#more focus on 'bnf' ppl and creating ingroups where ppl will talk about fanworks but not where the person who made them can see
harpieisthecarpie · 22 days
Mildly important fanwork/fandom interaction questions! Anyone can feel free to answer!
Thinking about fandom interactions, I'm wondering about how we as fan communities can create fun environments and engage with other fans more!
You can answer (or not answer) however many of these questions as you want! The questions bolded with their number in purple are the ones I'm most curious about.
Feel free to reply in the reblogs, tags, or comments!
If you can, please reblog so we can get more answers :)
Questions below!
(There's sections for fans that make fanworks, fans that interact with fanworks, and fans that enjoy fanworks but don't interact.)
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Fans that create fanworks (fanart, fanfic, edits, etc):
A1. What are your favorite kinds of interactions/comments? Ex. Long rambles, analyses and theories, strings of incoherent garbled yelling
A2. Where do you like to get them? Ex. Ao3 vs Tumblr, reblogs vs tags vs comments, in DMs?
A3. Do you want or enjoy people creating stuff inspired by or modifying yours? (Creating as in art of your fic, fic of your art, etc. Modifying as in translations, podfics, etc)
A4. Do you want or enjoy people promoting your stuff? Ex. fic rec lists, sharing in groupchats, posting about your stuff with links to it
A5. How do you feel when you get nice comments or have good interactions?
A6. Most importantly, what would you say to people who are scared to or or don't know how to start interacting with fanworks?
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Fans that enjoy fanworks and interact with them:
B1. What kind of comments do you like leaving and where do you leave them? Ex. Ao3 vs Tumblr, reblogs vs tags vs comments
B2. What makes you more likely to interact?
B3. What made you start interacting?
B4. Have you made any friends or mutuals by commenting and interacting?
B5. Has leaving comments and talking with creatives changed how you feel about or approach your own fanworks?
B6. How has interacting with fanworks and the guys who make them improved your fan experience?
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People that enjoy fanworks but don't interact (no judgment! We're all different 💛):
C1. Do you want to interact more? If you do, what makes you want to comment or interact?
C2. Is there anything holding you back? Ex. nerves, unsure how, bad past experiences, etc.
C3. Do you make your own fanworks? Has that affected (or been affected by) your choice not to interact?
C4. Are there ways other fans could help or encourage you to interact or get involved? Are there any ways you want to encourage yourself?
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PS. Add a 💛 or <3 to your response/reblog if you want me to make an anonymous survey focusing on this topic!
I'd compile and post the results so we can see how our fellow fans think :)
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