#metal's forearms are like swiss army knives! interchangable energy tools for work on machinery!
leaffiii · 1 year
"Hi, this is Cursed Mega Man! this ask goes to Metal Man and Plant Man
How about we compare our skills? it's going to be super cool!(Metal Man)
One of my colleagues named Shadow Wood Man asked me to give you a flower, I hope you like it! (Plant Man)
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"....Compare? I'll humour that. The parts that aren't energy are removeable, they do not interchange. I remove and take only what I'll need, should my typical tools be insufficient...."
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"Aw, how sweet of him! I don't have many organic plants around base, make sure to thank him for me!... I know a Wood Man myself, y'know, I wonder how different he would be from your worlds uh... more shadowy one?"
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