the parents/carers of young murderers should be punished? it depends.. with something like columbine, yes.. literally all the signs were there.W- Do you think people with typical serial killer/psychopath brains should undergo preventive measures? YES! they should be in some kind of therapy or smth. we have seen it occur time and time again a person goes thru w their homicidal thoughts after people ignoring the signsX- What mental illness/disorder most excuses murder? ehh maybe schizophrenia?? idk im not too much in favor of not guilty for being criminally insaneY- Do you think that fame is an attraction for serial killers/mass murderers, especially now there is so much media coverage? idekZ- What are your views on death row and the death penalty? FUCK THAT SHIT FUCK IT SO FUCKING HARD !!! it is so FUCKING hypocritical. you imprison someone for life, and then tell them that YOU will kill them? hey, wasn't murder illegal in the first place? if you're thinking of having them killed, isn't that mentally insane? if you and others agree it should be done, isn't that CONSPIRACY??? hahaha you just fucking contradicted yourself. god fucking dammit i hate the death penalty. also, if you want someone to REALLY suffer, let them do their time in prison. let them fucking rot in prison. it's not a nice place. death is the easy way out
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