#my artstyle isnt really realistic enough for that + ever since when i first connected the dots i've kind of developed my gwen design a bit
ollipaj · 29 days
a really uhhh Amusing coincidence has happened (i feel bad finding it funny but like also cmon) . so the magnus protocol started releasing (and i started listening) around the same time a new girl started working at my job, give or take. this new girl's name was gwen, and we got along pretty alright . we were both invited to a "girl's night" by another coworker, had a few shifts together, made small talk, etc. i didn't know her well.
but anyways im listening to the magnus protocol and i try to imagine the characters in my head. i dont really have super solid ideas of what most of them look like, all of them are kind of nebulous combinations of the various designs i'd seen online at the time. but for some reason that baffled me in the moment, gwen bouchard was really really vivid to me. and she didn't look in my head like any of the designs for her i'd seen online either, this was fully a Me Original here.
and like at some point i realize, probably after coming in to work and seeing coworker gwen after listening to a tmagp episode on the drive minutes before, that Ohhhhh. Ohhhh magnus gwen looks like coworker gwen to me okay thats whyyyy
anyways this is funny in an ironic way because coworker gwen has been taken off the schedule/soft fired because she was consistently not showing up to work without warning, in some cases even after specifically saying that she intends to show up the day before and then bailing with zero communication to anyone and i think magnus protocol gwen would probably pop a vein if she had to manage coworker gwen LMAO
(i do feel a bit bad for my coworker though. idk what her reasons for bailing were n all and i sympathize. but on the other hand i certainly didnt appreciate being on shift on saturday mornings at a coffee shop while we were short a person during rush hours so hopefully whoever takes her spot on the schedule will be more consistent ;-;)
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