ameritonki · 2 years
Playinf goose two lines medicineon mymind
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Sometimes, that highest and best good can mean that you must face and ‘slay’ the Dragon inside yourself (addiction in any form, violence or rage issues, confidence and self-worth challenges, etc.). Spirit Animals always appear with your highest and best good in mind. Margaret of Antioch (both Dragon slayers), Dragons represent the Devil. In modern gaming – “elements” such as ice, lightening, and speed are coined ‘elements’ and ascribed as ‘types’ to Dragons.Īs in the legends of St.In Asian cultures – wood and metal are included as elements.From here you gain greater perspectives personally and globally, untroubled by the winds of change. Air Dragons – wrap you safely in his/her grasp and flies high.Earth Dragons – stabilizes and provides the key for sustaining your needs.Water Dragons – focus on what drives the ship of your life – be ready to put down unhealthy patterns and sail toward your fate.Fire Dragons – bring you lessons of self-mastery, creativity, mental keenness, alchemical transformation and leadership.The type of Dragon spirit that you encounter may give you a clue: The greater the effort the greater the rewards. Dragon Spirits do not give up secrets easily – it’s part of the challenge. Figuring out that purpose, however, can prove difficult. There is no question that Dragon is worthy of your respect and honor, but She comes to you with good cause. In this setting your Dragon Spirit Animal teaches you to roar – finding your voice, being heard and truly understood.ĭragon is a rare and powerful Spirit Animal, and you may find yourself quite intimidated by this creature upon initial introductions. Dragons guide such individuals toward brilliance and, indeed, enlightenment. Those who see this creature are considered somehow “Dragon kin.” In this respect Dragon energy connects with that of healing and power stones, as well as the Ancestor realm.ĭragon Spirit is drawn to people of intellect, dignity, contagious enthusiasm and authority. Local stories also tell of a great air Dragon that lives beneath the Hebrides and comes out on sacred days to survey the standing stones throughout the region. Consider the Loch Ness Monster is, in theory, a water Dragon and protector of the lochs. There’s a sense of mystery tied to Dragons, which can be the Greater mysteries too. The never ending battles between knights and Dragons reflect the inner struggle of human kind to come to terms with the Spiritual or Ethereal nature. In Europe these formidable Beings symbolize the ability to rise over circumstance and see things clearly.ĭragon symbolism and meaning also encompasses the primordial natural forces on all planes of existence, longevity and the most earliest of magicks some of which have been lost to time. In the art of Feng Shui, Dragon represents fortune, authority, growth, luck and development. Metaphysically, Dragon’s shape-shifting abilities equate to a Shaman’s mastery over the Elements, power to transform into various Animals, and the ability to enter Dreamtime. In this setting and many others, Dragon rules the elements and can take whatever form he wishes. In the Far East, the Dragon symbolism and meaning is all about the authority of the Emperor (who for a long time in history was the designated “dreamer” for the entire Country). In fact, the birds have become so numerous in places that they threaten to destroy their own habitat.Among animal spirit guides Dragon is arguably the most ancient and imposing. Today, though hunting has been reinstated, populations are thriving. Since that time, the birds have made a remarkable comeback. In 1916, snow geese had become so rare in the eastern United States that hunting of the species was banned. Families can be identified as groups during both the southern and northern migrations. Chicks can swim and eat on their own within 24 hours, but families remain together through the young's first winter. Pairs mate for life, and produce two to six eggs each year in a shallow ground nest. ReproductionĪt winter's end, snow geese fly north to their breeding grounds on the Arctic tundra. Their diet is entirely vegetarian, consisting of grasses and grains, grazed from damp soils or even shallow water. They spend the colder seasons in southern coastal marshes, bays, wet grasslands, and fields. They fly south for the winter in huge, honking flocks that may appear as a "V" formation or simply as a large "snowstorm" of white birds. Snow geese are harbingers of the changing seasons. A single gene controls the color difference. These birds were once though to be two separate species, but they have recently been found to be merely two different color morphs of the same bird. Snow geese are known for their white plumage, but many of them are actually darker, gray-brown birds known as blue geese.
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greyshan · 2 years
Playinf goose two lines medicineon mymind
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Not only would I have my own special turkey-stuffing recipe, I would make my own cranberry sauce. And a big centrepiece with corn and little pumpkins and autumnal harvesty stuff featured and a tablecloth with a turkey-featuring design on it. (No, feh, I don't like Halloween.) I would have little pilgrim salt and pepper shakers that I only used on Thanksgiving. Non-sectarian! Fully inclusive! 4 day long weekend! Crazy good food! And it' all about gratitude and giving thanks! (Duh.) I would carve pumpkins- no wait, that's Halloween. I actually feel a bit cheated that we don't have Thanksgiving in Australia, because that's the festival I really envy. As it is, you can imagine what Pesach and Rosh Hashanah and Succot look like at my place (but they go on FOREVER and at the end of a month of feasting and fasting and fressing, I feel like I'm going to explode, like Mr Creosote.)( WARNING: if you don't know who Mr Creosote is, don't hit the link. I would have a special set of table linen and crockery that I only used for this purpose, decorated with holly and ice skaters and snow and reindeers and all that Northern Hemisphere stuff. If I could arrange it, he would come with a sled and reindeer. I would hire a roly-poly Santa with a real beard to come and give presents to all the kids at the big family lunch. It looks like such fun! You don't have to spring-clean your house with a toothbrush, you don't have to build a little structure to eat your meals in, it doesn't go on for 8 days of fressing, just a couple of days. And then the menfolk will be enjoying a well-earned ale and horsing around, wrestling and falling about with laughter.wait, this fantasy has gone off track a little. And seeing that I wouldn't be Jewish, I would have a husband who could rig all this up himself, (and not have to call a non-Jew to come and do it) with the help of our fine strapping sons, all wearing plaid shirts and work jeans and boots, climbing on ladders with insouciance and laughing heartily while festooning the roof with miles of LED lights. I would put up a whole Nativity sound and light show in LED lights on my front lawn. I would have a big box of heirloom tchotchkes and baubles including a soppy angel to decorate the huge real pine tree. Put up stockings and leave a nip of whiskey for Santa and have a tree-decorating for all the family. (Is that Xmas or Easter? Or both? I would do it for both.) I would do everything. Or maybe a goose, instead of a turkey, because that's actually MORE traditional. I would wear reindeer antlers and dangly tinsel earrings while preparing the massive turkey and roast veggies and aller chazerai, prawns and a big ham, and a pudding (with suet if I could get it, but butter if not, and I would steam it for hours) and brandy sauce. If it was me, I would go to Carols by Candlelight. It is! I would do a superb Xmas family dinner, lunch, everything. There's the kitschy tchotchkes and table decor there's The Tree, which is- let's face this- a thing of beauty. There's just something in the air, along with all the carols wafting around. Hello! Have you heard of Shabbos? I do this every week! And not just twelve! And not just one meal, often Friday night AND Shabbos lunch! Wow! And I laugh when I hear the Non-Jews stressing over inviting family over for Xmas lunch or whatever ('How many are you having?' '12.' 'WHAT! TWELVE PEOPLE! How on Earth will you cope!!?). Not that I'm looking for more things to cook! (although I do a mean Christmas cake Rich Fruit Cake in November which sits in the fridge getting doused with alcohol for our. This time of year, when I venture into the shop or supermarket or malls, I see all the tinsel and hear the music, and I see all the puddings, panettone, stollen, big weighty fruitcakes and I have a tiny bit of Xmas Envy. And they have all taken it upon themselves after being incited by radical Muslim clerics and interpretations of Koranic verses, to attack infidels wherever and whenever they encounter them, Jews, Christians, in Israel and abroad. No cigars for guessing the answer- they are all Muslims. There was one in the Canadian parliament, and 2 who murdered Lee Rigby in the streets of Manchester, and the shrink who shot up Fort Hood and killed 14 US Army personnel - he was a lone wolf too, despite evidence in his email account where he was pledging jihad against the infidel- and there was the plot to randomly behead an infidel in Sydney which was thwarted, and the Arabs who ran down people waiting at light rail stops and bus stops in several incidents in Israel, and the 2 who murdered 4 rabbis at prayer in Har Nof in Jerusalem, leaving 14 fatherless children, and all of these lone wolves - so many that I don't know if the word 'lone' really applies- have one thing in common. Well, all I can say is that there seems to be a lot of these 'lone wolves' about.
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laocommunity · 1 year
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josegarciaoliveira · 3 years
Clélio Meneses acaba de manifestar descontentamento junto da empresa fornecedora do sistema informático MedicineOne
O Secretário Regional da Saúde e Desporto, Clélio Meneses, acaba de manifestar descontentamento junto da empresa fornecedora do sistema informático MedicineOne, utilizado pelos centros de saúde/cuidados de saúde primários dos Açores, devido aos constrangimentos que este sistema tem apresentado nas últimas semanas.  Clélio Meneses aponta, entre outras, falhas na emissão dos Certificados de…
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osanecif · 7 years
Perto de duas dezenas de startups, incubadas no IPN ou no Nest Collective (Galerias Avenida), vão estar presentes no maior evento europeu de tecnologia e empreendedorismo. A Web Summit tem lugar entre os dias 6 e 9 de novembro, ocupando os quatro pavilhões da FIL e o Altice Arena (antigo Pavilhão Atlântico). Do IPN, e para além das empresas mencionadas neste trabalho, há a destacar Intelligent Sensing Anywhere, MedicineOne, Noesis, Present Technologies, Tangível, Virtual Power Solutions e Whitesmith que irão dispor de stands próprios para promover e divulgar a excelência das suas tecnologias.
Phyen, eBonus.gg, Retmarker e Serfarma são outros dos exemplos que Coimbra irá levar até Lisboa e com vontade de trazer de lá contactos e, quem sabe, investidores para o desenvolvimento dos seus projetos.
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