#mordred laughed. 'what a spectacle! indeed a fight to scorch the stars!' he said
meowww-ffxiv · 2 years
Mordred never did understand Zenos, even to the end. An existence like that was unfathomable to him. To clearly be capable of a kind of consummate love that it drove you to the far edge of the universe in pursuit of that spark of light you saw once, and only once -- the Warrior of Light, your adversary, the only one you feel enough of a connection to that you call him "friend" -- yet to feel nothing but dreary emptiness?
Still, he recognized what it was that Zenos offered him, what he meant by everything he did. Like yeah dude got no inhibitions and no reason to live so it wasn't like he gotta deal with his own fear etc. etc. to spaceship-fly himself to Ultima Thule. But that which drove him. Mordred understood.
It had driven Haurchefant to put himself between Mordred and a spear. It had driven G'raha across time and space to refute a future where Mordred would not survive. It had summoned Emet-Selch back, when Mordred faced Elidibus and was cast into the void. Something almost too raw and frightening to be called "love" but there it was.
Shattering the illusion of nihilism and despair. Transmuting a fated defeat to an absurd victory.
"At the end of everything I find you, my friend."
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