#might delete in the morning when im no longer feeling like my chest has been cracked open
sweetnestor · 6 years
12 Days | Chapter 11
Two guys that lowkey hate each other are forced to walk in each other’s shoes in order to learn a lesson.
***in collaboration with @themarkiplierexperience
lmao soz its not actually x reader we’re just desperate for attention haaaa
“Hewwo?” Ethan spoke into the phone.
“You need to stop fucking answering like that, mate,” Tom replied.
“Hey man, don’t tell me how to live my life,” Ethan chuckled to himself as he threw himself onto the bed, exhausted from the long day he’d just had.
“Well, your life is my life now,” Tom sighed, placing his elbows on the desk. He had been unbearably tense all day. “Or… my life is yours. Just never say that again, alright?”
“Fair enough,” Ethan paused. It’d been days since they’d last spoken on the phone, he’d forgotten how odd it was to hear his own voice over the phone. “So uh… how was your day?”
“Ah, you know, made some videos… or a video,” Tom said, rubbing his eye. “Spent some time with my girlfriend. I don’t know what’s making me more tired, Bella or YouTube.” His filter had been disappearing lately, and his patience was running thin, he didn’t realize how he was sounding.
“What do you mean, is Bella stressing you out?” Ethan tried to keep the irritation out of his voice. It was true that Bella could be a lot, but Tom’s not allowed to say that. “And she’s not your girlfriend.”
Tom sat up, quickly retracting. “Right, sorry. You get used to saying ‘my girlfriend…’ I just didn’t realize how much baggage she came with. Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” he quickly added. “I tried to be with her today, but she keeps asking why I’m acting so strange. I don’t know how long more we can keep this up.”
“I hear ya’. If I have to be on a movie set one more day I think my head will explode. Guess acting’s not what as easy as I thought it’d be,” he let out a small sigh. “And don’t worry about it, I only snapped at you because I’ve been really irritable lately. Shooting a movie is no joke.”
“Definitely. And I’m getting really tired of YouTube. How long more do you think we have to be like this?”
“I honestly don’t know dude. What did she say? That she was trying to teach us a lesson? All I’ve learned is that I really don’t want to be an actor. Shit’s a pain in the ass.” Ethan huffed as he walked into his walk in closet. Despite it being almost 1 in the morning and the guys being completely knocked out, he still felt like they might hear him.
“I’ve learned how bloody boring your job is, no offense.” Tom spun in his chair from side to side. “Do you think we could switch back without that woman’s help?”
“Honestly who knows. She’s the one who switched us so I doubt we could switch back on our own.” Ethan paused, choosing his next words wisely, ”But... do you think we could force her?”
Tom’s eyes widened. “Uh… define ‘force.’”
“Like, confront her? I don’t know, just try and convince her that we’ve learned whatever fucking lesson she’s trying to teach us,” Ethan could feel his heart racing. The very prospect of possibly switching back was exciting to him. Being back in his own body would be a dream come true.
“Huh…” Tom put his phone on speaker and set it on the desk. “Let me try something.” He brought the computer to life and opened up Google. Then, he clicked on the search option and typed: ‘sonjisonjisonjisonjisonjisonjisonjisonjisonjiSONJISONJISONJISONJI!!’
Suddenly his words disappeared and were replaced by someone else’s. The message, ‘WHT DO U WANT’ stared back at Tom.
“Aha!” he said in satisfaction. “Have you ever tried Googling her?” he asked Ethan on the other line.
“Like her business? No,” Ethan responded making his way back into his room and grabbing the laptop lying on the ground.
“I mean like, connecting with her in weird ways,” Tom explained. “I tried to research on body switching - or ‘soul swapping’ as it’s called - but it wouldn’t work. Coincidence? She also sent me an email when I spoke about her out loud. She’s got a trail on us.”
“You know, now that you mention it, the same thing happened to me. I was trying to google pictures of your signature for that one day in London that I had to do all those poster signings and I typed something stupid like ‘sonji why have you done this’ or something, and she responded to me in the google search box! She said something like ‘because you haven’t learned your lesson yet’ and then called us twats,” Ethan couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory. It’d only been a few days ago but it felt like it’d been ages since he’d been in London.
“See what I mean? And I just typed to her on Google again and she replied!” Tom said like it was the greatest news ever. “Get online, let’s see if we can persuade her!” He looked at the computer screen again, only to find a new message. ‘Are you wasting my time again or what?’
“Yeah, yeah, I’m on Google right now,” Ethan looked back down at the laptop screen on his lap, “uh, what should I say?”
“I don’t know, just annoy her.”
“Ah yes,” Ethan chuckled as he popped his knuckles, “my best quality.” ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘Sonji’, pause. ‘So-’
‘Hey psychic lady person,’ Tom typed. ‘We need help. Please. We know we’re annoying, but seriously.’
Ethan watched as his laptop opened a new tab and opened up a Google doc. He would’ve been freaked out if he didn’t know who he was dealing with. But this is Sonji, psychic lady who has nothing better to do than to fuck with two guys’ lives, so he’ll allow it.
This wasn’t the weirdest thing to happen, watching the computer immediately open up a blank doc. Still, Tom felt a little nervous as he placed his fingers on the keys and typed again.
“OH SO YOU CAN SAY IT BUT I CAN’T?” Ethan shouted into the phone, a big smile on his face. Tom’s scream (in his own voice) was worth possibly getting caught by Harrison and Harry, though he can’t imagine they’ll hear him. Once they’re asleep they’re passed out cold.
Tom clutched his chest, his heart pounding. He tried to catch his breath as he looked down at the phone screen. “Shut up… you twat…” He had forgotten that he was on the phone with the man himself. Thank god he was home alone.
‘So what do you guys want’
Ethan read Sonji’s words over a few times, trying to decide how to type what he wanted to say in the nicest way possible. Actually, fuck that, she doesn’t censor herself, why should he?
‘Switch us back cunt’
Tom couldn’t help but laugh.
‘Don’t fucking laugh at me Tom,’ Sonji typed, silencing him immediately. ‘Lmao yeah i hear your phone conversations, i read your text messages to check your progress. I know everything you fucking twinks.’
‘TWINKS?’ Ethan typed feeling more than a little violated.
“Okay, better step in,” Tom mumbled as he typed. ‘We just want our lives back, sonji! We’re losing our fucking minds here!’
Ethan looked down at his keyboard and hesitated. She can read their texts, but can she read minds too? ‘Yes.’
‘Of course we have,’ Tom added, ‘there’s really no point for us to stay like this. We’ll go to your shop in San Diego again if we have to.’
‘Why do I, a psychic lady, get the feeling you’re lying?’
Just play it off Ethan, confidence is key. ‘Because you’re a paranoid psychic lady?’
‘Yeah, maybe all the voices and things you hear are mixing together…’
For a moment, Sonji didn’t type anything more. Tom didn’t dare speak to Ethan, now knowing that they were being watched.
‘And how are yall going to get over here?’ she asked. ‘You were in serious trouble when you dropped everything to come find me. If you’re willing to cause more trouble for each other then have you really learned?’
‘Yeah, and that’s why I’ve already talked to the people here about taking a few days off for ‘mental health’ and I’m already cleared.’ There’s no way Sonji can know that Ethan plans to just leave after filming tomorrow, right?
‘I’m taking time off work already,’ Tom wrote. ‘I have the freetime. And honestly, I’m speaking for both of us when I say that I’ll go through all the trouble to get my life back.’
‘I second that,’ Ethan typed back.
‘...........you two have been through quite a bit… it’s been what? Eleven days now?’
Tom nearly hopped out of his seat at the lenience. He frantically sent back, ‘Yeah!! And we’ve learned the woes of each other’s lives, and the longer i stay like this the longer im going to think i’m actually ethan!! Please switch us back, sonji??’
‘Please :(’ Ethan didn’t really know what to reply. How much longer would they have to beg before she gave in?
Sonji finally answered. ‘I’m not promising anything, but if you guys turn up to my shop tomorrow… and maybe actually buy something this time… i may or may not be able to help you…’ She quickly added “twinks” one more time at the end before deleting it immediately after.
‘You mean we just had to buy something the first time aND WE COULD’VE GOTTEN SWITCHED BACK???’ Ethan groaned in frustration as he hoped that her answer was no. She wouldn’t make them suffer all this just because they didn’t buy anything, would she?
“😘” And then the doc closed on itself.
“What the fuck,” Ethan grumbled as he fell back onto the pillow behind him and brought the phone up to his face. “She’s messing with us right?”
Tom sat back and opened his mouth to say something. But now he had to mind his words whenever he talked to Ethan. “I… She’s always messing with us! She’s made us live like this, hasn’t she?”
“Good point.” Ethan opened up another tab and searched through the flights available from Montreal to Los Angeles on the Southwest website. “So, you’ll pick me up from the airport right?”
“Yeah,” Tom replied as he got up and started to pace. “I’ll be driving your car this time.” He chuckled at the memory of them being in the same car for the first time. It felt like years ago.
“Owner of the car gets to pick the music, your rules,” Ethan laughed as he booked a flight. “I was planning on getting a flight towards the end of the day, but then we wouldn’t make it to San Diego in time so I got a flight that lands at 4pm.”
“Alright, mate, sounds good. Hopefully Sonji will wait up for us.”
“Well she’s listening to this conversation isn’t she? She knows so she’ll hopefully wait up for us since she’s so nice and thoughtful,” Ethan did his best to keep the sarcasm out of his voice. Hopefully Sonji won’t notice it.
Tom was hoping in the back of his head that Sonji was overhearing, but at the same time he wasn’t sure if she would approve of them taking matters into their own hands. Actually, he knew she wouldn’t approve of this.
“How easy will it be to switch back?” he wondered. “Like, we’ll be back in our bodies, but are we just going to pretend this never happened?” It had been on his mind, given that he had moments where he was almost convinced that Ethan’s life was actually his the whole time.
“I… don’t know? Are we… friends now?” Ethan wasn’t quite sure what to say. On one hand, he’d probably go insane if Tom wasn’t there to confirm that yes, he did in fact switch bodies with Tom Holland for almost two weeks. On the other hand he’d definitely go insane if he had to pretend that none of this ever happened.
“Well, we’re not strangers,” Tom said with a chuckle. “It would be absolutely horrible to talk about this with anyone else when it’s over, but at least we know how the other feels.”
“Yeah, not to mention we’d definitely get thrown into a hospital,” Ethan replied, already imagining the headlines “Newest Addition to Marvel Cinematic Universe Tom Holland Absolutely Fucking Loses His Mind!!!”
“Hey, if we’re next door to each other on the psych ward, then there won’t be much to complain about,” Tom said. Was he hamming this up for Sonji, or did he actually mean it? Who knows?
“Yeah, true! Though we’ll probably never get released at that point,” Ethan laughed. He glanced down at the time on his phone and sighed. “It’s getting late and I gotta hit the hay for filming tomorrow…”
Tom checked the time on the computer. Time had slipped away. “Yeah, Bella’s been texting me, gotta see what she wants. I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Click. Just one more day, he could handle one more day.
tag list: @beardedsteveslut @ohsnapitzmoony @marie-is-in-the-dark
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