#mike pence can suck a big cock
krispyweiss · 7 years
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Sound Bites’ Five Stages of Grief Stuck at Stage Four as Orange Revolution Rages On and Country Gets Less Great
As Sound Bites works his way through the five stages of grief that accompany the orange menace in the White House, he’s realized - but not accepted - that he’ll never get past stage 4: depression.
After Election Night, he was in denial. He just couldn’t accept that a guy as obviously unqualified as Donald Trump was set to become the 45th person in charge of the United States’ executive branch of government.
After a couple of weeks, he moved on to anger - actually, Sound Bites was fucking pissed that this shit-for-brains fascist was going to try to run the country (into the ground).
“It’s fucking bullshit is what it is,” he screamed loudly and late into the night.
Then came news the Electoral College might balk and Jill Stein might appeal. Bargaining set in. Every night, Sound Bites found himself on his knees, praying to America’s demigod.
“Please, Ronald Reagan, if you can find a way to prevent that cock-sucking motherfucker from taking the oath, I swear I’ll be a good American. I’ll hate foreigners and non-Christians and science and facts and Russians and everything Mike Pence hates - just don't let let fuckstick be inaugurated.”
But a funny thing happened on the way to Inauguration Day. St. Ronnie ignored Sound Bites. And as Jan. 20 turned to Feb. 20, it dawned on him that the hate-Russians thing might’ve been a bad promise to make. Turns out Republicans love Russians.
Funny how things change.
So that leaves the blog at depression - deep, dark depression and hopelessness.
Sound Bites’ll never accept the travesty that’s befallen our once-great nation and the former home of democracy, Washington, D.C. It’s just heartbreaking - not to mention, really fucking scary.
But leave it to Neil Young, who helped the nation cope with the Nixon years by writing “Ohio” and the W. years with Living with War, to come up with something to help us cope with the Trump days. It’s called “Hopeless.” And because Young’s not the songwriter he used to be, he based it on “Helpless.”
He shared an advance copy of the lyrics with Sound Bites, who reprints them for you here:
There is a clown in North America/With green comfort and money to spare/And in his mind/He still has no thoughts his own/All his demons are there
Gold, gold curtains under the stars/Yellow stream in his eyes/Big Bird’s finding cut from the pie/Growing his nose with more lies/Leave us
Hopeless, hopeless, hopeless/Donnie are you happy now/Our brains are shocked at lies you tell with tweets til 4/Donnie bring me to Moscow
Brown, brown people behind the lines/Yellow streak in his lies/Big birds falling out of the skies/EPA burns while we cry/Leave us
Hopeless, hopeless, hopeless/Donnie are you happy now/Our brains are shocked at lies you tell with tweets til 4/Donnie bring me to Moscow
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