#mon- i have you feeling you ain't seen nothing yet
liyazaki · 2 years
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sam x taking care of bae
GAP THE SERIES | EP. 4 [2022-2023]
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televinita · 1 year
Loki/Sylvie is currently whipping my brain into an absolute frenzy because a) they're back! I'm ready! hit me!, but also b) like nothing has happened that I can cling to yet, so I've churned up all this shipping energy in preparation but there's no place for it to vent. Which is giving me insomnia.
So last night, I was on YouTube putting in I-don't-even-know-how-many random keywords trying to call up...something for my voracious mind to settle and snack upon, and after a bunch of meh I somehow I hit a trifecta of new-to-me-AND-ALSO-PERFECT comfort-cuddle times:
Supergirl 2x14: Kara & Mon-El, the latter of whom has a whatever face despite my respect for this crossing over from fiction to reality in a much healthier way than her previous costar relationship, but that matters zero percent because WHAT IS HAPPENING, WHAT IS THIS PERFECTLY POSED COUCH SNUGGLE COMPLETE WITH FOREHEAD KISSING. (ignore the disruptive ending of the clip)
2. Hellcats, the show I know about but have never seen anything from, featuring my dashing reliable fave Matt Barr, 1x18: basically THE EXACT SAME SCENE AS ABOVE?? anyway I can't focus on anything being said because I am obsessed with how his hand never stops moving, constantly running soothing motions over her back except once when he briefly pets her hair (!) before tightening into a full hug. This is like watching a 10.0 gymnastics routine. Everything choreographed to my exact peak desire.
(stay tuned I am definitely coming back to them at some point; this has gone from "would be nice to see someday" to "banging down the doors demanding access")
3. And then I stumble into "it's alright, I'm here," which by the title alone is already making me sit up straighter, "a short film about depression" (interest rising) where "a young man has a depressive breakdown in front of his unsuspecting friend" [seems more like girlfriend. given the kissing and all.]
And it...is just the entire standard contents of my daydreams, splashed out for the world to see. This is the kind of stuff I run when I lack new content or am bored with the old content and just need maximum cotton fluff STAT, this is what happens. All the tears, all the comfort via at least five differet varieties of cuddling, including falling asleep together.
And then for an EXTRA layer, I can't stop obsessing about how the lack of polish not only makes this look far more real compared to the above to, this...is actually what I've experienced in life. Like exactly. Complete with not knowing exactly what to do or say except to Be There and offer uncertain but earnest hugs and reassurances, because how do you imitate what you've seen on TV when it's real and it turns out all the observational study in the world does not actually prepare you to be good at it. But you try and it seems to help, at least for a bit, maybe. It's kind of overwhelming to see yourself in a scene like that.
(Side note: the actress in particular is such a highlight; I hope she finds more things to act in because she has such quiet but compelling charisma. But adding to the "televinita this is your life" feeling -- roughly my body type? her hair the exact length and color of mine, thicker but otherwise the same style, complete with slight frizz that I don't even realize is a thing until I see it catching the light on film and recognize mine does that too? I am losing my mind)
Anyway I would like to bless whatever the equivalent of book fairies* are for sending this set my way; I've never had this kind of luck with finding clips before but this is everything I needed and with perfect timing, too.
*it's the much less romantic, cold-hard-science of unfeeling algorithms, ain't it
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lovemecharlie · 5 years
An interactive story where you'll get to read and play along as your favorite wife and make choices. Good luck to you all and enjoy!
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The First Night
When the private jet touched ground in NYC, Erik and his wives transferred to a matte black 12-passenger van where Bastion sat in the passenger seat to give the address of the house she'd rented via Noirbnb. The driver was an older black man named Sam and Erik watched him closely as he kept looking at Bastion.
“Erik, did you just hear that foolishness. JoJo said she tryna go to Dubai. For what,” Kimora cackled.
“Why Poosy? Just why,” Homie asked.
“I'm not entertaining this,” Hennessy chuckled.
“Think about it,” Josephine said launching into explanation while the others laughed.
“Eyes on the road, nigga,” Erik snapped suddenly causing everyone to look to the driver where Erik had been staring.
“Erik, leave that man alone,” Homie laughed when the driver flinched. “He don't mean no harm. You married nine beautiful women, what do you expect?”
“Hey, Mr. Driver Man, how old are you anyway,” Josephine leaned with Angel pushing her back and Erik throwing an evil expression daring Jojo to try him on this family vacation.
“Stop,” Angel cringed blocking Jojo.
“You and these old men,” Charlie laughed. “Hey Mr., you ever been to Dubai?”
“STOP. Mr. Sam, don't answer that,” Hennessy yelled. The driver continued to look ahead with Erik's eyes still burning a hole through his head.
The rental house was grand. It was no Stevens-Udaku estate by any means, but it was still larger and more luxurious than the average American home. A smooth dark stone path led to the front door where a quaint balcony jutted out overhead. There were many windows and many lights as well as many plants outdoors and artfully scattered inside as well. A complimentary fruit basket sat on the kitchen counter along with twelve decadent cupcakes which were boxed and sealed, and a few bottles of Arbor Mist wine in various flavors.
“This is my kind of vacation,” Charlie said around a mouthful of strawberry buttercream. “These cupcakes..” She gave a thumbs up. Erik tilted his head as if to say ‘Really?’ and she swallowed pointing to the fluffy cupcake in her hand. “I'm tasting it for poison. I'm the guinea pig.” He rolled his eyes and the group moved on looking through the lower level of the house while the driver took the bags upstairs and sat them in the hall. Vast living room, a bathroom, a movie theater den and a pool out back. They went upstairs and Bastion immediately paired everyone up for the rooms. There were five bedrooms.
“Daddy and I will-”
“Erik and who?” Hennessy cocked her head to the side. “No, try that one again.”
“Okay fine,” Bastion huffed, “Daddy and Kennedi. Is that fair?” Erik kissed her cheek when she pouted.
“Yep,” Homie said stepping forward in response to her government name being called. Erik smirked as she pulled him into the bedroom and waved her fingers closing the door.  
“Don't forget to be dressed and ready for Broadway. No sleeping in tonight. Sleep tomorrow,” Bastion yelled pointing to the next room. “Angel a-”
“Got ya,” Ryley said pulling Angel into the room. The door closed before anyone else could comment.. and now Homie was moaning.
“Okay, I'm rooming with Aly'Sha. Kimora, you're with Jojo. Henny, you're with Charlie,” Bastion pointed. The groups scattered with an agreement to reconvene when it was time to leave.
They'd all arrived at Broadway with time to spare dressed to kill watching a captivating performance of The Lion King. When it was all over, they hadn't far to go to get to the restaurant for dinner. It was all in the heart of NYC. Carmine's was the name of the establishment and they were the focus of the dining floor in their eye-catching garb. They looked like movie stars taken off of the red carpet and dropped at a white cloth covered table. Erik wore a navy velvet suit with a crisp white button up and navy velvet loafers. His fade and facial hair was cleanly cut, locs freshly washed and retwisted with aloe, and his golden rimmed glasses took him from pimp to intelligent black professor. He beamed, showing off his platinum bottom grill as he admired his table full of beautiful women.
“Him drunk look at'em,” Ryley snickered gesturing to the grinning N'Jadaka. His eyes were squint. The wives snickered and smiled watching him shake his head like he was just the happiest man on earth.
“I wanna make a toast,” he slurred raising his wine glass. His vodka glass was empty. Since he wasn't driving, he could get as lit as he wished.. and he was. “I married…,” he hesitated thinking about it, “Nine beautiful ass bi-” he paused looking to Charlie, “-young ladies.. beautiful. Stunning. Radiant. Divine. Beguiling..”
“Leave it to you to use big words when you're smashed,” Hennessy giggled watching him point at her with a happy yet unfocused expression. She shook her head confused, laughing and Charlie met her eye just as humored. He was really drunk.
“I love all of you so much.. so, so, so, SO much,” he stressed shaking his head for emphasis.
“Oh my God,” Angel howled giggling so hard she started crying.
“Shh shh,” Erik hushed with a finger to his lips. “I would die for you, mon amour, ma vie, mon tout..”
Hennessy wiped the tears from her own eyes, still in a giggling fit as Erik turned his attention and declarations of eternal love to her, toast forgotten.
When the check came, Hennessy used Erik's card to pay and they all hobbled into the street with Erik still whispering sweet nothings switching from French, to Xhosa, and back to English without seeming to notice.
“Yotteru yo,” Charlie said switching to Japanese grinning as she helped Erik to walk since he was weaving on the sidewalk.
“Shhh,” he shushed leaning to whisper in her ear. “Nonono I'm not drunk, babygirl. Daddy just lit. Yottenai.. Yottenai.”
“You're drunk,” Hennessy laughed.
"Hey, I think there's a club nearby, like in walking distance. We can ditch the car since we'll have to wait on it to drive around the block in this traffic and reach us. Let's just walk and enjoy the city," Kimora enthused checking her phone's GPS. Erik jogged ahead to drape his arm over her shoulders.
"Lead the way baby." Suddenly he was walking straight and Charlie stared at him, mouth wide as Hennessy laughed. Kimora turned to walk down a blackened alley that they couldn't see the end of due to shadows. Erik was right there with her.
"Wait, no," Bastion froze. The only light in there was the moonlight.
"Don't be scared, I'm right here," Erik announced walking into the shadowy darkness with Kimora. Feeling safer with him than without him, Bastion rushed into the darkness clutching onto the back of Erik's soft blazer.
"Uh uh, hold up now. I don't know 'bout all this," Angel drawled placing her hand on her hips and looking to Ryley. "My security don't get here til tomorrow."
"I'll be ya security. We'll protect each other," Ryley promised holding Angels hand firmly in hers. Side by side they walked on in after Bastion. Homie looked to Jojo then and followed as Josephine grinned and walked into the alley first.
"Should we go," Charlie asked Hennessy as they hung back.
"Wait a minute." Hennessy paused on the sidewalk to pull her engineered joint out of her clutch. Charlie sparked the lighter for her and she smirked putting the joint to her pink lips. “Thank you wifey.”
“Anytime,” Charlie smiled watching Hennessy inhale and exhale clean smoke.
"I'm ready." Hennessy and Charlie turned together walking into the alley, Charlie's phone flashlight shining ahead.
Erik kissed his teeth noticing three shadows moving ahead and stepped in front of Kimora. "Why we can't just walk through the city in peace," he groaned. A gun lifted pointing at him and he rolled his eyes as three men approached, two black and one white.
One of the black guys let out a long whistle, kissing his teeth at the end. "This my lucky day, money and bitches falling in my lap." He racked his gun and made the count two peices aimed at Erik who smirked at the comment. They ain't know him or his wives. "Young nigga out here gettin it," the man snorted, spitting off to the side. "We been watching you, nigga. You not from here." He looked over Erik's fit and to the wives who were decked out in pricey gowns. "I hate to embarrass you like this in front of ya bitches, but... nah, I actually don't give a fuck. Get on your knees Carlton ass weakass bastard."
"You think you can walk up on me like shit sweet just because I'm surrounded by women? Hm. Also, Carlton didn't wear glasses," Erik sighed unbothered.
"Wow motherfucker, you have a death wish," the white man laughed. The other muggers were distracted for only a second and brought back to attention by the sound of four guns clicking nearly in unison. The distraction was all the time the wives needed to flip the script.
Ryley held her pistol out strong, her eyes never wavering. He posture was a cold dare. She dared them to try to pull the trigger faster than she could, gripping up her dress with her free hand in case she had to rip it and get crazy. Angel was loose from her wine and her gun had flown quickly into the air ready to pop at any movement of the men's fingers. She nearly fired simply because she was tipsy and they were annoying. She hobbled back on her high heels, mirroring Ryley's bold energy. She silently dared them to try and pull the trigger on her husband. They'd see ugly like they'd never seen before. Bastion had the gun that Erik had given her aimed at the white guy, but she didn't exactly know how to hold it or how to aim since she lacked gun skills. The heart was there, however, and she held the gun sideways like she'd seen in the movies before looking briefly to Ryley out the corner of her eye and holding the gun straight to mirror her pose. Josephine's gun was aimed for the other black guy and she stuck her arm out over Angel with her gun to the side, but that was just how she shot guns.
"Ain't nobody killing that nigga but me, y'erd. Pull the trigger and get sprayed like gřřřřtttt," Josephine threatened imitating the sound of an automatic assault rifle. Hennessy stoodby also unbothered and smoking her joint passing it off between Homie and Aly'Sha who were barely interested, they were so unafraid. Charlie stood watching the scenario through her phone's camera, chuckling in the background behind the armed wives. They had it handled. Two of the men turned tail, lowering their guns and running away, but that one bold one who was talking trash stayed with his gun up. Angel pulled the trigger and then Ryley shot. The man fell to his knees and forward dropping his gun. Charlie stepped forward and looked him over without touching him.
"He'll live," she determined walking on. Kimora and Erik followed and then Hennessy, Homie, Bastion, Angel, and Ryley. Aly'Sha walked on like nothing had happened and Josephine started to move on, but something in her witchy mind said no. She shot her gun sending a bullet to the man's head killing him. Aly'Sha rolled her eyes.
"Now we gotta get out of here," Ryley groaned walking faster. When they emerged into the street, they saw the club a couple of blocks away.
"See! Not that far," Kimora pointed.
* only JoJo is available to play now. Follow the links
Play as Hennessy
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Play as Aly'Sha
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Play as Ryley
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Play as Angel
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Play as Homie
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Play as Charlie
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Play as Kimora
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Play as Josephine
Play as Bastion
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