#mi'durgen'len ( cadri )
theharellan · 3 years
[ help ]  for your muse to lean on mine for support help mine with something
for @theshirallen’s cadri cadash
He cannot help noticing the self-satisfied look on Cadri’s face as she exits the rotunda, striding with all the confidence of a cat who got the cream. A hint of concern folds his brow as he enters after her, checking his seat for any surprises before he sits, flipping the tail of his sweater out behind him as he settles. One foot tucks beneath the back of his knee, almost ready to dismiss her appearance when his eyes fall upon the page of his journal. There, hidden among the lines, a smudge of errant ink has scratched out a word and written it again:
Concious. Conscious.
The word had looked right when he had first written it, but now his error shines in freshly written ink, the word wet to the touch. It occurs to him he could be cross that she had encroached upon his privacy, or ashamed that he’d made such a simple error, but all he can do is smile.
“It’s just a word, Baldy,” Cadri says, her dismissal undercut by how she’d hung back in the door to see his reaction. “Made just as much sense the way you spelled it.”
“Indeed it does,” he laughs, “but in this instance that it makes sense is the point of pride.”
“Ugh! If you’re gonna be weird about it that’s the last time I’m ever doing you a favour.”
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theharellan · 4 years
I sketched this drabble a while ago as a reference for a commission that didn’t really pan out, but I kind of like the emotion of it so I’m posting it here. Cadri Cadash is written by Joly.
An arm wraps around his waist, tugging him sharply against the Inquisitor, turning his gait lopsided. Her cheek pillows against the wolf’s pelt draped across his chest. “You know she only gives you shit because she loves you,” Thora says, words dripping with barely concealed amusement.
Cadri demonstrates no such restraint, her smile brimming with pure delight. “You make it too easy, Baldy.”
For his part, Solas feels the rough edge that lingers from the dig lessen, pricked hubris smoothed away by Thora’s assurance. Still, he has a name and reputation to uphold. “And yet I alone am the target of these jibes,” he notes, stiff as he is able.
“I know you can take it.” A loose fist knocks against his arm, and might have sent him stumbling forward were he not already braced against Thora. Despite himself, despite the teeth which dig gently into his bottom lip, a smile breaks across his face, and sandwiched between two dwarves there is no place he can look to hide it. “See? He loves me, too.”
“‘Love’ is a powerful word,” he says, yet makes no effort to deny it. His feet steady themselves beneath him again, though he keeps his stride short to match theirs. One arm reaches out, touching Thora’s far shoulder to match the one she still anchors across his waist, as warm affection flowers behind his ribcage.
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theharellan · 6 years
12 and 15 for the OC Codex Prompts?
codex meme | not accepting
12. solas overheard while drunk | @cadashsmash
It is the laugh that draws her attention. Alyssa had seen him before, but only in passing, always bent over his desk with a dour expression, as if he’d just been told someone’d died. His laugh is stupid, though. Quiet, except for the ungodly snort not even his hand can stifle.
“I believe this means the next round is on you,” she hears him say to the dwarf sitting across the table, her legs swinging so that her toes can touch the ground.
“How many drinks ‘til you lose your edge, Baldie?” she asks, to which the elf laughs again.
“At least one more, it seems.”
The dwarf’s eyes slide across the room until they meet with hers. Alyssa gasps, and looks away, but not before a sly wink is shot her way.
15. a letter to solas fen’harel from a companion they haven’t seen in a while | @spiritualjourneys
(the letter is folded into the shape of a swan. its wings are bent where it hit the ground. it lies, folded, never read, in the deepest depths of the fade. the voice that reads it is small and faint, but bright with a strained glee)
Where did you go?
I’ve looked everywhere, even the places you know I don’t like, but you weren’t there. Or anywhere! Is it a new trick?
I’ve been trying to remember your name, but it feels like it’s gone. Not just from my memory, but from the world. It began with an ‘fuh’ sound. Faron? Fisara? Please, come back. I don’t want to forget, but if I keep remembering alone I won’t be me.
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theharellan · 6 years
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a sketch of @cadashsmash aka cadri cadash, one of mine and solas’s fave dwarves. the first character of joly’s i ever had the pleasure to meet and fall in love with. isn’t she beautiful??
commissioned from @destinyapostasy who is fabulous to commission, as always! thank you so much!  ❤ you can find a link to her ko-fi here.
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theharellan · 7 years
mood: emotional about cadri cadash and solas
specifically his nickname for her, mi’durgen, or “diamond.”
like i picked it b/c as a casteless, carta, surface dwarf cadri is sort of a diamond in the rough. she’s a good person, and trying to be a good person, but sometimes lacks the upbringing to show it (or at least as clearly as some other inquisitors do). also, though, the elven word for diamond literally means “knife stone” b/c as pretty and shiny as cadri is, she’ll also cut u. and solas loves that and he loves her.
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theharellan · 7 years
ϟ (cadashsmash)
ϟ random thoughts | not accepting | @cadashsmash
The date comes and goes without note. Agents repeat to him an old name, but the invitation folded inside his armour bears a different one– Solas.
When the Dread Wolf slept, all assume he will dream of the future, of a reality where elves and magic are free. Yet when his eyes close the Fade draws him to fresh memories of earlier that same day, memories that call to him from across a continent.
There, he finds a seat reserved for him, finally filled a day too late. A hush falls over the group when the bride emerges, and when he turns to see her, he cannot help but note how her smile had never looked more beautiful than in that moment–
A grin so broad that spirits had reached across the Veil to preserve its joy, which shone brighter than the mark upon her hand ever could.
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theharellan · 7 years
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i posted it are you happy
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theharellan · 7 years
solas, after taking back the mark from cadri: the anchor says good-bye
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theharellan · 7 years
My muse’s reaction to yours suddenly holding their hand | @cadashsmash
He has spent day and night preparing for this moment, laying out a path that she might follow to bring him to him, so that she might understand before he needs to speak a word.
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And yet, now that she stands before him, he cannot bring himself to look. Armoured hands curl behind his back, fingertips pressing into the palm of his hands. The magic in the air does little to temper his emotions, when he breathes in he feels only the crackling of the Mark slowly consuming his friend’s hand. He knows what he must do, so that he might save her from his own mistakes, but he wishes he need not take this from her, as well.
She tugs at his hands, pulling them apart with the very same hand that is rending her very being in two. His heart clenches, and he tears his eyes away from the eluvian to meet her eyes. Any fear in her eyes is forgotten, lost in the weak smirk she wears, and she says weakly:
“The Anchor says... you’re a piece of shit.”
When he laughs, tears spring to his eyes.
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