#mr drawing for almost his whole life yet can't figure out his art style strikes again!
astramyr · 1 year
does any other artist struggle with wanting that pretty "rendering" art style that a lot of people have been talking about recently, while also wanting to keep the more unique parts of their style?
i honestly love the way that "rendering" looks. all of the pieces i've seen using that technique always end up looking GORGEOUS. but a lot of the time, even if the original lineart is quite sketchy (as in, looking like a pencil sketch), the final piece ends up being very... smooth.
and, while that "smooth" look works well for other artists, i personally don't like it for my style. i like having a rougher texture to my art.
either way, i'd be unsatisfied with my work. if i tried "rendering," i'd miss that grainy and sketchy texture to my art. if i keep my style the way it is, i'll continue envying the artists who can make it work for their art.
atp i just want to know if other artists have this issue. of course, some advice on how to incorporate both would be greatly appreciated, but knowing that other people also struggle with this would help a ton, too. it would be nice to know that im not alone, and that others are also stuck in between the pretty art they see everywhere or the elements of their style they'd like to keep.
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