#minus gun and goo who i have just made james's classmates in this particular oneshot lol
James lee x reader high school au
lollipop (james lee x reader; highschool au)
details: fluffy/silly drabble, gender neutral reader but written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and james are classmates and crushing on each other, james + kouji + crystal are adopted siblings lol
summary: james drops by while you were cleaning the classroom.
a/n: thanks for the request~ kinda added in other "older" characters but made them high schoolers too :] also younger charas but made them younger !
Cleaning duty never really bothered you, except this time your partners were Gun and Goo. Gun would have been fine, but he had that, "No, you missed a spot," while pointing to an extremely clean thing attitude.
Meanwhile Goo was really starting to get on your nerves because he wasn't cleaning much in the first place. And he wouldn't stop blabbering.
Seriously, you felt like you were the only normal student in your class at times like these. Mitsuki sure as hell wasn't normal. Well, maybe Eugene was normal, but his smile was really unsettling. Wait, no, Sinu was pretty normal. James as well, but he was like "the perfect guy," so in a way he wasn't normal.
Speaking of him, the guy opened the door right when you were on the verge of losing it. Just looking at his calm expression felt like enough to relax you.
"James!" Goo saluted him while Gun was still sweeping in some corner. "What're you doing here, buddy?"
"Was looking for someone," he replied, before facing you. The warmest smile was on his lips. "Heard you were on cleaning classroom duty."
"Huh?" You vaguely pointed at yourself. "You were looking for me?"
"Yes." He held out a hand which you just noticed was holding a lollipop. "For the other day, when you helped me put up those posters."
"Oh." A somewhat shy smile grew on your lips as you accepted the treat. "Thanks..."
Goo made a wolf whistle. "Popular boy falls for the normal person, huh? Are you seeing this shit, Gun?"
Gun barely turned to look. "What?"
You looked downward in embarrassment while James just shook his head as Goo cackled.
"Knock it off, Goo." James was frowning but it melted away when he was looking at you again. "Anyway... are you busy after this?"
"No?" You blinked at him as he went back to smiling.
"I was going to ask if you wanted to study at the library together."
The offer made you momentarily lag. "Did I hear that right?" Somehow, you still managed to say yes.
"Great. I'll see you then. Come whenever you're done here."
James nodded at you with approval before waving and disappearing out of the classroom. You still felt too stunned to react with much even as the door closed. So stunned in fact, you didn't hear Gun and Goo starting a fight behind you. Whatever it was about, that wasn't important--you've got a study date to look forward to!
Meanwhile, at James's house as he prepared to head to the library...
"Wow, you have zero game."
"Crystal, you're only like 14."
"And? Looks like I know more about romance than you."
It took every ounce of will in James's body to not facepalm. "You know, I remember when I was in middle school and thought I was on top of the world, too, I--"
"James, you're THE number one student. Why would you ask your crush out on a study date? You are the last person who'd need to study. So what? That means you're gonna help them study? Kind of rude to assume they need help, don't you think?"
For a split second, James's jaw dropped. "...They said yes, though."
"To be polite, maybe." Crystal crossed her arms, standing firm on her position.
The silence that fell in the room eventually made James just shuffle towards the door. There was no point in arguing with his sister. "Tell Mr. Choi I'll be back by dinner."
Crystal rolled her eyes.
Kouji stuck his head out from the couch which he had been laying on to yell, "Good luck--or rather, bad luck on your date, lover boy!"
James thinned his lips and then simply left the house. As if one sassy younger sibling wasn't enough...
He let out a deep sigh and headed to the library. Seeing you later would make him feel better for sure.
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