#min making us eggs and bacon and eating while working on some lyrics
Day 9 - 9/12/19
Last night, Tyler and I watched a Jeffree Star video on YouTube where he eats a bunch of stuff from Burger King while on his private jet. Immediately afterwards, I was (half joking half not) like “we should go to Burger King!” because I wanted to try some of the things he had. We ended up not going because I had already eaten and didn’t need Burger King, but also because the things we wanted to try were on the breakfast menu, and it was 7pm. Tyler had to wake up early to get some work stuff done, though, but was back once I was awake  He ended up stopping at Burger King and bringing home the thing we wanted to try, so I had a waffle sausage sandwich with egg for breakfast. It was oddly relieving to actually know what it tasted like after seeing it online, and while it wasn’t good enough to probably purchase again, I was really pleased he brought me one. After finishing it, I walked to the bus stop and took the bus to the campus connector, and then the campus connector to class. I sat through class and took notes, and then left. I thought about stopping to get lunch before work, but I was more full than normal since I don’t usually eat that much for breakfast, so I figured I could make it through work without a sandwich. I was also hoping I could catch the bus earlier than the one I’ve been taking to work and maybe get that extra 15 min of pay, but the timing didn’t work out and I ended up missing the earlier bus. I had to wait 16 min at the stop for the next one, and I wondered about opportunity costs - is it more worth it for me to just do the thing and get a sandwich anyway rather than probably having to stand around for 15 min for the bus? I’m not sure yet.
I took the bus to work, grabbed a bottle of water, and packed orders like normal with tape, envelopes, etc. After working for a while, my manager asked me and a coworker if we wanted to grab something to eat since there’s a restaurant right below us. I got a BBQ bacon burger from Station 280, and ordered a glass of Blue Moon. I don’t know if it was happy hour or if this is just a thing there, but everyone got two glasses of beer right off the bat instead of one. It was a lot more than I expected, but I was determined to not let it go to waste. The burger also came with tater tots, and it was delicious. We spent an hour and 15 minutes there talking, and I ended up taking some of my burger home in a box because I have a smaller stomach than I thought. I did manage to finish both beers though, and my manager paid for everyone’s meal. I went back upstairs and worked a bit more, and then was asked if I would listen to the artist I work for’s upcoming album to make sure the radio edit has all the swears taken out. I listened through 13 songs before I had to leave, and I don’t remember the last time I listened for lyrics so intently. It made me feel special to get to hear the album before it actually comes out - made me feel like an insider.
I took the bus home, scrolling through IG and Facebook as always (which I’m tryiiing to stop doing as much, but failing), and then had a slice of pizza from a frozen pizza Tyler had made when I got home. I wasn’t really hungry, it just looked good so I ate it anyway. I was feeling like treating myself, so I ate a pack of zebra cakes and a pickle too. I did a little bit of homework, and then asked Tyler if he wanted to hang out. We didn’t know what to do, so we decided to walk to Hideaway to look around. We didn’t intend on buying anything, but we bought a pack of light blue American Spirits for $11. We started walking back, and noticed that the Himalayan restaurant in Dinkytown was gone, and a new Indian restaurant had taken its place and was already open. We tend to think with our stomachs, so we ended up turning around and going to try India House. We walked in and expected to order off of a menu, but it turns out it was buffet style. We nearly didn’t do it at first, but decided to be adventurous and do it anyway. Tyler had barely eaten yet so it worked out, and I just like Indian food so I was down to keep eating. I ate two plates of delicious food, and paid only $12 for it. Then I went home to do more homework, downloaded a free trial of Adobe Creative Cloud, and then went to sleep.
Pic from me checking what bus to take in the morning on MetroTransit.org:
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