#mike singing i should've kissed you to the top of his lungs
messrsbyler · 1 year
modern au mike wheeler, fan of one direction, after classes are done, on his car, remembering how will smiled at other guys during the day: IS YOUR HEART TAKEN? I-IS THERE SOMEBODY ELSE ON YOUR MIND? *twists volume almost all the way up* I'M SO SORRY I'M SO CONFUSED JUST TELL ME- *sobs and bites fist* AM I OUT OF TIME?!
lucas, on the passenger seat: there, there, buddy. let it all out *hands him handkerchief*
he should've, he should've, oh, he should've kissed him~
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xplrsquad7137 · 4 years
"This was a terrible idea, I'm an idiot!"
Summary~Colby films a video with Mike and Kevin where they put face masks all over their bodies, and you have to help him.
Gif creds to @taradummy
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Colby's Pov
"What's up guys welcome back to my channel, today i am joined with Mike and Kevin, and we are gonna be putting Face Masks all over our bodies"
Mike "how did you think that this was gonna be a good idea?"
"i have no idea"
Its been a few minutes and we were all covered in face masks.
Mike "oh my god, Colby is like covered!"
Kevin "that's what i said!!"
"it feels like when you put like ductape over a hairy part of your body and just rip it off."
Kevin "oh my god you like...put too much on! How are you gonna get it all off?"
"i don't know! Guys don't do this, this was a terrible idea, I'm an idiot!"
Mike "you literally might have to call y/n to help you get it all off brother."
"yeah i know, I'll go call her"
I go out to my balcony to call her. I feel really bad for calling her cause i know she is out with tara, having a girls trip to the mall.
Y/n "Hey baby what's up?"
"hey babe, uh do you mind coming home early?"
Y/n "No not all, we are in line anyway. Why what's wrong, are you okay?" She said with concern in her voice.
"oh yeah everything is fine. You'll find out when you get home. I love you"
Y/n "Okay colbs i love you too"
I come back into my apartment and grab my camera, and make my way back to my friends.
"okay, she's on her way home"
Mike "dude she's gonna be like, what the fuck!"
Kevin interrupted Mike and i's conversation by screaming "FFFUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK" because he was ripping off a huge chunck of face mask on his chest.
Mike "oh my god this is brutal. It's so bad on the hair! So bad..i should've shaved!"
I was regretting putting so much on at this point. 'I hope y/n can help me get all of this off' i thought.
Your Pov
I am why kinda worried why Colby called me asking you to come home early. He never does that.
Tara "hey is everything okay? You look.. worried?"
"Uh yeah, colbs wants me to come home all of a sudden and i don't know why"
Tara "knowing Colby it's probably for a video, so i wouldn't be too worried about it okay?" Shs said giving you a nudge.
"Yeah. Yeah you're right. Lets go"
The drive home is fun. Me and Tara are jamming out to old Avril Lavigne songs, singing at the top of our lungs with the windows down. I love hanging out with tara, she is truly my bestfriend. You love her so much. Thankfully, Tara and Jake live in the same apartment complex as me and colby, so i get to see her all the time.
"Today was so much fun!"
Tara "i know, it feels like we haven't done a girls trip in forever!"
"I love you babe, I'll see you around" giving her a hug before she walked into her boyfriend's apartment.
Tara "i love you more, keep me updated with Colby!!!"
"I will!"
I opened up the door to see Kevin pulling what looks like face mask off of my boyfriends arm while he screams.
"What in the hell is going on here!?"
Colby "oh hey baby, welcome home"
Colby's Pov
Kevin was ripping off a huge piece of face mask off my arm when she came home.
"Oh hey baby, welcome home" i managed to say through my pain.
Y/n "is that.....face mask?"
Kevin "yeah" he says laughing his ass off.
Mike "your pretty boyfriend here thought it was a good idea to put face mask all over his body"
Y/n "oh babe, what am i gonna do with you" she said in the sweetest voice and kneeling down infront of me.
"Help me i hope!"
Y/n "of course im gonna help you"
She starts tearing off little pieces, not hurting me too much.
Y/n "holy shit colby, you are only supposed to put on a THIN layer of this shit, not a THICK layer!"
"Yeah i know that now OOOOOOOWWWW"
Y/n "sorry sorry sorry!"
It took another 15 minutes before we got it all off.
"Well you guys that does it for today's video, we are all gonna go take a shower together at the same time ya know, to save water-"
Mike "save the earth"
Y/n laughs hard at that which makes me look at her. She has the most beautiful laugh and smile i have ever seen.
"Thank you guy's for filming this with me and thank you baby for coming home early and helping me get this shit off" i kiss her cheek.
Y/n "of course! Im glad to help. Im sorry if i hurt you" she said with a giggle which made all the pain go away.
"You didn't baby....Kevin did"
Kevin "HEYY!!"
"Alright guy's, if you liked this video, please give this a like and subscribe if you haven't already and i will see you next week, peace"
After i did the outro, the boys got their stuff ready and left. Leaving me with my girl.
"Thanks again babe"
Y/n "really colbs it's no problem. Im just glad it wasnt anything serious! When you called me i thought something happened to you or Sam!"
I could tell she was worried from her eyes. I don't know how i got so lucky with her. She's my entire world.
"Im sorry y/n, i didn't mean to make you worry. But im okay, you know that now"
Y/n "i love you"
I grabbed her then, pulling her in my arms, where she belongs.
"I love you. More than i could ever put into words" and i kissed her lips.
Your Pov
Colby kissed me before he headed to the shower. And i immediately remembered that i had to call Tara and tell her what was up. So i dialed her number.
"Tara? Yeah..you were right. It was for a video"
Tara "oh yeah? What kind of video?"
"Mike, Kevin and Colby put face mask all over their bodies, and i had to help Colby take it all off! He put it on sooo thickkk!" I couldn't help but laugh thinking back on what just happened a few minutes ago.
Tara "oh my god, what are we gonna do with our boys?"
"I don't know. They're crazy, but we love them"
Tara "yeah we do"
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