#might make her in a different game and change this blog's url and whole theme into a M. focused blog
You have the best game in a niche that has one of the most consistent and dedicated fanbases. You make the single player one of the best games in the fucking decade, if not in gaming history as a whole...
And then, instead of giving even 1/5 of the attention you gave GTAO, you just toss RDO in the garbage.
You have a golden goose (that you made) and instead of feeding it properly and caring for its health, you just yeet it in a muddy pen and wait for what exactly? To be as successful as GTAO when you pay it as little attention as possible?
And when it doesn't meet your financial expectations, you just toss it on the road and wash your hands.
Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
Like, we knew what was going on back when they stopped with the passes but it still stinks reading their latest newswire.
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poselyssvibz · 8 years
Rules: Tag 20 people~ (I’ll try 😂)
Also sorry for being late with this it’s just that I tried to do it 3 times and every time I would kind of delete it 😂 So there you go I was tagged by @moonchilddust
Nickname: Maï (by close friends) Maïmaï (by family members)
Zodiac sign: Aries 🐑 ✌🏻
Height: 163 cm
Last Thing You Googled: um wait a sec…….. “Long story Fanfiction” cause The game Longstory is awesome~ and I love Marcel so I wanted to see if there was something about him
Favorite music artist: okay be ready for people/groups you probably don’t know and some that are overly famous sooo: AC⚡️DC, Queen, Twenty One Pilots, Hayley Kiyoko, Sia, Three Days Grace, Emmanuel Moire, Panic ! At The disco, Breaking Benjamin, Pentatonix, Starset, Utada Hikaru, Nano, EXO, BTS, Girl’s Generation, and others
Song stuck in my head: a Ace Attorney theme song that I don’t know the name of 😅
Last Movie you watched: THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES ❤️😍 Watched them again but this time with my friends, still cried at Sirius’s death tough 😕 I had watched them with my mom before
What are you wearing right now: uh my pajamas since it’s 10:42 PM 😂
What do you post: random shit…..well I mostly repost things from fandoms that I’m in, Things that I like you know
Why did you choose your URL: well “Queen” because…..actually I don’t when I made my Twitter I just wanted something different from my usual “Maimaiar” or whatever and So I was like “Yeah Queen is good actually since I’m the queen of Pandas and all that” also I’ve been in love with the Queen songs lately soooo ❤️ and “Strife” well the people from the Final Fantasy Fandom will understand 😂 but well I’ll explain, I discovered the FF world trough final Fantasy VII I never played the game (but You can be sure I’m gonna get the remake), anyways my first ever real serious fictional crush was Cloud Strife like OMG HE’S SO CUTE ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕 so yeah that’s why 😂 (I need more NSFW fic of him)
What Did Your Past Relationship Teach You:…….If you’re talking about a romantic one I never had one I’m single since my birth, buuuut if you’re talking about friendship just don’t trust people right away, if you feel like they’re suspicious be friendly but like don’t get involved with them to much, also you’re kinda friends with someone don’t tell them everything about you’re fucking life make sure they’re not a backstabbing or attention seeking little bitch, and for that let me tell you a story, I was a naive 15 almost 16 years old girl I was getting close to a girl that we’re gonna call…mmmmmh, Amber (yes I’m using MCL Amber got a problem with that??? 😂) Because we took the same curricular activity (If we can even call it that ) and I was dumb enough to tell Amber about my crush on a boy that was her friend we’re gonna call him mmmmmmmh….. La'gan (yes YJ season 2 😂) everything was good until the day before my birthday, I was on skype and a guy that I know just wanted to wish me a happy birthday, so we talked and at one point he had to leave but before that he told me “wish you good luck with La'gan” and really I was confused like “I don’t even talk to him how the fuck does he know???” So I interrogated him and asked who told him and obviously it was Amber he also told me that everybody in our year knew, so that pretty much made me dread the next day which was my birthday if I might add, thankfully nothing happened, the day went as usual (minus the P.E teacher singing me a happy birthday like he does with everybody IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE FUCKING SCHOOL) but really I felt really salty I could even say betrayed, so whenever something happens to her And somebody tells me, I take the pop corn and Watch LIKE it’s a fucking awesome comedy movie so that was story time 😂😂😂 sorry about the rant (also the boy didn’t like me back so since then I’m pretty much looking even lower at the way I look (mostly my weight) and at my personality, like I’m not beautiful/ good enough for everybody that I can't even get a relationship when REALLY he was fuckboy like what in the hell was I thinking????)
Religious Or Spiritual: um well I did my whole catholic things, but I’m not really religious I’m more into spiritual things
Favorite Color: does rainbow count???? I can’t chose okay?
Average Hours Of Sleep: uuuuuh I dunno maybe 7?
Lucky Number: I don’t have one
Favorite character: I…..have…….too……much
How Many Blankets do you sleep with?: 1
Dream Job: lately I’m feeling something about creating plots for stories games you know , but not author since I’m pretty bad I mean the things that I write are shit
Board games, video games or tabletop games?: video games, even if I play a lot of board games with friends (mostly Cluedo I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Cluedo even if I never won, I also like battleship as a kid I would play it with my dad)
Do you have any OCs? If yes, talk about a couple of them!: ooooh boy, well I’ll give the blogs of some of them instead: ~ @ffxv-swordwoman ~ @crazy-yandere-cupcake ~ @darling-chinese-snow ~ @kyliuarialoo
One thing you wish was canon in a fiction story/fandom?: uuuuuuuuuuuuh really I don’t know maybe Kentin X Alexy in MCL but that won’t happen since Kentin is a LOVE interest and well other than that I don’t know
Favourite thing to draw/ write about/ think about?: the role of my character in a show/book/game……, storys that I could write, NSFW things in general ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The strangest song you like (and a link to it if possible!): uuuuuuuuh let me think for a moment here……..the Baka trio or something from Miku, Teito and was it Neku??? Not sure
A book/story/fanfiction you read recently and would recommend (doesn’t have to be fiction): uuuuuuuh well there’s a lot that I like but well the Kaido Kurahana’s books on wattpad (mostly the DC comics related ones) I’m always exited about having a new chapter to read~ 😍. And well there are a lot of really talented people that I read the books of but I don’t remember they’re name 😕, also there’s a book that we had to read for school that I actually enjoyed for a change it’s Bel-ami from Maupassant and also le combat d'hiver by Jean-Claude Mourlevat which is getting a movie~
And now people to tag, people to tag meh: - @chelseyjohnsonconceptdesign - @too-many-goddamn-fandoms - @brocolli-butler - @pinebrittany - @venuspisces90 - @cantchoosejustonefandom - @bluefwoosh - @indigopurpure
Meh and people that wanna do it? 😀
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euro3plast-fr · 7 years
What marketing managers need to know about website acquisition
Acquiring an existing website is much less work than creating one from scratch; how can marketing managers ensure their success online?
Web businesses are certainly an attractive proposition for business owners and marketing managers looking to take on a new brand. One thing’s for sure – it’s much easier to acquire a website than it is to purchase a traditional business, what with staff, leases, and so on. When you buy a website that already has a name for itself, perhaps even a following, the effort required to publicize it comes right down.
Find a website that already has some strong backlinks, traffic, and a popular niche, and you’ll be well on your way to running a lucrative business which, with a smart marketing strategy, will draw in customers and earn money in far less time than a brand new website.
First things first: what customers are looking for
When you’re scouting for a potential acquisition, it’s important to keep in mind what your customers are looking for online. While different things appeal to different people, there are some desirable features that are universally applicable. For example, getting a clear sense of what your business does – and why it’s unique – on arriving at your website.
Customers are also looking for trust signals, things like prominently displayed contact information, customer testimonials, the ability to offer feedback, and a professional appearance. Of course, even if the website you acquire doesn’t have those things now, you can always add them later.
Then there’s usability. Users prefer websites that are easy to use and navigate, that include clear calls to action, that guide you effortlessly through the process – perhaps with some personalization thrown in.
When you acquire a website, you have the opportunity to make improvements. But you should also consider the resources available to you. You may need the assistance of a copywriter, a graphic designer, a developer, maybe even a UX designer, to bring the website up to standard. Changing the website theme might seem like a small thing, but if it’s badly coded — you could be in for a rough ride.
Quality assessment
Before going ahead with a website purchase, you need to know how popular the website already is. In other words, is it pulling in traffic? Frankly, if you’re buying a website that currently has no following whatsoever, you might as well build one from scratch.
SEMRush is a useful website traffic checker – among many other things. You need to get to grips with the website’s metrics and overall organic search potential. This will give you a good idea of whether you’re getting a good deal (or not).
Take a look at the existing reviews the business already has. Does it have a positive reputation? You may need to look further afield than the website itself to hear what people really think. Changing the content and appearance of a website is one thing – overcoming a damaged reputation is quite another.
It may sound like a small thing, but the name of the business (and its URL) is also important. You want a name that is snappy and memorable, that clearly defines your niche, and that isn’t too similar to anyone else. The URL is one thing you won’t be able to change. Some URLs are so commercially-sound that they are actually valuable just by themselves. Flipping and re-selling domains is a whole subgenre — if you’ve found a great one — snap it up!
Overall, there are likely to be some issues with any website, so it’s a matter of choosing one with issues that won’t be too difficult to overcome.
Your target demographic
A short but essential point: make sure that any website you acquire already appeals to the target demographic you have in mind. In doing so, you inherit an existing audience that will be receptive to the takeover, continuing to visit the website after you’ve made changes to it.
Email and contact lists are the engine rooms of many successful websites, so get clear on what you are (and are not) purchasing. A website without an audience may be worthless.
Current marketing strategies – and lessons learned
When making enquiries to existing website owners, be sure to do some digging into the marketing strategies previously used – and how effective they were. Did they plan for the long-term with carefully optimized on-page content and authoritative backlinks to boost organic search? Or did they simply throw a lot of money at PPC and social ads?
All of this will help to inform your next steps, should you decide to go ahead and buy the business. For example, if the website already ranks well for SEO, you can save the budget you might have spent on an SEO consultant and use it instead for social, content marketing, and other brand assets.
Likewise, you may discover that they’ve tried other strategies and failed. So why did they fail? Consider how you can avoid making the same mistakes and save yourself both time and money.
You can’t buy social media
Legally speaking, you can’t actually buy (or sell) a Facebook Page or Twitter handle. So if you happen to stumble across social media accounts ‘for sale’, proceed with caution. If the social network in question were to discover the account had been paid for, you could be banned or restricted in future.
Social media accounts should either be sold as part of the company, or transferred for free along with the domain. If you’re unsure whether or not your purchase is above board, read these guidelines by Facebook.
Don’t get involved with a custom CMS (unless you’re a developer)
An important factor that is often overlooked is how easily your team will be able to edit the website. It’s one thing for a developer – quite another for your junior marketing assistant. If the website you purchase looks great, but was created in an unfamiliar custom CMS, you’ll have a hard time making changes as and when you need to.
Little things, from uploading blog posts to editing product descriptions, will become time-consuming tasks if the platform in question isn’t straightforward. You may wish to save yourself the time and hassle by investing in a verified Shopify website, or get one that’s developed on WordPress and is being brokered on a trusted website marketplace.
Make sure that you draw up any legal documents before any transfer of assets, and it’s an idea to invest in some payment protection too. You have to cover your back when it comes to digital purchases like licenses.
Making an impression
How does the website in question look in comparison to the competition? You will have scoped them out already, of course. Is it the same-old-same-old, or does it have an edge that you can use to your advantage?
Standing out from the crowd is important in ecommerce. It’s not just how your website looks, but the experience as a whole that you offer to customers. Does the website you’re considering have the potential to be transformed into a unique and user-friendly prospect? Some markets are more saturated than others – if your plan is to offer much the same service as other businesses, then why bother?
This is where, as a marketing manager, your skills are invaluable. Having a firm understanding of the market, what buyer personas are looking for, and how to tap into their needs and desires, will make a big difference. You must be able to relate to your audience if you hope to strategically differentiate.
A successful website acquisition is very much a team effort, unless you’re a real jack of all trades. As a marketer, you’re an essential part of taking that business forward and ensuring that it reaches its full potential.
A website really can make or break a business. And sometimes, when it comes to buying one over creating one, it can be hard to know exactly what it is you’re paying for, aside from saving a little time. As the central hub of your online presence, you can’t be too careful with your decision. At the end of the day, you need a great website that will reliably drive traffic, conversions, and brand equity. It’s time to up your game.
Read more: 7 great resources to inspire your agency marketing initiatives.
Thanks to Victoria Greene for sharing their advice and opinion in this post. Victoria is a Brand Marketing Consultant & Freelance Writer. She works with ecommerce businesses and marketing teams to create content and targeted digital strategies. Beautiful branding and creative copy are her passions.
from Blog – Smart Insights https://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-strategy/marketing-managers-need-know-website-acquisition/
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