#mu vs wolf
cateyedfox36 · 11 months
In this house we KNOW Jason Voorhees did nothing wrong
we watched Jason 2 last night- I'm sorry Friday the 13th part II is too long a title, they're about Jason being a very good boy so they're called Jason movies. Period.- and now I kinda want to watch all of them. Except that crappy one. Where he's Corey Feldman's character all grown up and he thinks he's Jason? And there's this really weird keystone cops vibe to the whole thing? Idk. That ones bad.
But the best one - besides Jason in Space and Jason vs Freddy- is the one where the kids are at camp and these children have hilarious glorious lines like "what did you want to grow up to be?" Bc they just accept that Jason is going to murder them too.
Without looking anything up, I'm pretty sure I can do all the Jason movies. Let's go:
Momma voorhees. Great sweater, excellent momBob, and you get to see Kevin Bacons Bits if you know when to pause the movie. 3.75 stars. Not funny, kinda off vibes
Jason in a bag. He's a very clumsy boy, falls off a whisker chair, is confused by a small dog (who does not die!), and is hit by a car like twice. He only kills like what 6 people on screen? And we get BEST final girl Ginny, who takes a chainsaw to our soft prince, and mind mojos him to think his momma is alive. 5 outta 5 stars! Some nice boobs, creep dies strung up like the perv his is and Jason is mu sweetest baby boi.
Behold, a hockey mask. Much better for peripheral and way more sensibly than a FUCKING BAG! Jason finds a house with stupid horny teens- or college kids? I'm never certain- and another with a newly divorced mom, her slightly sassy daughter and a young monster obsessed Corey Feldman. Pretty good kills, the dog laters out to go join a wolf pack (run by muffin obs), and Corey Feldman gives himself a bad haircut to bond with our big headed hero,Jason. 4.25 outta 5. Funny, more agile Jason, and I had no sympathy for the college idiots who died epically.
The fucking worst. I think they were trying for a Legacy Jason bc he definitely "died" in 3. So elder teen Corey Feldman thinks he's Jason and at the POORLY run TROUBLED TEEN camp he goes to someone starts killing folks. I vaguely remember the actual killer but... who cares. This is the worst. 1 star.
Again w all adulted Corey (reminder not thr actor but the character, but who bothers to remember their names?) Digs up Jason's body, it gets struck by lightning and He's Back! I think this is the one with the biker gang. And the sheriff's daughter has a taste for danger and breaks not-corey out to defeat Jason. 2.5 stars. I think there was an rv death? But a fun scene in a barn!
Jason's not dead, just napping and when he ends up in a morgue his heart infects a doctor who becomes... jason...? It's odd. You guys remember Nightmares on Elm st dream Child? I think it's like that. 2 stars. Fucked if I remember anything from this movie. This is where I get a little shaky
Jason back at camp baby! I think this is the one with the funny kids. And it's just a really straight forward slasher. No lore, no stupid shit just bad counselors getting what they deserve for not watching children. 3.9 stars. Best part is the kids
Jason on a boat. He was in Manhattan for like 10minutes. He kills a kid with a guitar, and the inside of boats are very dangerous. No lore. 3.75 stars
Is there a Jason 9? I don't fucking know but I do know there's...
Jason in SPAAAACEE! And it's amazing. A ship full of med students find Jason cryogenically frozen and a woman as well. They defrost both, murder hijinx ensue. Jason becomes a cyborg. And they completely miss shooting him into the sun. It's so stupid and so good and I love my son! 5 billion stars! Lore? Who needs lore when you've got a cyborg jason?!
Jason vsFreddy. The best team up full stop. With Jason's relentless desire to punish bad teens and Freddy's pervy ass? Forget about it. Nice lore, and the addition of seeing how happy Jason is in his death is perfection. 5 outta 5 stars. Look yes, Jason's gonna kill you, he'll have fun with it, but he won't sexually assault you while doing it.
conclusion: the middle ones suck. Skip them. Watch 2, 3, Jason in Space and Jason vs Freddy.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
- tagged by @thewayofsubtext and @telomeke
Three Ships
Li Cheng x Mu Ren (HIStory 4: Close to You). My domestic gods.
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MaxTul as anyone. Korn x Knock (Together with Me), Bun x Tan (Manner of Death), no me importante, pero WHERE IS TRANSPLANT?!
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Todd x Black (Not Me). I wrote what I wrote
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First Ship
Go Eun-chan x Choi Han-sung from Coffee Prince – I stay rooting for the other dude even when I know it won’t happen like Oh-aew x Bas in I Told Sunset About You and Chonlatee x Na in Tonhon Chonlatee.
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Last Song
Rihanna’s “We Found Love” ft. Calvin Harris 1) because a big football game is happening tomorrow during her concert, 2) I’m hoping for Symone or Shea Coulee to pop out on that stage, and 3) it reminds me of my current obsessions: Palm x Nueng, Chopper x Ben, Wen x Jim, Heart x Li Ming, Hira x Kiyoi. If I start playing “Stay” from her and Mikky Ekko (I love this man), know I WILL be sick and crying about Chopper and Palm.
We found love in a hopeless place vs. I want you to stay
No crying in the club!
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Last Movie
Teen Wolf because twelve years of nostalgia kicked in for Sterek, and it was AWFUL!
Currently Reading
These students’ papers. I’m going to leave it at that.
Currently Watching
TODO! Abbott Elementary, HIStory 5: Love in the Future, Moonlight Chicken, My Beautiful Man 2, My School President, Never Let Me Go, Not Dead Yet, The Warp Effect (my favorite by a mile!)
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Currently Consuming
Tea. It’s cold and cloudy, which means I’m jittery and only making it worse by consuming black teas because I need the color to match my soul.
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Currently Craving
The Women’s World Cup which is the only time I cheer for the USA.
GAP’s Sam to wear Mon’s pink.
Chopper to kill his dad, Kit.
The Warp Effect to 13 Going On 30 Alex’s ass.
Bad Bunny to release Un Verano Sin Ti on vinyl. He won a Grammy for it. An official vinyl record is what the world deserves.
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Salí con tu mujer. Ya Dio' me perdonó, falta' tú.
Tagging others makes me anxious, so if you see this, consider yourself tagged.
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deravy-souboj · 5 months
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Naposledy René svými zářivými kolečky překvapivě rozcupoval protivníka. Podaří se mu ale dostat do kolen ostříleného detektiva Wolfa??
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nowen422 · 11 months
Nowen Talkin Bout Bleach
Bleach TYBW EP 17: Tumblr Werewolf Fandom Just Got a New Blorbo
OK. So full disclosure, this is where the death count gets a little bit screwy. At this point you have people “dying“ and you also have people “not dying“. Still, we get to see the voltstandig of Bambietta vs Shinji (yes it went how you think), as well as the result of Komamura’s training with his giant wolf great great grandpa!  We got a set up for Mask De Masculine’s two on one deathmatch with Rose and Kensei. Oh and let’s check in on Ichigo and- OH MY GOD OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING WHAT IS GOING ON ITS TOO MUCH ITS TOO MU-oh ok everything is fine now.
And yes, Ichibe has still yet to blink
Shinigami Deaths: 11
Quincy Deaths: 8
Shinji Win/Loss record: 💥
Spoilers below
Things I liked:
The bells with the Quincies Holy forms are a nice touch. It really drives home the difference in culture between the Shinigami.
The difference in wing color really looks good between the Quincy. As does the sort of burning staticky effect
I was simultaneously excited and scared to see Momo attack Bambietta. I yelled out “No Momo run!” Still, it’s good to see her and GREAT to not see her get stabbed again.
Komamura’s Human form looks AMAZING!! I feel that Komamura doesn’t get enough love as a captain or character, but I feel like he’s going to get a lot of anime analyst youtuber’s attention for the poetic nature of his characterization and eventual defeat.
Initially, I wasn’t feeling the 3-D effect on the bankai’s. But looking at Dangai Joue just appear behind silently Komamura and watching it fight Bambietta as she flies around it, really made it grow on me.
I also was a little bit confused at the weird, hollow, thumping sound effect when Dangai Joue was running. But really listening to it alongside the background noise, gives the whole fight, a very mystical, and almost poetic vibe.
The smoke coming off Komamura as he fights Bambi’s bombs is so cool. It makes it feel like he’s the giant in my eyes.
 Bambi‘s frustration and fear as the fight goes on. Chefs kiss for her motivations and how scary shinigami can be
The shot of Komamura’s bankai through the Silbern window. I might make that into a Home Screen for my computer.
Komamura’s heart still beating in the cup.
I’m glad we got to see Iba again. Love to see him.
Haschwalth and Kyoraku still just being totally polite with each other. Shunsui even offered the man tea, I was half expecting Jugram to go, “that would be very nice, thank you.” but that boy is way too emotionally repressed.
Masks English is awesome
Shuhei still trying to fight and also using wrestling terminology. It is now officially cannon that Hisagi got Mayuri to hook up a tv with free wwe streaming for him
It took me a minute to realize that the energy around Ichigo was all the different energy of the different races in bleach. Hollow, Quincy, Shinigami and Human/Fullbringer
Ichigo’s training with Ichibe really feels like a horror show with the amount of weird cuts, silent moments, and sudden shifts. And if that didn’t convince you, Ichiko straight up, almost exploding after swelling up and screaming before things calm down.
to Ichibe: BLINK MOTHERF***ER!
Oh hey Senjumaru! I forgot you were here!
Things I didn’t like:
Shinji just lost straight up. I know that it’s accurate to the manga but he could have put up more of a fight.
I know it’s anime, I know its not realistic, But Bambietta should have been cut in half. SHARPEN YOUR SWORD KOMAMURA!
I don’t really feel anything about Mask vs Yumichika, Hisagi and Ikkaku. It’s not a bad thing since Yumichika and Ikkaku get a good moment later on, but it’s hard to be invested, knowing what’s going to happen with Mask next.
Kensei criticizing Shuhei. I read the manga Kensei, YOU DONT HAVE ROOM TO TALK!
Well, it looks like things are kind of balanced out. We got some wins, some losses. Overall a quiet episode. We’ve got those two new combatants in the wings and it looks like Bg-9 and Cang Du survived! Oh hey Uryu, what’s u-
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youngxblood · 3 years
Kane & Jasper & Quentin - Wolf vs Tiger: Round One
It wasn’t normal for Kane to sleep in but he’d found himself more at home in Quentin’s apartment than anywhere else. Besides that, they weren’t exactly going to sleep early these days. He hadn’t meant to sleep so long that he missed Quentin getting up and ready for work before heading down. In fact, when Kane did wake up it was only because the sun started to hit his eyes and face. Streaming in through the curtains. He’d been a bit confused when he found Quen gone but less so upon learning it was near noon. 
Rolling out of bed, the wolf made a pot of coffee, brushed his teeth, showered and dressed before heading down to the Bloom with an extra cup for Quen. He hadn’t expected to find anyone else but his Fae working behind the front desk but when his eyes landed on a pale, red head, Kane realized that was a stupid assumption to make. His eyes narrowed for a moment as he looked the other over. Quentin had told him he only had one other employee. Jasper. The man who belittled, and degraded Quen. Gave him drugs and then vanished. 
“Quentin ‘round?” Kane asked making himself known to this stranger he already had a distaste for. He placed the coffee cups on the front desk away from the other man. “Mus’ be Jasper, right?” He asked knowing he had to be sure that this was the guy. That he wasn’t about to attack the wrong person. The last thing Kane needed was to lash out at some poor guy that Quentin had just hired or something. Even though he held back his anger for the time being he could feel it bubbling just under his skin. A heat. Burning and twisting had started to form as he thought about Quen wondering around the streets at night while high. Fucker was gonna regret that. Kane would be damn sure of it.
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news Octobre 21. Pawns + Youth Avoiders + Barren? – Espace B 21. Les morts vont bien + Rivière de corps + René Couteau + Razzle Dazzle (dj) (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 21. Gâtechien + Wallack + Baron Crâne – ESS'pace 22. White Ring + Ghoster + Dalhia – Supersonic (gratuit) 22. Carambolage + Deedee & Tha Abracadabras + Roger de Lille & The Gin Tonics + The Hare (dj) (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 22. Thurston Moore – Trabendo 22. David J – Petit Bain 23. Ecstatic Vision + Les Tigres du futur + Os Noctambulos – ESS'pace 23. Sly & The Family Drone + Stef Ketteringham + Decimus + Dust Breeders – Espace B 23. Plomb + Je t'aime + Electric Press Kit + dj Oxblood (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 23. Tamara Goukassova + Fun Fun Funeral + Kassie Krut  – La Station 23. Four Tet – Le 104 ||COMPLET|| 24. Last Night + Negative Space + Pedigree + Buzz Kull + Sydney Valette + dj Dave Rockin (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 24. Çub + Ayya + Radiant – Le Cirque électrique 24. The Necks – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 25. A Certain Ratio + Empereur – Petit Bain 25. Poutre + OK fdp + Bruant zizi – ESS'pace 25. Fiesta en el Vacio + Axell Larsen + Franz France + Sinead O'Connick jr + Paroi (Serendip Lab fest.) – Jazz y Jazz 25. Catastrophe + Sean O'Hagan + Form – La Maroquinerie 25. Curses + Sophie Morello + Tonn3rr3 + E for Ears & Grāv Jōnz + Trusspe – La Station 25. Dave Philips +  Bernardino Femminielli & Thea Govorchin – 3 rue de Tournant (Aubervilliers) 25. Blind Delon + Nick klein + UVB 76 + Dress Rehearsal + Little Nemo + L’An2000 [DaGeist + Outer Limit Lotus : ANNULÉ] (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 25. Automat + Stephanovitch + Cirylux + Worker Poor + Stef Mazet + Taiko Nova – Les 4 éléments 25. Varsovie + Paulie Jan + Blndr b2b Panzer + Mind Matter + End of Mortal Life – Glazart 25. Jozef Van Wissem – Crypte Notre-Dame de la Croix (sur résa : jvwparis[@]gmail.com) ||COMPLET||   25. Bestial Mouth + Veil of Light – Protocol (Pantin) ||ANNULÉ|| 25. Orphx + O/H + December + Unhuman + Limbus Puerorum – Protocol (Pantin) ||ANNULÉ|| 26. The Monochrome Set + The Last Detail – Petit Bain 26. Nina Harker + Bianca Warlord + Amour Formica – Le Zorba 26. Truckks + Terrier + Achab + Olive Pogo + Car Crash Control (dj) (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 26. The Wheal + Princesse Napälm + L'Orchidée Cosmique + Klymt (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 26. Femminielli + dj Sundae + ANDCL + Oko – Petit Palace 26. Joachim Montessuis + Martin Bakero – Galerie Metanoïa 26. Rouge Mary + Regina Demina + AZF + Léonie Pernet (dj) + Juke + Morello – Point FMR 26/27. Ilya Smirnov + Christophe de Rohan Chabot + nikolaiykm + Natalya Serkova – 3 rue de Tournant (Aubervilliers) (sur RV : nikolaiykm[@]gmail.com)   26. Mørbeck + Philipp Strobel + IV Horsemen – La Machine 26. Alignment + Hadone + UVB + Parfait + Repro – tba 26. Loto Retina + Jakub Lemiszewski + Somaticae + Le Compas dans l'oeil + Ahta Bat + Letal Ataraxia (Serendip Lab fest.) – Le Sultan 27. Laurent Garnier + Deena Abdelwahed – Dehors brut 27. Stephen Mallinder + Laisse Moi + Hexenschuss (Obernoir fest.) – L'International 28. Kate Tempest – Le Trianon 29. Danse avec les Shlags – Le Motel (gratuit) 29. Agent Side Grinder + DaGeist – La Boule noire 29. Pauwels + Mr Marcaille + BOB Cooper – L'ESS'pace 30. The White Screen + Techno Thriller + Novichok – Supersonic (gratuit) 30. Oiseaux-Tempête + Jessica Moss – La Maroquinerie 30. Jenny Hval – Centre Pompidou 30. Battles – Trabendo 30. Dame Area + Slaylor Moon + Noir de Maars– Espace B 31. Skepta + Mura Masa + Hamza + Zola + Ateyaba + Celeste + Duendita + Ezra Collective + Flohio + Kojey Radical + Master Peace + Slowthai + The Comet is Coming + Yussef Dayes + Charlotte Dos Santos + Kojaque (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grande Halle de La Villette 31. Arrington de Dionyso – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 31. Broken English Club + Cabaret nocturne + IV Horsemen + Gil. Barte – Petit Bain Novembre 01. Chromatics + Belle & Sebastian + Primal Scream + John Talabot + Weyes Blood + Barrie + Briston Maroney + Chai + Desire + Helado Negro + Jackie Mendoza + Nilüfer Yanya + Orville Peck + Sheer Mag + Squir + Loving + Nelson Beer + Sons of Raphael (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grand Halle de La Villette 01. Park Hie Jin + HAAI + Afrodeutsche + Nite Fleit (Pitchfork fest. after party) – Trabendo 01. Meconio + Mamachi + Punaises + Areva (LaDIYfest) – Le Cirque électrique 01. Imperial Black Unit + Mekano + CH-01 + Krase b2b Alphonse Fassaert – Petit Bain 01. Under Black Helmet b2b Hadone + Inhalt der Nacht b2b Echoes of October + Danilo Incorvala + Makornik + Félicie – Les Docks de Paris (La Plaine-Saint-Denis) 02. The 1975 + Charli XCX + 2manysdj (dj) + Aurora + Agar Agar + SebastiAn + Aeris Roves vs Jamila Woods + Jessica Pratt + Kedr Livanskiy + Korantemaa + BEA1991 + Caroline Polachek + Ela Minus + KhadyaK + Mk.gee + Oklou + Tobi Lou (Pitchfork fest.) – La Grand Halle de La Villette 02. Volt + Vicious Irene + U.R.S.A + Gertrude + Kalicia Katakov (LaDIYfest) – Le Cirque électrique 03. Whispering Sons – Point FMR 03. Ensemble économique + CIA débutante – Le Chinois (Montreuil) 05. Body of Light + Dead Mascot + Boy Scoot Hopkins – Supersonic (gratuit) 05. Ceremony – Espace B 05. Dear Deer + Traitrs + Men in disorder – L'International 06. The Murder Capital – Nouveau Casino 06. Scattered Purgatory + Qian Geng + UVB76 + ruò tán – Le Cirque électrique 06. Minus Pilot + GNG + Thomas Stone + Kevin Buckland – Café de Paris 06. Mont Analogue + Les Halles + Bravo Tounky – Garage Mu 06. Guitar Wolf + School Disco – Gibus 06. Glacial – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 07. Camilla Sparksss + Hyperculte [+ Xiu Xiu : ANNULÉ] – Petit Bain 07. Kælan Mikla – La Boule noire 07. Randomer + Parallx + Parfait – Glazart 08. Bedroom Community – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 08. Part Chimp + Gnod + Hey Colossus – Petit Bain 08. Sourdurent + Raymonde – Pan Piper 08. Jad Wio + Love in Prague – Gibus 08. Jennifer Cardini b2b Gerd Janson + Mouse on Mars + Fantastic Twins + Oko DJ (10 ans d’Arte concert) – La Machine (gratuit sur invitation) 08. Crystal Geometry + Monya + Size Pier + Kaya + Sina XX – La Station 08. Boy Harscher – Trabendo ||COMPLET|| 09. Trotski nautique (20 ans de l’Omadis) – Omadis (gratuit) 09. Molchat Doma + War Scenes – La Station 09. Fleuves Noirs + Thank + Drive with a dead girl + Panico Panico – Le Rigoletto 09. Leroy se meurt + Staatseinde – Le Zorba 09. Kwartz + ABSL + Toscan Haas – Glazart 10. Amiina : cinéconcert sur "Fantomas" de Louis Feuillade – Le Studio|Philharmonie 10. Ôlafur Arnald + Hugar – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Fontaine D.C. – Bataclan 12. Deerhunter + Moon Diagrams – Trabendo 12. Up-Tight + Officine – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Mick Harvey & JP Silo, Steve Shelley, Glenn Lewis – Les Trois Baudets 14. Dinah Bird & Jean-Philippe Renoult (Inaudible Matters) – La Gaîté lyrique 14. Girl Band + Silverbacks – La Maroquinerie 14. Automatisme + Lacustre (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 14. Manni Dee + Remco Beekwilder + Mental Infection – Glazart 14. Stella Chiweshe + Is a Fish – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Von Pariahs + Nursery – Point FMR 15. Tendra Ael + City Dragon + Meryll Ampe + Divisas – La Pointe Lafayette 15. Chemical Brothers – Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 15. Kap Bambino – La Gaîté lyrique ||ANNULÉ|| 15. Karenn + 16H07 + Antigone... (Big Bang Festival) – Les Docks de Paris 16. Kas:st + Agoria + Bambounou b2b François X + Charles Kenkler + Matrixxman + Remcord...(Big Bang Festival) – Les Docks de Paris 17. Nitzer Ebb + Liebknecht – La Machine 17. Tropical Fuck Storm – Badaboum 18. Omni + The Gotobeds + Pleasure Principle – La Boule noire 18. Surf Curse + edgar déception + Fiasco – Supersonic (gratuit) 19. Earth + Helen Money – Petit Bain 20. Lucy Railton + Sean Baxter + Jessica Ekomane – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. Cate Le Bon + Grimm Grimm – Petit Bain 21. Haco + Emiko Ota avec KiriSute Gomen – Studio Campus 21. Vincent Ségal, Clément Saunier, Odile Auboin, Jossalyn Jessen et Gilbert Nouno jouent des pièces de Peter Eötvös, Yan Maresz, Gilbert Nouno et Fausto Romitelli (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 21>23. Nosfell : “Le Corps des songes” (fest. New Settings) – Théâtre de la Cité internationale 22. eRikm + Franck Vigroux & Antoine Schmitt : “Chronostasis” (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 22. Rubin Steiner + Dombrance + Ambeyance + Meteo Mirage – La Maroquinerie 22. Nursery + Casse Gueule + Tout de suite – Cirque électrique 22. Kazu Makino (Blonde Redhead) – Les Étoiles 22. Drew McDowall – tbc 23. Franck Vigroux & Kurt d’Haeseleer : “The Island (part. 1)” + Cinna Peyghamy (fest. Bruits blancs) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) (gratuit sur résa) 23. Trio Sacher + Ensemble intercontemporain (fest. Innovasounds) – Le 104 23. Billy Childish + Le Villejuif Undergroud + Petausaure (fest. BBmix) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 23. 999999999 + Jawbreakrs + Nico Moreno + Perc + Sentimental Rave + Softcoresoft + Trym + Parfait + UR trax – tba 24. TR/ST – Le Trianon 24. Mdou Moctar – La Boule noire 24. Midori Takada + Carla dal Forno + Felicia Atkinson (fest. BBmix) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine 26. Wardruna – Olympia 27. Poly-Math + Bruit ≤ + Maven – Supersonic (gratuit) 27. The Stranglers – Olympia 27. Silly Joy + Raskolnikov + Jupiter Jane – L’International 27. Le Singe blanc + Double Nelson + Putavelo – Le Cirque électrique 27. Hélène Breschand, Tarek Atoui & Cécile Mont-Reynaud : “Pandore” + Ensemble Motus joue Tony Conrad et Elsa Biston (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 28. The Psychotic Monks – Trabendo 28. Artl + Powerdove – Petit Bain 28. Derek Holzer : “Vector Synthesis” + Cate Hope & Lisa McKinney : “Super Liminum” + Antoine Schmitt & Hortense Gauthier : “CliMax” (fest. Bruits blancs) – Le Cube (gratuit sur résa) ||COMPLET|| 29. Scanner – Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil 29. Ulrich Krieger : “Raw” + Cellule d’intervention Metamkine (fest. Bruits blancs) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 30. Mondkopf – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 30. Donato Dozzy + Max Cooper + Terry & Cyan Riley + Ensemble intercontemporain joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Ensemble Social Silence joue "Music for Airport" de Brian Eno + Apollo noir + Récital pour marimbas (Marathon fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 30. Aidan Baker & BOW Quintet + SEPL (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 30. Ulrich Krieger + Natacha Muslera + Julien Desprez + Eryck Abecassis + Sylvaine Hélary avec Clyde Chabot, Jean Cagnard, Ismaël Jude, Nathalie Papin et Michel Simonot (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) Décembre 01. Motorama – La Maroquinerie 03. White Hills – Supersonic (gratuit) 03. Belgrado – Espace B 06. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Koyaanisqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 06. Answer Code Request + Regis + Raslan b2b Yoannis – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 07. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Powaqqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Kokoko! – La Gaîté lyrique 07. I Hate Models – tba 08. Phillip Glass Ensemble : cinéconcert sur "Naqoyqatsi" de Godfrey Reggio – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 08. Mark Lanegan Band + The Membranes – Le Trianon 11. Boris – Le Gibus 12. Mono + Jo Quail – Petit Bain 12. Kompromat (Vitalic & Rebeka Warrior) – La Cigale 13. Contrefaçon – La Gaîté lyrique 13. Regards extrêmes + Lisieux + Ascending divers – Les Voûtes 14. Ludwig Von 88 – Le Trianon 18. Amenra – Bataclan 2020 Janvier 04. Rokia Traoré + Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 16. Black Midi – Le Carreau du Temple 17. Edith Nylon – Petit Bain 17. Scratch Massive + Lokier + Cassie Raptor + Faast + Kiddo – Badaboum 18. Lee Ranaldo & Raül Refree – Le 104 18. Franck Vigroux : "Flesh" (Biennale Nemo) – Maison des arts et de la culture (Créteil) 29. Rendez-Vous – La Cigale 30. Editors – Salle Pleyel 31. Tindersticks – Salle Pleyel Février 02. Sunn o))) – La Gaîté lyrique 09. Explosions in the Sky – La Cigale 13. Ride – Le Trianon 16. Orchestral Manoeuvre in the Dark – La Cigale 21. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain : "Détroit" + Molécule – Le 104 24. Sleater Kinney – Le Trianon Mars 02. DIIV – La Gaîté lyrique 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François Delarozière – Élysée Montmartre 06. Frustration – Le Trianon 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Nada Surf – La Cigale 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 17. Chelsea Wolf – La Gaîté lyrique 20. Ensemble Dedalus joue "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – Élysée Montmartre 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 27. Lebanon Hanover – La Gaîté lyrique 28. Ensemble Links joue "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – théâtre de la Cité internationale Avril 14>17. Metronomy – La Cigale 27. Caribou – L’Olympia Mai 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 23. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine Juin 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena
4 notes · View notes
aion-rsa · 5 years
The Weird History of Monsters vs Marvel Superheroes
Dracula, Frankenstein, a Werewolf by Night, a Living Mummy have all taken on or teamed up with the heroes of the Marvel Universe.
The Marvel Universe is known for superheroes but it's also home to some of the greatest classic monsters ever to shamble onto a comic book page. Beginning in the early 1970s, some scary residents moved in.
Marvel has its own Dracula, its own Frankenstein Monster, its own Mummy, its own werewolf (two actually) and even its own Manphibian (kind of like the Creature from the Black Lagoon...but not). These creepy residents lurked in their own little dark corner of the Marvel Universe, but the takeaway here is that they were IN the Marvel Universe and at times these vampires, lycanthropes, and corpses even met the famous heroes of the MU.
So join us my intrepid monster hunters as we recount the ultimate monster mashes and revisit a few special occasions where classic monsters met classic superheroes...
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Dracula Lives #3 (1973)
by Roy Thomas and Alan Weiss
We already recounted the many times Dracula has stalked the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe, but there was one team up we missed. Yeah, we know what you’re thinking: Conan and the other Robert E. Howard characters aren’t really part of the Marvel Universe, but listen, Spider-Man meet Kull and Red Sonja, and Spider-Man met Dracula, so this totally counts.
In Dracula Lives! #3 Roy Thomas and Alan Weiss gave us an ancient battle between Dracula and Howard’s famous demon hunter Solomon Kane. For those not familiar with Kane, imagine an Age of Imperialism Puritan Van Helsing that travels the world to spread the word of God while killing vampires and werewolves. Marvel published a bunch of Solomon Kane comics throughout the Bronze Age, and even though Kane had his following, the demon hunter never really caught on like Howard’s famous Cimmerian (probably because his adventures were always a wee bit racist).
read more: 13 Essential Dracula Performances
But in this one magnificent tale, Kane and Dracula clashed! In this Kane adventure, the chaste Kane must navigate the world of vampire seduction and then face off against the Lord of the Vampires his own damn self. Kane kind of kicks Drac’s ass (in Dracula’s own magazine no less), but readers also get a sense of Kane’s honor. You see, earlier in the issue, Dracula saves the Puritan's life. When Kane has Dracula on the ropes, the vampire reminds the honorable Kane that the demon hunter owes the vampire a boon. Kane lets Dracula go which pretty much dooms countless souls for like, the rest of eternity. So whenever Dracula needs a snack and kills some poor hapless soul, that victim can thank Kane for letting the fish off the hook when he was about to stake Dracula for good. Puritans, huh?
Anyway, this story remains a glorious Bronze Age oddity where two unlikely characters smack up against each other in glorious black-and-white.
Frankenstein’s Monster
The lumbering abomination of science known as Frankenstein’s Monster has a pretty long history in comics, one that predates the classic monster’s own comic at Marvel. Marvel’s The Monster of Frankenstein series premiered in 1973, but the bolt-necked behemoth stepped out of the late night picture shows and into the Marvel Universe a few times before it lived in its own feature.
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X-Men #40 (1968)
By Roy Thomas and Don Heck
In X-Men #40, artist Don Heck and writer Roy Thomas (there’s that name again, it’s clear that Thomas is, was, and always will be the godfather of Marvel monsters) featured a clash between the X-Men and Frankenstein’s most famous creation.
Well, kinda.
The issue starts off with the X-Men enjoying a day of training in the Danger Room. Suddenly, they are summoned by Professor X who explains that he thinks he has located Frankenstein’s Monster. Professor X reveals that the monster is actually an android and furthermore, the android may have been built by a mutant. Holy Boris Karloff, that’s convoluted! The story would have been better served if Charles Xavier was all like, “I found Frankenstein, go beat him up,” and the X-Men were all like, “Yeah, sure,” and then they fight and stuff. But no, androids, mutants and aliens.
Wait aliens? Oh yah, it gets even more bonkers.
The X-Men attack the android and a big bad fight ensues. Iceman encases the monster in ice because he’s seen a movie or two and this defeats the Frankenstein android. Professor X then discovers that the monstrous android was built by aliens to act as an ambassador to Earth. The monster malfunctioned and went on a rampage thus creating the legend that inspired Mary Shelley to write her book. I like how Marvel took the elegantly simple tale of Frankenstein and made it intensely elaborate.
read more: Marvel's 31 Best Monsters
So there you go, Frankenstein’s first Marvel non-appearance in a tale where the monster was almost a mutant creation, almost a classic monster, and almost an alien ambassador.
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The Silver Surfer #7 (1969)
By Stan Lee and John Buscema
After the monster’s almost appearance in X-Men, fans did not have to wait long for the real deal Universal and Shelley inspired Frankenstein top pop up, and this time it was for real. Wait...no it wasn’t.
Okay, so in this issue Ludwig Frankensein, descendant of legendary monster maker Victor Frankenstein, wants to renew Victor’s forbidden experiments. So, Ludwig and his hunchback assistant Borgo kidnap the Silver Surfer in order to siphon the Power Cosmic into their own creation. They succeed and the Surfer ends up fighting, not the Frankenstein Monster, put a Frankenstein created Silver Surfer doppelganger. But take note Frankenophiles, the famous monster does make an appearance.
read more: 13 Forgotten Frankenstein Movies
During the issue, Ludwig watches a film of Victor creating the world’s most famous monster. Yeah, we know movies weren't created until well after the mid-1800s, but shhh, you’re going to argue about something like that in a comic starring a naked silver guy that surfs in space? Rest assured that the Frankenstein Monster that appears in that film is the real deal, establishing that the Monster did indeed stalk the Marvel Universe.
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Avengers #131 (1975)
By Steve Englehart and Sal Buscema
Frankenstein’s Monster is known for many famous cultural moments. It starred in what is considered one of the every first genre novels, it was the subject of one of the most famous horror films ever created, and it has appeared throughout media in every genre from pure horror to light comedy, but did you know that the Frankenstein Monster once served on a team with Wonder Man? Damn, that’s just oddly random.
read more: The Best Modern Horror Movies
Yup, as a plot to destroy the Avengers, the time traveling despot known as Kang plucked from the time stream some really haphazardly chosen heroes and villains just moments before their deaths, unified them, and sent them to destroy the Avengers. This ill-fated team consisted of the original android Human Torch, Wonder Man, erstwhile Iron Man baddie the Ghost, some dude named Midnight that once fought Shang-Chi, and Frankenstein’s Monster. That’s like creating a super team by randomly choosing Wikipedia pages.
The Avengers didn't have a really hard time with this group of almost corpses, but hey, listen, it’s a super team with Frankenstein’s Monster, that’s just odd enough to be awesome in our book.
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Marvel Team-Up #36-37 (1975)
By Gerry Conway and Sal Buscema
True story, Marvel Team-Up #37 was one of the first comics I ever owned, and it blew my little mind that Spider-Man could actually team up with Frankenstein! How could Spider-Man team up with that monster that scared the poop out of me whenever Frankenstein aired on local TV? Not only did Spidey and Frankie appear in the same comic, they were helping each other! I think my love for superheroes and classic monsters may have sprung from my fevered re-readings of this very issue. So thanks Conway and Buscema, thanks for showing me the path.
read more: Spider-Man's Greatest Marvel Team-Ups
Anyway, so in this odd duck team up Spidey and Frankenstein’s Monster join forces to take on the menace of the monster maker: Baron Von Shtupf! Who? Von Shtupf, that’s who. Man, for a comic so integral to my development as a nerd, it’s pretty darn trivial. Anyway, Spidey and Frankie meet as Spidey accepts the whole corpse regeneration thing at face value because he recently ran into a clone of Gwen Stacy (comics!). Eventually, Man-Wolf (who is actually the son of Daily Bugle publisher J. Jonah Jameson) joins the fray and things get even more Bronze Age-ier and crazier as Man-beast, man-wolf, and man-spider all battle man-Shtupf. Glorious, I tells you!
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Iron Man #101-102 (1977)
By Bill Mantlo and George Tuska
And then there was the time Frankenstein met Robert Downey Jr. Yup, in Iron Man #101-102, Tony Stark finds himself in the Swiss Alps where he stops for repairs after fighting godless commies in Yugoslavia. There, he is ambushed by a group of diminuitive misshapen creatures known as the Children of the Damned (no, they were not Trump supporters, stop it). Frankenstein and Iron Man battle it out in a clash of billion dollar film superstars.
read more: Upcoming Horror Movies Heading Your Way
Then, some armored dude with a giant lance blasts Iron Man and golden super hero and shambling corpse must team up to face the Dreadknight! By the way, Dreadknight’s real name is Bram Velsing, so there you go. To be honest, these issues are filled with atmospheric coolness and just seeing the classic monster and Golden Avenger on the same comic page together is just so out of place that it transcends cheese and becomes awesome
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Invaders #31 (1978)
By Don Glut and Chic Stone
You guys, this issue is called “Heil Frankenstein!” This is going to be so cool.
Hey, remember before when I said that the first mention of Frankenstein in a Marvel Comic was in X-Men #40, yeah, I lied. Way the hell back in USA Comics #13 (1944), Captain America and Bucky run afoul of the creation of the Frankensteins. In this forgotten Golden Age classic, Anna Frankenstein builds a new monster in hopes of selling an army of monsters to Hitler. Yes folks, Franken-Nazis! Cap foils the plan, but years later, in the pages of Invaders, Marvel decided to revisit this story and re-introduces those Franken-clones.
read more: The Best Horror Movies on Netflix
In this issue, Basil Frankenstein continues Anna’s work and tries to build that undead army for Hitler (that’s the oddest sentence I’ve ever typed). The Invaders (Cap, Bucky, Sub-Mariner, Human Torch, and Toro) arrive to take care of business and battle a swastika emblazoned version of the Frankenstein Monster. I know I make this sound crazy...guys, it’s crazier and ends with the poor monster killing itself so it can’t be used by the Nazis.
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Nick Fury’s Howling Commandos #1 (2005)
By Keith Giffen and Eduardo Francisco
So we already discussed Frankenstein’s Monster as part of the Legion of the Unliving in the Avengers, but that doesn’t really count as a for real super hero team does it? I mean, Frankie was plucked for the past to join a non-team of not really dead dead people. Well, the Howling Commandos counts because it consists of a group of classic Marvel monsters conscripted by SHIELD to go on insane missions to bringsdown other monstrous threats. So this is the classic Frankenstein’s Monster, heavily armed and given a license to kill by Nick Fury, going on missions to keep the world safe from supernatural threats. Ain’t nothing wrong with that.
read more: The Best Horror Movies on HBO Go
It’s like if Freddy and Jason joined the Expendables. GASP! I think I might have just stumbled on a billion dollar idea. Crap man, half the Expendables already look like walking corpses. Anyway, yeah, Frankenstein’s Monster once joined SHIELD.
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Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #1-4 (2011)
By Brandon Montclare, Michael Wm Kaluta, Ryan Bodenheim, and Simon Bisley
So now we have three super teams that Frankie called his own, but the Fearsome Four was by far the strangest. Yes, the strangest team amongst a squad of time lost corpses and a team of monster soldiers. Because get this, the Fearsome Four consisted of She-Hulk, the Defender known as Nighthawk, Frankenstein’s Monster, and Howard the Duck. Yeah, beat that!
read more: The Best Horror Movies on Hulu
During Fear Itself, these four incongruous teammates must join together to face a mutated Man-Thing and the Psycho Man. That’s a lot of menacing hyphens right there. But somehow this team that shouldn’t have worked, did just that and four heroes that couldn’t be any more different found the unity to save the world. Frankenstein and a duck, teaming up and kicking ass. This is why we love comics.
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Wolverine and the X-Men #19, 21-23 (2012)
By Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw
We’ve recounted the times the Monster has stalked the Marvel Universe, but the descendants of the creature’s creator has also caused trouble for the heroes. We’ve covered Ludwig Frankenstein in Silver Surfer, Anna and Basil Frankenstein in Invaders, and Victoria Frankenstein has even aided some Marvel heroes over the years. But here we have the evil works of Baron Maximilian von Katzenelnbogen, a contemporary descendant of the Frankenstein clan.
read more: 31 Best Streaming Horror Movies
Von Katzenelnbogen may have just been barely a teenager but when he joined a youthful version of the Hellfire Club (it was like the Muppet Babies, but with more S&M and death), he and his vile pals send an army of Frankenstein Monster clones against the X-Men. Yes, an army of Frankensteins. But when the real Frankenstein finds out that his creator’s work is once again being used for evil, well, let’s just say the classic monster doesn’t take it well.
Werewolf by Night
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Marvel Team-Up #12 (1973)
By Gerry Conway, Len Wein, and Ross Andru
We already covered the meeting of Frankenstein’s Monster and Man-Wolf in the pages of Marvel Team-Up. In addition to this creature feature, there was also another Spider-Man monster mash as Spidey teamed with Marvel’s leading lycanthrope, Werewolf by Night. We’re kind of going to gloss over Man-Wolf because, while the character is awesome, he’s more of a sci-fi character than a classic horror beastie.  
In this issue, the first meeting between Spidey and Jack Russell (and yes folks, Werewolf by Night is named Jack Russell), Spidey and Wolfy team up to take on the evil wizard Moondark. Really, the issue consists of Werewolf by Night popping up and Spidey punching the poor were-beast into the middle of next week, and then defeating Moondark single handedly.  
read more: 13 Essential Werewolf Movies
Spider-Man and Werewolf by Night don’t really spend much time together, but if they did, what were they supposed to do? Go for a long walk together? Play fetch? Punching is pretty much the order of the day when werewolf and classic superhero get together, and punch they did in the first meeting between hero and werewolf.
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Spider-Woman #19 (1979)
By Steven Grant, Mark Gruenwald, and Carmine Infantino
So Werewolf by Night is pretty much the classic Wolfman character, just younger. Poor Jack Russell must battle his savage instincts when he turns into the Werewolf by Night and survive in a world that views him as a monster. But there have been times in the character’s long history where Russell has complete control of the werewolf. At these times, Werewolf by Night is kind of like a really hairy Spider-Man type, what with the crime fighting and the humorous quips. It can be said the Werewolf by Night is a perfect amalgamation of Marvel superhero and Marvel horror icon all wrapped up in a really fuzzy, fanged package.
read more: The Best Horror Movies on Amazon Prime
The heroic Werewolf was on full display in Spider-Woman #19 as the costumed hero and altruistic lycanthrope take on the heavily armed mercenary known as Enforcer. This issue, Spider-Woman and Russell strike up a friendship that would be revisited a number of times over the decades. I guess every woman needs a werewolf pal to confide in? No? Well, how about we leave it at that this is a pretty killer atmospheric issue that fully utilizes all the heroic aspects of Werewolf by Night.
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Spider-Woman #32 (1980)
By Michael Fleisher and Steve Leialoha
Look at that Frank Miller and Klaus Janson cover. Look at those perfectly rendered drawings of Spider-Woman and Werewolf by Night framed by posters of some of Hollywood’s most famous monsters. Is that not the most glorious Halloween looking comic cover you’ve ever seen? The insides of this issue ain’t bad either as Spider-Woman and Werewolf by Night renew their heroic bond by teaming up to bring down the evil Doctor Karl Malus and the mysterious villain known as the Hornet. During the course of this issue, Malus controls Russell’s hairy alter ego, but Spider-Woman is able to free her monster pal and take the fight to the villains.
But for real man, I can stare at the glorious Frank Miller cover until next Halloween.
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Marvel Team-Up #93 (1980)
Man, Werewolf by Night teamed up with a lot of Spider people, huh? Well, in this spider/wolf throw down, Jack Russell and Spidey join together to face the Tatterdemalion. What is Tatterdemalion’s deal you ask (other than being impossible to spell)? Well, he is really strong and he really, really smells.
Tatterdemalion hates wealth and fancy things and dresses in a suit of horribly dirty rags and attacks the rich. He also sticks to things, so he has that going for him. The Tatterdemalion first appeared in Werewolf by Night’s own solo title and that conflict leaks over into the werewolf’s second team up with Spider-Man.
read more: The 25 Best Horror Movies You've Never Seen
Think about it, Tatterdemalion is sticky and smells really bad, and Werewolf by Night is covered in hair. That can’t be an easy post-fight clean up. But Tatterdemalion is a perfect horror/super villain type of rogue. He’s a sewer lurker that is really unsettling and is right at home fighting super hero or monster, and he does a little bit of both in this monstrous team up comic.
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West Coast Avengers #5 (1986)
By Steve Englehart and Al Milgrom
Here’s a fun fact. Two pretty important Marvel super heroes were introduced in books starring Werewolf by Night. First, the great Moon Knight was introduced in Werewolf by Night #32 (1975) and one time Avenger, Tigra the Were-Woman was introduced in Giant Size Creatures Featuring Werewolf by Night #1 (1974). Moon Knight went on to become one of Marvel’s most popular street level heroes (and inevitable Netflix star, you know it’s going to happen and the series better freakin’ feature Werewolf by Night) and Tigra went on to star in many Marvel team books.
read more: 25 Awesome Spooky Movies
In this issue of West Coast Avengers, the Westies believe that Tigra, who was transformed into a were-cat by a race known as the Cat People (well, what would you call them?) may have a link to Jack Russell. So the Avengers track down the Werewolf by Night and jump him. That’s not cool. It was a brief Werewolf by Night appearance but it was nice to see him reunite with Tigra. After all, she was introduced in a Werewolf by Night feature.
That’s our Wolfie, launching superhero careers like nobody’s business. Hey man, it just goes to show you that Werewolf by Night was a big deal once...and will be again when he get his own Netflix series (it’s going to happen, Den of Geek mastermind Mike Cecchini is currently willing it to).
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Iron Man #209 (1986)
By Dennis Mallonee and Rick Hoberg
Hey check this out, Iron Man was a bit of a monster magnet himself, teaming up with Frankenstein’s Monster and now Werewolf by Night. In this issue, Werewolf by Night’s sister gets possessed by the evil magic of Morgan Le Fay. Tony Stark must team with the Werewolf to battle Le Fay and free Russell’s beloved sibling.
So you have a Universal Pictures inspired monster hero teaming up with a classic Marvel icon to take on a fatale ripped from Arthurian folklore. What’s not to love about this? Technology meets classic monster goodness meets ancient legend. Get thee to a back issue bin!
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Captain America #330 (1987)
By Mark Gruenwald and Tom Morgan
Do you know that Werewolf by Night was a member of a superhero team? Huh, didja? Well, he was and they were a unique bunch of bananas, I’ll tell you that.
In Captain America #330, Marvel introduced Night Shift, a group of horror themed characters that were pretty much all the supporting characters and villains left over from the defunct Spider-Woman title. The team consisted of Werewolf by Night, Brothers Grimm, Gypsy Moth, Tick Tock, Digger, Needle, and Tatterdemalion and was led by the Shroud. The team fought crime by pretending to be a gang of criminals, but were in fact a team of strange heroes dedicated to taking the underworld down from the inside. Most of the team were reformed Spider-Woman villains, but the Shroud’s right hand man was Werewolf by Night.
read more: The Underrated Horror Movies of the 1990s
Night Shift was such a weird concept that it really needs to be brought back. Think about it, the ranks of this strange team could be home to many of Marvel’s almost forgotten horror heroes.
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X-Factor #222-224 (2011)
By Peter David and Emanuela Lupacchino
In these issues of X-Factor, the mutant known as Wolfsbane was about to give birth to a half lycanthrope mutant and half Asgardian baby. In honor of this event, many of Marvel’s wolf characters gathered to welcome this part mutant part werewolf part god to the world. Included in the gathering was Werewolf by Night. It was like a werewolf nativity scene and I’m just going to leave that sitting there.
read more: 13 Brilliant Horror Movies Under 90 Minutes Long
Listen though, anything Peter David writes is worth reading and he really crafted a very interesting Werewolf by Night and I would read the heck out of a Jack Russell series penned by David.
The Living Mummy
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Marvel Two-in-One #95 (1983)
By David Kraft and Alan Kupperberg
Yes, Marvel has a mummy to call its very own. N’Kantu the Living Mummy was once an African king who was imprisoned and cursed to walk the Earth as an unholy monstrosity. The Living Mummy starred in his own short lived series in the pages of Supernatural Thrillers and then appeared sporadically around the fringes of the Marvel Universe. Unlike the many Universal mummies, N’Kantu is a heroic if tragic figure. But he’s a dude that shambles around in dusty bandages so he hasn’t had the impact of Marvel monsters like Dracula and Werewolf by Night. But that hasn’t stopped the Living Mummy from getting around now and again.
read more: 13 Essential Mummy Movies
Take this issue of Marvel Two-in-One. Ben Grimm’s best gal Alicia is possessed by an ancient spirit, the Thing and the Living Mummy must team up in order to free Alicia and defeat the evil Nephrus. Well, they don’t so much as team up but appear on a few pages together before the Mummy shambles off into the desert. But it counts, the Living Mummy and the Thing, fighting the good fight together, kinda, almost.
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Captain America #361 (1989)
By Mark Gruenwald and Kieron Dwyer
The late, great writer Mark Gruenwald was never one to leave any obscure character unexplored, and he found a way to incorporate the Living Mummy into the bright and shiny world of Captain America. When Cap and his partner and lover Diamondback were hunting down the fabled bloodstones, they convince the Living Mummy to hand over the Bloodgem in a story completely unrelated to Infinity Gauntlet.
read more: 28 Alternative Horror Movies Worth Watching
But there was something incongruously awesome about seeing a guy dressed as the American flag team with a dude dressed up like Boris Karloff’s second most famous monster.
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Quasar #46 (1993)
By Mark Gruenwald and Andy Smith
Has everyone been a member of a super team at one point or another? Get this motley crew. Doctor Druid, Shadowoman, the Blazing Skull, and the Living Mummy- otherwise known as Shock Troop! This team of also-rans and never was-es helped Quasar take on the villain known as Quagmire (giggity).
read more: The 31 Best Segments From Horror Anthology Movies
I guess this team quietly disbanded soon afterwards because what else were they supposed to do? Marvel, bring back the Shock Troop. I mean, you’re leaving at least $2.13 on the table here.
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Civil War #7 (2007)
By Mark Millar and Steve McNiven
You might think that Living Mummy is small potatoes as far as Marvel monsters goes but he actually took part in the biggest Marvel event of all time. N’Kantu can be seen as part of the anti-registration forces in the climactic battle between Iron Man and Captain America in the first Civil War. Now, imagine how cool it would be if Cap had a mummy on his side (no explanation, just a mummy) in the Civil War film.
The Living Mummy was present during Civil War because like Frankenstein, N’Kantu was a member of the Howling Commandos of SHIELD. The Mummy felt like he was being forced into servitude and not wanting to live the life (or unlife) of a slave, the Living Mummy rebelled. This led to imprisonment and the eventual riot that became the inciting event of the conclusion of Civil War. In the worlds of Ulysses S. Grant, “t’aint a proper Civil War ‘til a Mummy gets involved!” Or something.
Currently, the Living Mummy is a member of the Legion of Monsters and as such has met and fought with and against Deadpool (Deadpool Team-Up #894) and the Red Hulk (Hulk Vol 2 #52) but we just wanted to focus on the Living Mummy as a solo act.
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Daredevil Annual #9 (1993)
Yup, Marvel has a zombie and his name is Zombie. Well, his name used to be Simon Garth until a voodoo curse transformed poor Garth into the Zombie.
Before zombies were really a thing in comics, Garth starred in the Bronze Age black and white magazine Tales of the Zombie. Unlike the zombies that are turned into jelly by Rick and Michonne in The Walking Dead, Garth maintained his free will. So basically, he’s a rotting, shambling, fresh hungry walking corpse, but he’s fully aware of this situation. That sucks for him.
Garth’s free will was on full display when he helped Daredevil defeat the voodoo queen and sometimes groupie of Kraven the Hunter, the evil Calypso. With all that Walking Dead money floating around, it’s a wonder that Marvel doesn’t do more with its Zombie. But hey, Garth met Daredevil once in this ultra-esoteric annual, so that’s something.
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Uncanny Avengers Annual #1 (2014)
By Rick Remender and Paul Renaud
And we conclude with Marvel’s version of the Creature from the Black Lagoon: Manphibian! Man is that fun to say, Manphibian, Manphibian, Manphibian!
Anyway, Manphibian (Manphibian!) is actually an alien being that crash landed on Earth while pursuing the murderer of his mate across the cosmos. Both murderer and Manphibian were tapped on Earth and became monsters of myth and legend. Manphibian appeared in the Frankencastle saga (don't ask) and also joined the Howling Commandos.
read more: A Brief History of the Creature From the Black Lagoon Franchise
But for a very brief moment, Manphibian was a member of his own team of Avengers. In Uncanny Avengers Annual #1, Manphibian joined with Ghost Rider, Doctor Strange, Blade, Satana, and Man-Thing to become the Avengers of the Supernatural. This group of monstrous Avengers teams with the Uncanny Avengers against Mojo and then disbands five minutes later, which is a shame because I would spend good cash money to read about this team on a regular basis.
So there you have it, some classic monsters joining forces with the super heroes that share their world. We’re sure many more monstrous adventure are on the way to the Marvel Universe, so remember, sometimes the things that go bump in the night are just as brave and selfless as the bright and shiny super heroes that get all the press. So be kind to the shambling, snarling creatures of darkness, they deserve love too. Excelsior!
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Feature Marc Buxton
Oct 14, 2019
31 Days of Horror
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leafstranger · 6 years
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Prompted by having a conversation with the Gaius cosplayer, @unseenphil, and a MU* friend, I bring you… musings on Fordola rem Lupis.
So, this started out at FanFest with the Gaius cosplayer and I (Fordola cosplayer) musing about where the two characters would be in Stormblood, and how amusing it’d be to see them on camera together, because…
ruthless pragmatists, the pair of them,
the potential for needling their allies (or one another) to a horrific extent,
their views on the Garlean Empire, and how they’ve changed.
Then @unseenphil, after I mentioned this conversation to him, pointed out that Fordola’s entire surname and her Ala Mhigan unit were both referencing Gaius’ ‘Black Wolf’ moniker, so it wasn’t as if Gaius was an unknown quantity to her.
This led to me squinting a bit, looking up the 4.1 cutscenes, and realizing that it’s entirely possible, probable even, that Gaius and Fordola have already met off-camera.
In the flashback the WoL and Arenvald witness…
Fordola’s mother tells her to hurry up or they’ll miss meeting the Imperial Viceroy.
Fordola’s father clarifies, after Fordola asks what “Lord Gaius” is like: “Lord Gaius is a great and honorable man who looks after all of Ala Mhigo. He’s very busy, and if we don’t hurry, we’ll miss our chance to see him.”
This could be interpreted in a few ways, but Fordola’s surname (either chosen or granted to her) hints that it’s more, that her father knew Gaius (and possibly fed him information before the Occupation, possibly as a way to survive Theodoric).
So, her ‘rem Lupis’ surname could be one (or more, because both she and Gaius tend to have multiple reasons for doing what they do, and twisty ones to boot) of the following things:
hero-worship of Gaius as a Garlean commander who actually valued Eorzean races equally on merit,
a calculated slap by teenaged-Fordola to the Garleans (who thought she was little more than a savage) and the Ala Mhigans (you want to call me a traitor, fine, I will EMBRACE THE LABEL by taking a surname referencing the leader of them here!) 
Or (and this one both has canon precedent and grants a hilarious mental image)… 
Gaius attempting to give Fordola some sort of power/protection, because no matter what that Imperial Guard did, I genuinely can’t see him being willing to allow a useful collaborator be stoned to death protecting a future Imperial citizen, and so Fordola’s father’s death would have left Fordola and her mother as (in the end) his responsibility. (And it’s not like he hasn’t shown that he’s willing to take on responsibility for subordinates who have lost their fathers, as witness his essentially raising Cid after Midas nan Garlond went off the deepend).
(The hilarious mental image is Gaius having to deal with Fordola as a kid except then it’s not really hilarious because Fordola’d be a very angry, sad kid by the time she and her mother wound up under his aegis.) But that in itself led to another realization:
Gaius and Fordola use the same gunblade style. This could be passed off as standard training, except we see Regula van Hydrus use entirely different movesets in the Aetherochemical Research Facility (if there are other examples of gunblade users, please let me know; that was the other battle-example I found).
Fordola uses the same flame-patch AoE in the Stormblood 4.0 MSQ that Gaius uses in the Praetorium in 2.X MSQ.
Gaius uses the Terminus Est ability in both the Praetorium, and a much more powerful version in the 4.3 MSQ. Fordola uses this in the 4.0 MSQ vs. the WoL, and later the WoL and Lyse just prior to her capture.
Fordola does not hesitate to take the gunblade when offered it by Zenos, meaning she’s had training in its use. 
Notable because: the Gunblade is a uniquely Garlean weapon (so we’ve seen so far, at least); Eorzeans under Garlean command tend to be given more brute-force magitech (Grynewalht, Rhitahtyn, NPCs in Garlean dungeons) or favour their own Eorzean weapons/magics. This reads as Fordola being given training by someone who no Garlean could really gainsay training her… 
… and it fits Gaius’ pragmatism to train an angry Ala Mhigan kid whose father was his subordinate, and for whose death Gaius  bears responsibility. Focus that anger towards training, towards the Ala Mhigans: outlet, and useful tool in one.
I’d have to look at the timeline to see if it actually works, though. Fordola’s 19 as of Stormblood, and seems to be 5-6 in the flashback; Gaius toppling Ala Mhigo was ~20 years before the current date.
To sum all of this up…
Fordola rem Lupis probably knows Gaius van Baelsar, aka The Black Wolf, fairly well.
Gaius may have felt somewhat responsible for Fordola when she was a kid, due to her father’s manner of death (essentially when he was a citizen of the Empire, protecting a future, productive citizen, and Gaius being a responsible Viceroy and canonically unbiased towards Eorzeans and very much a meritocrat)
He granted her (and her mother) citizenship and may have interceded to get Fordola trained on weapons she wouldn’t have been able to learn without him, if he didn’t do so himself.
Which leads to Shadowbringers conjecture:
Is Fordola’s character arc done?
Entirely possible. She’s resolved most of her conflicts/plotlines and is off giving Arenvald heart attacks while they deal with primals. 
The concept of an “implanted” or artificial Echo seems to be something the Garlean Empire – or perhaps the Ascians behind the curtain – would be interested in (especially with Elidibus apparently inhabiting Zeno’s body, which had two Resonant eyes, possibly powered by the remnants of Nidhogg’s strength?)
Gaius, going after Ascians, might also see it as a useful tool. Though canonically more prone to leaning on engineering or Magitek/ceruleum solutions than dabbling in the more-ethically-dubious biomagical-engineering that implanted the Resonant Eye in Zenos and Fordola…
So, I suppose it depends on whether these threads get picked up by the storytellers behind the game, or whether they’re left in the neat little bundle that wrapped up Fordola’s Stormblood arc in the Anniversary Stories.
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kalira · 6 years
WIP Title Meme
aka oh dear lord
The Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Pick out the title that  most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of  it or tell you something about it!!
Tagged by @onoheiwa & @mad-madam-m, woo!
I hope you have some idea what you were getting into with this! M, you should, as you’ve seen my fandom files and heard me list off things when debating what to work on. . .
I don’t have a WIP folder, I have fandom folders (dozens of them) so I’m sorting through by fandom and then ship subfolders to get all these.
So hold on folks.
*stretches fingers*
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Bender-Banging Burdens - Airbender (Amorous Airbending Accident)
Alpha Instincts (Omegaverse; both alphas)
Baths with Zuko
Coming Together
Crisis Line (Modern AU)
Dragon Foster Parent (drabbles from ICU)
Near-Death Zuko Whump (Tumblr request; Dawen)
Not Helpless (HurtComfort Tumblr request; Mousie)
Prince Consort
Reason to Leave, Reason to Stay (Tumblr request; Mousie)
Rescue Me (Tumblr request; milujuamalu)
Soul Marks (soulmate AU)
Soulmate Marks (Soulmate AU)
Wrong Coffeeshop Patron
Zuko Can Juggle
Zuko's namesake
Bender-Banging Burdens - Firebender (Fucking Firebender Flare-Up)
Liquid Heat (Learning Together)
Adding a cut here because it’s going to get long. . .
Black Butler
Love Is A Crime (Shuffle Expansion)
Boys Over Flowers
Yi Jung/Woo Bin
Heart (soulmate AU)
Get Off My Dick
Meeting the Day
Harlock (Space Pirate Captain Harlock)
Dark Matter Brings Yama Back (drabbles from rehab)
Flower Crown
Hades & Persephone AU (Tumblr request; Mousie)
Harlock’s Flower
Patching Yama Up
Perhaps (drabbles from rehab)
Princess (Tumblr Request; Mousie)
Putting Harlock to Rest
The Greenhouse Bay
Harry Potter
The Series
Revensea (magical snake)
Hikaru no Go
Not Cut Out for Relationships
Meeting Again (sequel to Another Game)
Kagen no Tsuki (Last Quarter)
Adam’s Return
Choosing Adam
Lord of the Rings (Middle Earth in general)
Of Names and Courting
A Warrior’s Scars
Mary Stayed Out All Night
Mu Gyul/Mary/Jung In
Cooking Together (Tumblr request; MadMadamM)
Training Sakura - C3, Training Begins
Training Sakura - Mistress
Training Sakura - Sakura makes Kakashi a flower crown
Baby Metal - Kara
Shared Wounds
Workday Interruption
Christmas Sweaters
First Date
Not Your Colour
Ace Kakashi
Birthday Morning
Destiny (soulmate AU)
Natural Enemies (Daemon AU)
A Lot to Learn (Quickie vs. Delayed Gratification)
Beautiful Calligraphy
Identities (soulmate AU)
Morning Return
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (Tumblr request; Mousie)
Taunting a Tiger (Tumblr request; Rezelis)
Devotion and Interpreting Uchiha
PDA and Payback
Selkie's Coat
Uchiha Courting
Caged Bird Freed
Hinata Says No
Wedding Concerns
Hyuuga Kissing Challenge (soulmate AU)
Avenging Sasuke's 'Death' (S1, ep15-17)
Crow Days
Soul-Deep Peace
Sasuke/Naruto/Sakura (Team 7 OT3)
Getting Even
Coffee and Parenting
Wanting and Having
Caught in the Act
Personal Taste
Jin Ho/Gae In
Morning After Breakfast
Wolfish Priorities
Teen Wolf
Bubblegum Bitch (Marina+tD) Shuffle Expansion
Fingertip Kiss
Fox Shifter Stiles - Discovery; Is Stuck
What Do You Want
Baby Thor and Loki Learn Their Powers - Lightning and Flame
Tiger & Bunny
Tomoe Speaks
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Life According to the Voltron Lions
Training Help
Saying Goodbye to a Memory
Twined Flowers, Twined Hearts - prequel at Galaxy Garrison
Mind Control
A Small Problem (deaging; just Shiro and Keith)
Fake Relationship
Family Names
Five & One Times, Mishearing Buddy vs. Baby
Flower Tattoos
Happy Hoverbike (Keith’s Birthday)
Muscle Aches
Parted (soulmate AU; Heart Flower AU)
Perfect (prompt; soulmate AU)
Rescued (sequel to Repudiated)
Series: Animal Inside - Exam Review
Series: Animal Inside - Friendly Reunion
Series: Cats and Dogs, Living Together - Bad Day (pain and comfort)
Series: Cats and Dogs, Living Together - Names
Series: Death and Spring - puppy Cerberus
Series: Empress' Elite, The - speaking to Allura about arrangements to have a child (Cubling Arc)
Series: Empress' Elite, The - Comfort, protectiveness, close after birth (Cubling Arc)
Series: Empress' Elite, The - Cub on the Training Deck (Cubling Arc)
Series: Empress' Elite, The - Taking Down Papa (drabbles from ICU) (Cubling Arc)
Series: Empress' Elite, The - Homecoming Snuggles (drabbles from rehab)
Series: Empress' Elite, The - Injured (Shiro's Arm Arc)
Series: Where the Crimson Lion Calls Home (Sky Pirate & Mermaid AU) - Tell Me A Truth
Taking Advantage
Trading Places
Series: The Monster Inside - Keith Meets Kuro
Series: Unbalance - On the Castle of Lions
Series: Unbalance - About Kuro
Series: Unbalance - Love
Voltron (80s)
Oh heavens I am now, somehow, finally done!
I’ve left out a lot - any pieces that are completed and through edits but not posted, like, say, a lot of the things for Events next month; also anything I’ll likely never finish for various reasons.
Please do ask me about something(s) here if it interests you? I’d love to talk about stuff and heck, this meme already reminded me of one nearly-finished story I’d completely forgotten about. . .
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Download Global DJ Broadcast: Markus Schulz World Tour San Francisco (May 13 2021) for free now!
Artist: Markus Schulz Show: Markus Schulz – Global DJ Broadcast: Markus Schulz World Tour San Francisco (May 13 2021) Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Trance Source: RSS
Every Thursday Markus Schulz brings his legendary dark melodic Trance sound with a 2-hour weekly edition of his famous “Global DJ Broadcast” radio show! Since 2002, Markus Schulz has delivered a slice of his trademark sound through his weekly radio show, Global DJ Broadcast. Today, it remains one of the most respected and critically acclaimed radio shows across all of dance music, accumulating over 20 FM and online syndication partners in the process. The show features Markus each week alongside some of the world’s biggest and best DJs. Guests within the past year have included Paul van Dyk, Ferry Corsten, Andy Moor, Gareth Emery, Cosmic Gate, Marco V and Max Graham. Tune in to Markus Schulz – Global DJ Broadcast: Markus Schulz World Tour San Francisco (May 13 2021) now!
Discover more Markus Schulz live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Global DJ Broadcast episodes HERE
Markus Schulz – Global DJ Broadcast: Markus Schulz World Tour San Francisco (May 13 2021) Tracklist
The World Tour returns to Global DJ Broadcast this week, and features Markus performing a special rabbithole themed set live from The Midway’s Outdoor Dining Experience in San Francisco, California. The show also features a bonus studio set with recent favorites. Next week, the special run of shows continues, with Markus presenting an Escape Deluxe release special – celebrating the expanded release of his Escape aritst album, with new originals, remixes and more.
  01. Arkham KNights – Lost in Space (Markus Schulz Afterdark Reconstruction)
02. Dave Sinner & Pleasurekraft – Alien Body Double
03. Markus Schulz & JES – Second Day (NOMADsignal Remix)
04. Victor Ruiz & Thomas Schumacher vs. Markus Schulz & HALIENE – A Tidal Wave of Wonder (Markus Schulz Mashup)
05. Markus Schulz & Jam El Mar – The Lotus
06. Hilight Tribe – Free Tibet (Markus Schulz vs. Arkham Knights Remix)
07. Tiesto vs. Traversable Wormhole – Lethal Traversing (Markus Schulz Mashup)
08. Dandi, Ugo & Matt Mus vs. Gareth Emery & Christina Novelli – Concrete Angel Strings (Markus Schulz Mashup)
09. Push vs. Sasha Carassi – Universal Hypercombo (Markus Schulz Mashup)
10. Slam featuring Mr. V – Take You There
11. Donna Summer – I Feel Love (Markus Schulz Afterdark Remix)
12. Lazar vs. Guru Josh & Jerome Isma-Ae – Face to Infinity (Markus Schulz Mashup)
13. Christian Smith vs. Gaia – Just Close Your Euporie (Markus Schulz Mashup)
14. Wippenberg – Pong (NOMADsignal Remix)
15. NOMADsignal – Exclusion Zone
16. Markus Schulz & London Thor & Valentino Alessandrini – Feel Alive (NOMADsignal Remix)
17. Slusnik Luna & Genix vs. Lifelike & Kris Menace & MEDUZA – Discopolis Sun (Markus Schulz Mashup)
18. Cosmic Gate – Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate’s Back 2 the Future Dub)
19. Sam Wolfe – The Gorge (Marksu Schulz Afterdark Reconstruction)
20. Daxson – While We Wait
21. Duderstadt & Davey Asprey vs. Markus Schulz & Nikki Flores – We Are the Light of Muhanjala (Markus Schulz Mashup)
22. Markus Schulz featuring Delacey – Destiny (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
Bonus Studio Set
01. Markus Schulz – Sunday Chords (Somna Remix)
02. Cold Blue – Painting Skies (Sunny Lax Remix)
03. Davey Asprey – An Ocean of Stars
04. Airwave & Ozgur Can – Mice (2020 Re-Invented Mix)
05. Andy Moor – Safe on Both Sides
06. Mr. Pit vs. Fisherman & Hawkins – Doppelbanger (Daxson Remix)
07. Markus Schulz & Daimy Lotus – Are You with Me (Danny Cullen Remix)
08. GXD & Sarah de Warren – Hell & High Water
09. Markus Schulz – Circles Around Me (Markus Schulz Escape Mix)
The podcast Markus Schulz – Global DJ Broadcast is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VK
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download Global DJ Broadcast: Markus Schulz World Tour San Francisco (May 13 2021) for free now!
Artist: Markus Schulz Show: Markus Schulz – Global DJ Broadcast: Markus Schulz World Tour San Francisco (May 13 2021) Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Trance Source: RSS
Every Thursday Markus Schulz brings his legendary dark melodic Trance sound with a 2-hour weekly edition of his famous “Global DJ Broadcast” radio show! Since 2002, Markus Schulz has delivered a slice of his trademark sound through his weekly radio show, Global DJ Broadcast. Today, it remains one of the most respected and critically acclaimed radio shows across all of dance music, accumulating over 20 FM and online syndication partners in the process. The show features Markus each week alongside some of the world’s biggest and best DJs. Guests within the past year have included Paul van Dyk, Ferry Corsten, Andy Moor, Gareth Emery, Cosmic Gate, Marco V and Max Graham. Tune in to Markus Schulz – Global DJ Broadcast: Markus Schulz World Tour San Francisco (May 13 2021) now!
Discover more Markus Schulz live sets & radioshows HERE | Listen or download more Global DJ Broadcast episodes HERE
Markus Schulz – Global DJ Broadcast: Markus Schulz World Tour San Francisco (May 13 2021) Tracklist
The World Tour returns to Global DJ Broadcast this week, and features Markus performing a special rabbithole themed set live from The Midway’s Outdoor Dining Experience in San Francisco, California. The show also features a bonus studio set with recent favorites. Next week, the special run of shows continues, with Markus presenting an Escape Deluxe release special – celebrating the expanded release of his Escape aritst album, with new originals, remixes and more.
  01. Arkham KNights – Lost in Space (Markus Schulz Afterdark Reconstruction)
02. Dave Sinner & Pleasurekraft – Alien Body Double
03. Markus Schulz & JES – Second Day (NOMADsignal Remix)
04. Victor Ruiz & Thomas Schumacher vs. Markus Schulz & HALIENE – A Tidal Wave of Wonder (Markus Schulz Mashup)
05. Markus Schulz & Jam El Mar – The Lotus
06. Hilight Tribe – Free Tibet (Markus Schulz vs. Arkham Knights Remix)
07. Tiesto vs. Traversable Wormhole – Lethal Traversing (Markus Schulz Mashup)
08. Dandi, Ugo & Matt Mus vs. Gareth Emery & Christina Novelli – Concrete Angel Strings (Markus Schulz Mashup)
09. Push vs. Sasha Carassi – Universal Hypercombo (Markus Schulz Mashup)
10. Slam featuring Mr. V – Take You There
11. Donna Summer – I Feel Love (Markus Schulz Afterdark Remix)
12. Lazar vs. Guru Josh & Jerome Isma-Ae – Face to Infinity (Markus Schulz Mashup)
13. Christian Smith vs. Gaia – Just Close Your Euporie (Markus Schulz Mashup)
14. Wippenberg – Pong (NOMADsignal Remix)
15. NOMADsignal – Exclusion Zone
16. Markus Schulz & London Thor & Valentino Alessandrini – Feel Alive (NOMADsignal Remix)
17. Slusnik Luna & Genix vs. Lifelike & Kris Menace & MEDUZA – Discopolis Sun (Markus Schulz Mashup)
18. Cosmic Gate – Fire Wire (Cosmic Gate’s Back 2 the Future Dub)
19. Sam Wolfe – The Gorge (Marksu Schulz Afterdark Reconstruction)
20. Daxson – While We Wait
21. Duderstadt & Davey Asprey vs. Markus Schulz & Nikki Flores – We Are the Light of Muhanjala (Markus Schulz Mashup)
22. Markus Schulz featuring Delacey – Destiny (Markus Schulz Big Room Reconstruction)
Bonus Studio Set
01. Markus Schulz – Sunday Chords (Somna Remix)
02. Cold Blue – Painting Skies (Sunny Lax Remix)
03. Davey Asprey – An Ocean of Stars
04. Airwave & Ozgur Can – Mice (2020 Re-Invented Mix)
05. Andy Moor – Safe on Both Sides
06. Mr. Pit vs. Fisherman & Hawkins – Doppelbanger (Daxson Remix)
07. Markus Schulz & Daimy Lotus – Are You with Me (Danny Cullen Remix)
08. GXD & Sarah de Warren – Hell & High Water
09. Markus Schulz – Circles Around Me (Markus Schulz Escape Mix)
The podcast Markus Schulz – Global DJ Broadcast is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, VK
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dulma · 6 years
On the circle jerk of the art world
Tom Wolfe, author & journalist, is good at being scathing. Case in point: The Painted Word a brief diatribe against what he perceives to be the falseness and pretension of an elitist art world in a capitalist society.
I don’t know enough about art or the art world to agree or disagree with what Mr. Wolfe claims, but I do care deeply about art and its role in civilization. How it can help us, fix us, express us, or how it can’t. 
His ideas, though, strike me as useful departures for my own future research, especially w/r/t Abstract Expressionism, my new obsession. Also—God knows I love a good contrarian, so here are some key points I’ve synthesized from his spirited lambast. For my own reference, mostly. Thanks, Tom.
Art must have its theory, i.e. the dictum du jour. “modern art has become completely literary” 
Realistic 19th century painting dubbed “literary” thereby spawning its rebellious successor movements, i.e. l’art pour l’art
Braque: aim of art is not to reconstitute but constitute “a pictorial fact” 
Artists left the royal courts & salons and by 1900 aimed to shock and subvert the bourgeois 
Now the artists had to be boho & avant garde (sincerely) but also in le monde
“Public? The public plays no part in the process whatsoever. The public is not invited” 
(This question is of importance to me. Art as public artifact vs. art as private commodity/investment—note to self: explore the ethics and utility of these roles, and whether they are conflicting or mutually generative)
The art world is a mere 10,000 souls 
“a mere hamlet!” restricted to les beaux mondes of eight cities 
Modern art enjoyed a huge boom in the States in the 1920s because that’s when the cultured bourgeoisie began to love it 
Imported from Europe to the US not in a bohemian rebellious spirit but institutionalized by the Rockefellers via the establishment of the MoMA in late 1920s 
Art theory used to be something that enriched conversation 100 years prior but now it was “ an essential hormone in the mating ritual” 
(Touché, Tom Wolfe.)
The bourgeois art world needed theory to understand the direction of modern art 
Why did theory blow up? 
1. the art world is tiny
2. le monde always looks to the bohemian artists for the next thing
3. the artists are made up of “cénacles” where if one dominates art and has one core theory, that theory comes to dominate all of the art world during that period 
This is what happened post WWII during Abstract Expressionism & when NY replaced Paris as center of the art world 
Greenberg’s theory of flatness and Rosenberg’s Action Painting became big theories picked up by le monde. Peggy Guggenheim then discovered Pollock, beloved of Greenberg, and gave him a place and money and set him off 
“First you do everything possible to make sure your world is antibourgeois, that it defies bourgeois tastes, that it mystifies the mob, the public, that it outdistances the insensible middle-class multitudes by light-years of subtlety and intellect — and then, having succeeded admirably, you ask with a sense of see-what-I-mean outrage: “Look, they don’t even buy our products!””
Pop Art was then a reaction against Abstract Exp. 
It was even flatter. Jasper Johns chose flat real life objects and made them look super flat. Like the flag. 
“Wasn’t there something just the least bit incestuous about this tendency of contemporary art to use previous styles of art as its points of reference?” 
(What else would you use? All major art forms are institutionalized in some way—literature, film, etc.—and draw upon its predecessors, are in conversation with lineage and history. I don’t see this as inherently “incestuous” but in practice in the art world perhaps it’s extreme or problematic... explore further)
Pop Art succeeded not because it rejected Abst. Exp’s premises of moving away from realism, but because it did AE one better: even higher level of not realism. Somewhere that was not abstract nor realistic but based on signs 
Abstract Expressionists were too grim and antibourgeois, too bohemian. The Pop artists were right at home in the cultured world of the bourgeois 
Steinberg: Modern art always “'projects itself into a twilight zone where no values are fixed'” and “'it is always born in anxiety'” and its function is to “'transmit this anxiety to the spectator'” to provoke “'genuine existential predicament'” 
“If you hated it — it was probably great." 
Pop Art was full of cultural and literary ironic commentary and allusions. Op Art, which came after, was also very literary in that it was heavily grounded in theory. Theory was taking idea of painting as real object and turning it into object of pure perception 
Greenberg made a comeback with a new theory/style: against the brushstroke. 
All of these movements were a movement towards reduction, stripping away - first of 19th century realism, then representational objects, then the third dimension towards flatness, then brushstrokes. 
Is that enough? Hardly. 
Minimalists came and stripped away the “sentimental” colors and used gritty or ugly ones 
Got rid of the frame, the hanging up of pictures, the square canvas 
Rosenberg & Greenberg (though sort of rivals) and others were against this - new style was “‘too much a feat of ideation.. something deduced instead of felt and discovered.’” 
Then we got rid of the very idea of wall. 
Moved into installations. Then museums (Earth Art). 
What about idea of a permanent or even visible work of art? so next came Conceptual Art where they said it wasn’t about permanence and materials but the process 
And then they took away idea of visual imagination altogether - piece called Vacant by David R Smith 
My thoughts on this (provisional):
Art movements destroy to create. This is also true in literature, in everything. I find this a natural human impulse. We are meaning-making animals, and art is our way of exploring/expressing this process, and meaning is made inevitably by a destructive-creative process. Learning—and thus growth—is by necessity an act that displaces the dictums of yesterday to make room for the new. So I question Wolfe’s implicit resistance to the deconstruction of every assumption inherent to “art,” but I’m willing to challenge the “destroy for destruction’s sake” imperative, insofar as it is what drives the movements of art today. It sure seems that way, but I assume there’s more there, and the “more” is perhaps as varied as the people who further it.
To ask a naive question that probably Real Art has long since abandoned or mocked until it breathed its last, what about beauty???? As a layperson who wants to believe that art has a public role and some inherent value where beholding it can do something good, even by disturbing us, I often find myself lamenting the un-beauty of contemporary art. That this is probably because I don’t “get it” only further entrenches my sense of alienation from this world of art. Is there respite to be sought in, for example, outsider art? 
Perhaps the answer is as simple as a simple comparison: take music. There is no possibility of defining “beautiful” music; we like what we like, and different people like different things. There are ways to get into a piece and understand what it’s trying to be and to judge it on that basis (also like a book) but no absolute criteria are possible because of the infinite variety of creative possibility. But even so, music and literature seem to me more accessible, somehow, than art. Less conceptual in the way art can be, more inclusive in terms of the gap between what the gatekeepers would deem worth canonizing and what we would claim to enjoy as outsiders.
To what extent do artists themselves (as if it’s a homogeny) want the “public” to “get” or “like” their art? A lot rides on this question I guess.
The beauty of the disturbing and the disturbing of beauty. Would this summarize where we find ourselves today?
(I suppose you could say beauty is taken out of the equation, but you could also reframe that as the expansion of the territory of the beautiful to encompass all, exclude nothing. Ironically. The murder of beauty and the expansion of it to include everything is the same thing, conceptually speaking.)
What I wish existed and whose absence consumes me to no end every time I enter a museum: a summary (impossible) of the timeline of the canon and what/who gets included and what/who gets excluded and why. Note that I’m not issuing the ignorant layperson’s tired old challenge of “My 5-year-old could do that.” I don’t mistake technical skill involved or duration of labor for the Good, but I do want the implicit curatorial values to be made legible, because I’m in a capitalist system that more often than not exacts a price from us to view or own art but I am then paying to engage with something whose value I don’t understand and am expected to receive fully by merely looking at something without the language or conceptual framework to understand its value, all while contributing to that value, reinforcing it. That seems like a scam to me (forgivable) but also like intellectual hypocrisy (unforgivable).
All of this is a rambling record of first impressions re: the art world and my access to an understanding of its values & criteria. Obviously a way to answer my own questions is to examine the world itself, anthropologically, and dissect its political/cultural/social/financial underpinnings. To learn the common answers, debates addressing these small questions of mine. Which I intend to.
But that these are the questions begged when one confronts the whole system as an ignorant layperson is worth noting in itself, I think, because it draws out some assumptions that are contradictory. Assumptions that imply that art is good and we should look at it and pay to look at it. Assumptions that also imply that beauty is not art and skill is not art and accessibility is not art. 
So then what is art? And who gets to decide? We spend our lives taking for granted the fact of a museum, of an art history curriculum, of a canon of famous men and (sometimes) women who have made what we consider “Great Art” without ever being satisfied with a good explanation of why, how come, who says? Especially today?
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oddstructure · 3 years
Corsica Studios' 10th Anniversary Announced! Ten Years. Ten Weeks. Ten Parties. from Corsica Studios on Vimeo.
Tickets/Information here: http://bit.ly/hKU8qP
This autumn, Corsica Studios will be 10 years old. Over the past decade it has evolved from hosting secret, underground parties; one of London’s first “secret warehouse locations,” into a highly regarded and much loved award-winning venue. As well as providing a home to many of London’s best promoters, Corsica Studios has several renowned in-house club nights, such as, Trouble Vision, Tief, Church and Beyond The Clouds, creating a musically diverse and well respected events programme. Alongside the club nights and live shows, the space also provides a platform for new and emerging art collectives.
To commemorate this remarkable achievement, Corsica Studios will be presenting a series of 10 key events that reflect and define the ethos of the space. In addition to several celebratory parties with some of the key promoters who've helped make Corsica Studios the place it is today, there’ll be a series of amazing live shows and some exciting collaborative projects. Over a 10 week period you’ll witness everything from NY punk funk, disco deviance, dark industrial techno and kraut-rock legends to deep house dons, glitch-core mayhem and some full-on bass workouts.
Sept 1st Future Disco residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?383957 James Murphy Hot Chip vs The 2 Bears Juan Maclean Pat Mahoney Sean Brosnan.
Sept 8th The Kosmische Club residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?400024 Hans Joachim Roedelius + Leon Muraglia Gavin Russom Andrew Weatherall RocketNumberNine Eat Lights Become Lights The Man From Uranus Kosmische Club DJs
Sep 21st Church residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?386529 Marcellus Pittman Koreless Midland b2b Pariah Dauwd Leon Vynehall Lorca Happa Seb Wildblood Apes
Sep 28th Tief 1st Birthday residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?348498 Omar S Portable Bicep Jeremy Underground Mano Le Tough Brawther Hunee Daniel Wang Wolf Music Casino Times Hesseltime Mr Solid Gold John Malcolm Moore
Sep 29th Planet Mu residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?391128 Venetian Snares μ-Ziq Boxcutter Ital Tek Rudi Zygadlo Konx-Om-Pax Claude Speed 0=0
Oct 12th Trouble Vision residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?378885 4th Birthday part 1 David Rodigan Zed Bias Oli DAB Hylu Seb Wildblood & Apes Gerry Read Medlar Trevino aka Marcus Intallex Hesseltime Robin Gillard Slow Hands Trickski Mr. Solid Gold Firas
Oct 13th BleeD residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?381307 Blackest Ever Black showcase Vatican Shadow Cut Hands Black Rain Young Hunting more TBC
Oct 20th Trouble Vision residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?378886 4th Birthday pt. 2 Lil’ Louis Nick Höppner Midland Session Victim Genius Of Time Park Ranger
Oct 27th Low Life facebook.com/events/390727034327964/ Legendary Children DJ Strangefruit Bruce Tantum Bill Brewster Michael Cook Matthew Burgess
Nov 2nd Plex Colony Machine
Ugandan Methods Untold Livity Sound Regis Senking A Made Up Sound Ancient Methods Millie 65D Mavericks Phase Kirk Degiorgio Simon Heartfield Tengui Luke Handsfree MB + CB James Tec
Music: "Boss Worm" by Pixelord (pixelord.ru/)
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years
Des concerts à Paris et alentour
Mars 05. Orgue Agnès + Borja Flames + Gilles Poizat – Petit Bain 06. Abortion Boys + Chuzo + Terdjman – Pointe Lafayette 07. Gum Takes Tooth + Usé + Society of Silence – Badaboum 07. The Dead Brothers + Dédé Macchabée – Péniche Antipode 07. Méryll Ampe + Elek Ember + Saada Abe + Forced into Fimininity – Le Zorba 07. Badbad + Belvoir + Ar Ker – L'International 07. Hippie Diktat + Jérôme Noetinger & Lionel Fernandez – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 07. Kobosil + Illnurse + Herrmann – Rex Club 07. Scratch Massive – Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 08. Annabelle Playe + Hugo Arcier & Chrs Galarreta – Plateforme 08. FTR + Deadpan – Olympic café 08. Pigeon + 205 Skatocosmos + Poison Point (dj) + Le roy se meurt + Allesklar + Munsinger – La Station 08. Anetha + ABSL + Beurette sentimentale + Madcat – Badaboum 08. AZF – La Machine 08. Cassegrain + Inland – Badaboum 08. [14 Anger : ANNULÉ] + Oddz + 69db + Jaquarius... – tba 09. L'autopsie a révélé que la mort était due à l'autopsie & Capacitors – Bibliothèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 09. Deeat Palace + Anthem + Krikor + Crave + Iueke + Moyō [+ Maoupa Mazzoccheti : ANNULÉ] – La Station 09. Paulie Jan + Witnesses Without Hands + Mod303 & The SHADERS + Alexandre Navarro (dj) (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 09. Marc Prépus + Mr Marcaille + Bisou mamie – La Gare expérimentale 09. Cacophoneuse + Celldöd + Romance Disaster + Sarin + Massenstörung + Lapse of Reason + Rendered + ZNZL – tba 09. AnD + None of the Above + Parallx + Sentimental Rave + End of Mortal Life + Acid Division + David Asko + NZ42 + 909 Resistance... (4 ans de Fée croquer) – tba 10. Michael Snow – Centre Pompidou (gratuit) 10. L'autopsie a révélé que la mort était due à l'autopsie & Capacitors – catacombes de Paris 10. James Chance & Die Contortions – Supersonic 12. Vitor Joaquim + Blackthread vs Witxes + Sabiwa (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 12. Galarreta + Flesh World + Ravi Shardja + Kristallroll – Les Nautes 12. Yann Tiersen – Salle Pleyel 12. Dominique A – Espace 1789 (Saint-Ouen) 13. Terrine + Bobby Two – Café de Paris (gratuit) 13.  Helluvah + IDK | IDA + Cebe Barnes (dj) (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 13. Romain Turzi + Flavien Berger (dj) + Bumby... – Les Étoiles 13. F/lor + Jérôme Lorichon & Quentin Rollet + Don Nino – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Imperial Black Unit + IV Horsemen + Philipp Strobel + K – Rex Club 14. Parade Ground + BadBad + The Wheal + Versolo – Supersonic (gratuit) 14. Stefan Rusconi & Tobias Preisig + Étienne Jaumet (fest. Paris Music) – Église Saint-Eustache 14. La Colonie de vacances – Cabaret sauvage 14. Raoul Vignal (fest. Paris Music) – Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris 14. Chloé + Ivan Smagghe – Rosa Bonheur 14. Dave Phillips + Evil Moisture + Feromil – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Rubin Steiner (fest. Paris Music) – Crypte archéologique du parvis de Notre-Dame 15. Bertrand Burgalat (fest. Paris Music) – Musée des Arts et Métiers 15. Feromil + Satanox + Mecano Lacrymo – L'Omadis (gratuit) 15. Silent Servant + Machine Woman + Tolouse Low Trax – Concrete 15. Radio Slave + Vril + Boskow – Badaboum 15. Jonas Kopp + Sujected + Blaxad + Olivia Mendez – Folies Pigalle 15. Zombie Zombie (fest. Paris Music) – Cathédrale américaine ||COMPLET|| 16. Christ. + Alexandre Navarro (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 16. Aïsha Devi + Léonie Pernet + Flore + Rag & Cassie Raptor + Méryll Ampe – Gaîté lyrique 16. Rendez-Vous + Structures + Wallenberg [+ KaS Product : ANNULÉ] – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 17. Giulio Aldinucci + Paskine + Waveland (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 19. thisquietarmy + Haxo + Ilia Gorovitz (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 20. Oomph! – La Machine 20. Arto Lindsay – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. Olivia Block + Marc Baron – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 22. Delia Derbyshire (diff.) + Lettera 22 + Evil Moisture + Caterina Barbieri + Drew McDowall : "Coil's Time Machines" (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 22. The Young Gods – La Maroquinerie ||COMPLET|| 22. Crystal Fighters – Gaîté lyrique 22. Peter Hook (dj) – Supersonic 22. Chevalier Avant-garde + Bracco + Mary Bell + Officine – La Station 23. Pierre Boeswillwald (diff.) + Max Eilbacher + Andrea Belfi + Sarah Davachi + William Basinski & Lawrence English (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Snapped Ankles + Wild Classical Music Ensemble + Man from Uranus – La Maroquinerie 23. Les Harry's & Stefan Neville (fest. Sonic Protest) – Châpiteaux turbulents 23. Kas:st + Paule Temple + Shlømo + VTSS + Parfait – tba 24. Warren Burt (diff.) + Mats Erlandsson + Okkyung Lee + Low Jack + BJ Nielsen (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Chantal Acda + Miles Oliver + Julien Ledru (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 25. Laibach – Trabendo 26. Bleib Modern + Kill Your Boyfriend + Post Modern Chaser – Supersonic (gratuit) 26. Jon Porras (Barn Owl) + Mathias Delplanque + Frédéric D. Oberland (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 27. Strangelove + Background (dj) (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 28. Komplikations + Pinoreks + Computerstaat – Supersonic (gratuit) 28. Scanner + Openendedgroup & Natasha Barrett + Raphaël Imbert & Benjamin Lévy – Centre Pompidou 28. Euromilliard + Humbros + Peür + Pumice (fest. Sonic Protest) – La Station 28. Radiante pourpre + Myako + Wizaeroïd + Spaghetti ala bolonoise – Le Klub 28. Emmanuelle Gibello : "Loin derrière j'ai laissé mon jasmin" – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 29. Perturbator – Le Trianon 29. Jandek + Confusional Quartet + Société étrange (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de l'Échangeur (Bagnolet) 29. Dj Stingray + Varg + Solid Blake + Spfdj – Concrete 30. Marc Almond – Le Trianon 30. Seabuckthorn + Rach Three + CollAGE D (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 30. Lahcen Akil & les Chaâbi Brothers + Suzanne Ciani + The Coolies + Lemones + Les Statonells (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de l'Échangeur (Bagnolet) 31. Fuji Kureta + Mei (Sulfure fest.) – Le vent se lève 31. Claudio Simonetti (Goblin) joue "Suspiria" et autres – Flow 31. Verity Susman : cinéconert sur "Häxan" de Benjamin Chistensen (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – Grande Halle de La Villette
Avril 01. Matt Elliott + Vacarme – Café de la danse 02. Schtum + Shit & Shine (fest. Sonic Protest) – Mona Bismarck American Center 02. Steve Gunn + Papercuts – Petit Bain 02. Ballaké Cissoko & Vincent Segal (fest. Les Rares Talents) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 03. Han Bennink + Jean-François Pauvros + Anne-Laure Pigache & Anne-Julie Rollet + Parlophonie (fest. Sonic Protest) – théâtre de Vanves 04. Os Noctambulos + The Shazzams + Veenus – L'Alimentation générale (gratuit) 04. Shannon Wright + Anna Calvi + Requin Chargin + Kate NV (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – Trabendo 04. Dust Breeders & Mattin + Lydia Lunch & Marc Hurtado jouent Suicide et Alan Vega + Anna Zaradny (fest. Sonic Protest) – église Saint-Merry 05. Bégayer + France + Frédéric Blondy joue "Occam XXV" d'Éliane Radigue (fest. Sonic Protest) – église Saint-Merry 05. Beirut – Le Grand Rex 05. Rendez-Vous + Qual – Gaîté lyrique 05. Asian Dub Foundation : cinéconcert sur "La Bataille d'Alger" de Gillo Pontecorvo – Auditorium|Palais de la porte Dorée 05/06. Nadia Lauro & Zeena Parkins : Stichomythia – Centre Pompidou 05. Camilla Sparksss + Georgia UK + Emily Wells + Tiny Ruins + Emilie Zoé (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – Trabendo 06. Regina Demina + Ionnalee + Pongo + Sink Ya Teeth + Oh Mu + Dope Saint Jude + Silly Boy Blue (fest. Les femmes s'en mêlent) – Trabendo 06. The Hacker + Kittin + Arnaud Rebotini + Djedjotronic + David Caretta + Cardopusher – Terminal 7 06. Molecule – Gaîté lyrique 06. These New Puritans + Scintii – Petit Bain 06. Kokoko! – Badaboum 06. Dylan Carlson + Julien Clauss + Hermine + Lee Patterson + Ut + Blenno Die Wurstbrücke (fest. Sonic Protest) – Cirque électrique 07. Tashi Wada Group + Julia Holter + Corey Fogel – Lafayette Anticipations 08. The Specials – La Cigale 09. Young Widows + Nesseria – Petit Bain 10. The Flying Luttenbachers – The University of Chicago Center (gratuit sur résa) 10. Daughters – Point FMR ||COMPLET|| 12. Orchestra of Constant Distress + Arnaud Rivière + Oliver Brisson – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Toner Low + Ambassador 21 + The Fat + Orso + Evil Grimace + Gurt + Ddent + Froe Char + End of Mankind + McLane + Suprême Mycosaure (Monospace fest.) – Petit Bain 14. Arnaud Rebotini joue la BO de "120 Battements par minute" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 17. Teenage Fanclub – Trabendo 17. Soap&Skin – Le Trianon 17. Apparat – Gaîté lyrique 17. Cave + Derinëgolem + Korto – Cirque électrique 18. Chrysta Bell – Supersonic (gratuit) 18. Kompromat – Trabendo 19. Hocico + Heerschaft – Gibus 19. Ho99o9  – Trabendo 20. The Horrorist – Rex Club 20. Vincent Epplay + Black Zone Myth Chant & High Wolf + Domotic + Jean Benoît Dunckel + NSDOS + Erol Alkan + Tim Glass + Roscius + Sahalé + Golden Bug + Pouvoir magique + Cät Cät + RA+RE + Wael Alkak + Molecule (Inasound fest.) – Palais Brongniart 20. Michael Rother joue "Harmonia" de Neu! + Steeple Remove – La Maroquinerie 20. Rien virgule + Pardans + Ellah a. Thaun – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. Plaid + NSDOS + Myako & Basses Terres + Jonathan Fitoussi + Danton Eprom + La Fraîcheur + Edouard Rostand + Prieur de la Marne + The Supermen Lovers + Panteros666 & Inès Alpha + Matt Black + Sara Zinger (Inasound fest.) – Palais Brongniart 22. Fontaines D.C. – Point FMR 23. Lambchop – La Maroquinerie 25. Lali Puna + Surma + Zalfa – Petit Bain 25. Kap Bambino – Trabendo 26. Art brut + Les Olivensteins – Petit Bain 27. She Past Away + Isolated Youth + Potochkin – La Machine 27. Chloé : Lumières noires – Le 104 27. Cocaine Piss + Tôle froide + Avale – Petit Bain 27. Thharm + Harpon + Heimat + TG Gondard – Cirque électrique 27. Bérengère Maximin, Fred Firth & Heike Liss – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27/28. Alva Noto + Anetha + Antigone & Shlømo + Ciel + Clara 3000 + Daniel Avery + Deena Abdelwahed + Djrum + Kink + Lanark Artefax + Octo Octa b2b Eris Drew + OKO + Red Axes + Sentiments + The Pilotwings + Tryphème + Park Hye Jin (Weather fest.) – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 30. The Undergound Youth + Dune Messiah – Petit Bain
Mai 02. Master Musicians of Jajouka – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 04. Covenant – Petit Bain 07. dEUS – La Cigale 07. Le Prince Harry + UVB76 – Petit Bain 08. Sneaks – Supersonic (gratuit) 10/11. Dead Can Dance – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 11. Christina Vantzou + Eiko Ishibashi + Jan Jelinek + NPVR (Nik Void & Peter Rehberg) – Le 104 12. Massimo Toniutti + François Bayle – Le 104 13. Foals – Bataclan 17. Philip Glass : Études pour piano – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie 17. Hen Ogledd + Faune – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 18. Bruce Brubaker & Max Cooper : Glasstronica – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Eliane Radigue : musique (diff.) pour "Continuum" de Félicie d'Estienne d'Orves – Centre Pompidou 19. Julien Claus – Ancienne Brasserie Bouchoule (Montreuil) (gratuit) 22. Housewives – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Lots in Kiev + Thot + Brusque – Petit Bain 24. Beak> + TVAM – Gaîté lyrique 24. Shonen Knife – Petit Bain 24. Antichildleague + Corps + Geography of Hell – Les Voûtes 26. Jérôme Poret – Ancienne Brasserie Bouchoule (Montreuil) (gratuit) 28. Alice in Chains + Black Rebel Motorcycle Club – Olympia 29. Flotation Toy Warning + Raoul Vignal – Petit Bain 31. François Bonnet + Knud Viktor + Jim O'Rourke + Florian Hecker (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio
Juin 01. Eryck Abecassis & Reinhold Friedl + Hilde Marie Holsen + Anthony Pateras + Lucy Railton (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 01/02. Metronomy + Laurent Garnier + Ricardo Villalobos + Mr Oizo + Bonobo (dj) + Yves Tumor + Marie Davidson + Pond... (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 02. Bernard Parmegiani + Jean Schwarz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 05. Shellac – La Maroquinerie 06. Tim Hecker & Konoyo Ensemble + Mondkopf + Kelly Moran (Villette sonique fest.) – Cabaret sauvage 07. Danny Brown (Villette sonique fest.) – Périphérique 08. Julia Holter + Cate Le Bon (Villette sonique fest.) – Trabendo 08. Deena Abdelwahed + David August + Ross from Friends + Objekt (dj) + Apollo noir (dj) (Villette sonique fest.) – Grande Halle 09. Stereolab + Jonathan Bree + Anémone (Villette sonique fest.) – Grande Halle 12. Matmos + John Wiese – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Christian Death + Little Nemo – Gibus 13. Fat White Family – Élysée Montmartre 19. Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks – La Gaîté lyrique 26. Magma – Salle Pierre-Boulez|Philharmonie
Juillet 02. Interpol – Olympia 04. Cat Power + H-Burns (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 05. Pantha du Prince (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 06. Jonsi & Alex Somers jouent "Riceboy Sleeps" (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Jonsi, Alex Somers & Paul Corley : "Liminal Soundbath" (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 07/08. Thom Yorke (fest. Days off) – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 07. Ministry – La Machine 11. Full of Hell + The Body + Pilori – Gibus 11. Masada + Sylvie Courvoisier & Mark Feldman + Mary Halvorson quartet + Craig Taborn + Trigger + Erik Friedlander & Mike Nicolas + John Medeski trio + Nova quartet + Gyan Riley & Julian Lage + Brian Marsella trio + Ikue Mori + Kris Davis + Peter Evans + Asmodeus : John Zorn's Marathon Bagatelles – Salle Pleyel 11>13. Kraftwerk (fest. Days off) – Philharmonie 13. The Will Gregory Moog Ensemble (fest. Days off) – Le Studio|Philharmonie 13. Chloé & Vassilena Serafimova : "Sequenza" + Apparat (fest. Days off) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 18. Neurosis + Yob – Bataclan
Août 23>25. The Cure + Aphex Twin... (fest. Rock en scène) – parc de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 05. Oh Sees – Bataclan 13. Rammstein – La Défense Arena (Nanterre) ||COMPLET|| 14. Patti Smith – Olympia 14. Clan of Xymox + Plomb – Gibus
Octobre 19. Sisters of Mercy – Bataclan
Novembre 17. Nitzer Ebb – La Machine 24. The Young Gods + Les Tétines noires – La Machine
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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uncomicmas · 5 years
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¡Reseña de #NegraNavidad que estrena @venalcine este viernes!. . . Esta es el segundo remake del clásico de terror "slasher" del año 1974, pero con un enfoque más actual con respecto al discurso de la igualdad de géneros . ¿Qué sucede? El filme comienza con Riley, una integrante de la hermandad Mu Kappa de la universidad de Hawthorne que acaba de sufrir un asalto sexual departe de un integrante de la hermandad fundadora de la Universidad, aparte de que el busto de Hawthorne fue removido por ser un símbolo de machismo por sus escritos en el año 1819. . Esto ocurre en la víspera de las vacaciones navideñas. Todo el clima está muy tenso en la universidad con este tema de machismo y feminismo, de repente empiezan a desaparecer varias mujeres. . . ¿Qué sucede? Poco a poco estos asesinatos se van mostrando como parte de una secta, cuyos integrantes poseen poderes sobrehumanos y parecen ser indetenibles. . Riley y sus amigas Marty Kris y Jesse nos les queda más que enfrentarse a este grupo de asesinos para descubrir el misterioso origen de toda esta sed de sangre. . La película se concentra en provocar sustos tipo "jumpscare" que saltas del asiento aunque las muertes no terminan siendo tan violentas ya que la sangre se muestra de otra forma. . El filme cierra en una narrativa sobrenatural que no permite aprovechar el verdadero potencial de la historia, termina siendo algo predecible y basado en una fórmula, sin embargo el discurso de igualdad es un elemento original y bien adaptado a estos tiempos radicales de Falo Opresor vs Femenazis, ambos equivocados. . . Resumen Para todos aquellos que disfrutan del terror y las épocas decembrinas traen consigo estrenos muy dulces y empalagosos, entonces Negra Navidad les proporcionará esa experiencia llena de violencia que no es típica para esta época del año. Calificación 3.8 de 5 . . INFORMACIÓN GENERAL Fecha de estreno: 20 de Diciembre Duración: 1 hora 30 minutos Director: Sophia Takal  Productor: Jason Blumhouse Guion: April Wolfe Clasificación: para mayores de 16 años . . Fuente de imágenes @venalcine . . #christmas #xmas #christmastree #santa #christmasdecorations #merrychristmas #santaclaus #blackchristmas https://www.instagram.com/p/B6MPuLpHFke/?igshid=15yhrbuhmlzfl
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