#my favorite animals are cats and hamsters (pet animals) and lemurs (wild animals)
chuckling-chemist · 6 years
That Comprehensive Lusus Post: Mammals
The Quick Rundown:
Total Mammals: 1210 (30.25% of all lusii -- so 30%)
What I expected to see lots of (and did): Dogs and cats. Oh my God, dogs and cats. But dogs have a lot of variation, and cats are cute. So I expected this.
What I didn’t expected to see lots of (and didn’t): Whales/dolphins (cetacea). While there’s lots of variation like a dog (at least in whales), there’s only a few castes that most would give a whale or dolphin lusus to. Overall, there were 23 in the cetacea category, which is ~2% of all mammals and 0.5% of all lusii.
What I expected to see lots of (and didn’t):  Mongooses, Red and Giant Pandas and Okapis. There actually weren’t any Okapis, and while I didn’t expect many, I expected enough that I made a giraffidae category instead of just throwing Giraffes under other. The lack of pandas and mongooses legitimately caught me off guard. Mongooses/Red Pandas make up 0.33% of all mammals. Giant Pandas make up 0.5% of all mammals.
What I didn’t expect to see lots of (and did): I’m actually surprised how common sheep (sheep/ram) and cattle (cows/bulls/ox) in particular came up. I would have imagined canon Homestuck having both a ram and a fairy-bull would have discouraged more people, as I know a lot of those critique blogs would criticize someone for happening to use a lusus used in canon.
What I wish I saw more of: Okapis. 
Alright, nothing too fancy with mammals, now to start breaking this stuff down
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(larger version of the pie chart here)
Final Counts
Dogs: 96
Foxes: 58
Wolves: 41
Maned Wolf: 10
Jackal: 10
Coyote: 5
Dingo: 3
Dhole: 1
Top 5 Dogs
Dog (nondescript) = 18
German Shepherd/Chihuahua = 6
Bulldog = 5
Pomeranian/Samoyed = 4
Rottweiler/Corgi/Weiner Dog = 3
Top 3 Foxes
Fox (nondescript) = 30
Fennec Fox = 10
Red Fox = 7
Other canine notes
While wolves have a high count, most wolves were nondescript. The next highest were dire wolves, with 6.  All other wolves were no higher than a count of 2
There were a huge amount of variability among dogs. If someone wants to see the whole list, please message me.
Maned wolves acquired their own category by being neither fox nor wolf
Big Cat: 64
Wild Cat: 59
House Cat/Nondescript Cat: 51
Top 3 Big Cats
Lion = 19
Tiger = 17
Sabertooth Tiger = 7
Top 3 Wild Cats
Mountain Lion = 20
Cheetah = 11
Lynx = 10
Other Feline Notes
Much like the high wolf count vs. low variability, the lack of top count for house cats is due to most being generic house cats, or only having a count of 1 for the specification
My favorite house cat was the person who had Schrodinger's Cat for a lusus.
BOVIDAE (cattle, sheep, goats, etc., very much a lot of your farm animals)
Sheep: 39
Cattle: 31
Goat: 26
Antelope: 11
Buffalo: 4
Bison: 3
Yak: 3
Bovidae Notes
If anyone would like to see the breakdowns of any bovidae, please message me. The only really interesting breakdown I found (i.e: at least 3 notably larger categories than the rest) I found were cattle, and there weren’t much more than 3 specifics anyway, and it’s hard to make a top 3 out of...3 -- btw, this applies to any of these that I don’t include a Top 3 of, since most of these were largely nondescript or limited to 1 or 2 per grouping.
Rat: 29
Mouse: 16
Chinchilla: 9
Porcupine: 9
Squirrel: 8
Beaver: 4 
Chipmunk: 3
Guinea Pig: 2
Hamster: 1
Jeroba: 1
Vole: 1
Patagonian Mara: 1
Deer: 43
Reindeer: 6
Dik dik: 4
Elk: 4
Moose: 3
MUSTELIDAE (Weasels, badgers, wolverines, etc., your trickster noodles)
Otter: 15
Badger: 13
Weasel: 12
Polecat: 11
Wolverine: 6
Marten: 5
Mink: 1
LAGOMORPH: (Rabbits and hares)
Rabbit: 48
Hare: 6
Opossum: 10
Kangaroo: 7
Possum: 4
Tasmanian Devil: 4
Koala: 4
Tasmanian Tiger: 3
Wombat: 3
Numbat: 1
Wallaby: 1
Horse: 28
Donkey: 3
Mule: 3
Pony: 2
Zebra: 1
Quagga: 1
Equine Notes:
Most horses were nondescript, so I didn’t do a top count. If you’re curious, almost all specifications were draft horses. Namely: clydesdales. 
Both ponies were shetland ponies
It’s funny to me that there was only 1 zebra in all 4000 lusii, considering Hiveswap/Friendsim features Zebruh Coddak, who has a zebra lusus.
Monkey: 21
Ape: 8
Lorisid: 2
Top 3 Monkeys
Ring Tailed Lemur = 4
Capuchin Monkey/Monkey (Nondescript) = 3
Chimpanzee/Spider Monkey/Macaques = 2
Primate Notes
Monkeys were the first count where a nondescript monkey is lower than a specific species, while there are multiple species (so not including something like the lorisids, where it’s unlikely to have a nondescript lorisid)
Boar: 18
Pig: 7
Warthog: 2
Seal: 16
Walrus: 6
Sea Lion: 4
CETACEA (Whales and Dolphins)
Whale: 12
Dolphin: 11
Cetacea Notes
As stated above, I’m pretty sure the low numbers here is due to whales/dolphins making better fits for seadwellers than pretty much any other troll. That’s understandable, in the scheme of things
For those who may not know, you may be wondering why manatees aren’t listed here. That’s because manatees aren’t related to whales and dolphins! Manatees are found in the Sirenia family.
Raccoon: 13
Red Panda: 4
Coati: 3
Sloth: 10
Anteater: 5
Mole: 8
Shrew: 3
Gopher: 1
Solenodon: 1
This would have been Giraffes and okapis...if I found any okapi lusii.
Giraffe: 10
MONOTREME (Egg-Laying)
Platypus: 9
Echidna: 1
Rhino: 7
Tapir: 1
Mongoose: 4
Meerkat: 2
Camel: 3
Alpaca: 1
Llama: 1
Everything that couldn’t be categorized into a supergroup. With the exception of giraffe, because seriously I thought okapis of those would come up. Simultaneously, I wasn’t expecting the Sirenia group to have more than the camels.
Bear: 44
Bats: 42
Hyena: 26
Armadillo: 12
Hedgehog: 9
Skunk: 6
Manatee: 5
Hippopotamus: 2
Pangolin: 2
Civet: 2
Dugong: 1
Stellar's Sea Cow: 1
Fossa: 1
Top 3 Bears
Bear (Nondescript) = 25
Brown Bear (includes grizzlies) = 8
Panda Bear = 6
Top 3 Bats
Bat (Nondescript) = 24
Vampire Bat = 7
Fruit Bat = 4
Overall Notes
There was honestly more variation than I expected to some degree. When I started doing this, I had to add the odd ungulate category. And in hindsight, I should have retroactively added a Sirenia category.
Unsurprisingly, common pets in North America is the most common. Not that such is a problem: Homestuck’s filled with American slang and written by an American. It’s just like how Changeling the Dreaming mentions puka fae should generally be common pets.  
In general - and this is a trend across the board - a nondescript version is more common than a specific one. This is applicable both to species where there’s not many variants and species with lots of variants. However, the likelihood of specification is ultimately very much creator-based. i.e: Some creators gave whole names (e.g: Valaris Blacknose Sheep, Long Tailed Weasel, Hungarian Puli Dog) and some gave simple names (Sheep, Weasel, Dog). There’s nothing wrong with either one, I just found it interesting how it fell.
You’ll notice mutations like 6 legged or 4 eyed don’t come up. Because this was listing species and not mutations, these were largely ignored. Except for “9 tailed fox”. I listed those separately because I wasn’t sure if they were referencing back to myth or not.
After listing all of these, I might go back and figure out exactly how many extinct species there are.
If you’re looking for something no one’s ever done, I suggest pulling from the Camelid or Mongoose family. Or an Okapi. All I’m saying...unholy combination of a zebra, a deer, and a giraffe.
Anyway, that’s the big stuff for mammals! Next up, I’ll be counting all the birds.
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