#multidae pride
subtlesilvertongue · 4 years
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On October 25th me and @bigbadblackborzoi finalised the design for the multidae flag I've been working and considering since last year. Multidae need a flag. We have needed a flag ever since conservatives tried to invalidate multidaes in the big Discourse of May 2019.
We need a flag to show our pride, our validity and that each and every one of us is special.
The Greek letter μ (mu) symbolised the m in multidae.
Red symbolises passion, excitement, energy and strength.
Beige symbolises unification and calmness.
White symbolises purity and peace.
Grey symbolises security and dignity.
Brown symbolises the earth, home, comfort and stability.
Feel free to use with credit please
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anatolilikedawn · 4 years
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We found love in a hopeless place...
When Pedro joined the rebellion he thought his life was over. He was thrown out of his house, he was chased out of his job and he was hunted out of his city, his way of living. Pedro had lost everything and taking residence inside the rebellion camp was just means to surviving.
Until he met Rin.
Multidae rebels fought for the cause, monodae rebels fought for their loved ones and his sister, the only other person he knew in this camp, was their leader. Everyone seemed to be here for a reason, they had a purpose, and Pedro was among them trying to find a footing in this new shit show that was his life.
But Rin was different.
Rin walked around camp, or better described skipped around camp with a determination. She was just going for her daily chores but there was pride in her step. Rin was a survivor and she put the same thought and degilence both in infiltrating missions and everyday tasks like gathering fruit or doing laundry. She lived with her whole heart. She lived the life she wanted. She lived because she wanted to.
Pedro had seen her around camp, and she looked peculiar to him from the very first glance. She radiated. Rin was glowing and it almost bothered him. How dare she be cheerful when his life was in shambles?
"Who's that?" he tried to sound nonchalant when he asked Belen.
"Oh that's Rin! She's one of the lucky ones."
Pedro didn't care to ask what that meant. Or so he tried to convince himself.
They met on his first mission. When he saw Rin in the debriefing he was taken aback. Pedro couldn't imagine this girl taking out government agents. So he decided to stick close to her. Dimas seemed intrigued by Kashmir and she flew over him in her moth form the whole way to the vantage point. Of course Kashmir noticed but he paid her no mind. He knew newcomers need some time to adjust.
"Hi! I'm Rin!"
This? This is how she decides to introduce herself? While they are waiting for the guards shift change? Laying on the cold, wet ground hiding under bushes?
"I noticed your daemon taking a liking to my Kashmir. She looks pretty. What's your name?"
Is she serious? Is she actually striking up conversation while they are in enemy territory?
"Uhm, Pedro, this is Dimas, that's Anatoli back there."
~~~End of part 1~~~
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