blushblushbear 11 days
A marriage proposal from all the kitsunes?馃檪
plans it all
is very sweet
takes you somewhere special to ask you
has a ring and everything already ready
fully does the whole down on one knee pop the question thing
if you say yes all villages within a 200 mile radius will know HE'S SO EXCITED!!!
can not stop kissing you
takes every chance to call you his fiance
also def pulls the 'this is my ex' 'STOP SAYING IT LIKE THAT hi I'm his fiance' thing
if you say no I won't lie, he's gonna be the mopeiest boy for A WHILE
there will def be a talk about how come and ngl if it's just you can't see him being your husband he might end things
he wants to be yours forever, but if you don't return those feelings he'd never force you but he'd also def not have the heart to stick around
asked you to marry him spur of the moment out of nowhere
you were just together and laughing and he looked at you and his heart got so soft and warm and suddenly the words were coming out of his mouth
you were both taken aback by it
but as your laughing it off like 'lol dude what' he actually doubles down
he thinks about it for a split second and realizes he really means it
'no, actually--- marry me. like-- really.'
he went from fawning to surprised to dead serious in the span of about 30 seconds
if you say yes right away he's over joyed, pulls you into his arms, and ends up spinning you while hugging you so tight
but if you asked to take some time he obviously is fine with that
he did ask in a way even he wasn't ready for so it makes sense you need a bit to think about it
if you eventually say yes well, see above
but add him running through his clan's grounds screaming at the top of his lungs 'THEY SAID YES!!!'
you've made him the happiest he's ever been
if you say no either time he's going to enter into a bit of a funk
eventually he will ask you why you said no and low key gets a little obsessive about fixing whatever about him made you not want to marry him
he WILL have you as his spouse come hell or high water
has a plan
a big plan
it is grand and glorious and befitting such a match as you and him!
and it all goes to shit cause he got way too nervous
he's actually kind of a nervous wreck all night
stuttering and flustered and trying to find the right words (THAT HE SWEARS HE HAD BEFORE HE GOT HERE BUT NOW THAT'S HE'S STANDING IN FRONT OF YOU HIS BRAIN IS DRAWING A BLANK!!)
probably ends up accidentally ruining the evening and when you finally ask what's wrong his nerves get the better of him again and he caves
he ends up on his hands and knees, forehead pressed to the floor as he loudly shouts 'PLEASE MARRY ME'
it's the most embarrassed he's ever been
ROBBED of all his dignity
but he couldn't NOT propose!
he HAD to do this!
he couldn't stand another night of just being your boyfriend
if you say yes he cries
he feels so lucky and over joyed and he's just so deliriously happy!
he proudly introduced you as his future spouse every chance he gets and even some he doesn't (HE MADE THEM HAPPEN, ALL HAD TO KNOW YOU WERE HIS BETROTHED!)
if you say no I think he just freezes up
he's shaking but trying to hide it
he slinks off in shame and embarrassment, excusing himself and probably not seeing you for a few days
he def cries in this scenario too but he does not let you see his tears
after he cries himself stupid and sick he eventually comes crawling back to you with a beaten and bruised heart and asks why
you'd have expect this conversation to have him return to his haughty and proud self as he demands you to explain yourself and ease his bruised ego and broken heart
but he just can't muster it
he's actually really quiet
just tired and hallow
he knows whatever you say is going to only break his heart more, but he NEEDS to know
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wh0rem0nger 6 years
Mr. Mora
Send me a dream
(Bum bum bum bum)
Make him the mopeiest
(Bum bum bum bum)
62 notes View notes
j216 6 years
Tumblr media
mopeiest donatee by Jared Haer Tempests Unresistedness Study #color #trippy #design #love #iphonesia #beautiful #me
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