#most people in his position their mother is a fundamentally irreplaceable role & it should be treated as such
imunotes ยท 1 year
CLE cause im confused
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Family as a domestic church - Begets (makes) new members for the church - should become the evangelizer of many other families - first place in prayer - meant to be "little churches" - importance both to the vitality of the church and good of society - founded and given life by love, a community of persons - "school of love" Characteristics of a family - formed by a man and woman unified by love and marriage - children can be biological or adopted - most live in one roof and live there permanently - interact based on their roles - proof of all positive aspects of love and relationship Family as a natural institution (established because of one goal) - community where people have an orderly way of life based on good relationships - basic support is strengthened by the love between a man and a woman whom both decided to get married and live together for a lifetime. - first and most important part of society - fundamental and original school of love and support for others - first and irreplaceable institution for social life - social relations begin within the family - has social and political responsibilities Fourth commandment: honor your father and mother Nature of the family - man and woman united in marriage, together with their children, forms a family - Marriage and the family are ordered to the good of the spouses and to the procreation and education of children Christian family - communion of persons and a sign and image of the father, son, and the holy spirit 5 levels of conversation level 5: cliche conversation (hi, hru, etc) level 4: report facts about others (chismis) level 3: my ideas and judgements (personal opinions) level 2: my feelings (emotions) 'got level' (talking about feelings) level 1: peak communication (all of the above)
Migration - movement of people from one place to another Causes of migration - Economic (job opportunity) - Social (doesn't like the society) - Political (war) - Environmental (area is earthquake-prone) Positive effects - high income - improved standard of living - boost of local economy Negative effects - loss of human resources - impact on mental health - social impacts of migration Overcoming negative effects - strengthen love and unity in the family - keep an open, happy, and positive communication - live simply - stay strong and responsible member of the family - keep and strengthen your faith in god
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