#moose idly rambles and talks himself in circles trying to bend Tyria's lore into shape
meeeeeeese · 7 months
Was replaying a bit of the early Sylvari story for a key farm earlier and it got me thinking about the dream, and it's connection to Mordremoth.
Like, near as I can tell, the dream is a section of the jungle dragon's overmind cordoned off by Ventari's teachings and the Pale Tree's efforts. Notably, she insists that she's not the dreams creator, only it's caretaker. Anyway, I'm bringing it up because I wanna know, who or what is assigning the wyld hunts?!
In ordinary scenarios I'd imagine Mordy creates the hunt when he special makes a minion for a particular purpose, like he makes a mordrem wyvern to burn down a city, boom that mordrem's wyld hunt is to burn cities. But I can't imagine he'd be influencing regular sylvari's wyld hunts in anyway, because why would he assign the commander a hunt whose explicit goal would be suicide?
So then, who's doing it? It feels too intentional for it to be random chance, a metaphorical throwing of darts at the wheel of fate in absence of a guiding hand, but there's also been no hints of anything that's doing it. It just kinda... is.
So here's where I get to wild speculation based almost entirely off of my flights of fancy. Maybe, the wyld hunts of the sylvari is similar to the crystal dragon's foresight, a sort of view into fate itself. I mean they are dragon minions, so they are indirectly connected with one of the 6 main forces of the all, so maybe its more just a vague sense of knowing what you have to do and when you have to do it. As Aurene's foresight guided her to becoming the worlds filter, so to do wyld hunts guide sylvari towards cleansing the land, or killing dragons, and so forth.
If that is true, I wonder if wyld hunts will cease to be now that the dragon cycle is over like Aurene's future sight did. Might be an interesting plot point but I could also see it not being the case.
Anyway thanks for attending Mooses rambling session, I hope you picked something useful out of that word salad.
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