#mithrun's brother: isn't he coming onto u too fast??? *worried overprotective brother mode*
senseearly · 28 days
thinking of romcom kabumisu where mithrun's brother accidentally catches them in really awkward and suggestive situations (but half of those kbr really wants to get into mithrun's pants...)
LIKE kabru is all about courtship. The intricate dance of 'would u come w me for dinner,' 'can i ask for this one dance.' he is familiar with elven courtship, and even tho mithrun cares none about it, kabru wants to at least let mithrun's brother know. because mithrun cares for his brother
but then that doesn't mean kbms aren't intimate w each other. They are. VERY MUCH. and when they've just arrived home after dinner, hands on each other, lips barely leaving the other untouched, mithrun's brother is standing in front of their door, just right there, because apparently mithrun INVITED him to melini
mithrun totally forgot to tell kabru, and isn't apologetic about it (he honestly doesn't see the big deal. they've made out in front of kabru's friends and the king, what's there to be embarrassed of anymore??) meanwhile all of kabru's plans to impress mithrun's brother all crumble in a snap
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