#mvt calling out co op live's b.s.
dreamings-free · 2 months
"The irony of making ill-judged, unnecessary and misleading comments...on the day that the launch of their new arena has unfortunately fallen into such difficulties is not lost on anyone in the music industry"
23rd April 2024 | By Max Pilley
The Music Venue Trust has told NME that comments made by Manchester’s Co-Op Live Arena about grassroots venues are “disrespectful and disingenuous”.
Earlier this week, the executive director of the major new 23,500 capacity venue said that some smaller venues in the UK are “poorly run” and dismissed calls for a £1 ticket levy on all gigs arena-sized and above.
please read the full article here at nme.com and support good, well-written and well-sourced music journalism! ✌️
(I'll update this post with the full text at some point)
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