#mika: whatcha thinking bout?
humancomedy · 3 years
Human Comedy: Tragedy - 8
Mika: (Haaah... This ain't any good. 'M not gettin' anywhere...)
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Location: Shopping Mall - First Floor
Time: The next day, after school
Mika: (Haaah... This ain't any good. 'M not gettin' anywhere...)
(I couldn't finish the new outfits in time, so we gotta settle with our usual ones fer tomorrow's live.)
(Even though it's gonna be Oshi-san's last performance as part of Valkyrie an' all...)
(But I reckon it's fine, though Oshi-san used to hate havin' to wear the same outfit over 'n over again.)
(We've been short on money for a lotta reasons, so this ain't nothin' new.)
(Those outfits're the first thing to come to mind when people think of Valkyrie... The fans'll probably be real happy to see 'em.)
(They're better than the crappy ones I made, anyways.)
(Valkyrie'll come to an end without mixin' in nothing unnecessary, maintainin' the essence of Oshi-san's style all the while.)
(And that's alright. It's a happy ending... We managed t'make it this far, despite havin' hit rock bottom before.)
Tomoya: Huh? Heeey, Kagehira-senpai! Were you just about to leave?
Mika: Ngah? We've been seein' each other a real lot lately, Tomoya-kun. Whatcha doin' here? This place's pretty far from school.
The apartment I'll be movin' into in spring's nearby, so I was just checkin' this place out.
I've been puttin' it off 'til now, but I figured it's 'bout time to start pickin' out furniture.
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Tomoya: Ohh, is that so... I'm just a regular shopper~ My family comes to this mall every once in a while.
We just finished getting everything we needed, so I'm carrying the stuff we bought to the car.
Mika: I see... Ya sure have a lotta bags to carry there.
Tomoya: Yeah... Ah! Wait, I didn't buy this plush for myself, okay?! My little sister's just a big fan of Hibiki-buchou...!
Mika: Ahaha, nobody's askin' 'bout that. Ain't it fine, though? Just buy whatever ya like.
Tomoya: Ugh... We tend to get too excited in places like this, so we end up buying a lot of things we don't need.
The word "sale" is my family's biggest weakness!
Mika: Ah, right. Ya did say yer with yer family. Where're they, anyways?
Tomoya: Ah, I think they're looking at the store over there. Can you see them?
Mika: Hm...? Sorry, I don't think I do.
Tomoya: Yep... We're all "normal", so we blend right into the crowd.
It's not the best trait to have as an idol... I envy you, Kagehira-senpai. People have been staring and whispering things about you for quite some time.
Mika: Eh? Oh, yer right. There're some kids pointin' 'n squealin' over there.
Tomoya: You just noticed that?
Mika: Yeah, I was real deep in thought. Agh, I don't like bein' stared at...
Tomoya: I heard Valkyrie's really popular lately, so you're becoming more famous day by day.
If you're not in disguise, you'll cause an uproar in places like this.
You already stand out quite a lot as is.
Mika: Err, ya think so? My mismatched eyes really are weird, huh?
Tomoya: No, that's not it. It's more like, your eyes are very attractive... Even though I'm a guy, I find you really good-looking! I get the chills every time I watch you perform!
If I were a girl, I'd fall in love with you the moment you start singing!
Mika: Whatcha mean by that...? Wait, ya watch our lives? Thank ya kindly~♪
Tomoya: Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on you guys for quite a while now. Though, you two only ever pay attention to Nii~chan, I think.
But Valkyrie's still our number one enemy—a wall we absolutely have to climb over.
There's no way we'd let ourselves be defeated. No, not just that—I want to make sure that Ra*bits is better than Valkyrie before Nii~chan graduates.
Mika: ...Ngah?
Tomoya: We have to! Otherwise, it'll seem like Nii~chan transferring from Valkyrie to Ra*bits was a mistake, right?
He's always been working so desperately. All the hardships he's gone through in the course of this year... I don't want him to think of it as a waste of time.
Sorry to keep talking on and on by myself. But ultimately, that's why...
In the end, us Ra*bits are going to beat Valkyrie one-on-one, at least once.
The Repayment Festival is our last chance we have left to do this...
I don't know if Valkyrie will be performing or not, but it would be great if we can have a showdown there.
If you are, please don't go easy on us.
Mika: ...Ya think y'can beat us? Even though yer nothin' but cute lil' bunnies?
Tomoya: But we're the very bunnies that Nii~chan trained for a whole year.
Oh shoot, my family finished shopping before I realized. They're leaving without me, so I have to go now!
Mika: Hey, wait! We ain't performin' in—
(...Aaand there he goes. Reckon I'll bump into others if I chase him in this crowd.)
(He sure is quick as a bunny~)
(What was that anyways? Was he tryin' to pick a fight?)
("Ra*bits beating Valkyrie"? Now that's a first. There ain't no way that can happen, yeah? Not when Valkyrie—Oshi-san's the strongest! He's invincible!)
(That's how things should be, but... Honestly, I got a lil' bit scared there...)
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kageira · 2 years
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@awesomeuchuu​.    "Uwha!  !    Shu  isn't  here?    Okay,    doesn't  matter,    you're  just  as  good,    Mika!  "  Leo  zoomed  on  over,    a  pencil  stuck  behind  his  ear  and  a  notebook  clutched  to  his  chest.    "You!    HI!  !  "
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mika  looks  up  from  the  fabrics  he’s  working  on  winding  together.    one  swift,    albeit  distracted  pull,    &.    it  comes  together  seamlessly.        ❝      ah  ?        ❞        most  people  who  come  around  to  find  shu  leave  once  they  find  out  that  he’s  not  here.    at  the  very  least,    they  might  come  over  to  mika  &.    ask  him  if  he  knows  where  he’s  gone,    &.    more  often  than  not,    he’s  not  able  to  answer  that  to  their  liking.    so  the  fact  that  leo  isn’t  asking  about  where  shu  might  be  throws  mika  off  wildly.    he  flounders  for  an  answer  that  isn't  just  'i  dunno  where  he  is,    he  left  'bout  two  hours  ago  and  didn't  tell  me  where  he  was  goin',    so  yer  gonna  have  to  find  him  yerself'                the  standard  cut-and-dry  answer  to  something  like  this.
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❝        tsukinaga-senpai  …  ?        ❞        he  can’t  think  of  one  reason  why  leo  would  be  interested  in  him.    especially  not  when  he’s  been  looking  for  shu,    who,    to  mika,    has  much  greater  potential  in  front  of  a  wonder  like  leo.    but  he  won’t  be  so  rude  as  to  say  that.    leo  clearly  comes  with  purpose,    &.    mika’s  gaze  sticks  to  the  pencil  behind  his  ear.        ❝        whatcha  need  ?        ❞
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* . ゜ unprompted  !                      𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗. 
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
G'day again, your fave shitstirrer here 🤣🤣
So poor old Harry, eh? 😈😈🤣
Same ask list as before
B, C, F, H, M, O, Q & R
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Oh Man... Thats a lot of questions. And the gif... My heart!
Ok Here goes:
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
A few of them actually... Some I will never say they are because, you know, I never kiss and tell. But one in particular is very personal
Welcome Baby Hobbit is very heavily inspired by my pregnancy and the birth of my son.
C: What character do you identify with most?
I assume they mean OFC... Well I guess I'm a combination of Vix from Syverson & Vixen and Mika from Tropesville. I'm irl shy like Mika, but also more like Vix in *clears throat* other ways.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
This is tricky because I usually don't do a lot of dialogue I don't think... I like this scene I guess, because of the way the tension between them raises I guess. From Thrill Me, Chill Me
“So, have you seen Rocky Horror or will tonight be your first time?” you ask as Sy comes back.
Sy grins and wets the stencil before laying it on the pumpkin. “My older sister loved it. She used to watch it all the damn time.”
Knowing Sy had not only seen the movie but must know it pretty well made you a little jittery. He would know the scene between Rocky and Janet, and the song too. “Really?” you ask, softly.
Standing back from the counter he gestures at his costume, your eyes follow the movements of his arms. Your eyes widen as you notice the not so small bulge in his pants. Jesus Christ, he’s big everywhere.
“You think I just had this lyin’ around. This ain’t my first rodeo, Sugar,” he says laughing.
“You’ve dressed as Rocky before?” you ask, incredulous.
“For some reason my sister’s friends always wanted to drag me to those midnight screenings they do where everyone dresses up and yells shit at the screen.” For a moment you think he’s too arrogant, too full of himself. Then he winks at you, his failed attempt is endearing, and you giggle.
“You’re the hairiest Rocky I’ve ever seen.”
Sy looks a little offended and peers down again. “Do ya think I shoulda shaved my legs?” He looks up at you smirking.
You laugh openly, despite feeling a little embarrassed. “You know what I mean, Sy,” you whine.
Rubbing his beard he says, “No way I’m getting’ rid of this bad boy.”
“It does suit you.”
He looks at you, his expression is one you can’t read. “You like it, huh?” his rumbling tone gives you a clue as to what the look on his face might mean.
“It suits you,” you repeat. You start to roll the apple over the table again. You hear Sy chuff, then he starts to carve the pumpkin, his fast sawing motions make his muscles ripple again. You roll the apple faster.
“Shit,” Sy says. His bottom lip is pulled into his mouth, and he sticks his hand into the pumpkin, trying to poke out the part he just carved. “I hate when it gets stuck, don’t you?”
“I’ve never carved a pumpkin before,” you tell Sy.
“Never?” You shake your head. Sy does too, “Unbelievable. Come ‘ere and have a turn.”
“Ok.” You go around and stand in front of the pumpkin and Sy stands behind you. His arms cover yours. “Now, whatcha wanna do is grab that little saw blade,” you take it and Sy wraps his hand around yours, “and gently push in ‘n out in a sawing motion. No need to hack at it or use much force.” You feel his breath on your ear and his voice drops lower and he seems to emphasise his drawling, seductive tone. “Just smooth rockin’ motions, in ‘n out.”
“Does this normally work?” you ask, turning your head to look at him. You assume it does, it is definitely working for you, but you aren’t going to let him know that.
“What do you mean?”
“Do girls really fall for this bullshit?”
Sy chuckles softly. “What? You tellin’ me this ain’t workin’ for ya?” You shake your head grinning. Sy frowns slightly to cover his amusement and raises his eyebrows. “Ok. Ok. How ‘bout I try somethin’ else, and you tell me if it’s workin’ for ya?”
H: How would you describe your style?
God these are hard... Mostly erotic romance I guess?
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I do but I'm not going to share them... I've learned the hard way not to share any ideas openly. But I am working on a new multi-character fic. I'll leave it at that.
O: How do you begin a story—with the plot, or the characters?
The plot usually. But cause I write fanfic, half the time the character is already realised so I don't have to work that hard on developing at least one of the main characters.
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?
I've done it twice, once with @blakerogue For Tempting the Captain and another time for a head canon with @henryobsessed Erectile Dysfunction . Both were great experiences, but I trusted them both, I wouldn't do it with someone I didnt know well.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Fanfic wise of course @littlefreya is a big influence, her choice of words and turn of phrase is just brilliant and she reminds to really think about my word choice and not repeat the same words too many times
My good friend @henryobsessed is another, her empathy for characters has really helped me to remember to really dig deep into what the characters are thinking.
Non-fanfic I love Brandon Sanderson his output is amazing and his world building is brilliant. He reminds me how important setting the scene is.
Anne Rice is another, for her sensuality in language reminds me how important it is for the words you use to set the mood.
There you go. Oh my god, that was a lot of work lol. But thank you, I really had to think about my work and it made me reflect on a few things, so that was good!
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