#medrit and beviin { the fathers mirta needs }
mandomirtagev · 5 years
Let’s go for LMNOP, shall we?
L   :   LOVE.  who does your muse love?
Ghes Orade, her husband. His father, Novoc Vevut. Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur. Their daughter, Dinua Jeban, and their grandchildren, Shalk and Briila. Jaina Solo, the only jetii worth an osik. Her dead parents. Eventually her grandmother, Sintas Vel, once she’s unfrozen and they get to know each other. Even, more than less, Boba Fett, although he didn’t always make it easy.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
N   :   NAUGHTY.what is your muse like in bed?
Mirta’s range of sexual experience is not particularly broad, having had few partners with which to experiment, but she is as willing to learn new techniques for bedplay as she is in combat. A fit and physical person, she approaches lovemaking as similar to the sort of amiable competition found in a friendly sparring match – less in the sense of there needing to be a winner and a loser than in the sheer fun of the fight. There will (probably) be fewer bruises, but just as much laughter and physical exertion as in a good brawl.
O   :   ODE.does your muse have a way with words?
In the Mandalorian sense of things, sure. She gets her point across most of the time, anyway, and that’s what matters. Mandalorians are a pragmatic, practical people. They say “I love you” with words, but when it comes to poetry they tend to express their affections in more concrete, practical ways: a fresh-baked uj cake, a handcrafted set of gauntlets, a fresh coat of paint on your bucket, a shiny new blaster or vibroblade…as far as sentimental trinkets go, they tend to be few and far between: small things that are easy to carry with them, that won’t get in the way in a fight. (Rings are usually a risk unless they’re filed smooth and worn under your gauntlets where they won’t catch on something and tear your fingers off; earrings offer similar problems, but getting one of those ripped out isn’t as problematic as losing a finger, and sometimes a little stabbing decoration can be handy and you’re going to have your helmet on most of the time anyway, so they’re actually less frivolous than rings despite appearances. Necklaces that can be tucked under your beskar are the most commonly found; same with neat little bracelets or braided straps or bicep cuffs or anything that won’t get in the way.) Emotionally significant things, like a piece of ore from a homeworld you’ll never see again or a jewel that contains a holo of a lost loved one or a piece of their armor, or a piece of a dead enemy – those are more poetic than mere words to a Mandalorian.
The fact that Mirta is always willing to underscore her words with her fists or a knife to the gut or a blaster to the face is what makes what she says matter.
P   :   PARTNER.what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
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